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Visualize Bangladesh in event of escalated regional military complications

Suppose if some how India will disintegrate then BD will must get benefits and will not remain as A box-up CONFINED LAND by India.

I think you are little wrong about confinement of BD by India. Please check the map. It is NE part of India that is confined by BD. This area is bigger than BD itself. But, India may not be able to hold this land if there is a full-fledged China-India war. Only a direct involvement by BD may save its NE. India cannot operate its supply route to NE in a warlike scenerio without using BD land, water and sky.
I think you are little wrong about confinement of BD by India. Please check the map. It is NE part of India that is confined by BD. This area is bigger than BD itself. But, India may not be able to hold this land if there is a full-fledged China-India war. Only a direct involvement by BD may save its NE. India cannot operate its supply route to NE in a warlike scenerio without using BD land, water and sky.

If it was a full scale war and not a mere border conflict then Bhutan(very soft and strategic target) will be the first country to go under Chinese control. With good presence in Bhutan China will further push south and cut Indias supply line by taking over chicken neck or put that under heavy artilery fire. India will then have no option but to seek help from Bangaldesh.
Most of members think that BD will not affected by India-China war. But I do not agree with that.

And I also think if even any war like India-China will not affect directly BD but BD should get involved (politically, strategically, but not by direct war) in that war to taking benefits. BD just should not be mere audience of any India-Chain war. BD should play role, take advantage and make benefits.

Suppose if some how India will disintegrate then BD will must get benefits and will not remain as a box-up confined land by India.

In past India took chance in 71 in PK-BD war then why BD will not take chance in IN-CN war??!!

Do not bull us by saying we are peaceful nation only, I doubt about BD's interdependency after 20 or 30 years, so we should take part in any coming chance for our future peace, strength, strategy and independence. Whatever USA did and doing today (war), has done for future benefits. If Israel wants more land for future then we want future plan for our future independence, existence and peace. So there is no chance to be silent IN-CN war.

And make sure you dont get counted as collateral damage in the END.
Most of members think that BD will not affected by India-China war. But I do not agree with that.

And I also think if even any war like India-China will not affect directly BD but BD should get involved (politically, strategically, but not by direct war) in that war to taking benefits. BD just should not be mere audience of any India-Chain war. BD should play role, take advantage and make benefits.

Suppose if some how India will disintegrate then BD will must get benefits and will not remain as a box-up confined land by India.

In past India took chance in 71 in PK-BD war then why BD will not take chance in IN-CN war??!!

Do not bull us by saying we are peaceful nation only, I doubt about BD's interdependency after 20 or 30 years, so we should take part in any coming chance for our future peace, strength, strategy and independence. Whatever USA did and doing today (war), has done for future benefits. If Israel wants more land for future then we want future plan for our future independence, existence and peace. So there is no chance to be silent IN-CN war.

Hey, I was not talking against India exactly in that Post # 30 but I just said most of the countries seek opportunity (professional thinking) and India took that in 71. So why we will not take any chance? I'm not saying about war against India but if we will get any chance (not war against India but not to help India to use BD land in war condition) then why we will miss it?

BTW, some members saying that India will not need any passage through BD in IN-CN war but I think if India needs passage via BD in normal condition then India could need passage more badly via BD in war situation. So in this way BD have role in war situation.
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Most of members think that BD will not affected by India-China war. But I do not agree with that.

And I also think if even any war like India-China will not affect directly BD but BD should get involved (politically, strategically, but not by direct war) in that war to taking benefits. BD just should not be mere audience of any India-Chain war. BD should play role, take advantage and make benefits.

Suppose if some how India will disintegrate then BD will must get benefits and will not remain as a box-up confined land by India.

In past India took chance in 71 in PK-BD war then why BD will not take chance in IN-CN war??!!

