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Vietnam stocks head for worst drop since 2001

Vietnam stock drop is an indication that no one believes you can defeat China

Water gun can make vn market drop 13%. Real gun will destroy vn stock market.

Water gun can make vn market drop 13%. Real gun will destroy vn stock market.

I guess you loss money eh?

Yestoday 9.5, VN stock market has recovered when the VN-Index rebounded 15.37 points (2.92% increase, respectively), reaching 542.46 points.
Vietnam stock drop is an indication that no one believes you can defeat China.
stock goes up and down.
the economy still performs well, see the stat of the first 4 months of the year (in per cent):

retail sales of goods and serrvices: +10.5
export turnover: +16.9
import turnover: +13.7
foreign visitors: +27.3
investments under State Budget compared with yearly plan of 2014: +27.5
GDP: +4,96 for Q1

the number of foreign tourists may reach 10m this year, if no war breaks out :-)
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vietnam would be bankrupt if china really put the oil rig into normal operation.

china pushed vietnam into the end of the road.

let guess what vietnam would do in that situation?
You Vietnamese needs to calm down. No amount threatening of "China defeat" will give confidence to outside investors. You cannot fool investors who put their own money to bet.

I see one simple solution for you Vietnamese. Come to the negotiation table and deal with us bilaterally. No more of this nonsense threat from you or trying to get 3rd party involved. You are grown up now and should not need to rely on 3rd party to solve your own mess.
You Vietnamese needs to calm down. No amount threatening of "China defeat" will give confidence to outside investors. You cannot fool investors who put their own money to bet.

I see one simple solution for you Vietnamese. Come to the negotiation table and deal with us bilaterally. No more of this nonsense threat from you or trying to get 3rd party involved. You are grown up now and should not need to rely on 3rd party to solve your own mess.
No way, u guys should prepare for higher oil price now, coz the sea route in SCS(east sea) will be narrowd if the conflict get worse.

If China continue violating VN EEZ, the shipping lanes through the area will be narrowed. This is not what we want to, "said Major General Nguyen Quang Dam
South China Sea News & Discussions | Page 375
stock goes up and down.
the economy still performs well, see the stat of the first 4 months of the year (in per cent):

retail sales of goods and serrvices: +10.5
export turnover: +16.9
import turnover: +13.7
foreign visitors: +27.3
investments under State Budget compared with yearly plan of 2014: +27.5
GDP: +4,96 for Q1

the number of foreign tourists may reach 10m this year. :-)
It goes up again because the tension has subside. Investors are not stupid. When they see any small threat to their own money, they pull out and sell but once they see the threat gone, they would go back to invest. It is simple economics. What this huge drop at the time when tension was high is clear, investors don't believe in your nonsense of "China defeat".
I warned my compariots some times ago: don´t put too much money into the stock market.
the market is too hot. polticial instabilities everywhere. it is on a downward trend, like many other countries.

the current tension with China has not helped the market, either.

It goes up again because the tension has subside. Investors are not stupid. When they see any small threat to their own money, they pull out and sell but once they see the threat gone, they would go back to invest. It is simple economics. What this huge drop at the time when tension was high is clear, investors don't believe in your nonsense of "China defeat".
Japan investors soon will invest to VN index, and they wont withdraw the money even when the conflict keep escalating:pop:
Japan investors soon will invest to VN index, and they wont withdraw the money even when the conflict keep escalating:pop:
Empty words are not going to scare anyone. The Japanese are not going to risk their money because they like you or have fate that you can defeat us in a war. It's just delusional thought.
I warned my compariots some times ago: don´t put too much money into the stock market.
the market is too hot. polticial instabilities everywhere. it is on a downward trend, like many other countries.

the current tension with China has not helped the market, either.

The stock market in every countries is always hard to win even in peaceful time. It will make the incompetent investors go broke but it will help the smart guys earn more .

Empty words are not going to scare anyone. The Japanese are not going to risk their money because they like you or have fate that you can defeat us in a war. It's just delusional thought.
If they dont come, then the stock will fall, it means the VN communist Govt will fall too ...and the pro US Govt will take the lead

if China dont help its VN communist brother, then, they will lose their 'friend', we VNese dont care :laugh:
It goes up again because the tension has subside. Investors are not stupid. When they see any small threat to their own money, they pull out and sell but once they see the threat gone, they would go back to invest. It is simple economics. What this huge drop at the time when tension was high is clear, investors don't believe in your nonsense of "China defeat".
man, the VN stock market begins to slide long before the current tension.

you can ask the Russians. many investors have withdrawn money out of Russia.
Does anyone believe Russia lost the war in Crimea?
stock goes up and down.
the economy still performs well, see the stat of the first 4 months of the year (in per cent):

retail sales of goods and serrvices: +10.5
export turnover: +16.9
import turnover: +13.7
foreign visitors: +27.3
investments under State Budget compared with yearly plan of 2014: +27.5
GDP: +4,96 for Q1

the number of foreign tourists may reach 10m this year. :-)

Stop bragging. Unless you are willing to host the asiangame 2019. I will truly believe vietnam economy has recovered.
vietnamese fishermen used to harvest in the sea area which chinese oil rig move to. the new restriction caused by illegal operation of large qty of chinese warships in our water also cause our fishermen starvation.
Water gun can make vn market drop 13%. Real gun will destroy vn stock market.

I guess you loss money eh?

Their economy already screwed up, with less than 5% growth rate. VN market still depends on China so much, once China puts sanction on its rice and seafood, that really hurt.
I warned my compariots some times ago: don´t put too much money into the stock market.
the market is too hot. polticial instabilities everywhere. it is on a downward trend, like many other countries.

the current tension with China has not helped the market, either.


No problem bro, don worry. This is normal in stock market every where in the world, not only in Vietnam. In Vietnam we have proverb " Liều ăn nhiều ".

Yesterday I covered back PVX at price 4.2 in morning, in afternoon by ATC it got a price up to 4.8. I earned benefit 12 million VND in one day for my 20k PVX stock only. :partay:
Stop bragging. Unless you are willing to host the asiangame 2019. I will truly believe vietnam economy has recovered.
the Russians spent $50b for the recent Olympic games. Does anyone remember? You?
No, we don´t need the games, but warships and fighter jets. the government just uses as pretext to cancel the games.

and if VN is lost and eases to exist, because China takes over. who will host the game in 5 years? China?
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