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Violence in Karachi

=sparklingway;1209957]MQM wants monopoly over an entire city. It is having trouble doing so. It's a professional blackmailing party and opposing it's monopoly and trying to vie for influence are the ANP and PPP. They have their own areas in the city that the MQM cannot penetrate politically.

is that your assumption sir ? its funny you came to a conclusion just like that ? FYI MQM has big enough vote bank and the areas which are ethinically dominated ie in pukhtoon dominated area people vote for ANP and sindhi and baloch areas people vote for PPP. This is not new its the trend since last 20+ years , where there is mix population or mohajirs they vote for MQM. MQM has enough seats to have monoploy in Urban Sindh they arent struggling its the other way around if you try and THINK for a sec, its ANP and PPP who are struggling! refer to last election results ..
Political killings. Today there were bypolls on a seat. and ahead of the polls a ruling party there even lifted ban on double riding on bike which is one of the lethal ways of spraying bullets.

one political party boycotted the elections whereas PPP and MQM were contesting

ANP bycotted the election as they didnt stand a chance to win , MQM got 91000 votes , also FYI this was the seat where one of existing MQM mpa was ruthelesly murdered by pigs and if you refer to the earlier election result MQM got 89000 votes where as ANP got 200 votes ... kindly try and get out of your ANP sympathetic shell and have an open mind please
And what's wrong with that if someone wants action against some parties who believe in terrorism and militancy. And don't bring that Muhajir crap for MQM because my ancestors also migrated from India and I also don't like this "political" party.

All kind of military actions were tried and tested in 90's for 10years result was super FAILURE and embarasment for the state agencies!, we are coming to know the facts today when much respected genera and brigdre l sahabs who were out there conducting full fledged operation against MQM accsusing them of planning a separate state are now saying there was no such thing .... and mind your big mouth about Mohajirs if you are in denial you can stay your little hole majority of Mohajirs doesnt !!
BAN MQM and all other Indian affiliated political parties, tie all their supporters and throw them in arabian sea to save Karachi.

indian affliated parties, man are you actually going racist here to the urdu speakers???

and what abt saving pakistan??
There is a problem with blindly following and worshiping a person, a party, an institute and anything. Clearly visible in some member's posts.

Thats your assumption sir when you have personally not lived in karachi , you dont know what the problems are !? no one blindly trust any one man its simple when in karachi " No whining please bring results or the door is there " also MQM voters does understand the difficulties karachietes are facing
I think politcial parties are behind that.....coz they r not seriously handling target-killing issues.
BAN MQM and all other Indian affiliated political parties, tie all their supporters and throw them in arabian sea to save Karachi.

millions of pakistanis vote for MQM you are insulting them here , i think you should be dumped in the main hole gutter line next to your house , you dont even deserve arabian sea
All kind of military actions were tried and tested in 90's for 10years result was super FAILURE and embarasment for the state agencies!

That is why the operation should be targeted and should be against terrorists irrespective of party, ethnicity, but the problem is that most of these militants are present in your favorite MQM and MQM like always is present in govt. So their is very little chance that any action would be taken against them. Looks like your hatred for militancy is only restricted for Taliban may be because they are pushtoon... The problem with me is that I hate every kind of militancy from everyone and don't make choices in regards to militancy.:angry:

we are coming to know the facts today when much respected genera and brigdre l sahabs who were out there conducting full fledged operation against MQM accsusing them of planning a separate state are now saying there was no such thing

And these generals have started to say the "truth" suddenly in the govt where MQM is present in both federal and provincial govt. Not to mention one of these generals like Brig Imtiaz are too controversial and are also NRO beneficiaries.

and mind your big mouth about Mohajirs if you are in denial you can stay your little hole majority of Mohajirs doesnt !!

First of all I didn't said that anything against Urdu speakers and as I mentioned I am an urdu speaker my self. This is something else that I don't call myself Mohajir. I just wanted the Bharati to not to associate urdu speakers with an organization like MQM.

By the way I thought that MQM left Mohajir politics and is now Mutahidda Qaumi Movement. Sorry I was wrong. ;)
=Areesh;1213875]That is why the operation should be targeted and should be against terrorists irrespective of party, ethnicity, but the problem is that most of these militants are present in your favorite MQM and MQM like always is present in govt. So their is very little chance that any action would be taken against them. Looks like your hatred for militancy is only restricted for Taliban may be because they are pushtoon... The problem with me is that I hate every kind of militancy from everyone.:angry:

great :flame: works you are doing here with those pushtoon comments ..... sorry but i have to cal them very pathetic try ! As many people , parties and army desired and wished 90's operation was more than that ,, when the MILITARY and agencies conducted operation against MQM accusing them of planning a separate state , it was with brutal force now according to election results MQM became more famous infact they managed to get more seats ... so do you think 90's operation wasnt conducted the right manner , according to you some thing went seriously wrong... When state machinery took all their time and eventualy nothing happened and karachi law and order situation is back to square one ? what went wrong u think ?

