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Vietnam, India Join to Face China

You Indians are best to use fictive & imaginative example as reference to divert the Indian-China issue: using such Japanese is not going to help your Indian's cause, you guys still got own by us, the 1962's humiliation still mark in your indian blood.

Yes..sure go ahead and invente another event such Chola incident to fictively boost your moral...way to go byddy.:lol:

When you guys are censored to know about Chinese Winning Nobel Prize, Banqiao Dam Disaster was hidden for 30 yrs, I can't blame you for being Shielded from censored News.

---------- Post added at 01:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:48 AM ----------

Not to worry we are here to help our ally if India jumps against china then its necessory for pakistan to free india :lol:.
VN is not our enemy but if it joins India then it will be defecto enemy ofc.


Gosh!!! Higher than Mount Everest Friendship. :lol: :lol:
When you guys are censored to know about Chinese Winning Nobel Prize, Banqiao Dam Disaster was hidden for 30 yrs, I can't blame you for being Shielded from censored News.

Your ignorant is really amaze me...am I really living in China ask yourself this question?? LMAO...
Your ignorant is really amaze me...am I really living in China ask yourself this question?? LMAO...

Let me tell you one thing. I have met and talked to many Chinese in India and all of them told me so many things. We have a phrase in Hindi,"An elephant has different teeth to eat and different teeth(tusk) to show" and that is very much applicable about China.
I usually had very positive views about Chinese as I found them good people but my all perception changed when I came to this forum.
someone help these chinis open their eyes ( no pun intended). they keep threatening us .They are increasingly resembling germany of pre world war 2 days . Barking dogs seldom bite .
someone help these chinis open their eyes ( no pun intended). they keep threatening us .They are increasingly resembling germany of pre world war 2 days . Barking dogs seldom bite .

Exactly what delusional india were thinking in 1962 and got savagely attacked
someone help these chinis open their eyes ( no pun intended). they keep threatening us .They are increasingly resembling germany of pre world war 2 days . Barking dogs seldom bite .

Yea we Pakistanis learned that from Indians who keep telling/blaming us for terrorist attacks in India but when push comes to shove they do nothing lol
Let me tell you one thing. I have met and talked to many Chinese in India and all of them told me so many things. We have a phrase in Hindi,"An elephant has different teeth to eat and different teeth(tusk) to show" and that is very much applicable about China.
I usually had very positive views about Chinese as I found them good people but my all perception changed when I came to this forum.

Who care what you think, just tell your government and media dont insult china by putting china together with india in every comparision article, and dont ask for loans from china, dont buy chinese goods dont send crooked traders to china.
Who care what you think, just tell your government and media dont insult china by putting china together with india in every comparision article, and dont ask for loans from china, dont buy chinese goods dont send crooked traders to china.

We will stop that when you will stop arming our enemies, stop annoying us by Stapled Visa Row and Vetoing banning of anti-India militant organisation and stopping interference in Gilgit-Baltistan because you too expect us not to interfere in your disputed territory (which you guys will never do. :lol:)
And you guys really thinks Indians can't be trusted then why Wen Jiabao came to India with Huge delegation of hundreds of businessmen only to talk about business and planning to invest billions of dollar in India to make more money. :girl_wacko:

And if you really don't care what we Indian thinks so why commenting about our media. :rofl: What about attitude of your own media "India is envy of China", "China should disintegrate India into 19 countries" and list goes on. :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah:
Yea we Pakistanis learned that from Indians who keep telling/blaming us for terrorist attacks in India but when push comes to shove they do nothing lol

Yes , only because of your nukes. Thank Papa-China for that .

Other than that , the way your country is going we never felt any need to do anything . keep killing each other . we would rather just sit and watch .:pop: Other than that the loss of face in front of the world when you had to admit that kasab was a pakistani was priceless .:D you can ofcourse remain in denial.
Not to worry we are here to help our ally if India jumps against china then its necessory for pakistan to free india :lol:.
VN is not our enemy but if it joins India then it will be defecto enemy ofc.


What do you plan on doing 'anonymous poster on the internet'? Order your navy to the South of China sea? Swim there with an AK and start shooting at VN/IN vessels?

Sloganeering is cool an' all but give it a rest will ya'.
Not to worry we are here to help our ally if India jumps against china then its necessory for pakistan to free india :lol:.
VN is not our enemy but if it joins India then it will be defecto enemy ofc.


Yu mad bro ?
50 years .half a century . Try again please .:lol:

Wake up to reality dude we Still whack you left right and centre , our economy 6x yours our fx 10 yours our space program 25 years ahead our infrastructure 25 years ahead our millitary 20 years ahead ect ect ....dreams and reality is completely different mate wake up.
Wake up to reality dude we Still whack you left right and centre , our economy 6x yours our fx 10 yours our space program 25 years ahead our infrastructure 25 years ahead our millitary 20 years ahead ect ect ....dreams and reality is completely different mate wake up.

good for you. how long do you think such a gap going to last? 50 years?
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