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Vietnam stocks head for worst drop since 2001

Empty words are not going to scare anyone. The Japanese are not going to risk their money because they like you or have fate that you can defeat us in a war. It's just delusional thought.
Yeah action speaks louder, and I believe the VN government now realises that you are untrustworthy.

America and Japan have voiced their supports us in this dispute. I suggest it is time to make a 3-nation alliance economics and military of America-Japan-Vietnam. We export every year more stuffs to America and enjoy huge surplus. Trade with China sucks.
Their economy already screwed up, with less than 5% growth rate. VN market still depends on China so much, once China puts sanction on its rice and seafood, that really hurt.
China economy is dying, ur labour cost is almost equal with US . More US company r shifting their business back to US or find another countries like VietNam with cheaper labour cost.:pop:


This map is bad news for China's economy, good news for America's - Vox
Lol. Comparing yourself to American of the 40s? US was already a powerful industrial and military power at that time. For the record it was Russia who destroyed the Nazis, not the USA and western allies. @senheiser

At the beginning of the WW2, US military power is worse than Romania.
And yes, so, my statement still can go that way:

"Yeah, people once thought the Soviet Union had gone mad when they stood up against the powerful Nazi and Fascism.
Things are going that way now."
China sucking Vietnamese until last blood ... such vampires they are.
Trust me. If we are serious about beating you up, it would be very easy for us. Yu see in today world, there is international agreement, responsibility, especially for us who is a P5, so we have to look good to our peer. If this is 20th century, colonial day era, what you are doing now is very classic case of the need for a world *** beating. You are basically telling a major power to not do what's in their interest to drill near their control island and you think that is okay for a weak and small state like Vietnam? LOL

I'm telling a major power to drill inside its own EEZ, not inside others. Since that major power signed a damn thing called 'UNCLOS 1982'.
You are big and fat kid, does it mean you can just go and rob other kid's lunch?

You are powerful now, yes. So did the Nazi. Just remember how the world deal with bully and invaders.
Yeah action speaks louder, and I believe the VN government now realises that you are untrustworthy.

America and Japan have voiced their supports us in this dispute. I suggest it is time to make a 3-nation alliance economics and military of America-Japan-Vietnam. We export every year more stuffs to America and enjoy huge surplus. Trade with China sucks.
Yes show us. You are correct for one that action speaks louder than words. I would love to see your country changes it economic policy on us like some of your so called country economic experts suggest.

You are free to form any alliance. We are not your daddy.

I'm telling a major power to drill inside its own EEZ, not inside others. Since that major power signed a damn thing called 'UNCLOS 1982'.
You are big and fat kid, does it mean you can just go and rob other kid's lunch?

You are powerful now, yes. So did the Nazi. Just remember how the world deal with bully and invaders.
We drill near our island that we administer 100%. This is a fait accompli and even Western media cannot criticizes on legal term because there isn't any. This is why you don't see western media bash us like in the Diaoyu dispute because unlike Diaoyu, we control Paracel. They kept their mouth shut and the only argument they made is that we unilaterally drill in "dispute water". You see they don't say "Vietnamese water", they said "unilaterally dispute water". LOL

At the beginning of the WW2, US military power is worse than Romania.
And yes, so, my statement still can go that way:

"Yeah, people once thought the Soviet Union had gone mad when they stood up against the powerful Nazi and Fascism.
Things are going that way now."
Dude just stop! The US supplied weapons to the allied and you said they are weak in WWII? LOL
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We drill near our island that we administer 100%. This is a fait accompli and even Western media cannot criticizes on legal term because there isn't any. This is why you don't see western media bash us like in the Diaoyu dispute because unlike Diaoyu, we control Paracel. They kept their mouth shut and the only argument they made is that we unilaterally drill in "dispute water". You see they don't say "Vietnamese water", they said "unilaterally dispute water". LOL

Of course it's not 'Vietnamese waters', since it's international water, anyone can pass freely. But it is our Exclusive Economic Zone, no one can drill oil there except for us. We are not china. We don't claim everything as 'our waters'. We are reasonable, and we obey international laws, the 'Vietnamese water' only extends 12 miles from our baseline.
The Westerner haven't bash you yet since they haven't know the full story yet, and Vietnam is not their allies like Japan.

Isn't this too simple to ask?

Dude just stop! The US supplied weapons to the allied and you said they are weak in WWII? LOL
Who teach you English? Go get him and ask for a full refund. I say at the beginning, not the whole WW2.

And you just miss my point. People once thought the Soviet Union/the USA had gone mad when they stood up against the powerful Nazi and Fascism.
Of course it's not 'Vietnamese waters', since it's international water, anyone can pass freely. But it is our Exclusive Economic Zone, no one can drill oil there except for us. We are not china. We don't claim everything as 'our waters'. We are reasonable, and we obey international laws, the 'Vietnamese water' only extends 12 miles from our baseline.
The Westerner haven't bash you yet since they haven't know the full story yet, and Vietnam is not their allies like Japan.

Isn't this too simple to ask?

Who teach you English? Go get him and ask for a full refund. I say at the beginning, not the whole WW2.

And you just miss my point. People once thought the Soviet Union/the USA had gone mad when they stood up against the powerful Nazi and Fascism.
You don't get it, do you? When your coastal EEZ extends overlapping with another territory, control by another state, you are not entitle to that territory or its EEZ if it has one. In this case, Paracel EEZ overlaps with your coastal EEZ. It becomes evidence that equidistant between the two becomes a dispute water which is exactly what Western media is reporting. Unfortunately for you Vietnamese, the area we drill is MUCH closer to our territory compare to your coast. The resources are actually a derivative of Paracel, not from your coastal!

Please, stop! The US, whether at beginning, middle, or ending was an industrial superpower. Even prior to engaging directly in WWII, America already supplied weapons to the British. Why do you think Churchill went to America to beg like a dog? Grow a brain, my friend.
You don't get it, do you? When your coastal EEZ extends overlapping with another territory, control by another state, you are not entitle to that territory or its EEZ if it has one. In this case, Paracel EEZ overlaps with your coastal EEZ. It becomes evidence that equidistant between the two becomes a dispute water which is exactly what Western media is reporting. Unfortunately for you Vietnamese, the area we drill is MUCH closer to our territory compare to your coast. The resources are actually a derivative of Paracel, not from your coastal!

Please, stop! The US, whether at beginning, middle, or ending was an industrial superpower. Even prior to engaging directly in WWII, America already supplied weapons to the British. Why do you think Churchill went to America to beg like a dog? Grow a brain, my friend.

Paracel does not legally belongs to you, since you invaded us and taken it by forces, and Paracels has no damn EEZ do you understand that simple fact?

From CNN:
With Britain on the verge of defeat, U.S. military leaders were unanimous in urging Roosevelt to stop sending our limited supply of weapons overseas and instead focus on rearming at home. At that time the U.S. Army stood only 18th in the world, trailing not only Germany, France, Britain, Russia, Italy, Japan and China, but also Holland, Spain, and Romania!

Just google it. Oh you have no google, sorry.
And you just miss my point. People once thought the Soviet Union/the USA had gone mad when they stood up against the powerful Nazi and Fascism.
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