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Vietnam, India Join to Face China

Will be make China richer and richer! After we occupy Vietnam, we can use cheap labor and natural resources from Vietnam to supply our economy. Cheap labor from Vietnam can run our economy for 50 years before it runs out.

LOL....... real brothers.......... watch out Vietnam the indians will put you in jail for seven years for eating a bowl of pho. Watch out india Vietnamese like to help their "internationale" communist brothers like Maoists.

I don't know really much about India but Vietnam already prepared things are worst could be happends. I really want to see China starting war with Vietnam.

We have nothing to loose but will have alot thing to gain for our futures, at least we could make you split by pieces when war with China. Later on, Vietnam will have no more threaten by Big China caused China is poor and split up by pieces.

You may not to believe it because you are young, but Hu Jin Tao is old enough to understand about it. That's why China keep useing her BIG as issued alot of warns to the other countries.
Very good point "VN-India already poor, people did not get respected from both countries." Now indian members here please listen to your allies vietnam, what he is saying is india is very poor and no one respect india and this confirmed what i been telling india members here , no one in east asia think much of india. you heard it right from the horse mouth.

and this is from people of a poor country , now then indian members do i have to tell you what people of japn and S korea think of you guys?

Vietnam and India are poor we admit that and I don't think that would be bad. The bad things are, if you are thief and has not gut to admit what you've done.

Vietnam and India will be friends, Myanma will do the same what Vietnam did. Why India, Myanma, Vietnam turns they backs on you "NICE" China?

You have to check your China first before you start laughing. I think that the best way you should be done.
Vietnam and India are poor we admit that and I don't think that would be bad. The bad things are, if you are thief and has not gut to admit what you've done.

Vietnam and India will be friends, Myanma will do the same what Vietnam did. Why India, Myanma, Vietnam turns they backs on you "NICE" China?

You have to check your China first before you start laughing. I think that the best way you should be done.

Myanmar will still rely on China. we trade provide them with Military aid etc etc, if India and Vietnam want to be friend no problem with that. yes we provided you tons of weapons during the war with America including a few thousand troops. if Vietnam Wants to be friends with India no problem .
Myanmar will still rely on China. we trade provide them with Military aid etc etc, if India and Vietnam want to be friend no problem with that. yes we provided you tons of weapons during the war with America including a few thousand troops. if Vietnam Wants to be friends with India no problem .

Vietnam and India will always be true friend due to problems we having deal with Big bully China. Like I said, "it is good be throwing out the old one and more chances to get a new one".

Especially, we did not have any modern cities like China right now, it's will be easy to suffer bomb from China than what China cities has right now.

More than that, US will has more chance to supplies weapons to Vietnam, cause once China split the old government gone all debt from US signed with old China gov will be gone with the wind. That's how US so-called "win-win". (Get rid of China and debt)
Vietnam and India will always be true friend due to problems we having deal with Big bully China. Like I said, "it is good be throwing out the old one and more chances to get a new one".

Especially, we did not have any modern cities like China right now, it's will be easy to suffer bomb from China than what China cities has right now.

More than that, US will has more chance to supplies weapons to Vietnam, cause once China split the old government gone all debt from US signed with old China gov will be gone with the wind. That's how US so-called "win-win". (Get rid of China and debt)

What war are you talking about ? Vietnam bombs one of our cities ? if Vietnam bombs our one of our cities not even India or USA will save you. on the other hand there will be no war. We won't be going anywhere and we have no intentions for any wars at the moment however it's always fun to scare Vietnam once in a while.
If the maps are correct China's claim is ridiculous. The CCP is needlessly making its potential enemies in the region come toegther against it when it starts acting aggressively and throws it weight around. If China doesn't want an alliance formed against it maybe it should leave its neighbors in peace.
I think India is simply trying to counter the string of pearls strategy by China, it's smart on their part and very Chankya of them to partner up with Vietnam. Vietnam giving Indian Navy access to its waters and a presence in the SCS, very interesting dynamic. Though Ind cannot challenge the Chinese PLAN in SCS military so the Indian presence is only there to serve agitation and possibly monitoring not to militarily contest.
I think India is simply trying to counter the string of pearls strategy by China, it's smart on their part and very Chankya of them to partner up with Vietnam. Vietnam giving Indian Navy access to its waters and a presence in the SCS, very interesting dynamic. Though Ind cannot challenge the Chinese PLAN in SCS military so the Indian presence is only there to serve agitation and possibly monitoring not to militarily contest.

u forgot usa, japan, south korea all ganging up....china made a terrible mistake if it thought it can intimidate its neighbours through its military might...bad fof it...all the nations are ganging up on the dragon....
Okay but what is the Vietnamese Navy, Philippines, South Korean Navy going to do to China? Without strong and I mean strong US military backing these countries wouldn't dare initiate or get aggressive with China. The truth is China can exert its military power in the region, and any resistance China can crush. This is a new China.
who said without usa....usa will be an active participant in the region...and usa has more stake in uniting the opposition to chinese hegemony than anybody else...china is not old china...so are others....everyone surrounding china bar pakistan are becoming - japan, sk, vietnam, philipines, myanmar, india are becoming increasingly wary of china and china has only herslef to blame for that...if she thought she could intimidate the others by threatening them, she was sadly mistaken and that is now backfiring on her...

the usa was slowly being pushed out of east asia some years before but due to chinese juvenile bullying they have once again cemented their place in asia....
Okay but what is the Vietnamese Navy, Philippines, South Korean Navy going to do to China? Without strong and I mean strong US military backing these countries wouldn't dare initiate or get aggressive with China. The truth is China can exert its military power in the region, and any resistance China can crush. This is a new China.

Enemies are enemies even they are small... And about your point every nation in south China sea providing their base to USA and China dnt dare to attack any one now.
Vietnam and India are poor we admit that and I don't think that would be bad. The bad things are, if you are thief and has not gut to admit what you've done.

Vietnam and India will be friends, Myanma will do the same what Vietnam did. Why India, Myanma, Vietnam turns they backs on you "NICE" China?

You have to check your China first before you start laughing. I think that the best way you should be done.

Are you a spoke person for indians here? are they agreed what you were saying they are poor and no one respect them?
Enemies are enemies even they are small... And about your point every nation in south China sea providing their base to USA and China dnt dare to attack any one now.

Which countries ? Malaysia and Brunei are the two most pro china countries they haven't provided bases to the USA ? we feel ok wth Taipei getting more islands over Vietnam and the Philippians, Vietnam and the Philippians are no threat to us.
Which countries ? Malaysia and Brunei are the two most pro china countries they haven't provided bases to the USA ? we feel ok wth Taipei getting more islands over Vietnam and the Philippians, Vietnam and the Philippians are no threat to us.

With Japan, Taiwan and South Korea, USA has strong presence their and Vietnam and Philippians are on the same path.
With Japan, Taiwan and South Korea, USA has strong presence their and Vietnam and Philippians are on the same path.

Taipei( Taiwan) is coming back to reunification USA supports the one china policy, Japan is stagnating nature is taking care of them. + they need our help on the Korea issue the same can be said for South Korea it needs us on the North Korea, they had the USA help yet cannot solve the Korea issue without us.
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