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Vietnam´s President visits China

To @NiceGuy
If u really dream to utilize China and Chinese as meat shield, i just suggest 2013 year ur Vietnam Army at least equip thousands of 3-gen MBTs and IFVs, ur VPA Aviation owing 100x armed helicopters, ur Vietnam Navy at least own 30x 6000ton DDG and 50x 4000ton frigates also need 60x submarines and 70x missile boarts, ur Vietnam Airforce at least equip 600x 3-gen fighters.

If u wanna delay ur fantasy dream to next 10-20 years, i just suggest 2020-2030 year ur Vietnam Army at least equip thousands of 4-gen MBTs and IFVs, ur VPA Aviation owing hundreds of armed helicopters, ur Vietnam Navy at least own several A.C strick groups, own 10x 10,000ton DDG total 50x DDG and 60x frigates also need 40x API submarines total 60x new subs, ur Navy Aviation need 100x 3-gen frighters. ur Vietnam Airforce need at least 1,000x 3-gen fighters and one hundred 4-gen fighters.

After prepare above all, then u only will have one chance to make ur dream come true! Well 1.5billion Chinese ppl vs 0.x billion Vietnamese -_-!...

Oh just forget, do u ever dream the nuclear weapons in ur hands ? If NOPE ... GET OUT OF MY WAY LITTLE KID ~!
Dude, just wait and see, when ur corrupted take our bribe, then war between China- US and its allies will happen sooner or latter , many idiot Chinese used as meat shield will die in battle(we will sit and enjoy to watch) .

Then, when USA feel worry, they will support Vn whatever we want to contain u , thousands of 3-gen MBTs and IFVs etc is just a piece of cake for US, just like thousand SAM, Mig 21 aiding to VN during VN war was just piece of cake to SOviet union :pop:

nuclear weapons is not a problem too, US allows VN to enrich uranium that can make nuke bomb in our own soil now:cool:
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Dude, just wait and see, when ur corrupted take our bribe, then war between China- US and its allies will happen sooner or latter , many idiot Chinese will die (we will sit and enjoy to watch) .

Then, when USA feel worry, they will support Vn whatever we want to contain u , thousands of 3-gen MBTs and IFVs etc is just a piece of cake for US, just like thousand SAM, Mig 21 aiding to VN during VN war was just piece of cake to SOviet union :pop:

nuclear weapons is not a problem too, US allows VN to enrich uranium that can make nuke bomb in our own soil now:cool:

LOL ... :tdown: The China government owning the biggest foreign currency reserves, today still N.o1 rich in the world >1000billion U.S dollars now.
U said corrupted China government would take ur Vietnam bribe, im just very curious about how many u plan to gift them ? How many GDP 2012 Vietnam owned ?
LOL ... :tdown: The China government owning the biggest foreign currency reserves, today still N.o1 rich in the world >1000billion U.S dollars now.
>1000billion is not enough to help them survive from 1 billion angry Chinese willing to overthrow amd kill them like Colonel Gadaffi, so, those corrupted crooks desparately need our help to hold their throne steady to keep exploit poor Chinese.

Make peace wt VN and beg for protection , wage war with US and its allies is the only choice for ur corrupted Govt other while they all will follow Gadaffi to the hell:pop:
>1000billion is not enough to help them survive from 1 billion angry Chinese willing to overthrow amd kill them like Colonel Gadaffi, so, those corrupted crooks desparately need our help to hold their throne steady to keep exploit poor Chinese.

Make peace wt VN and beg for protection , wage war with US and its allies is the only choice for ur corrupted Govt other while they all will follow Gadaffi to the hell:pop:
Those corrupted Chinese ... these corrpted Chinese ... come on don't using ur Vietnamese opinions on Chinese coz we r living in huge different two countries, just feel funny u thought ur Vietnam darkness as simialr as China society.
If we r the same nation ppl the development of China and Vietnam must not like such huge difference and ppl's living conditions not large gaps.

