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Vietnam warns China to not use trade as weapon

Afraid ?oki if it make yourself happy.l'm eager to see some Chinese oil tankers are sunk in SCS(east sea) when passing through our EEZ now:coffee:

You sure you want an oil tanker sinks in your EEZ? Your beaches will be full of black oily sand, you know.:azn:
Japan is the third largest economy in the world and they're suffering due to China boycotting their products. What do you think the chance of Vietnam surviving a trade war with China?

We are living nearby them and we known about unstable mentality of Chinese. Like we did our policy, no permit depend on them anything, therefore we have constructive, fair relationship with all countries in the world. It was very good when chinese demonstrate his behavious very early. We have our proverb " Using enemy's mannouvers to apply our counter method".
Instead of raising rice imports from Vietnam,China should immediately cut the amount and expand imports from countries such as Thailand and Pakistan,the latter produces better quaility rice anyway。

In the meantime,Vietnam can try selling their rice to Japan and see if the Japanese farmers are happy with it.

Oh, I almost forget that the Japanese prefer sticky round grain rice grown in high-altitude areas.:azn:
Vietnam has no leverage against China in terms of trade. Actually they don't have much of a leverage at all in general. If they want to challenge us, let them face the consequences.
Instead of raising rice imports from Vietnam,China should immediately cut the amount and expand imports from countries such as Thailand and Pakistan,the latter produces better quaility rice anyway。

In the meantime,Vietnam can try selling their rice to Japan and see if the Japanese farmers are happy with it.

Oh, I almost forget that the Japanese prefer sticky round grain rice grown in high-altitude areas.:azn:

We don't care, chinese people shall pay more for rice imported from Thai land to keep Sin family in power and idiot idea of your leader.

Vietnam has no leverage against China in terms of trade. Actually they don't have much of a leverage at all in general. If they want to challenge us, let them face the consequences.

It's better no dealing with china.
Afraid ?oki if it make yourself happy.l'm eager to see some Chinese oil tankers are sunk in SCS(east sea) when passing through our EEZ now:coffee:

haha,i'm eager to see our oil tankers sunk in SCS too.then imagine what will happen to you.we will give you a big mac and send you back to stone age.believe me, sending you to stone age for us is easier than you destroy our tankers.
to all Chinese and Viet members:

can we all behave normal like human being do and treat nicely like neighbors do?
I am tried to comment on posts from some users here.
to all Chinese and Viet members:

can we all behave normal like human being do and treat nicely like neighbors do?
I am tried to comment on posts from some users here.

You would think people who can afford a computer, an internet connection will behave like an adult, boy oh boy how you are wrong..........

Some user just don't respect other member and other country to some extend, when they are on the internet, if you want to behave like a child, go play in a sand pits. Don't come here and comment on this forum.

People, don't forget, our father, our grand father fight the war they fought, JUST TO LET US LIVE IN PEACE not to have continue fighting. I don't understand why there are people so keen on nuking, eliminating, fighting or starting a war with other country, why people think like this is beyond me. If you want your country to fight other country, you may as well damn join the army and fight it out yourselve, otherwise no point putting out those comment behind a TV or Computer Screen. If not, the you should seriously consider mental threapy.
Vietnam NEVER EVER AFRAID of China for 1000s of years, why now? Vietnam only wanted peace if peace are not coming from China. Then when all hell broke loose, gloves taken off Vietnam will make China pay dearly. Yep Vietnam will suffer great loss too, but Vietnam still remain as One Country, can China remain as One Country when hell broke loose?

because in the past 1000s of years,there is no a country that named Vietnam.In Chinese,we names these people as The South Barbarian.

Vietnam NEVER EVER AFRAID of China for 1000s of years, why now? Vietnam only wanted peace if peace are not coming from China. Then when all hell broke loose, gloves taken off Vietnam will make China pay dearly. Yep Vietnam will suffer great loss too, but Vietnam still remain as One Country, can China remain as One Country when hell broke loose?

because in the past 1000s of years,there is no a country that named Vietnam.In Chinese,we names these people as The South Barbarian.
because in the past 1000s of years,there is no a country that named Vietnam.In Chinese,we names these people as The South Barbarian.

because in the past 1000s of years,there is no a country that named Vietnam.In Chinese,we names these people as The South Barbarian.

The country named Van Lang was first in Asia, in the same time with Hua Xia in China.
Where do you come from ? In ancient time Hans people in Middle Land in Zhang An 中原 called you others Chinese: 北狄, 東夷, 南蠻.
Vietnam gradually preferring Thai consumer goods to Chinese
China Tinme - Staff Reporter - 2012-10-31


A factory in China. Goods made in the country have a poor reputation in neighboring Vietnam. (Internet photo)

Vietnam Network, a Vietnam-based English-language website reported on Oct. 28 that Chinese goods sold in the country are becoming less popular with local customers because of their reputation for poor quality, and goods made in Thailand are seeing more sales instead, according to Global Times, a tabloid published under the auspices of the Chinese Communist Party.

