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Vietnam launches largest ever built oil rig

You do not get it .

Oil rig is high end manufacturing which requires very mature industrial sys .

You can not find a country which is capable to build oil rig without importing key components when it needs to import destroyer or jets .

It's ridiculous to ask the guy to back its claim that viet imports components .

Even Korea also needs to buy components. Let alone Viet.
I was asking the poster to back his claim "most" components are imported. I am not saying we import none. Learn to read Mr Sun.

Vietnam can build the World BIGGEST OIL-RIG for all it matters but does it have the DEEP SEA drilling technology to penetrate the earth crust below.

The answer is NO!
Lol do you think we use oil rigs to do fishing if not drilling for oil if not drilling deep into the earth?
back your claim with sources!
It's basic knowledge, genius. No company would hand out the blue print of the major component and teach the licensee how to fabricate it; that's like the licensor digging their own grave. Learn what the word "local content" and "local component" is.

According to your own vc media, local content is the proportion of the cost of building the rig that is contributed by vn. In this case, vn counted the cost of labor hours, cost of planning, depreciation cost of building the factory and importing the equipment, cost of local raw materials, cost of license fee etc and those b.s cost totaled to be 40% of the price of the rig. However, the actual "components" being manufactured by local viet companies is less than 5% as a whole of the rig's components. You can dig the viet articles that mention about this rig's local component; I'm too lazy to look.

The only thing that is good coming out of this rig is vn being able to reduce the price of the rig. In term of industrial capabilities; it is next to nothing. Stop living in a fantasy. Vietnam is far away from being able to produce an oil rig...I mean extremely far away.
I was asking the poster to back his claim "most" components are imported. I am not saying we import none. Learn to read Mr Sun.

Lol do you think we use oil rigs to do fishing if not drilling for oil if not drilling deep into the earth?
Okay . Let's make it clear.

Viet's most job is to supply enough cheap labor and low price steel.

All the other key components or critical systems which are high tech products need to be imported . Such as electrical control system,propelling system, shafting.

I am not so much trolling you here as making a statement of fact base on your industrial base.

If you don't agree me , just name the key components which you did not import and I will eat my words.
Okay . Let's make it clear.

Viet's most job is to supply enough cheap labor and low price steel.

All the other key components or critical systems which are high tech products need to be imported . Such as electrical control system,propelling system, shafting.

I am not so much trolling you here as making a statement of fact base on your industrial base.

If you don't agree me , just name the key components which you did not import and I will eat my words.
You failed to follow some basic rules of human communication. If you make a statement anyone else is entitled to ask you for reason why you do it. Not the other way around, you ask other people who are asking to prove what you say is not true.

You say Vietnam only does cheap labor and cheap steel, then it is ok if I ask you: hey Mr Sun back up your statement with facts. It is rediculous to demand it is my obligation to prove it is not true with facts.

If I say the Moon is in reality a big cheese. Other people are allowed to ask me can I prove it?

I say you are an idiot. If you ask me why, then I will answer: read my response to you in this thread. It is really funny, if I ask you: Mr Sun, can you prove you are not an idiot.

Got it?

It's basic knowledge, genius. No company would hand out the blue print of the major component and teach the licensee how to fabricate it; that's like the licensor digging their own grave. Learn what the word "local content" and "local component" is.

According to your own vc media, local content is the proportion of the cost of building the rig that is contributed by vn. In this case, vn counted the cost of labor hours, cost of planning, depreciation cost of building the factory and importing the equipment, cost of local raw materials, cost of license fee etc and those b.s cost totaled to be 40% of the price of the rig. However, the actual "components" being manufactured by local viet companies is less than 5% as a whole of the rig's components. You can dig the viet articles that mention about this rig's local component; I'm too lazy to look.

The only thing that is good coming out of this rig is vn being able to reduce the price of the rig. In term of industrial capabilities; it is next to nothing. Stop living in a fantasy. Vietnam is far away from being able to produce an oil rig...I mean extremely far away.
so Mr com hater, can you tell me how many countries in the world can assemble oil rigs, given everyone can buy the design and import every component it needs?
China can reduce Vietnam's eez to 1/3 or 1/2 of what Vietnam is currently having by banning vit konk's fishermen from venturing anywhere beyond 50 miles from the coast. However, in term of oil

And the U.S Senate told China to withdraw the rig on July 10th, China complied on July 16th:enjoy:

In term of oil and gas, china does not have the power to remove Exxon Mobil from drilling for gas within the 9 dashed line.
Is it? The US commands and we listen? This only happens to small countries not us. The US also commanded us to leave the Spratly's, I believe we are still there.
You failed to follow some basic rules of human communication. If you make a statement anyone else is entitled to ask you for reason why you do it. Not the other way around, you ask other people who are asking to prove what you say is not true.

You say Vietnam only does cheap labor and cheap steel, then it is ok if I ask you: hey Mr Sun back up your statement with facts. It is rediculous to demand it is my obligation to prove it is not true with facts.

If I say the Moon is in reality a big cheese. Other people are allowed to ask me can I prove it?

I say you are an idiot. If you ask me why, then I will answer: read my response to you in this thread. It is really funny, if I ask you: Mr Sun, can you prove you are not an idiot.

Got it?

so Mr com hater, can you tell me how many countries in the world can assemble oil rigs, given everyone can buy the design and import every component it needs?

As it is a mark of great minds to say a lot of things in a few words , so it is a mark of little minds to use a lot of words to say nothing.

I make specific examples like electrical control systems and shafting .You talk nothing but sophistry.

Viet is a poor developing country with very weak industrial base which is not capable to produce any high tech systems or components used on oil rig.

It is commonsense but too hard for you to swallow the true fact.
Please stop trolling and speak to each other in a decent manner.

despite your intervention, Chinese posters continue with provocations. can you stop them please before I feel provoked and post some ugly remarks towards the clowns and Chinese in general?

You to troll one more time and you will be banned.
Nice artificial reef you're building there.
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