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Vietnamese communists call for end to communism

Vietnam don't need multi parties nor King, we only need extensive reform and allow non-communism ideology to flow inside the party. Multi parties only creates opportunity for the opportunists such as oversea remnant of Republic of Vietnam exploit the system to gain power, will cause the country political unstable. Look at Democracy Cambodia and the CNRP, they are fighting for power, not for common cause.

I don't trust the loser remnant of Republic Vietnam can do anything better to protect the country as they could not protect their southern territory, the history of Republic Vietnam were fighting for power, that was why they lost.
Vietnam don't need multi parties nor King, we only need extensive reform and allow non-communism ideology to flow inside the party. Multi parties only creates opportunity for the opportunists such as oversea remnant of Republic of Vietnam exploit the system to gain power, will cause the country political unstable. Look at Democracy Cambodia and the CNRP, they are fighting for power, not for common cause.

I don't trust the loser remnant of Republic Vietnam can do anything better to protect the country as they could not protect their southern territory, the history of Republic Vietnam were fighting for power, that was why they lost.
Some senior members have showed the color, and change their belief in that open letter. So no doubt there is the problem inside VCP specially between senior members.

If those senior members start to against VCP, what their fellows will do ? Like Gorbachev blamed communism and his Party, then his government & nation breaked.

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yes, you are right. it is. the one ingredient is missing. to a bowl of pho belong plates of herbs and other things.
there are 3 basic different meat: pig, chicken or beef.

I find the best Pho is served in San Jose.

This is exactly what I used to eat in PHX.
I just read the letter in Vietnamese, the main purpose of the letter is warning of VCP to innovate,
suggest not to couple with China by secret agreements, and bring China to court.

Also, they blame about the policy of non-align ... means Vietnam should align with others to confront the threat of the country.
LOL, yes ordinary people will more easily get emotional. Assuming these people succeed, VCP failed, a new party take controls, will there be any substantial changes that could help to get you out of this situation? I'm afraid no.
Yeah, it won't. That's why I don't support abandoning communism now. Changing the ruling party will only direct the attention of people to internal business, while ignoring external threats. The problem is still out there, but no one will care anymore cause they are busy fighting over little power. That's human for you.
Yeah, it won't. That's why I don't support abandoning communism now. Changing the ruling party will only direct the attention of people to internal business, while ignoring external threats. The problem is still out there, but no one will care anymore cause they are busy fighting over little power. That's human for you.

Frankly, the socialism should be evolving instead of being forsaken.

For now, let's not talking about the communism, since it is a concept of utopia that no country has ever achieved so far.

But the regulated socialism with the free market is far better than the irregulated crony capitalism.
Frankly, the socialism should be evolving instead of being forsaken.

For now, let's not talking about the communism, since it is a concept of utopia that no country has ever achieved so far.

But the regulated socialism with the free market is far better than the irregulated crony capitalism.
Actually VN has always said something like "moving from communism towards socialism". I think socialism is great, but it requires everyone to cooperate to build up the ideal society. We have been exposed to capitalism for far too long to be simple, truthful and ready to be selfless for the community. Everyone hides their selfishness, jealousy, greed, etc under the fake smile we put up everyday. Socialism is getting further and further.
Actually VN has always said something like "moving from communism towards socialism". I think socialism is great, but it requires everyone to cooperate to build up the ideal society. We have been exposed to capitalism for far too long to be simple, truthful and ready to be selfless for the community. Everyone hides their selfishness, jealousy, greed, etc under the fake smile we put up everyday. Socialism is getting further and further.

It is those rich red princelings who now want the "democracy", since it is a perfect opportunity to legalize their hidden properties.

After the country becomes democratic, I bet it will still be these red princelings who got elected, since they have money and everything to make sure to win the election.

This will be the tyrannical plutocracy, not the real democracy.
Actually VN has always said something like "moving from communism towards socialism". I think socialism is great, but it requires everyone to cooperate to build up the ideal society. We have been exposed to capitalism for far too long to be simple, truthful and ready to be selfless for the community. Everyone hides their selfishness, jealousy, greed, etc under the fake smile we put up everyday. Socialism is getting further and further.

In order for socialism to be successful, it needs to implement accountability, it needs a system of checks and balances, something that can only be done when people are free to choose their local representatives, majors, governors, etc. Otherwise, the system will be essentially corrupted, which is the situation in Vietnam and China.

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