There has been a rise in the amount of consumer goods imported from Thailand since 2011, the website reported, and are seen as having attractive designs and being reasonably priced, as well as being of a better quality than Chinese goods.

The development shows that low prices alone cannot guarantee success. A resident of Hanoi said that many people in the past bought motorcycles made in China but later found they were less reliable than Japanese bikes and Nissan is now the market leader. A local shop owner said that while goods made in Thailand are 20%-30% more expensive than Chinese goods, they are still in high demand.

As well as consumer products, industrial products manufactured in Thailand are also gaining a greater share of the market in Vietnam, including products made in Thailand by international brands such as Sharp, Philips, Panasonic and Sanyo.
Vietnamese consumers turn their back on Chinese motorbikes
Posted on June 26, 2011
NamViet News


Chinese motorbikes, which once flooded Vietnamese market, have become unpopular though they are much cheaper than Vietnam made products. In the eyes of Vietnamese customers, Chinese motorbikes mean low quality and low cost products.

China has now taken over Japan as the largest producer of motorcycles in the world. Yearly, 50 million motorcycles are produced worldwide, and China now produces at least 27.5 million of that figure or a little more than 50% of the total world production.

Chinese motorbikes, which once flooded Vietnamese market, have become unpopular though they are much cheaper than Vietnam made products. In the eyes of Vietnamese customers, Chinese motorbikes mean low quality and low cost products.


Rush hour in Hanoi

The owner of a motorbike shop on Nguyen Luong Bang Street in Hanoi said that Chinese motorbikes have been selling very slowly, and sometimes he cannot sell any product a month.

Several years ago, Chinese motorbikes once flooded the domestic market thanks to the low prices affordable by low income earners. However, since domestic motorbike manufacturers began diversifying their products, targeting different groups of customers, Chinese motorbikes have become no longer attractive to Vietnamese consumers.

Chinese motorbikes have been gradually eliminated in Hanoi and other big cities. The problem is that Chinese products do not have good quality which may break down just after a short time of use. Vietnamese customers would rather buy brand new motorbikes on installment plan from domestic manufacturers than using Chinese motorbikes.

It is now difficult to find the motorbike shops that sell Chinese products in Hanoi. Giao duc Vietnam’s reporters once came to 10 big motorbike shops on “motorbike streets” of Kham Thien, Ton Duc Thang and Nguyen Luong Bang to ask for Chinese motorbikes, but they could not find any.

“No one uses Chinese motorbikes nowadays. Why do you still look for the low quality products?” a shop owner asked the reporters.

The shop at No 36 Nguyen Luong Bang street proves to be the only one which is still selling Chinese motorbikes.

Motorbike distributors say that customers now prefer domestic products to Chinese, because domestic products have become cheaper. Honda, for example, offers the models with reasonable prices, just 13-14 million dong, while SYM has a model priced at 11 million dong only. The price levels fit the pockets of many people, while buyers feel secure about the quality of the products, because they can enjoy the warranty services.

Especially, motorbike buyers now do not have to pay for motorbikes at once, because manufacturers have joined forces with banks and financial institutions to allow buyers to buy on installment.

Binh from the motorbike shop on Nguyen Luong Bang street, said that the motorbikes assembled in Vietnam are also very cheap. Some models are just one million dong more expensive than Chinese ones. Therefore, Vietnam made products have been replacing Chinese ones.

One year ago, a Chinese motorbike could be bought at 4.8 million dong. However, as the input costs and the transport costs have increased, a Chinese motorbike is selling at 6.5 million dong. The price proves to be unattractive if noting that customers just need to have 10 million dong to be able to possess a motorbike with high quality and good maintenance regime.

Thi, who lives in Long Bien district in Hanoi, said that he never thinks of owning a Chinese motorbike. He said that the domestic motorbike prices are now very reasonable. Meanwhile, those, who do not have enough money, can buy products on installment.

Thang, from Viet Tri City, said that he is seeking to purchase a domestically made motorbike to replace the currently used Chinese one. He said that the Chinese motorbike has degraded seriously just after several years of use. Especially, it gobbles up his money because it always breaks down and consumes much fuel.

Meanwhile, Kien, a student from the Hanoi Architect University, said that he does not have enough money to buy a brand new motorbike. However, he would rather purchase a second hand motorbike than a brand new Chinese one. “The cheapest is the dearest,” he said.
this article reminds me that there still some motorbike producers in China.:cheesy:i haven't seen new motorbikes in China for years.they are banned in most 1st and 2nd tier cities.even in rural areas,people prefer electric bicycles which are half price and similar performance of a motorbike.

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