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Vietnamese conquest of Muslim/Hindu Cham and their current situation


Do you know what this Chinese term mean in Chinese History??

If you know what they mean in Chinese History, then tell me exactly which country does not have their share of "Ghost" in their closet.

If you do not know what that mean ,then forget about what I said
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Aboriginals fight against Americans

Rover incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Formosa Expedition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Aboriginals and Han fight the French and beat them back in Taiwan (while Vietnam gets crushed by France)

Keelung Campaign - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Aboriginals serving with the Chinese army beheaded French soldiers.

The island of Formosa, past and present: History, people, resources, and ... - James Wheeler Davidson - Google Books

Formosa Republic was created by Han on Taiwan to fight against the Japanese invasion.

Republic of Formosa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Japanese invasion of Taiwan (1895) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Aboriginals fight Japanese

Mudan Incident (1871) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Japanese invasion of Taiwan (1874) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Han and aboriginals fight and killed Japanese in rebellions in Taiwan.

Beipu Uprising - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tapani Incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Aboriginal Taiwanese killed over 130 Japanese in this rebellion while they avoided killing Han.

Wushe Incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Taiwan is half-independence state now. even though under protection of US :taz:
As a Southern Chinese, I feel extremely uncomfortable when I see China Chinese bashing Vietnam. In China, there is this word call 愤青 (a derogatory term for patriotic and angry young man). I do not see why the East Asian Civilization should fight. We have our enemies.

Also, as I put it in previous post, Deng Xiaoping and China was at the more wrong side when he started the 1979 Sino Vietnam War.


USA stands for the interest of Aryan and will stab Sino Tibetan.

Good post. Agree most of you said. Except 1979 war, which was also a factor that caused the collapse of USSR.

But, let me add this: you are talking from a Chinese point of view. The Vietnamese may not think so. After 1979 war, many Chinese ethnics were treated very badly by them and were forced to other countries. Such situation also happened in India and Mongolia.
Thanks bro, we tried to attack Thailand from 1979 to 1988, but failed due to lack of support from Soviet Union and having border war with China in the North ,too.

But thing changed now, time to teach that US's dog a lesson again bcz they dare to let US bomber used their air base and drop bomb to Vn during Vn war . Thai border conflict with Camb is a clear warning to them coz Cambodia priminister Mr.Hun Sen is special friend of VN and VN also control Cam's army

ASEAN political and economy are controlled by Chinese now, so only VN will keep fighting against China for thousand years more, support from India-Russia is very essential to repel those bad Chinese in ASEAN who willing to support their mother China at all cost.

People should think again abt sending all bad Chinese in ASEAN back to their mother land again like what we did in 1979 if they dont support VN-Phil to fight against big bad China :cheers:

It is Vietnam's legitimate right and fundamental duty to liberate and unite Southeast Asia under one umbrella. Why Vietnam? Because Vietnam as the only suitable candidate to do this task as there are no other entities in Southeast Asia leaving Vietnam the only option. Unless Southeast Asia is not united under one leadership, it's vulnerability will attract more foreign invasions which may again jeopardize Vietnam's own security. To strengthen Vietnam's own backyard, it is imperative for Vietnam to go preemptive.

Vietnam should develop this long term national goal and prepare accordingly, and also wait for the right moment to achieve the objective. Let the USA be engaged in never seen before trouble of any kind, and send in a prepared army to annex all of Southeast Asia. This is in the interests of entire East Asia and so China or other countries must not oppose Vietnam doing so.
You are WoYue_ren, sinezed with bloodline of H'mong and WoYue, not true Hans as you admoitted on PDF.:wave:

Nan Yue was created by the Chinese General Zhao Tuo with his Chinese soldiers out of a Qin dynasty commandery. Guangdong was a part of a commandery of the Qin dynasty.

King Goujian of Yue (predecessor state of Minyue) was descended from the Chinese Xia dynasty Emperors and King Fuchai of Wu was descended from the Chinese Zhou dynasty. Wu, Yue and Minyue are Chinese states.

Wrong. The majority of Northern Han and Southern Han share the same Y chromosome which is inherited from the father's side. Only maternal ancestry (mother's side) is from Yue and Miao and other minorities.

In Han, Miao and Vietnamese culture, descent is traced from the father. Surnames are inherited from the father, you belong to your father's clan and ethnicity.

It's nothing wrong when you Cantonese and other Chinese citizens are living in former lands of Woyue and Minyue, admit that their bloodline is not true 100% same as Han bloodline, no true Hans.

It's an ashamefull when you deny your true identity.:coffee:

Zhao Tuo and King Goujian should be Hans, but in the time, the people of WoYue and NanYue were No-Han. This countries were independence states.

White men went to America continent they created USA, Canada, Brasil, Mexico... the people there, they don't deny the truth that they are mixed races if it happened in the past.

mtDNA of Vietnamese that traces matrilineality. Note the North Kinhs and South Kinhs are quite different.


