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Vietnamese conquest of Muslim/Hindu Cham and their current situation

This is your post:

All sides have the right to present their version of history.

Many Vietnamese claim that they have been victimized by Chinese aggression for centuries. In reality, everyone attacked everyone else, so no one has a monopoly on being victim.
Like you said, everyone has their view, but what's standard in here !? If we're "genocide", what's about the rest of the world!? Super genocide maybe !?

And that's some Vietnamese claim, they have right to see it like that, but we don't "play" victim with China in now, we saying about the truth, ok!
You name one Islamic state that is treats minority as good as western Europe?

The comparison here is with East Asian countries.

Also, Western Europe's record of tolerance is only recent, less than hundred years old. Before that, for most of history, they were just as intolerant and homicidal as anyone else. If you are making broad statements about "civilizations", then you must look at the full historical record.
The comparison here is with East Asian countries.

Also, Western Europe's record of tolerance is only recent, less than hundred years old. Before that, for most of history, they were just as intolerant and homicidal as anyone else.

So you admit that western Europe is more tolerant now. I do not deny that either. And I wish to add also that the early Islam is more tolerant than Europe and today's Islam.

If you look at my posting, I am mentioning about Malaysia discriminatory policy, when I made the statement.

But I would stop here, because this thread is about Vietnam.
@Lux de Veritas

All of the minorities from Vietnam, including those now in the United States, like the Catholic Montagnards, both Hindu and Muslim Cham, and Hmong are against the Vietnamese government. Most of the first Vietnamese settlers on Montagnard land were Catholics themselves, the Montagnards anger at them is not due to religion.

China backed the Hmong army against Vietnam and FULRO (Muslim and Hindu Cham, Khmers and Montagnard rebels). The Vietnamese especially treated the Hmong savagely and many Miao (Hmong) live in China and southern Chinese share maternal ancestry with them.

Don't tell me how Chinese in Vietnam think. Many of them feel out ofmplace in Vietnam and its mostly them who are trying to connect southern Chinese to Vietnamese in order to make themselves related to the Vietnamese.
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@Lux de Veritas

All of the minorities from Vietnam, including those now in the United States, like the Catholic Montagnards, both Hindu and Muslim Cham, and Hmong are against the Vietnamese government. Most of the first Vietnamese settlers on Montagnard land were Catholics themselves, the Montagnards anger at them is not due to religion.
Idiot at max , United States is not the land of God where every one are saints , those people in bold part are rebels, traitors who were kissed US-China-France's a$$ etc . Dont forget No Muslim nations wanna help them to fight against VN.

Seem like USA is full of dogs come from Asia barking for the benefit of white master like u now :laughcry:
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Personally, leaving aside any identity, I would support Vietnam liberating and uniting entire South East Asia under its rule. The people of South East Asia must have a common national identity if they want to advance and contribute to the progress of humanity.
LOL you are a such nice person.
a pic from a Vietnam-Champa festival in Phan Rang, home of Hindu Cham people


Cham tower in Phan Rang – Vietnam
@Lux de Veritas

All of the minorities from Vietnam, including those now in the United States, like the Catholic Montagnards, both Hindu and Muslim Cham, and Hmong are against the Vietnamese government. Most of the first Vietnamese settlers on Montagnard land were Catholics themselves, the Montagnards anger at them is not due to religion.

China backed the Hmong army against Vietnam and FULRO (Muslim and Hindu Cham, Khmers and Montagnard rebels). The Vietnamese especially treated the Hmong savagely and many Miao (Hmong) live in China and southern Chinese share maternal ancestry with them.

Don't tell me how Chinese in Vietnam think. Many of them feel out ofmplace in Vietnam and its mostly them who are trying to connect southern Chinese to Vietnamese in order to make themselves related to the Vietnamese.

my close friend is a hmong immigrant. I know they specially hate Vietnamese. they told me their parents would kill them if them dare love Vietnamese! they reject all effort of the kinh people to make hmong become kinh!
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yeah just continue spreading cheap propaganda and worship your Chinese master. By the way, how do you treat Christian in your country?
He's false flagger, I bet that he's Mr Vn hater : Khmer tiger :lol:

Just ignore that troll, they got No back-up , no nations care abt them. Let them bark in vain
So you admit that western Europe is more tolerant now. I do not deny that either. And I wish to add also that the early Islam is more tolerant than Europe and today's Islam.

If you look at my posting, I am mentioning about Malaysia discriminatory policy, when I made the statement.
I wish, too that Muslims countries are as tolerant as Christian countries. But I´m afraid that it never comes true.
But I would stop here, because this thread is about Vietnam.
oh pls continue contributing with your comments. I appreciate very much.
not sure, but the period falls into Hung Vuong ancient dynasties, lasting from 2,879bc to 258bc.

Hùng V

In 2012, the UNESCO approved Hung Vuong Worship Religion to become the heritage of humanity.

Vietnam travel news: UNESCO approved Hung Vuong Worship Religion to become the heritage of humanity.

True, Hung Vuong was the ruler Lac Viet of the Red River Delta, the true ancestor of the Vietnamese people, while some other Baiyue tribes within the modern Chinese territory were Chinese, not Vietnamese. :tup:

King of Yue Goujian was a Chinese, it would be silly for a Viet to worship an ancient Chinese King. :D
Personally, leaving aside any identity, I would support Vietnam liberating and uniting entire South East Asia under its rule. The people of South East Asia must have a common national identity if they want to advance and contribute to the progress of humanity.
Thanks bro, we tried to attack Thailand from 1979 to 1988, but failed due to lack of support from Soviet Union and having border war with China in the North ,too.

But thing changed now, time to teach that US's dog a lesson again bcz they dare to let US bomber used their air base and drop bomb to Vn during Vn war . Thai border conflict with Camb is a clear warning to them coz Cambodia priminister Mr.Hun Sen is special friend of VN and VN also control Cam's army

ASEAN political and economy are controlled by Chinese now, so only VN will keep fighting against China for thousand years more, support from India-Russia is very essential to repel those bad Chinese in ASEAN who willing to support their mother China at all cost.

People should think again abt sending all bad Chinese in ASEAN back to their mother land again like what we did in 1979 if they dont support VN-Phil to fight against big bad China :cheers:
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