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Vietnam protests China's military exercise in South China Sea

Soviet Union didn't want to escalate the war so they did not intervene. Vietnam was on the verge of collapse as china already secured Langson, the gate of Hanoi. soviets won't help them even if it china occupied all of vietnam.

Soviets didn't intervene because there was no need to intervene. Vietnam handled the war fine by itself, considering most of the regular Vietnamese Army units were stationed in Cambodia at the time, and the PLA mostly faced local militia.

As for the Soviet-Viet alliance, the largest overseas Soviet military base during the Cold War was at Camh Ranh Bay in Vietnam (I personally know a guy who was stationed there as part of a Tu-16 crew). The Soviet presence there was very important in limiting Chinese influence in Southeast Asia.
march to Hanoi? it that what you learn from school? LOL! when china acquired Langson, a defenseless Hanoi is a dessert in front of PLA. South to Langson, there was no terrain advantages Vietnamese army could take to delay the pace of PLA. Steel Current and motorized artillery from North China could take hand from the B class infantry divisions of Guangzhou military district, which had wasted time hunting monkeys in the mountains north to langson so far. everyone familar with this war knew that Hanoi had already been a trophy to PLA actually including my one of my viet friend. the only reason china left vietnam after secured langson is that china didn't want to overthrew viet government.

Modern warfare? learn something before spew your joke. Iraq airfore was far stronger than viet airforce. So far as i know, it has several regiment of Mig-29 and AWACS and numerous missiles bought from Soviet Union and US during Iraq-Iran war, how about the performance of their airforce? Modern air warfare is not medieval cavalry duel. the result of air warfare is decided by not only number advanced fighters but also C4isr, datalink, etc.not only does china have around 700 4gen fighters, but also AESA AWACS, ECM planes, air refuelers, H6K carrying cruise missiles for strategic strikes, and scores of military satellites for surveillance and guidance, even old F-7 had been upgraded to launch mid-range missiles, which old F16 and mig29 can't do.

what do you have? a few flankers and more old mig21s? Once a war is inevitable, thousands of aircrafts would roll out from the plants of CAC and SAC. nobody dare to sell you weapons to offend china. And your two batteries of S300 bought from Russia? don't forgot we used to produce that missile too and have its complete doucment, it will be easily blocked by Y8 ECM.

Before a war began, your airports, radars, missile batteries, which clearly appear on China's satellites, will be destroyed by hundreds of ballasitc missiles, and crusie missiles lauched from H6K and chinese Navy 2000 kilometers away. Only 5%of your planes shared the privilege to be shot down by PLAAF.
LangSon was taken but it was never the gateway to Hanoi, from LangSon to Hanoi it is not plain, but more mountain and marshes. Lean the terrain of North Vietnam and Vietnam as a whole before you speak. Vietnam did not even deploy the troops back from Cambodia is another testimony that we did not "scare" of your so-called strong PLA. The PLA took a serious beating from the Vietnamese Army that it decided that further escalation is not worth the price is more of a realistic scenario.... unless you find the excuse that the USSR was mobilizing tens of thousands of divisions up against your border....but if that was the case, then you also have to make up your mind whether the USSR-Vietnam Alliance was genuine or not:smokin:

Learn about the Iraq war before you sprout your non-sense. Iraqi Airforce did not have any 4th Gen fighter to go up against 1500 U.S and Allies' 4th gen fighters. At best Iraq has a few disfunctional Mig29. The numerical superiority is way way bigger than the numerial superioty of China vs Vietnam. And all of the assets that you listed for China, the U.S have more than anything that you could think of to use against a country with nothing but a desert.

Vietnam has about 1/10 4th Gen aircraft of China in which the numerical gap is much much smaller than Iraq vs the Coalition Force. You want to talk about disabling the S-300, in your dream, whatever claim makes you feel better about China. And good luck in hitting our mobile missile batteries and radar sites with ballistic and cruise missiles, even if you can spot them from satelitte among the desert......no I mean among the mountain and jungle terrain of Vietnam.

Vietnam will give you a serious mauling to your airforce if you choose to launch an airwar against us even at the destruction of our Airforce and Air Defense. And how many of your SU27/30, J-10,J-11 you can afford to mobilize to go against the air defense of Vietnam considering you have a ton of enemies that are armed to their teeth living around you.:wave:
@ 5star,

neither Vietnam is China's enemy nor is China Vietnam's enemy. Vietnam does not pose threat to China at present. China's only potential enemy in Asia is someone else in the South. it will be, however, a different case if you deliberately help China's potential enemy in Asia endangering China's security, integrity and interests.
Soviet Union didn't want to escalate the war so they did not intervene. Vietnam was on the verge of collapse as china already secured Langson, the gate of Hanoi. soviets won't help them even if it china occupied all of vietnam.

Why wouldn't they want to escalate the war? Soviets never cared about playing nice with China. When PLA tried to take Damansky Island the Red Army immediately responded with rocket artillery and recaptured the island. USSR had strategic bombers in Mongolia capable of hitting anywhere in China (PLAAF air defence was very weak at that time).