Great Plans and GOOD LUCK~! Im 100% sure Uncle SAM will save u and ur Vietnam in the future, of course there's no any difference for China to face Republic of Vietnam or Socialist Republic of Vietnam, each one looks the same for China :tup:
Those corrupted Chinese ... these corrpted Chinese ... come on don't using ur Vietnamese opinions on Chinese coz we r living in huge different two countries, just feel funny u thought ur Vietnam darkness as simialr as China society.
Our society is not dark and dirty as you any more, we can dismiss our corrputed crooks by confident vote

VietNam first-ever confidence vote

Jonathan London, a Vietnam expert at Hong Kong’s City University, said the ballot showed “Vietnam was charting its own course,” albeit slowly. He asserted that a similar event wouldn’t happen in China, Vietnam’s much larger, Communist neighbor.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/china-...first-ever-confidence-vote.html#ixzz2X8UgqKVq
Why our Govt must change ? coz they dont wanna have bad ending like Colonel Gadaffi. Ur Govt still refuse to change the political system, so, those corrupted guys must beg for our protection coz at least we r still communist nation:pop:
cnleio said:
If we r the same nation ppl the development of China and Vietnam must not like such huge difference and ppl's living conditions not large gaps.

As i know living conditon in China still worse than in Libya .
Our society is not dark and dirty as you any more, we can dismiss our corrputed crooks by confident vote
If one vote could change anything, solve every problems and make country to develop, there's no any poor third world no any poor developing country. And u forget this, add to u ... if u wanna play the POOR SHOW firstly join ur Communist Party. The confident vote just a JOKE !
Given more than 90 percent of the 498 members of the assembly are Communist Party cardholders, no one expected any of the officials to get the kind of poor showing that could trigger resignations.

Why our Govt must change ? coz they dont wanna have bad ending like Colonel Gadaffi. Ur Govt still refuse to change the political system, so, those corrupted guys must beg for our protection coz at least we r still communist nation:pop:
A weak & poor developing country, isn't folk's fault but the fool government did. Of course a loser system need to be changed.
Vietnam's economy and military much more vulnerable than China, one economic crisis by foreigners can kill ur weak domestic economy but ur ppl need to eat.

As i know living conditon in China still worse than in Libya .
LOL ... u know nothing, i doubt u even not leave the Vietnam.

Wiki 2012 list of GDP (nominal) per capita
N.o86 mainland China 6,076 U.S dollars
N.o137 Vietnam 1,528 U.S dollars

6,076$ x 1.4billion Chinese ppl >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1,528$ x 90million Vietnamese ppl, Vietnam STRONG~!
LOL ... u know nothing, i doubt u even not leave the Vietnam.

Wiki 2012 list of GDP (nominal) per capita
N.o86 mainland China 6,076 U.S dollars
N.o137 Vietnam 1,528 U.S dollars

6,076$ x 1.4billion Chinese ppl >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1,528$ x 90million Vietnamese ppl, Vietnam STRONG~!
What wrong with ur IQ, I said" "living conditon in China still worse than in Libya", whats wrong with it ??

some Chinese r richer than VNese coz ur corrupted Govt willing to sacrifice dump Chinese peasant's health and its ferlile land to get money, thats why as a world trash bin China is dirtiest country in the world now with millions people die of cancer or having problem with low IQ like u every year
cnleio said:
If one vote could change anything, solve every problems and make country to develop, there's no any poor third world no any poor developing country. And u forget this, add to u ... if u wanna play the POOR SHOW firstly join ur Communist Party. The confident vote just a JOKE !
at least confident vote is the good way to stop corruption, in China there is No way to stop this problem, so corruption happen every where and people is treated like dog
the vietnam circus already left town time to get down to serious business ,we are so looking forward to the southkorea president visit
LOL ... :tdown: The China government owning the biggest foreign currency reserves, today still N.o1 rich in the world >1000billion U.S dollars now.
U said corrupted China government would take ur Vietnam bribe, im just very curious about how many u plan to gift them ? How many GDP 2012 Vietnam owned ?

Man you are talking to a low educated viet do you know that?:D
Man you are talking to a low educated viet do you know that?:D
Im still better than a toilet cleaner in UK like u

Keep wahsing white @$$,dude or u will be sent back to dirty and polluted China and die of cance after that:lol:
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