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Violence in Rawapindi claims seven lives, 34 injured

I dnt even know what are you blabbering about~!

What I'm blabbering about is Shiaa's killed unarmed people in madrassah and you are blabbering about fatwas, wajib ul qatal shit and what not. Stop your unwanted blabber on other things and keep things in perspective which is Shia's killed and gutted things!
What I'm blabbering about is Shiaa's killed unarmed people in madrassah

And do not follow anything of which you have no direct knowledge of.
(17:36, Holy Qur’an).

When you were propagating it with your tongues & uttering with your mouths that whereof you had no knowledge, you counted it a little thing, while with Allah it was very big.(24:15)
And do not follow anything of which you have no direct knowledge of.
(17:36, Holy Qur’an).

When you were propagating it with your tongues & uttering with your mouths that whereof you had no knowledge, you counted it a little thing, while with Allah it was very big.(24:15)

Yeah I have knowledge of incident. So your attempt is futile of sharing such ayahs which applies on ignorant people like you.
And do not follow anything of which you have no direct knowledge of.
(17:36, Holy Qur’an).

When you were propagating it with your tongues & uttering with your mouths that whereof you had no knowledge, you counted it a little thing, while with Allah it was very big.(24:15)

Wait for the pictures to come out. Bias media and journalists can't hide the truth for long!

Your going to tell me the madrassa people killed and beheaded their OWN people just to malign the shia crowd? You have to wake up buddy stop being biased or just admit your a hypocrite. Stop using ayats to deceive others.
Yeah I have knowledge of incident. So your attempt is futile of sharing such ayahs which applies on ignorant people like you.

Are you a eye witness ? If not , Then this surely applies on you and all others as well who have no direct knowledge of the incident . Anyways its your choice that you follow Quran or you satisfy your ego
Don't know if this video is posted or not. But anyways.

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Wait for the pictures to come out. Bias media and journalists can't hide the truth for long!
Your going to tell me the madrassa people killed and beheaded their OWN people just to malign the shia crowd? You have to wake up buddy stop being biased or just admit your a hypocrite. Stop using ayats to deceive others.

I am just saying that we should wait untill everything comes out clearly . Speculation is not good as this is a extremely sensitive issue
And I am not using ayats to decieve anyone
Allah gives hidaya to whom he wills and leads astray whom he wants
Are you a eye witness ? If not , Then this surely applies on you and all others as well who have no direct knowledge of the incident . Anyways its your choice that you follow Quran or you satisfy your ego

Do you say the same thing when media publishes blame on Taliban ? Or any other banned outfit? Even though after the news is published Taliban or any other deny the attack? Did you apply the same verses then to yourself? If not let's not be hypocrites. Thank you.
Those of who of sectarian thoughts. I am currently only banning you from the thread. Further to this I will give you a time out from the forum unless you all learn to get along.

Man how can you read the thoughts? Otherwise, we had 5 long years of discussions over the evil wahabis/takfiris....... where are they now?

What about two words in condemnation to the killing of Muslims.... for a change? I hope 'إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ' would be in order.

We should be honest and admit that we are hypocrites . We condemn TTP but when the same TTP (Punjab wing ; LeJ,SSP) attack and kill shias , we think of them as Mujahids and feel happy in some dark corner of our heart .
We hate Talibans , but when the same Taliban kill Indians , Americans or even Afghans , They are our heroes !!

And from your posts , it is obvious that you dont consider Shias to be muslims , you use Shia / Muslim not Shia / Sunni . This approach is the precursor of all kinds of sectarian violence

Sorry man, I do not agree to your excuse.

I believe both tags of Shia / Sunni are product of evil designs and adore Iqbal's philosophy.. ek hoon Muslim hHaram ki pasbani kay lie..........
Was Prophet (pbuh) Shia or Sunni or Wahabi or Takfiri.
Quran, clearly mentions that there would be sects. and non of them will be Muslim.
Shall I follow Quran or the sect. i earned from society? Clearly, title sect. or Muslim technically does not go together.
Every one can have his individual understanding of religion and its teaching, nothing wrong with it, but Quran is clear about organised grouping and mafiaism in the name of sect., no amount of history can over rule Quran.

