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Wake up call to all Pakistanis

As I say those overseas pakistanis know nothing except spewing nonsense as if they really care about Pakistan.

Who is the one who block bid by Indian to list JEM chief as Terrorist? Its no Turkey or whatever country but China veto that helps Pakistanis. It is Chinese design fighter jet, radar and missile that humiliate IAF. Some ungrateful are so fast to forget helps.


True Pakistanis shall condemn these traitors.
Don't worry he didn't mention Iran in his post..... so you can understand...………...Rest of the story...………. typical Anti Pak-Arabs , Pak-Turk and Pak-China …………………
Emotional chit chat on side , I do agree we have to be ready for standing alone..
China's help has been critical.
Indeed. Then we have venom spitting fake Pakistanis talking nonsense and being selective about all the help China has given to Pakistanis and even got the cheek to accuse us of living Pakistanis alone. Let me ask you which country has given support to India and claim they will back India any plans to attack and invade Pakistanis?

These overseas fake Pakistanis are a menance. Never trust a single word from these clowns.
what kind of chutyapa is this guy hitting
off course we fight alone, we are f'ing 200 million why do you need someone to help you?
what kind of chutyapa is this guy hitting
off course we fight alone, we are f'ing 200 million why do you need someone to help you?
lol read my response …….. read his post again,...….. One Brotherly Islamic country missing …… The same country whos Genral were threating us with war,,,,,,,, lol

pretty logical too.

sadly angels like Wing Commander Abhi keep ruining their plans
oor en ka per bhi nahi jaltay:enjoy::enjoy::enjoy::enjoy:
Indeed. Then we have venom spitting fake Pakistanis talking nonsense and being selective about all the help China has given to Pakistanis and even got the cheek to accuse us of living Pakistanis alone. Let me ask you which country has given support to India and claim they will back India any plans to attack and invade Pakistanis?

These overseas fake Pakistanis are a menance. Never trust a single word from these clowns.

Those without "skin in the game" should be banned from commenting.

Firstly, a country must fight its own wars.

Pakistan, like China, is on the "wrong" side of NATO's geostrategy for the coming century --- so it can't rely on diplomatic niceties to score brownie points. We gave exhaustive dossiers documenting Indian support to Baloch terrorism to the UN. What happened? Nothing.

We need to wake up.
This recent conflict with India has proved once again - we stand alone and will always have to fight alone.

- there were NO EF2k or F15s flying in from KSA, no Block60s from UAE, no J10s or SAMs from China.

- there was no massing up of troops or aircraft by China at the border with India or dispatch of Chinese fleet to Indian Ocean.

- our Muslim Ummah proved their baighairti by actually inviting India as a guest of honor to OIC, and despite all that has happened, that invitation is still standing.

- the USA has firmly stood with India - watch SMQs interview with Kashif Abbasi from yesterday.

All this and more should be a WAKE UP CALL to all us Pakistanis! No more dreaming about a friend coming to our aid, we STAND ALONE and will have to FIGHT ALONE!! Now and ALWAYS!

all this incident was planned by india /pakistan............ both govt are failing to appease its citizens...
Don't worry he didn't mention Iran in his post..... so you can understand...………...Rest of the story...………. typical Anti Pak-Arabs , Pak-Turk and Pak-China …………………
Emotional chit chat on side , I do agree we have to be ready for standing alone..

Iran is not a friend. What the Iranians did was expected. They are and have been for some time firmly in Indias camp, and that is why I didnt include them.

I am not anti Arab. I am grateful for all China and our allies have done in the past. I am killing the myth that any other country will come to our assistance militarily.

what kind of chutyapa is this guy hitting
off course we fight alone, we are f'ing 200 million why do you need someone to help you?

I agree. Let's all agree. Its us and ONLY US now and in future. Let's also remember that when we talk of sending troops to help others in conflict.
who do u think helped us for jf 17 ?? or who supported us financially give us oil on deferred payments? we r more than 200 million people we dnt need others man power we need technical support to make advance weapons!
who do u think helped us for jf 17 ?? or who supported us financially give us oil on deferred payments? we r more than 200 million people we dnt need others man power we need technical support to make advance weapons!

China, Saudi and UAE. They have helped a lot, no denying that.

But the myth that any other country will act militarily has been busted! The Indian claim that it would be a two front war for them, also busted. When push came to shove, it was only us against them.

Many of you seem to misunderstand. This is not a criticism of China - most of the weapons we have today are thanks to them.

The Saudis and UAE had also helped financially only a few days back.

But the past few days have also proven that in any conflict with India, we have been and will be alone.
China, Saudi and UAE. They have helped a lot, no denying that.

But the myth that any other country will act militarily has been busted! The Indian claim that it would be a two front war for them, also busted. When push came to shove, it was only us against them.

Many of you seem to misunderstand. This is not a criticism of China - most of the weapons we have today are thanks to them.

The Saudis and UAE had also helped financially only a few days back.

But the past few days have also proven that in any conflict with India, we have been and will be alone.
listen IK statement... Chinese work in confidentiality,,,, aid/help is not surfaced anyway, even if Saudi/Turkey/Chinese are helping.... @Rafi i guess rafi knows who was helping us using their satellites... no one can help us unless diplomatically we convince them that this aggression is dangerous for them too... and I bet even not all Pakistan corps are move forward as it wasn't full blown war or what next... one would say Sindh regiment wasn't put forward but Punjab regiment...
China, Saudi and UAE. They have helped a lot, no denying that.

But the myth that any other country will act militarily has been busted! The Indian claim that it would be a two front war for them, also busted. When push came to shove, it was only us against them.

Many of you seem to misunderstand. This is not a criticism of China - most of the weapons we have today are thanks to them.

The Saudis and UAE had also helped financially only a few days back.

But the past few days have also proven that in any conflict with India, we have been and will be alone.

so is india no one said they will fight along side india
We came out on top mashallah. But what diplomatic support? And how exactly did such diplomatic support help us in this conflict?

Turkey , KSA and China .. all of them have their Diplomatic support with Pakistan, US EU and RUSSIA remain neutral and keep asking for restraint from both sides .. What did India get Diplomatically ? NOTHING
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