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Wake up call to all Pakistanis

Indian poverty levels higher than Pakistan's, says UN report
India, the world's second fastest growing economy, has been ranked as poorer than its blighted enemy Pakistan in a United Nations report on global poverty.

An Indian girl selling pens waits for customers in New Delhi, India Photo: AP

By Dean Nelson, New Delhi

3:14PM GMT 03 Nov 2011

The report also finds more 'gender equality' in conservative Pakistan than in 'tolerant' India.

Its findings amount to a wake-up call for a nation which has taken great pride in its rapid economic growth and the increasing clout of its billionaire business leaders but has failed to share the spoils with its poor. Britain's Department for Internmational Development has pointed to this chequered progress to justify its continuing aid to India.

The Human Development Report reveals that while India ranks slightly above Pakistan in its level of 'human development' – based on life expectancy, schooling and per capita income – its wider poverty level is worse than Pakistan's.




In absolute terms, 41.6 per cent of India's 1.1 billion people earned less than 78 pence per day compared with 22.6 per cent of Pakistan's 173 million.

The report quotes its 'multi-dimensional poverty index' which includes measures of schooling, child mortality, nutrition, access to electricity, toilets, drinking water, and hygienic living conditions, and reveals India is poorer.

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It found 53.7 per cent of Indians suffering from this broader kind of poverty, compared with 49 per cent of Pakistanis.

More surprisingly, India is ranked below Pakistan and Bangladesh on gender equality which reflects maternal death rates, teenage pregnancies, access to education, and the number of women parliamentarians and in the workplace.

India's rural development minister Jairam Ramesh said the report highlighted the prevalence of poverty in the midst of economic growth and the possibility that "actually economic development may lead to retrogression of social indices." Priya Subramanian of Save the Children said India's poor ranking reflected a lack of political will to tackle poverty.

"It is things like healthcare and education which have India lagging behind Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka. These countries are well on track and India, with its fast growing economy, has still not got its act together," she said.

"While we have a new band of millionaires, on the other side people continue to suffer endlessly. Millions still live below the poverty line and go to sleep hungry. The [economic] growth has not flowed towards them," she added.


The Indian Sarosh Bana from the Independent article is a moron.
turkey is the only country that can help us by sending it's military.they are strong and they don't care who they are facing.china is under pressure.remember this conflict isn't over.indian navy is currently inside or near pakistani waters.i am sure iaf will strike again after we hand over their pilot tomorrow and indian army will escalate.we are alone but china should help now.china says that it wants a bigger role.there you go,prove it to pakistan.chinese navy in pakistani waters would be a big boost to us.we want help.this conflict will continue.those who are talking about peace are fools.india will never stop this conflict.it's about their pride.they are humiliated in the entire world because cnn bbc al jazeera,all reported two iaf jets down.they have failed to provide any proof related to f-16 incident.we should prepare for a war and it's time to write letters to general raheel sharif,to president of china and to president of turkey.we should ask for help.we should also write letter to arabs,asking for oil and money.i am 100% sure about turkish help.they are real men.china should proof itself by helping pakistan.
This recent conflict with India has proved once again - we stand alone and will always have to fight alone.

- there were NO EF2k or F15s flying in from KSA, no Block60s from UAE, no J10s or SAMs from China.

- there was no massing up of troops or aircraft by China at the border with India or dispatch of Chinese fleet to Indian Ocean.

- our Muslim Ummah proved their baighairti by actually inviting India as a guest of honor to OIC, and despite all that has happened, that invitation is still standing.

- the USA has firmly stood with India - watch SMQs interview with Kashif Abbasi from yesterday.

All this and more should be a WAKE UP CALL to all us Pakistanis! No more dreaming about a friend coming to our aid, we STAND ALONE and will have to FIGHT ALONE!! Now and ALWAYS!