If Vietnam was on the verge of collapse (which it wasn't) the Soviets wouldn't hesitate to use force. Vietnam was too valuable.
In 1962 against India, China did achieve its political objective. In 1979 against Vietnam, China failed it spolitical objective. There is the difference between success and failure. In US, the gulf war in 1991, the US achieve its political objective. In 2003 gulf war, US achieve its objective in a month. After that, the objective changed to no objective. As a result ,the army was stucked. So the current blunder in Iraq is a political blunder. As for the war in Afghanistan, the does not achieve its objective completely. Bin Ladin got away.
LangSon was taken but it was never the gateway to Hanoi, from LangSon to Hanoi it is not plain, but more mountain and marshes. Lean the terrain of North Vietnam and Vietnam as a whole before you speak. Vietnam did not even deploy the troops back from Cambodia is another testimony that we did not "scare" of your so-called strong PLA. The PLA took a serious beating from the Vietnamese Army that it decided that further escalation is not worth the price is more of a realistic scenario.... unless you find the excuse that the USSR was mobilizing tens of thousands of divisions up against your border....but if that was the case, then you also have to make up your mind whether the USSR-Vietnam Alliance was genuine or not:smokin:

1 you have a deplorable lack of the history and geography of your country. Longson was the most important military site in north border and gateway to hanoi. except some moutains near chinese border, north viet is basically red river plain. Longson was only among several sites china secure. USSR-Vietnam Alliance? LOL! did russia attacked china when vietnam had problem? they don't have the gut to do anything. you little friend russia is now in the same level with mexio.

Learn about the Iraq war before you sprout your non-sense. Iraqi Airforce did not have any 4th Gen fighter to go up against 1500 U.S and Allies' 4th gen fighters. At best Iraq has a few disfunctional Mig29. The numerical superiority is way way bigger than the numerial superioty of China vs Vietnam. And all of the assets that you listed for China, the U.S have more than anything that you could think of to use against a country with nothing but a desert.Vietnam will give you a serious mauling to your airforce if you choose to launch an airwar against us even at the destruction of our Airforce and Air Defense.
it's not a big deal to admit your mistake. Mig29s are 4th gen fighter and they were functional. their pilots gained more experience pilots from iraq-iran war than vietmonkeys. They have awacs, mig 25,23, tu22, mirage f1. USAF in 1990 don't have AESA awacs, mature C4Isr system, large scale use of JDAM, which China have today.

Vietnam has about 1/10 4th Gen aircraft of China in which the numerical gap is much much smaller than Iraq vs the Coalition Force. You want to talk about disabling the S-300, in your dream, whatever claim makes you feel better about China. And good luck in hitting our mobile missile batteries and radar sites with ballistic and cruise missiles, even if you can spot them from satelitte among the desert......no I mean among the mountain and jungle terrain of Vietnam.

rant rant rant..... read my post carefully and learn modern warfare.without satellites, surveillance, ECM, AWACS aircrafts, the war uni-transparent to China. 95% of your aircraft will be destroyed on airfield before see PLAAF. serious mauling? the exchange rate will be 100:1. modern air warfare is system warfare not calvary duel, which is difficult for viet monkeys to understand. hide s300 in Jungle?....:rofl:... what a monkey mentality! a functional battery of S300 have 12 launchers and radar vehicles. they occupy a large open land area to operate. which is a bright spot on satellite. you got only two of them and have them weathered in jungle. what a pity:cry:

And how many of your SU27/30, J-10,J-11 you can afford to mobilize to go against the air defense of Vietnam considering you have a ton of enemies that are armed to their teeth living around you.:wave:
we can roll out as many aircraft as we want, our one year's military budget, which acount for 1.4% of china's GDP, is equivalent to 2000 4 gen fighters. no body dare to invade china even if we mobilize all our aircrafts.

tired of teaching stubborn kids. trust me i bear no grudge upon Vietnamese. i believe they will act positive under the influence sphere of china despite they pee on the rug occasionally.
1 you have a deplorable lack of the history and geography of your country. Longson was the most important military site in north border and gateway to hanoi. except some moutains near chinese border, north viet is basically red river plain. Longson was only among several sites china secure. USSR-Vietnam Alliance? LOL! did russia attacked china when vietnam had problem? they don't have the gut to do anything. you little friend russia is now in the same level with mexio.

it's not a big deal to admit your mistake. Mig29s are 4th gen fighter and they were functional. their pilots gained more experience pilots from iraq-iran war than vietmonkeys. They have awacs, mig 25,23, tu22, mirage f1. USAF in 1990 don't have AESA awacs, mature C4Isr system, large scale use of JDAM, which China have today.

rant rant rant..... read my post carefully and learn modern warfare.without satellites, surveillance, ECM, AWACS aircrafts, the war uni-transparent to China. 95% of your aircraft will be destroyed on airfield before see PLAAF. serious mauling? the exchange rate will be 100:1. modern air warfare is system warfare not calvary duel, which is difficult for viet monkeys to understand. hide s300 in Jungle?....:rofl:... what a monkey mentality! a functional battery of S300 have 12 launchers and radar vehicles. they occupy a large open land area to operate. which is a bright spot on satellite. you got only two of them and have them weathered in jungle. what a pity:cry:

we can roll out as many aircraft as we want, our one year's military budget, which acount for 1.4% of china's GDP, is equivalent to 2000 4 gen fighters. no body dare to invade china even if we mobilize all our aircrafts.

