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Vietnam stocks head for worst drop since 2001

Good news, finally, our income per capital is increasing. That's why Vietnam illegal immigrates come to China for low pay job.

Some people from rural area, high mountainous area nearby border could drop in China for job. Its reported in Vietnam that one H'mong man has been lost the way to China, then he went in to Pakistan.
Some people from rural area, high mountainous area nearby border could drop in China for job. Its reported in Vietnam that one H'mong man has been lost the way to China, then he went in to Pakistan.

What's H'mong man?
No one care if they step down, but if they can not protect the sovereignty, then all VNese will hate the Govt. and its the end of the current Govt. too.
Your people care about their living standard, right?
What's H'mong man?

he was cheated to go to China to get job, he was brutally beaten in China, he escaped back to Vietnam, he lost the way and came to Pakistan.


you can read more here in Vietnamese or google it. link
Ngày 11/5, người Mông lạc sang Pakistan trở về Việt Nam - Xã hội - Tin Ngắn
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Looks like we are ready for the worst thing: a war to defend our country...
The only bad thing is that it will not be a land war. Most likely the war will only happen out at sea and china has a major advantage in that type of scenario.
he was cheated to go to China to get job, he was brutally beaten in China, he escaped back to Vietnam, he lost the way and came to Pakistan.
you can read more here in Vietnamese or google it. link

First, I want to say I feel pity for this man. Second, I can't read Vietnamese. Could you do the translation work?
LOL poor guy, yeah he was cheated, but he was crystal clear that it was an illegal thing.

My education level is low, I never went to college, let alone to learn Vietnamese, you do the translation, plz.

he he, don't telling one more joke. If I don't make my mistake you said you are machine driver on construction site. But you have good manner in English, I don't believe what you said.

One more story I tell you: After Mr. H'mong is missing, his wife sold family poverty (land) to cover all expenditure to find her husband in China in period of 2 year. But it was no result. Her husband is in Pakistan.


Wife of H'mong man with her four children. (one is not in photo)

read more with google translation..
Vụ lạc qua Pakistan: 2 năm bán ruộng đi tìm chồng - Toàn cảnh sự kiện - Tin Ngắn
At the beginning of the WW2, US military power is worse than Romania.
And yes, so, my statement still can go that way:

"Yeah, people once thought the Soviet Union had gone mad when they stood up against the powerful Nazi and Fascism.
Things are going that way now."
:rofl: Why don't you say Vietnam was more powerful than USA in the beginning of ww2 in 1939?

What's H'mong man?
Sinicized mountain people from the movie Grand Turino
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he he, don't telling one more joke. If I don't make my mistake you said you are machine driver on construction site. But you have good manner in English, I don't believe what you said.

One more story I tell you: After Mr. H'mong is missing, his wife sold family poverty (land) to cover all expenditure to find her husband in China in period of 2 year. But it was no result. Her husband is in Pakistan.

read more with google translation..
Vụ lạc qua Pakistan: 2 năm bán ruộng đi tìm chồng - Toàn cảnh sự kiện - Tin Ngắn

Yes, on the construction sites, I learn English very hard. I hope one day I can go to to college and learn Vietnamese.

Again here you are behaving like the victims, crying and condemning China for any thing. Don't blame others for your government's failure not to treat you people well. I really hope these kids get better lives.
:rofl: Why don't you say Vietnam was more powerful than USA in the beginning of ww2 in 1939?

Sinicized mountain people from the movie Grand Turino

Can't help laughing:rofl:……I dont want to depreciate their industrial strength,but vietcongs can't even mass-produce rifle bullets.
:rofl: Why don't you say Vietnam was more powerful than USA in the beginning of ww2 in 1939?

Since you don't take it seriously, I don't have to answer this provoking meaningless nonsense question.
My point is clear.

People once thought the Soviet Union/ the US had gone mad when they stood up against the powerful Nazi and Fascism.
Things are going that way now

I'm not trying to compare Vietnam with Soviet or the US. Don't intentionally misunderstand it.
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Since you don't take it seriously, I don't have to answer this provoking meaningless nonsense question.
My point is clear.

People once thought the Soviet Union/ the US had gone mad when they stood up against the powerful Nazi and Fascism.
Things are going that way now

keep it up:tup:,lol
Yeah action speaks louder, and I believe the VN government now realizes that you are untrustworthy.

America and Japan have voiced their supports us in this dispute. I suggest it is time to make a 3-nation alliance economics and military of America-Japan-Vietnam. We export every year more stuffs to America and enjoy huge surplus. Trade with China sucks.

huh.....allying with the U.S and its subordinate Japan will infuriate your patron Russia. In this case Vietnam is in the same situation like India. They don't know who to side with, in fear of angering the other. I have said this before, in geo politics, there comes a time you have to choose sides, else you will isolate yourself when you are in trouble, since no party will trust you. Vietnam should kick out their communist government and embrace democracy and ally with the west, or it can maintain its commie regime and keep Russia as it ally and china as economic partner and solve its dispute through bilateral negotiation. these are the only two options i see.
You cant expect to have our support while supporting Russia on issues affecting our core interests. our governments are not stupid. that's why we can only give you verbal support, until you decide to ally with us/sign defence treaty like the Philippines else you will be alone facing China when push comes to shove in this dispute which we all know you cant win.
So i think it will best for Vietnam to shed its so called independent/sovereignty and sign a defence pact with the U.S/west(Russia wont help you against China with whom they have more global interests/issues against the west). There comes a time you have to choose sides, You cant eat your cake and have it. so will be good for vietnam to side with the west and be more democratic like its ASEAN brothers.:cheers:
At the beginning of the WW2, US military power is worse than Romania.
And yes, so, my statement still can go that way:

"Yeah, people once thought the Soviet Union had gone mad when they stood up against the powerful Nazi and Fascism.
Things are going that way now."

To be honest, you cant beat China in a maritime dispute, even in the most delusional dreams. In fact even Taiwan or Malaysia can probably defeat Vietnam in a maritime war.This is not to denigrate Vietnam achievements progress in the past decades, but we have to be realists.
However what you said earlier is true, the U.S was rather weak militarily before WWII, In fact in a one to one combat, nobody stand a chance against Nazi Germany back then(even the U.S), they were more Powerful than any country on earth militarily. It was Hitler stupidity not to listen to his generals, and winter luck that saved Russia(though it paid a huge price of more than 20 million killed, equivalent to what China suffered against it battle with Japan).If not Russia would have been crushed by Germany. Also Germany was fighting against too many countries at the same time(U.S, Russia, U.K, and French insurgents). it wasn't feasible . The U.S despite being weak militarily before WWII had a large manufacturing base/Skill/Industries/Manpower/Land and natural resources. It had a large industrial base which made it easier for it to manufacture war weapons at a lightening speed, so much so that in a matter on 1-2 years it had gone from being a military midget to a world power greater than even Germany. It was due to it being at peace and having a large manufacturing base/Industries. Unfortunately for us, China does have that large Manufacturing base as well now and in a decade or so from now it will have even more.:pissed: This is the main reason it poses a challenge and threat to the U.S/western hegemony.
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