What do you expect...?????
Why would other poke their nose in a undeclared war.......??
there are reports that indian navy wanted to strike last night.that's true.i have never seen paf in this condition.last night,they were patrolling karachi to entire coast line.we were expecting attack but any attack would reveal the position of indian sub,probably scorpian class.indian navy is present either inside pakistani waters or close to pakistani waters.it's very difficult to find a submarine in water.peace is not possible.write letters to allies asking for immediate help.this is not a joke.paf is vigil but india can still attack tomorrow.they just want their pilot and they will start again.they are humiliated,beaten hard but they know they have numerical superiority and they have a mad prime minister who wants war at all cost.india is talking in soft tune right now just because they want their pilot.
turkey is the only country that can help us by sending it's military.they are strong and they don't care who they are facing.china is under pressure.remember this conflict isn't over.indian navy is currently inside or near pakistani waters.i am sure iaf will strike again after we hand over their pilot tomorrow and indian army will escalate.we are alone but china should help now.china says that it wants a bigger role.there you go,prove it to pakistan.chinese navy in pakistani waters would be a big boost to us.we want help.this conflict will continue.those who are talking about peace are fools.india will never stop this conflict.it's about their pride.they are humiliated in the entire world because cnn bbc al jazeera,all reported two iaf jets down.they have failed to provide any proof related to f-16 incident.we should prepare for a war and it's time to write letters to general raheel sharif,to president of china and to president of turkey.we should ask for help.we should also write letter to arabs,asking for oil and money.i am 100% sure about turkish help.they are real men.china should proof itself by helping pakistan.
OK, fine, you can wait for Turkey's help, if you this strongly believe they are coming. even Turkey does come to fight this war with you, which I highly doubt about, it is dwarfed by India in every sense.
OK, fine, you can wait for Turkey's help, if you this strongly believe they are coming. even Turkey does come to fight this war with you, which I highly doubt about, it is dwarfed by India in every sense.

i understand chinese problems with turkey but we have good relations with turkey.i know chinese members and turkish members hate each other just because of uighur issue.sir this is not a uigher issue.this is about pakistan,your best friend.come forward and help us.show to the world that china stands with pakistan.china and pakistan are best friends and we really need you right now.that evil indian navy,it's very close to pakistani waters.help us.
i understand chinese problems with turkey but we have good relations with turkey.i know chinese members and turkish members hate each other just because of uighur issue.sir this is not a uigher issue.this is about pakistan,your best friend.come forward and help us.show to the world that china stands with pakistan.china and pakistan are best friends and we really need you right now.that evil indian navy,it's very close to pakistani waters.help us.
I bet this crisis will pass in no time, it's in no one's interest and no world powers endowse it. Just like many crisis during the years, this one will pass soon.
I bet this crisis will pass in no time, it's in no one's interest and no world powers endowse it. Just like many crisis during the years, this one will pass soon.

sir indian prime minister is mad.he threatened us again today.indian navy movement yesterday is verified by multiple sources.they will attack again.who will save us? we can't fight this for a long time.indian army will stretch entire working boundry.we need help.you know the condition of pak navy.it's pathetic.kindly send some attack submarines.hunt them down.help us.
I bet this crisis will pass in no time, it's in no one's interest and no world powers endowse it. Just like many crisis during the years, this one will pass soon.

i think china sent a gift last night to pakistan.thanks for the gift xd. :-) need more gifts xd.
I bet this crisis will pass in no time, it's in no one's interest and no world powers endowse it. Just like many crisis during the years, this one will pass soon.
No one should get hyper.
No idea why anyone was supposedly expecting any help from outside Pakistan. It is a wrong assumption & lest not propagate it or expect it .
sir indian prime minister is mad.he threatened us again today.indian navy movement yesterday is verified by multiple sources.they will attack again.who will save us? we can't fight this for a long time.indian army will stretch entire working boundry.we need help.you know the condition of pak navy.it's pathetic.kindly send some attack submarines.hunt them down.help us.
I have zero worries about the current situation, both parties show that they don't want to escalate the crisis , all world powers want the end of it quickly. There is no concrete military goal for neither India nor Pakistan in this crisis and two countries just did it out of spite to vent some resentments.
Both countries are nuclear armed with the ability to annihlate the other, History tells us that mutual guarranteed destruction is the best way to keep peace.
Chinese have massive investment in Kashmir and China won't sit idle to see hundreds of billions dollars of her investment go down the drain and India knows that, and India also knows where to stop.
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