tired of teaching stubborn kids. trust me i bear no grudge upon Vietnamese. i believe they will act positive under the influence sphere of china despite they pee on the rug occasionally.
"vietmonkeys" ? I guess I hit your nerves twice for you to lose your kool heh:lol: Racial slur is the only thing that you Chinese can come up when your China strong military got debunked. How pity can you get you got humiliated by a bunch of "monkeys" both politically and military in 1979

I stand by what I said earlier, China will never be able to gain air superiority over Vietnam in one month, let alone occupying in less than a month based on the numerical gap between China vs Vietnam, based on the rugged terrain of Vietnam, based on the nature of the Iraqi war when the allies outnumbered the Iraqi 1500 to 0 in term of 4th gen aircrafts, based on the flat terrain of Iraq that offer no natural barrier to conceal anything. Your ballistic and cruise missiles offer nothing other than hitting our fixed civilian targets (if your satellite can even spot them) while our aircrafts can take off at anywhere since our airfields are plenty all over the country.

An air war against Vietnam will be a very costly for China buddy, an exchange of one Vietnamese 4th gen aircraft for 5 Chinese 4th gen aircraft against our defense network is a very realistic case. Vietnam's goal is to make China look mediocre:P
"vietmonkeys" ? I guess I hit your nerves twice for you to lose your kool heh:lol: Racial slur is the only thing that you Chinese can come up when your China strong military got debunked. How pity can you get you got humiliated by a bunch of "monkeys" both politically and military in 1979

I stand by what I said earlier, China will never be able to gain air superiority over Vietnam in one month, let alone occupying in less than a month based on the numerical gap between China vs Vietnam, based on the rugged terrain of Vietnam, based on the nature of the Iraqi war when the allies outnumbered the Iraqi 1500 to 0 in term of 4th gen aircrafts, based on the flat terrain of Iraq that offer no natural barrier to conceal anything. Your ballistic and cruise missiles offer nothing other than hitting our fixed civilian targets (if your satellite can even spot them) while our aircrafts can take off at anywhere since our airfields are plenty all over the country.

An air war against Vietnam will be a very costly for China buddy, an exchange of one Vietnamese 4th gen aircraft for 5 Chinese 4th gen aircraft against our defense network is a very realistic case. Vietnam's goal is to make China look mediocre:P

well i definitely cannot compell you to think in human's way. thanks for you to debunk mig29 is not 4gen aircraft, chinese and ballistic cruise missiles only hit civilian target, chinese awacs, ECM, strategic bomber are useless, S300 have jungle ambush, one S300 missile can down two chinese fighters, and vietnam humiliated china, blahblahblah. i think you are overmodest to say 4 monkey planes can only took 5 chinese plane.
"vietmonkeys" ? I guess I hit your nerves twice for you to lose your kool heh:lol: Racial slur is the only thing that you Chinese can come up when your China strong military got debunked. How pity can you get you got humiliated by a bunch of "monkeys" both politically and military in 1979

I stand by what I said earlier, China will never be able to gain air superiority over Vietnam in one month, let alone occupying in less than a month based on the numerical gap between China vs Vietnam, based on the rugged terrain of Vietnam, based on the nature of the Iraqi war when the allies outnumbered the Iraqi 1500 to 0 in term of 4th gen aircrafts, based on the flat terrain of Iraq that offer no natural barrier to conceal anything. Your ballistic and cruise missiles offer nothing other than hitting our fixed civilian targets (if your satellite can even spot them) while our aircrafts can take off at anywhere since our airfields are plenty all over the country.

An air war against Vietnam will be a very costly for China buddy, an exchange of one Vietnamese 4th gen aircraft for 5 Chinese 4th gen aircraft against our defense network is a very realistic case. Vietnam's goal is to make China look mediocre:P

Pure rants, long par, no substance within, wild imagination, dreaming of many other so-called allies will come to your rescue if like in reality you have any.( actually, you sounds more like an Indian than a viet)
I still recalled a shameless country use to claim to be the third most powerful military in the world, in fact she can't even feed her people right, people die of starving on a daily basis.:lol:
Any sane person could easily predict whats will be the outcome if a war between China and vietnam does happen: "Once upon a time, there use to be a country called vietnam":wave:
Now come back to earth like a normal human being for once please. Stop behave like you were in a video game.:azn:
PS, be grateful, we Hongkongers spent US150million to save your homeless, helpless countrymen, personally, should just leave those ungrateful species sink to the ocean floor for good.:tup:
If the Chinese think they can actually invade Vietnam and succeed, they are kidding themselves.

The Vietnamese are historical masters of guerilla warfare. Even the Americans with such a large arsenal of advanced war machines and weapons failed to subdue Vietnam - miserably.

What does China have today that America didn't have in the 70s? If China tries invading Vietnam today it will just get another bloody nose.
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