On father's side, looks like East Asia and SE Asia are quite similar. Conclusion is E Asia and SE Asia are different mainly in mother. Most likely our fathers are gangsters from China who came south and screwed the local women.
Idiot's ignorance really has no bound.
Han is never a concept of bloodline, but culture. Modern Han people are mixed with countless ancient Chinese ethnics. Even Mongolian, Tibetan and Manchurian are never 'pure ethnics'. Are you going to show your ugly face and tell them who is "true" and who is "fake" as well. Supporters of Jus sanguinis are really the most ridiculous idiots in the world, why don't you people make children to your own relatives just like the ancient Egyptian royal family did in order to protect your pure bloodline.

I have said this many times before, and I am saying this again. WE have the right to decide who WE are. We have the right to decide our own identity. WE don't need an ignorant outsider to tell us who we are and tell us if we are "fake" or "true" with its hilarious "fake/true" & bloodline's nonsenses.
Good post. Agree most of you said. Except 1979 war, which was also a factor that caused the collapse of USSR.

But, let me add this: you are talking from a Chinese point of view. The Vietnamese may not think so. After 1979 war, many Chinese ethnics were treated very badly by them and were forced to other countries. Such situation also happened in India and Mongolia.
Ieng Sary is a Chinese-Vnese , he joined with Pol Pot a Chinese-Khmer to massacre VNese and native Khmer. Many Chinese -VN became China spy when China lauched a full attack to VN border etc...So how could we treat them well when those bad Chinese supported Khmer Rouge and China to massacred VNese ???

Of course, good Chinese-Khmer like Mr. Hun Sen r praise and well protected.
It is Vietnam's legitimate right and fundamental duty to liberate and unite Southeast Asia under one umbrella. Why Vietnam? Because Vietnam as the only suitable candidate to do this task as there are no other entities in Southeast Asia leaving Vietnam the only option. Unless Southeast Asia is not united under one leadership, it's vulnerability will attract more foreign invasions which may again jeopardize Vietnam's own security. To strengthen Vietnam's own backyard, it is imperative for Vietnam to go preemptive.

Vietnam should develop this long term national goal and prepare accordingly, and also wait for the right moment to achieve the objective. Let the USA be engaged in never seen before trouble of any kind, and send in a prepared army to annex all of Southeast Asia. This is in the interests of entire East Asia and so China or other countries must not oppose Vietnam doing so.
We dont need to annex our Southeast Asia neighbours like Thailand, Singapore coz th.ere is No oil field there, but we will try to control their army like what we do in Laos-Camb, thats enough to expand our sphere of influence and also enough to unite VN-Laos-Camb-Thaialnd-maybe Sing under one leadership. Phillipne is good friend of VN now, so they will join wt us to create a strong and united ASEAN region

Infact, we only need to control Thailand and control its Kra cannal, thats enough to control the whole ASEAN region :partay:
Ieng Sary is a Chinese-Vnese , he joined with Pol Pot a Chinese-Khmer to massacre VNese and native Khmer. Many Chinese -VN became China spy when China lauched a full attack to VN border etc...So how could we treat them well when those bad Chinese supported Khmer Rouge and China to massacred VNese ???

Of course, good Chinese-Khmer like Mr. Hun Sen r praise and well protected.

Khmer Rouge massacred Chinese too you dumb@$$. They killed all minorities, Chinese, Thai, Vietnamese, and Cham. There were 425,000 Chinese in Cambodia before the Khmer Rouge and only 200,000 after. In fact Chinese suffered the biggest death toll of all minorities, of over 225,000. Chinese language was banned by the Khmer Rouge and the existence of the Chinese minority was made illegal.

Never Again?: The United States and the Prevention and Punishment of ... - Peter Ronayne - Google Books

The Specter of Genocide: Mass Murder in Historical Perspective - Google Books

Cambodia After the Khmer Rouge: Inside the Politics of Nation Building - Evan Gottesman - Google Books

Death By Government - Rudolph J. Rummel - Google Books

When the War Was Over: Cambodia and the Khmer Rouge Revolution - Elizabeth Becker - Google Books

The Khmer Rouge also murdered FULRO's leaders and the FULRO guerillas fighting in Vietnam did not know what happened to them until 1992.
Khmer Rouge massacred Chinese too you dumb@$$. They killed all minorities, Chinese, Thai, Vietnamese, and Cham. There were 425,000 Chinese in Cambodia before the Khmer Rouge and only 200,000 after.

