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Wake up call to all Pakistanis

- there were NO EF2k or F15s flying in from KSA, no Block60s from UAE, no J10s or SAMs from China.
Arab countries have always supported us financially dude and in case of full scale war they would've helped us too not india.
- there was no massing up of troops or aircraft by China at the border with India or dispatch of Chinese fleet to Indian Ocean.
It was JF17 which shot down their 2 jets besides we don't know how much China helped behind the closed doors.
-inviting India as a guest of honor to OIC, and despite all that has happened, that invitation is still standing.
This i agree was a bit painful to see.
- the USA has firmly stood with India - watch SMQs interview with Kashif Abbasi from yesterday.
They've always been against us and never helped us so why we even think they would stand with us?

You forgot Turkey btw they supported us diplomatically and "that neighbor" of ours well lets not even talk about them.

This is 21st century my friend wars are not fought like the way they were used to a few thousand years ago where words meant pathar ki lakeer and allies helped each other in manpower no matter what just because the countries you mentioned didn't bring out their forces doesn't mean they don't helped us or supported us. Also lets not forget that we're 200m strong country and you also saw how people were ready to stand shoulder to shoulder with armed forces in case of war. But AlhamdulliAh things fizzled out before anything serious happened.
This recent conflict with India has proved once again - we stand alone and will always have to fight alone.

- there were NO EF2k or F15s flying in from KSA, no Block60s from UAE, no J10s or SAMs from China.

- there was no massing up of troops or aircraft by China at the border with India or dispatch of Chinese fleet to Indian Ocean.

- our Muslim Ummah proved their baighairti by actually inviting India as a guest of honor to OIC, and despite all that has happened, that invitation is still standing.

- the USA has firmly stood with India - watch SMQs interview with Kashif Abbasi from yesterday.

All this and more should be a WAKE UP CALL to all us Pakistanis! No more dreaming about a friend coming to our aid, we STAND ALONE and will have to FIGHT ALONE!! Now and ALWAYS!

Why would anyone lend/bring military help if Pakistan was already winning the war with India?

Had Pakistan in deep trouble and was losing the war with India, you could bet China would have opened a second front with India.
This recent conflict with India has proved once again - we stand alone and will always have to fight alone.

- there were NO EF2k or F15s flying in from KSA, no Block60s from UAE, no J10s or SAMs from China.

- there was no massing up of troops or aircraft by China at the border with India or dispatch of Chinese fleet to Indian Ocean.

- our Muslim Ummah proved their baighairti by actually inviting India as a guest of honor to OIC, and despite all that has happened, that invitation is still standing.

- the USA has firmly stood with India - watch SMQs interview with Kashif Abbasi from yesterday.

All this and more should be a WAKE UP CALL to all us Pakistanis! No more dreaming about a friend coming to our aid, we STAND ALONE and will have to FIGHT ALONE!! Now and ALWAYS!
Pakistan will get enough parts for F16 from Turkey. Also China silently start the delivery of planes to Pakistan, more thunders and other equipment . KSA also gave some inside guarantee of supplies .
Pakistan will get enough parts for F16 from Turkey..
I don't know if this claim is true or not and I have no time to check, but I do know Turkish military equipments are largely controlled by US, US can easily kill any weaponry business Turkey is doing wiith others. US has a strangling hold on Turkey's weaponry.
I don't know if this claim is true or not and I have no time to check, but I do know Turkish military equipments are largely controlled by US, US can easily kill any weaponry business Turkey is doing wiith others. US has a strangling hold on Turkey's weaponry.
During sanction in 98 , Turkish supply all parts. US knows how to play ...

I don't know if this claim is true or not and I have no time to check, but I do know Turkish military equipments are largely controlled by US, US can easily kill any weaponry business Turkey is doing wiith others. US has a strangling hold on Turkey's weaponry.
But now after JF17 strike operation, PLAAF must be thinking to deploy few hundred. lol. Now JF17 has kill record and deep strike, also with precision bombing mission . Behind the close doors , Pakistan has much support. Pakistan is not alone. Even Iran PM called in today .
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As I say those overseas pakistanis know nothing except spewing nonsense as if they really care about Pakistan.

