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Wake up call to all Pakistanis

China pins down vast of India's troops and resources along the long Sino India border, and any military moves India takes, it has to keep a worrying eye on China. Even China doesn't do anything, she already takes a lot of heat off Pakistan, taking China out of this equation, Pakistan's position against India will become precarious.
India is never a major threat to China,but it is to Pakistan. Many Pakistani military personels and pilots receive training in China, this military cooperation and coordination can not be replaced by Pakistan's other allies.





China pins down vast of India's troops and resources along the long Sino India border, and any military moves India takes, it has to keep a worrying eye on China. Even China doesn't do anything, she already takes a lot of heat off Pakistan, taking China out of this equation, Pakistan's position against India will become precarious.
India is never a major threat to China,but it is to Pakistan. Many Pakistani military personels and pilots receive training in China, this military cooperation and coordination can not be replaced by Pakistan's other allies.






Sorry but I have to disagree here. Pakistan has been single handedly taking care of india since independence. Yes Chinese have helped much more recently due to their own interest, which is, CPEC. Definitely, the relationship has blossomed into a strategic relationship. But what Pakistan required desperately was strategic autonomy which Pakistan achieved with the help of Chinese friends with such projects as JF-17, etc. Hence Pakistan cannot be blackmailed by the West anymore with such threats such as weapons sanctions.

Please don't go into the hype and misconceptions created by Western media about Pakistan. Pakistan military is a powerful fighting force with Asymmetrical capabilities and class above the rest. With time, you guys will get more proof of this. The indian adventure is only the start.
Sorry but I have to disagree here. Pakistan has been single handedly taking care of india since independence. Yes Chinese have helped much more recently due to their own interest, which is, CPEC. Definitely, the relationship has blossomed into a strategic relationship. But what Pakistan required desperately was strategic autonomy which Pakistan achieved with the help of Chinese friends with such projects as JF-17, etc. Hence Pakistan cannot be blackmailed by the West anymore with such threats such as weapons sanctions.

Please don't go into the hype and misconceptions created by Western media about Pakistan. Pakistan military is a powerful fighting force with Asymmetrical capabilities and class above the rest. With time, you guys will get more proof of this. The indian adventure is only the start.
I never said that Pakistan can't handle India alone, you always did, I only differ with some claims here that China is being ungrafuel and doesn't offer needed help as Turkey did, that's untrue. Pakistan also helps China which doesn't mean China can't handle them by ourselves, but mutual help can make things easier.
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