Do not bull us by saying we are peaceful nation only, I doubt about BD's interdependency after 20 or 30 years, so we should take part in any coming chance for our future peace, strength, strategy and independence. Whatever USA did and doing today (war), has done for future benefits. If Israel wants more land for future then we want future plan for our future independence, existence and peace. So there is no chance to be silent IN-CN war.

Few things to consider..

1. Wars end & do not last forever. Memory of who stood where remain and have consequences.

2. Suppose India does not disintegrate and BD finds itself on the wrong side ?

3. International boundries accepted by the UN are not alterable. the last Gent who tried to do this in early 90's found himself on the business end of a noose after he was dug out of a hole he had planted himself in.

4. The example of what India did in 71 is misplaced. It helped liberate a nation& did not acquire it for itself.

5. One must shop within credit limits of the credit card he has, overdrafts are expensive.
In past India took chance in 71 in PK-BD war then why BD will not take chance in IN-CN war??!!

Maybe I had not seen the newspaper that day ... but I totally missed this piece of news ... did it really happen ... PK-BD war? :azn:
Few things to consider..

1. Wars end & do not last forever. Memory of who stood where remain and have consequences.


2. Suppose India does not disintegrate and BD finds itself on the wrong side ?

BD should play role only (by not helping India against China) when BD will be confirmed by China that they will continue war until India is cracked.

3. International boundries accepted by the UN are not alterable.

Then why we are talking about IN-CN war? UN have not power if China will be desperate.

4. The example of what India did in 71 is misplaced. It helped liberate a nation& did not acquire it for itself.

Hmmmm, We know that India is still trying to disturb PK in Balochistan. Why? Cos if Pk will crack then IN will be benefited. Dose India still trying to help in Balochistan to liberate them or to get self benefit? Moreover, there is a record that India tried to took chance in our CHT areas in past. So if BD will not help India in war then it will not be anything wrong against India.

5. One must shop within credit limits of the credit card he has, overdrafts are expensive.

BD should do anything to secure its future and if there is any risk after 20 or 30 years. And a full scale war between IN-CN will be a well opportunity to BD.

BTW, I think there will be no IN-CN war. China does not want war and India also.
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BD should play role only (by not helping India against China) when BD will be confirmed by China that they will continue war until India is cracked.

And in case China does not keep its promise and stops its war before India is "cracked" .... and India then starts "crack"ing up BD ... then BD should sue China in the International Court of Justice for a few billion dollars in damages!!!

Thats gonna be real fun! :yahoo:
And in case China does not keep its promise and stops its war before India is "cracked" .... and India then starts "crack"ing up BD ... then BD should sue China in the International Court of Justice for a few billion dollars in damages!!!

Thats gonna be real fun! :yahoo:

BD and no BDan fears and cares India ever, lol.
Maybe I had not seen the newspaper that day ... but I totally missed this piece of news ... did it really happen ... PK-BD war? :azn:

You better read the history books first, then send some posts so that we can learn from you.
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To few of us, the exalted lot of armchair analysts in PDF, China-India possible conflict is a serious defense issue, therefore— to determine whether it will occur or not—why not we apply the Murphy’s Law—devised by a USAF Captain—necessarily another defense personnel—at Edwards Air Force Base in 1949 while working on Air Force Project MX981, designed to see how much sudden deceleration a person can stand in a crash. Some mortals say, though, actually what he did was take an old law that had been around for years in a more basic form and give it a name.

Aerospace manufacturers picked it up and used it widely in their ads during the next few months, and soon it was being quoted hilariously in many news and magazine articles, and was born the Murphy's Law : "If anything can go wrong, it will". Between China and India many things can go wrong in reality—isn’t it ?

To Bangladeshis, this issue is not a game of killing frogs by over-excited stone-wielding juveniles of the global stage but a matter involving deaths or atleast of deadly issues to us. We just can not be complacent by saying “We will remain neutral—as Switzerland does or did”. We are stronger than Switzerland in worldy terms only in 2 counts : we are 130,000 sq. km + 160 m ; and Switzerland is 40,000 sq.km. + 6 m. But, other than these, what luxury we posses to think so simply ?

