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Vietnamese conquest of Muslim/Hindu Cham and their current situation

There were Han banners in the Eight Banners and some Han served in Manchu banners. Many Han who defected to the Qing before the Ming fell were placed into banners. They fled across the great wall to manchuria from different provinces to join the Qing. Some of the Han bannermen learned Manchu language and customs and some even adopt Manchu names. Both Han and Manchu banners were stationed throughout all of China including the northern and southern provinces and they assimilated and spoke the local dialects. After the Qing fell all Bannermen were classified together as the same and the banners mixed with local people and identify themselves as Qiren (bannerperson) including Han bannermen.

When Bannermen marry local women in whatever province they were stationed, their children inherited their father's status as han or manchu bannermen.

Ethnic Manchus (jurchen descendants) are not the only people who were closely associated with the Qing. Han bannermen are also closely tied with the history.

By the way in all three peoples I Mentioned, Han and Manchu bannermen, and Miao are patrilineal and their surnames and ethnic status was inherited from the father. If someone has Han father and Miao mother then the children are Han. If the father is Manchu then the children are Manchu.

in this thread, we need to talk more about Vietnam bads. just ignore whatever they mention about han or Manchu.
Bcz they r stupid and brainwashed, they think they r bigger, so they can bully the smaller, but they weren't allow to learn in their history book that their PLA fought like coward in idiot in 1979 and totally was got a humiliate defeated just by VN women militia in few weeks

And of couser, bcz the SCS(east sea) where VN control the biggest and the most important part is a crucial ship lane for China , so they dream that once day, they can kick us out and take control of it, but its just a poor wet dream . IF we feel unhappy , we just simply cover SCS(east sea) by sea mine, then game over for China economy :pop:

China bowed down and licked US's boots first, what a shamed !

As for the pic, you are wrong.

This is just a moment capatured by photographer. Don't you see the chair behind them? They just finished the conversation and started to stand up, clearly, Deng xiaoping is a little bit slower than that guy, Deng is much older and his action is slower too. And that guy is much taller than Deng.
As for the pic, you are wrong.

This is just a moment capatured by photographer. Don't you see the chair behind them? They just finished the conversation and started to stand up, clearly, Deng xiaoping is a little bit slower than that guy, Deng is much older and his action is slower too. And that guy is much taller than Deng.

Of course we know, but some Chinese guys want troll so much, so that post was response by Niceguy :coffee:
this is the article about how Vietnam kinh people suppress indigenous ethnic groups.
Vietnam struggling to quell highlands unrest - Washington Times

"...some 20,000 demonstrators were gathered in Pleiku alone to demand the release of the pair, and that 600 marchers were beaten as they approached police barriers set up in the town. The reports could not be independently confirmed and the government has denied foreign media access to the region since the unrest began.."
Troll, I said Cantonese is closer to Mandarin than Vietnamese. I didn't say Cantonese and Mandarin are mutually intelligible or extremely close to each other on their own.

Tell that to your Viet brother EastSea who is obsessivley trying to tell southern Chinese that they are not Han but related to Viets. We don't want to be associated with you either.

Don't lie kid.
I said: Cantonese are fake Hans,

You stated: Cantonese with their bloodline is mixed from Yue and Han. It's evidences for that Cantonese is no Hans.

Vietnamese (Kinh people) and Cantonese, there are two different race. Vietnamese and Cantonese are two different languages, kid.
Don't lie kid.
I said: Cantonese are fake Hans,

You stated: Cantonese with their bloodline is mixed from Yue and Han. It's evidences for that Cantonese is no Hans.

Vietnamese (Kinh people) and Cantonese, there are two different race. Vietnamese and Cantonese are two different languages, kid.

Haha liar


Ya, we can claim bai yue belong to us. and then Guang Xi, Guang Dong can be independence states base on seft-determination Principe of UN.

In colonial time, Nguyen Dynasty of Vietnam was lost in the war with France 1856-1893. China was bulled by France and other westerners for open for free business.

Descent is traced through the paternal line, Cantonese are Han in the paternal line.
The ultranationalists tend to be very obsessive with who is related to whom, who is not related to whom, DNA testing, stuff etc. I remember when I was at one of the Smithsonian museums at Washington D.C; there was a display of a banana. The display sign stated that a banana and human had 60% of DNA similarity:P
Man this nazi's just love to get on everyone last nerved they just asking for b slap
Unrealistic that Vietnam will just become a province, a part of China, like 1,100 years ago. The most realistic scenario is China and Vietnam establish an union of independent states, like the European Union.

Does Vietnam consider the Yue State of the 500-400s BC as its own history?

I just found this Chinese drama about the King of Yue Gou Jian dubbed in Vietnamese. :coffee:

Does Vietnam consider the Yue State of the 500-400s BC as its own history?

I just found this Chinese drama about the King of Yue Gou Jian dubbed in Vietnamese. :coffee:


No for sure. It's go nowhere in Vietnamese history.
Muslims of SA and SEA must unite to protect and provide succor to their brethren strewn all along the coastline of the Indian Ocean going into the Pacific. Pakistan, Indonesia and Malaysia should play a leading role here because they are strong. Insha Allah BD will also join their rank in the near future.
:blah: :blah:

the last thing Malaysia needs is potitical chaos, economic collapse, religious extremism and social unrest. Pakistian is not the way to go. Forget it!
Malaysian government acts hard on religious extremism, you should know.

The ultranationalists tend to be very obsessive with who is related to whom, who is not related to whom, DNA testing, stuff etc. I remember when I was at one of the Smithsonian museums at Washington D.C; there was a display of a banana. The display sign stated that a banana and human had 60% of DNA similarity:P
banana? you are kidding.
But some Viet members try to claim the Baiyue territory within the modern China is a problem with us. :coffee:

Just like some Korean try to claim the North-East of China and Outter Mongolian try to claim our history. These people sure really love China.

By the way, some idiot here still spreading its stupid "true/fake Han theory". How annoying.
the last think Malaysia needs is potitical chaos, economic collapse, religious extremism und social unrest. Pakistian is not the way to go. Forget it!
Malaysian government acts hard on religious extremism, you should know.


You need to look further than this. Malaysia like many Muslim countries are walking a tight rope, preaching religious hate on one hand and controlling extremism on the other. Above is the percentage of Muslim who support death for apostasy. Malaysia Malay is surprising way on top of many middle east countries. Middle east sectarian intolerance is understandable due to thousands of years of sectarian war. Malay does not have blood spillage hate between their non muslim minorities. All the hate today against minorities are self fabricated and self inculcated, and not because of injury by non muslims.

Malay Muslim used to be extremely relax and tolerant decades back. Today you see more Malay woman on veiling than many years ago. Malay Muslim like many other Muslim elsewhere self radicalize and self-victimize.

There are many reasons for that. One is to unite the core race, the Malay via Islam. By inculcating intolerance, the Malay elites are screwing the mind of their people. If something goes wrong, the country could be in trouble.
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