And these generals have started to say the "truth" suddenly in the govt where MQM is present in both federal and provincial govt. Not to mention one of these generals like Brig Imtiaz are too controversial and are also NRO beneficiaries.

So you are also accusing army or this one man why will he do any thing like this , were there any investigations conducted by armed forces ? why do you think this was never done ?

First of all I didn't said that anything against Urdu speakers and as I mentioned I am an urdu speaker my self. This is something else that I don't call myself Mohajir. I just wanted the Bharati to not to associate urdu speakers with an organization like MQM.

By the way I thought that MQM left Mohajir politics and is now Mutahidda Qaumi Movement. Sorry I was wrong. ;)

if you dont want than you shouldnt point is majority of Mohajirs does ! a lot of pakistanis are live in europe and americas they if we take into account your equation than if they call themselves pakistanis than its wrong !? for eg Haroon khan was represeting pakistan being a Brit its wrong ... right ?

PS : i am not an MQM spokesman , you can assume what ever you like :rolleyes:
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Look 'marine-wanabe', MQM is a party of thugs, rapists and drug lords, funded by CIA and RAW like many other separatist parties. Its main agenda is to break of Karachi and form Jinnahpur, a party of fools supported by thugs and tiny kids who carry guns. Whole of karachi give bhatta to these bloody terrorists, i personally know many people who give bhatta to MQM terrorists. I am glad it never has been able to come out of Karachi, a beautiful city in the clutches of these bastards.

And who the heck you kidding too? There is no freaking voting system in Pakistan. Why dont you go and take part in some gang war?

I support Army to bloody cleanse karachi from MQM and all other god damn thug parties managed by CIA haramzaday. Most probably you are one of those stupid kids with no education - supporting MQM.

Lanat on all chamcay's of Altaf, Same goes for PPP and everyone. All are bloody lairs and hypocrites and thanks to people like yah, these anmials have some supporters! Cheers mate!
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Look 'marine-wanabe', MQM is a party of thugs, rapists and drug lords, funded by CIA and RAW like many other separatist parties. Its main agenda is to break of Karachi and form Jinnahpur, a party of fools supported by thugs and tiny kids who carry guns. Whole of karachi give bhatta to these bloody terrorists, i personally know many people who give bhatta to MQM terrorists. I am glad it never has been able to come out of Karachi, a beautiful city in the clutches of these bastards.

And who the heck you kidding too? There is no freaking voting system in Pakistan. Why dont you go and take part in some gang war?

I support Army to bloody cleanse karachi from MQM and all other god damn thug parties managed by CIA haramzaday. Most probably you are one of those stupid kids with no education - supporting MQM.

Lanat on all chamcay's of Altaf, Same goes for PPP and everyone. All are bloody lairs and hypocrites and thanks to people like yah, these anmials have some supporters! Cheers mate!

so it is funded by RAW and managed by CIA ! why do you think CIA isnt funding and just managing this are they short of money ? Or may be the funding is jointly done by MOSAD & RAW
I wonder when I see people who are not Native to Karachi, they start speaking things out of their pockets.

I also wonder when they say MQM want to take the Control of Karachi. What they consider when they use the word "Control"?

These people have never accepted the Reality and RIGHTs of MQM that Karachi government belong to them lawfully. They are in majority, they are winning 90% seats, so give them their right.

Contrary to Mohajirs, these were Sohrab Goth people and Lyari Gang people who wanted to get control upon Karachi by using Ghunda tactics and weapons tactics.

MQM got no Weapons till incident of Qasba Colony in 1987:

In 1987, the government of Zia ul Haq tried to do an operation against the No Go Area of Sohrab Goth and tried to destroy the illegal business of weapons.

In answer, the people of Sohrab Goth went to nearby Mohajir Areas of Qasba colony and Ali Garh colony and opened fire there and killed over 300 Mohajirs and injured hundreds of them.

No body came to help Mohajirs. No news channel showed this Zulm.

The question is:

- Sohrab Goth is present as NO Go Area for decades but no Media no Columnist, no newspaper, no Leader like Imran Khan, Nawaz Sharif, Benazir ever ever protested over this No Go Area

But against MQM, even a small thing becomes the Mountain like crime.