Therefore, let us see whether such a war, if at all happens, will Bangladesh be subjected to following dilemas:

1. Will India ask for passage to Bangladesh—in return of what they assisted for in 10 months of 1971 and later to AL ?

2. Will China ask for the same—irrespective of India asked or not—if they can attain a chasing spree over IA within few days/weeks of war ?

3. Will Bangladesh see—in the doldrums of such a war—an opportunity of crashing those dams/barrages India built that are robbing its share of water and again in monsoon, causing floods ? What about disputed border land ?

4. Will Chinese Navy require to arrive in Bay of Bengal and ask Port or any other facilities to Bangladesh ?

5. Will such a war cause hindrance to our import / export affecting all walks of mass ?

6. Will India work harder to keep AL in the helm of Bangladesh—no matter how people of the land judge them—in all the years to come considering only grateful AL will forget all comparative analysis on Bangldesh’s interest, and will assist India come what may ?

7. This war in all probalities will not obliterate any of China and India from the atlas, and both will one day revive. Who will re-appear stronger and dominating in the region and still will remain friendly to us?

8. Whatever is the out come in #7 above, will both or any will return to Bangladesh with vendetta for denying the passage, if so is done by Bangladesh ? What about for destroying any dam / barrage &/or re-taking disputed border land ?

9. Keeping in mind all the economic / technical / technological assistances we enjoyed from both so far, and the relative strength and mindset each posses to do further in future, whom should we assist / support if needs arrive ?

10. Who proved so far its sincere intent to become our ‘Friend in need’ ?

11. Who interfered so far lesser or nil in our internal matters by lending support to only one specific political party or otherwise ?

12. If pressurized by any, how do we react to preserve our interest in all spheres ?

If the replies give us a set of problems to ponder, we must visualize a possible China-India War, and sould start our exercise in all respects to prepare for such a contingency…….keeping aside any debate on—hilarious or not—the Murphy’s Law.
Any hostilities between India and China is bad news. Real bad news for Bangladesh.

Seriously doubt about spill over from Khorasan.
8. Whatever is the out come in #7 above, will both or any will return to Bangladesh with vendetta for denying the passage, if so is done by Bangladesh ? What about for destroying any dam / barrage &/or re-taking disputed border land ?

As I said before, even if the IN-CN war will not affect BD then it's BD's necessity to involve technically and may be directly or indirectly to use all possible chances.

BTW, I think time will say and Bangladesh has enough knowledge what to do. We should rather think about how we can counter India's domination strategically and peacefully(if BD people need and think that India is doing bad) instead of waiting for any impossible IN-CN war within next 10 years. Our strategy should be like: if India wants to harm and destabilize BD, then BD should also try in the same way against India.

Also I do not think AL can do anything if BD people will speak against India in IN-CN war situation.
And in case China does not keep its promise and stops its war before India is "cracked" .... and India then starts "crack"ing up BD ... then BD should sue China in the International Court of Justice for a few billion dollars in damages!!!

Thats gonna be real fun! :yahoo:
If India loses decisively in a war against China, there is nothing India can do against BD if it took a neutral stand vis-a-vis both the warring parties. India's international standing will be very weak if it loses. Moreover, after losing a war India itself will be at the brink of disintegration. It will raise regionalism throughout India. It is specially true in case of NE. Instead of India CRACKING us, we will be cracking India into many pieces, be sure about that.

Another war against BD will only speed up that process. Our nationalists and fanatics will not sit idle in such a situation. Moreover, we will follow the 1971 way of waging war. It will be aguerrilla war against any invading force.

In any such situation, BD will be fully supported by China as well as USA. By the way, what are you going to do against Pakistan army when we keep your forces busy in the eastern front? Do you still think it will be funny?
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