When every one in Pakistan, sheds off his sect. than sect. war and its promoters would die automatically.
If you do not want to believe me than follow the great people in our history, what did Mohammad Ali Jinnah identified him self? A Muslim. so was Iqbal... A Muslim.

Otherwise do not assume too much.. just stick to my words. I have no single post calling any one kafir. However, there are hundreds of post calling me wahabi and than defining wahabis as kafir.
All Iranians, Afghanis and Pakistani Shias have termed my takfiri... but it was never an issue for mods and TT chairman.
If you do not know, In international Islamic world, this forum is known for its Arab hate.
There are tons of hate threads in past 5 years.
Do you say the same thing when media publishes blame on Taliban ? Or any other banned outfit? Even though after the news is published Taliban or any other deny the attack? Did you apply the same verses then to yourself? If not let's not be hypocrites. Thank you.

Dont let your ego grow to a level that you start having problem with clear quranic verses . What you are saying is in no way relevant to what i have been trying to convey to you . A lot of contradicting information about the incident is circulating on media . Let facts be established first . Then the culprits (Either be Shia or Deobandi) should be hanged publically or beheaded for spreading "Fasaad" on earth.
Sorry man, I do not agree to your excuse.
I believe both tags of Shia / Sunni are product of evil designs and adore Iqbal's philosophy.. ek hoon Muslim hHaram ki pasbani kay lie..........
Was Prophet (pbuh) Shia or Sunni or Wahabi or Takfiri.
Quran, clearly mentions that there would be sects. and non of them will be Muslim.
Shall I follow Quran or the sect. i earned from society? Clearly, title sect. or Muslim technically does not go together.
Every one can have his individual understanding of religion and its teaching, nothing wrong with it, but Quran is clear about organised grouping and mafiaism in the name of sect., no amount of history can over rule Quran.
When every one in Pakistan, sheds off his sect. than sect. war and its promoters would die automatically.

you got it all wrong , it was not a excuse !! anyways on "No sects. , Only Muslim" , I totally agree with you
Well as per my personal interaction with a police guy today, atleast 30plus students were slaughtered plus the imam as well. He said he saw the imam's dead body himself. So tomorrow we will get to know the real number at the funerals.

I hope you will be proven wrong.
you got it all wrong , it was not a excuse !! anyways on "No sects. , Only Muslim" , I totally agree with you
I'm glad, if i could provoke an iundependent thought in you.
As i say, don't believe me, believe the great brains...

This quote of great Quaid is for you:
The Quran is the general code for the Muslims, a religious, social, civil, commercial, military, judicial, criminal and penal code. It regulates every thing, from the ceremonies of religion to those of daily life, from the salvation of the soul to the health of the body, from the rights of all to those of each individual from morality to crime; from punishment here to that in the life to come, and our Holy Prophet Mohammad (Peace by upon Him) has enjoined on us that every Musalman should posses a copy of the Quran and be his own priest. Therefore, Islam is not merely confined to the spiritual tenets and doctrines or ritual and ceremonies. It is a complete code regulating the whole Muslim society, every department of life, collective and individual.

Let's face it, today... Iran has different version of Quran than Arab world... where do we stand!
Believe in humanity, because this is ultimate essence of Islam.
I'm glad, if i could provoke an iundependent thought in you.
As i say, don't believe me, believe the great brains...

This quote of great Quaid is for you:

Let's face it, today... Iran has different version of Quran than Arab world... where do we stand!
Believe in humanity, because this is ultimate essence of Islam.

Brother I have never believed in sects , But you cant make everyone believe the same . The best you can do is to try promote unity among different sects . You dont believe in sects but you also dont believe in unity when your comments are provoking ;
Iran and Arabs believe in the same quran , You are highly misinformed on this
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