- It is impossible that in one City, you ask one part to obey the Law, but other part of city becomes above the Law in name of their tribal Traditions.

This Sohrab Goth has drug Mafia but no Leader, no newspaper ever writes a single word against it.

This Sohrab Goth has millions of illegal weapons including Rocket Launchers, hand grenades etc. but no Leader protest over it.
But when Legal weapon's Licences were issued then people like Imran Khan and whole Media was showing it as biggest crime of Mohajir MQM.

The demand of Mohajirs and MQM is very very simple:

1. All people including Pushtoons are welcome, but please legally.

2. Destroy the No Go Area of Sohrab Goth. These people never pay a single Rs. as tax, they are openly stealing the Electricity but no one could ask them for paying the Bill (and at end Mohajirs have to pay for that electricity), they are running the business of smuggled goods, ever car that is stolen in Karachi, you could find it's parts selling next day in Sohrab Goth.

Every criminal goes to Sohrab Goth in order to take the refugee. They simply loot the banks, mobiles etc. and then Sohrab Goth is safe heaven for them.

All terrorists are now coming out of Fata and going to Sohrab Goth to live freely.

And these people have taken Karachi as Hostage through their Terrorist actions. They have captured all the mountains in Karachi, made the armed posts these and installed heavy weaponry there. In case Force move against them, they start firing at the poor Mohajir colonies under these mountains.

2. Similarly, criminal Lyari Gang is supported by PPP. This Zulfiqar Mirza of PPP must understand that Karachi neither belongs to PPP nor to his Ghundas, but to the majority of Karachi people who are Mohajirs and who support MQM.

No police could touch these Lyari Gang Ghundas. They openly kill and kidnap innocent people, but Police don't arrest them.

What else path is open for MQM and Mohajirs? They protest over it. They have also taken weapons in order to defend them while security forces never tried to defend them.

The difference between Aggressor and defender:

Today the opponent of MQM cry that MQM has weapons. But what they never tell is the difference between Aggressr and Defender.

Mohajirs got absolutely no Weapons till 1987. Thus Sohrab Goth people and Lyari Gang killing Mohajirs at their will. Only after that they took weapons in hands.

Pakistani people have forgotten the East Pakistan. If you do Zulm, then a time come when you will start getting the answer.

Don't repeat this mistake in Karachi.

These Double Standards people like Imran Khan and Nawaz Sharif and Munafiq Media should start protesting over the Fitna of Sohrab Goth and Lyari Gang. You could not put all these 3 (Sohrab Goth, Lyari and MQM) in same lane and say all 3 have weapons, so let them fight with each other. No, you have to differentiate between the aggressor and defender.

The 80% Awam of Karachi is today voting for MQM and slapping the faces of these Munafiq leaders and Media for the last 23 years. They should take a lesson.
Would the People of Pakistan allow us to police Pakistan and let us run things? Im sure if we work together things will improve...

Sorry we don't need it.. we don't want another Iraq or Afghanistan

Rather than helping us, your police should try to reduce the crime rate of your country where crime and social evils is done every second and every minute...
Look 'marine-wanabe', MQM is a party of thugs, rapists and drug lords, funded by CIA and RAW like many other separatist parties. Its main agenda is to break of Karachi and form Jinnahpur, a party of fools supported by thugs and tiny kids who carry guns. Whole of karachi give bhatta to these bloody terrorists, i personally know many people who give bhatta to MQM terrorists. I am glad it never has been able to come out of Karachi, a beautiful city in the clutches of these bastards.

And who the heck you kidding too? There is no freaking voting system in Pakistan. Why dont you go and take part in some gang war?

I support Army to bloody cleanse karachi from MQM and all other god damn thug parties managed by CIA haramzaday. Most probably you are one of those stupid kids with no education - supporting MQM.

Lanat on all chamcay's of Altaf, Same goes for PPP and everyone. All are bloody lairs and hypocrites and thanks to people like yah, these anmials have some supporters! Cheers mate!

Ali brother, you don't know about reality of Karachi.

And also you could not kill all the Mohajirs through Army as it had been tried in East Pakistan.

I ask you to please go to Karachi and see the support for MQM.

I also ask you to please attend any rally of MQM which consists of about 2 million people


And there are several election in Karachi, which were held under full control of Army and Rangers (during 1993 and 1997) and whole MQM leadership was at run at that time.

But what were the results?

In both of these elections, once again MQM secured 80% of seats.

I ask you to please go to people of Karachi, ask them their complaints, and do justice with them. Please read my above post so that you could read few of these complaints.

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