When the War Was Over: Cambodia and the Khmer Rouge Revolution - Elizabeth Becker - Google Books

Never Again?: The United States and the Prevention and Punishment of ... - Peter Ronayne - Google Books

Cambodia After the Khmer Rouge: Inside the Politics of Nation Building - Evan Gottesman - Google Books

Death By Government - Rudolph J. Rummel - Google Books

The Khmer Rouge also murdered FULRO's leaders and the FULRO guerillas fighting in Vietnam did not know what happened to them until 1992.
But Ieng sary is Chinese-VNese, and he massacres VNese, so how could we trust Chinese in VN ??
Khmer Rouge massacred Chinese too you dumb@$$. They killed all minorities, Chinese, Thai, Vietnamese, and Cham. There were 425,000 Chinese in Cambodia before the Khmer Rouge and only 200,000 after. In fact Chinese suffered the biggest death toll of all minorities, of over 225,000. Chinese language was banned by the Khmer Rouge and the existence of the Chinese minority was made illegal.

When the War Was Over: Cambodia and the Khmer Rouge Revolution - Elizabeth Becker - Google Books

Never Again?: The United States and the Prevention and Punishment of ... - Peter Ronayne - Google Books

Cambodia After the Khmer Rouge: Inside the Politics of Nation Building - Evan Gottesman - Google Books

Death By Government - Rudolph J. Rummel - Google Books

The Khmer Rouge also murdered FULRO's leaders and the FULRO guerillas fighting in Vietnam did not know what happened to them until 1992.

Most Khmer Rouge elites are Chinese or half-Chinese. Pot, Ieng Sary, Son Sen, Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, even to the middle level like Hun Sen, Comrade Duch are Chinese. Norodom family is very Chinese. FYI Pot is related to Royal family as his sister is concubine to king, Sisowath Monivong. Sisowath family is very chinese also.

This is the same as the Thai elites and Chakri dynasty.

Even Viet are Chinese, they simply do not want to admit. Then Viet come and claim Fujian (my tribe) and Cantonese is "Vietnamese".

It is not a deliberate genocide of races in Khmer Rouge time. But a brutal class warfare and nutty Maoist Stalinism that causes death of people.
Most Khmer Rouge elites are Chinese or half-Chinese. Pot, Ieng Sary, Son Sen, Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, even to the middle level like Hun Sen, Comrade Duch are Chinese. Norodom family is very Chinese. FYI Pot is related to Royal family as his sister is concubine to king, Sisowath Monivong. Sisowath family is very chinese also.

This is the same as the Thai elites and Chakri dynasty.

Even Viet are Chinese, they simply do not want to admit. Then Viet come and claim Fujian (my tribe) and Cantonese is "Vietnamese".

It is not a deliberate genocide of races in Khmer Rouge time. But a brutal class warfare and nutty Maoist Stalinism that causes death of people.

Khmer Rouge banned Chinese language and the existence of Chinese people in Cambodia. They forced everyone to speak Khmer and targeted Chinese for being light skinned.

Both northern and southern Han have the same subclade of Y chromosome O. The Vietnamese gave a different subclade. Southern Han and Vietnamese are not the same people.
Khmer Rouge banned Chinese language and the existence of Chinese people in Cambodia. They forced everyone to speak Khmer and targeted Chinese for being light skinned.

Both northern and southern Han have the same subclade of Y chromosome O. The Vietnamese gave a different subclade. Southern Han and Vietnamese are not the same people.

The Khmer Rouge, Ne Win Myanmar, and Thai persecuted Chinese culture in one way or other even though their elites are very Chinese. Now there is no longer persecution of Chinese culture.
Most Khmer Rouge elites are Chinese or half-Chinese. Pot, Ieng Sary, Son Sen, Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, even to the middle level like Hun Sen, Comrade Duch are Chinese. Norodom family is very Chinese. FYI Pot is related to Royal family as his sister is concubine to king, Sisowath Monivong. Sisowath family is very chinese also.

This is the same as the Thai elites and Chakri dynasty.

Even Viet are Chinese, they simply do not want to admit. Then Viet come and claim Fujian (my tribe) and Cantonese is "Vietnamese".

It is not a deliberate genocide of races in Khmer Rouge time. But a brutal class warfare and nutty Maoist Stalinism that causes death of people.
Seem like u dont know much abt Bai Yue people who living in VN and South China.
Li Nationality
The Li ethnic group, with a population of 1,247,814, mainly reside in Hainan Province, China's second largest island after Taiwan. Ninety percent of the Li are scattered throughout the Li-Miao Autonomous Prefecture in Hainan, with the rest living with the Han and Hui people in other areas such as Baoting, Ledong and Dongfang.

The Li ethnic group consists of five branches: the Qi, Ha, Run, Sai and Meifu. Their ancestors can be traced back to the Luoyue people - a branch of the ancient Baiyue tribe who once lived in south China
Li People of China: Population, Economy, Clothes
Even China also accept that BaiYue people are different group with Chinese in the North

BaiYue people in the South delude themselves and believe that they have same blood wt Northern Chinese, poor them :cry:
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