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Vietnamese communists call for end to communism

Excuse me, i just feel the Northern VCP must dislike what u talk in here... :pop: Those former enemies.
Excuse me, i just feel the Northern VCP must dislike what u talk in here... :pop: Those former enemies.

do you say to me ?

I don't think so. I have many counterparts and Friends form North in my business. They have a rumor sense and called themselves as "Sy Phu Bac Ha", It is difficult to interpret the meaning of this words in to English.
do you say to me ?

I don't think so. I have many counterparts and Friends form North in my business. They have a rumor sense and called themselves as "Sy Phu Bac Ha", It is difficult to interpret the meaning of this words in to English.
If those Vietnam Empire or ROV keep to stay overseas, it's OKay for VCP, coz Vietnam interests only belong to VCP members.

As person's identity it's no any problem to make friend with any overseas Vietnamese, coz WARs gone.

But if abroad powers wanna return to Democratic Republic of Vietnam, Political Conflict is inevitable.
If those Vietnam Empire or ROV keep to stay overseas, it's OKay for VCP, coz Vietnam interests only belong to VCP members.

As person's identity it's no any problem to make friend with any overseas Vietnamese, coz WARs gone.

But if abroad powers wanna return to Democratic Republic of Vietnam, Political Conflict is inevitable.

what do you think about " KMT and CPC cooperation policy" in the past ?
what do you think about " KMT and CPC cooperation policy" in the past ?
In WWII to against Japan invader, later u see they started 4 years of Civil War in China.
I think Political Conflict easily lead to the War.
In WWII to against Japan invader, later u see they started 4 years of Civil War in China.
I think Political Conflict easily lead to the War.

do you think that after WW II, KMT and CPC should follow a policy concurrence in principles of democracy ? to prevent the civil war ?
"Communism" no longer exists in Vietnam. The "VN Communist Party" is just a name, it is like other parties.
The only thing is different in Vietnam, as usual, VCP always tries to eradicate any other party by power in its hands instead of competition openly.

About the letter, it has been sent openly by 60 senior members of VCP. Among them, Major General Nguyen Trong Vinh, Dr. Le Dang Doanh, economist Pham Chi Lan...

It is a big step.
in Vietnam who interested about politic could know that the group of old communist figure and war veterans addressed the letter to party and request that VCP could change his ideology "Marxism-Leninism". It is boring in Vietnam if some one speak about communism now. Stalin model is dead with collapsing of Soviet Union. In fact no communism state dose existed in the world.

The change of name of VCP was debated recently in Media too. The "labor Party" is mostly accepted by majority of people in Vietnam.

It was not only Stalin's model. Soviet was actually directly transformed from an empire to a "communism" country, before 1917 they were an empire, since then they turned out to be socialist and communism, it was too fast, there was something backward left in Soviet's system. In China, it's different, but communism is still an dominated ideology, the communism evolved itself in China, to accommodate the new changes in our society, which means the policy has consistency and the progress we have made is effective.

Off-topic: Do your students learn Marxism-Leninism at school or college?

I know I know. China kind of checkmating VN with the rig. Of course China was smeared by Western media, but China also accomplished many things. VN also realized how helpless it is against super power. That's one thing, but political reasons do not make much sense to ordinary people. We don't care if VN is weak or not. If the govt say we are ready to do anything to protect the country, then do that. VN govt kept saying that for 2 whole months non-stop, then now when China finaly withdrew the rig, I still cannot see what govt has accomplished beside talking. At least send some official to the patrol ship around the rig, or even send them to China to talk. VN has to do something, not waiting for Japan, Philippine or US to act for its interest.

No one on their right mind would want war. But conflicts are unavoidable. Let's hope our leaders could figure a peaceful way out.

LOL, yes ordinary people will more easily get emotional. Assuming these people succeed, VCP failed, a new party take controls, will there be any substantial changes that could help to get you out of this situation? I'm afraid no.

Understatement. 21 Chinese were killed and more than "several" foreign owned factories were burned. More like several hundred.

:agree: I was thinking the same thing. Non Chinese using Google translator is what I'm guessing.

Yes, the number must be understated.
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do you think that after WW II, KMT and CPC should follow a policy concurrence in principles of democracy ? to prevent the civil war ?

The civil war was unstoppable, since KMT was determined to weed out the entire CPC, yet they ended up being a sore loser.

The right-wing faction of KMT was running by a bunch bloody murderers, they not only killed and tortured the CPC members to death, but also towards the left-wing faction of KMT whom they viewed as the CPC sympathizers.

How can this kind of regime not being toppled by its own people?
do you think that after WW II, KMT and CPC should follow a policy concurrence in principles of democracy ? to prevent the civil war ?
In that time it's not easy, coz both parties have military forces in different areas, it's like America North-South Federation or East-West Germany. There'r two different states & armies lead by two parties.

Did North Vietnam or South Vietnam should give up and follow a policy concurrence in principles of democracy ? Absolutely No, when u have gun in hands, the best way is go to WAR.

Let's back to topic.

I really have no idea what ur 60 senior members of VCP thinking about ? A open letter to against VCP ?

Nice dude, it means VCP's political conflicts now on the table not under the table like before. When senior members start to against their communism belief, it's not far away for Vietnam Communist Party to Game Over, the Judgment Day will be soon in Vietnam.

Without Party's protection, ur Communist members will become sh!t on ur street like former Soviet Union, ur nation will be chaos like latest democratic state of Libya /Iraq /Egypt.

So kick communism off, then Vietnam can become a developed nation, and reduce dependence on China ??? Why Republic of Vietnam didn't reach that achievement, Why Mexico isn't a developed nation, and reduce dependence on U.S ?!

I feel VCP is funny and ur senior members r so childish ! To change party or regime to save Vietnam, there'r too much official corruptions inside VCP and they start to terminate communism in Vietnam.
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Past 2050, my two cent I'd prefer the Singaporean Authoritarian model for China, it's unlikely right now.

nah, Singaporean is just almost like the PRC today, they have been governed by a single state party until today, Oligarch system rules the modern Singapore. It just different in name only, and they keep several small party to make an impression if they are democracy country but they have made a barrier and restriction to make sure those small party can't have a voice in government.
Past 2050, my two cent I'd prefer the Singaporean Authoritarian model for China, it's unlikely right now.

I even admire the Lee Kuan Yew model. He made a good precedent for all. If the People's Republic of China adopted a Singaporean model, then , wow. Imagine, if someone is caught chewing gum and spitting it on the street --- they'll get 10 lashes! No one will mess with China. :lol:

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