Who is the one who block bid by Indian to list JEM chief as Terrorist? Its no Turkey or whatever country but China veto that helps Pakistanis. It is Chinese design fighter jet, radar and missile that humiliate IAF. Some ungrateful are so fast to forget helps.


True Pakistanis shall condemn these traitors.

You completely misunderstood what he was trying to say. It was more of a reality slap to some Pakistanis than anyone else.

@Topic, Nothing and no one except economy helps the country in the long run. Also Pakistanis should stop waiting for "helps" and instead stand on their own foot and think like a big nation because it is a massive 220 million people country.
Pakistan will become safer and military more strongers with China's leaps and bounds advances in weaponry development, you'll see more clearly in the near future based on the current neck breaking development of the Chinese military.

Now in Chinese social media many Chinese are calling cutting off diplomatic ties with Turkey, which is of course very stupid,but if a major crisis did arise and Pakistan chose to side with Turkey, you'll soon realize it's not a good decision.
As I say those overseas pakistanis know nothing except spewing nonsense as if they really care about Pakistan.

Who is the one who block bid by Indian to list JEM chief as Terrorist? Its no Turkey or whatever country but China veto that helps Pakistanis. It is Chinese design fighter jet, radar and missile that humiliate IAF. Some ungrateful are so fast to forget helps.


True Pakistanis shall condemn these traitors.
Also, it is those heroic Pakistani service members who put their lives on the line to defend the country, it is the people IN Pakistan especially in Azad Kashmir who surfer from the war and economic impact from the tension(s) with India and Iran. Not those enjoying their leisure in the west.

sir indian prime minister is mad.he threatened us again today.indian navy movement yesterday is verified by multiple sources.they will attack again.who will save us? we can't fight this for a long time.indian army will stretch entire working boundry.we need help.you know the condition of pak navy.it's pathetic.kindly send some attack submarines.hunt them down.help us.
Sir, you raised a good and honest question. Vast majority of Chinese people want to see a deescalation, so do our leaders. They are competent and sober adults. They are working hard through diplomatic ways to prevent war.
I don't know if this claim is true or not and I have no time to check, but I do know Turkish military equipments are largely controlled by US, US can easily kill any weaponry business Turkey is doing wiith others. US has a strangling hold on Turkey's weaponry.
This information is wrong but there is a fact , in order to eliminate some risk factors, Turkey has started to implement a series of legal and industrial infrastructure, since2004 . In fact, the first studies started after 1974, but the 1980 coup dulled all the work. Turkey've assembling or directly buying the products of the United States for about 50 years under Cold War conditions while Turkey was a country that can make its own aircraft until 1940s, and we lost a lot of time. Of course we're still not at the desired level, but we've come a long way. Still there is a risk range about 10 years of today. All of the existing projects, the first products of the structure that will appear after 2030. The strategic aim is to terminate dependence on foreign supplies in the post-2030 period. As a result, 95% of the more than 600 defence projects currently under the SSB are concentrated on subsystems , metalurgy and other micro design/development activities.
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This recent conflict with India has proved once again - we stand alone and will always have to fight alone.

- there were NO EF2k or F15s flying in from KSA, no Block60s from UAE, no J10s or SAMs from China.

- there was no massing up of troops or aircraft by China at the border with India or dispatch of Chinese fleet to Indian Ocean.

- our Muslim Ummah proved their baighairti by actually inviting India as a guest of honor to OIC, and despite all that has happened, that invitation is still standing.

- the USA has firmly stood with India - watch SMQs interview with Kashif Abbasi from yesterday.

All this and more should be a WAKE UP CALL to all us Pakistanis! No more dreaming about a friend coming to our aid, we STAND ALONE and will have to FIGHT ALONE!! Now and ALWAYS!

Your intentions are good and you have raised some very valid points. However, my friend, there were and are things happening in the background that ordinary people like us do not know and do not have access to. And yes, Pakistan allies were helping Pakistan in lots of other ways because they knew that Pakistan military was perfectly capable of taking care of India and others as well in the region. PAF dismantling IAF and indian assets in IOK despite multiple layers of AD and Radars is just one small example of how the Allies (and one special ALLY) helped.
If Pakistani pilots and other military elements in the Arab states are recalled, to what extent are the security concepts of these states damaged?

The state of Pakistan has always had a benevolent and self-sacrificing attitude towards the Gulf Arab states.
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