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Vietnam, India Join to Face China

India economy is in big trouble at the moment, they are more than ever before rely on trade with china to grow their economy ,they couldnt afford to irritate china that s why GOI backed down on the visa issue recently.

Same apply for you too guys. Right now your export sector is in huge crisis and you really don't want to disturb your future trade target of $100 billion, plus the billions dollar investment you guys are doing in India. Please stop arming Pakistan against India and stop interfering in Gilgit-Baltistan and stop bullshit of stapled visa to make Pakistanis happy.
We donot have any influence on our immediate neighour like BD/Nepal/Myanmar...So why are we really thinking that Vietnam and India will really influence anything at the ground level wrt to China?
First of all you seriously under-estimate the diplomatic powers of India.
Regarding Influence on neighbors, We have a very sound influence on Bangladesh. And regarding Nepal, we even induct them in our armed forces. When time comes we can show our influence. ;)

Regarding Myanmar, India enjoys a very good relations with them. Suu Kyi last time urged India to help them in their next elections!!! What more do you want? You cannot expect India to have "client states" as India still is not in that position.

Even in case Vietnam offers some platform to India...Can India able to sustain it? I really doubt....So i feel these India Vietnam talk is good at very much strategic level but it may not have any impact in ground....Vietnam and India are just trying to use each other as a bargaining chip against China..But at one on one level both Vietnam and India will try to have a good relation or accomodate China's intrest...
If the relationship between India and Vietnam is jut limited to strategic level, then why the heck would they be offering a naval port? You know what a naval port is? India will be having her military assets in Vietnam!! If what you said is true i.e., the bold part, we would not be selling them our potent strike weapon rite. That's not called as a strategic relationship!! Anyways, this is just the beginning. Atleast now china must realize it's failing foreign policy and start building new and prosperous ties with it's neighbours!
Sorry mate...Please dont take me wrong...I always appriciate the strength of Vietnam and i hope you become stronger...But my issue is with my own GOV and in particular the existing political set up in my country....Problem is that to cover up their own shortcomings, they just try to blame on others.....
No one is a gentleman here...China wants to expand its influence..And india too...But my concern is that when Sri Lanka gave that oppertunity then these idiotic congress Gov in India can not capitalize...And then Sri lanka offered it to China...I dont find anything wrong in it..

Simillarly my hope and wish is that India should not make same mistake with Vietnam as they have done with Sri lanka...If GOI has any commitment with Vietam then GOI should access their capacity and then provide commitment to Vietnam ...otherwise it will be just another pep talk only...

Yes and the most likely outcome is talk talk and more talk only
Same apply for you too guys. Right now your export sector is in huge crisis and you really don't want to disturb your future trade target of $100 billion, plus the billions dollar investment you guys are doing in India. Please stop arming Pakistan against India and stop interfering in Gilgit-Baltistan and stop bullshit of stapled visa to make Pakistanis happy.

$100 billion is alot for india but not for china , so is it more important to india than to china .Usa been arming Pakistan for ages you dont seem to have issue with it why?
Sorry mate...Please dont take me wrong...I always appriciate the strength of Vietnam and i hope you become stronger...But my issue is with my own GOV and in particular the existing political set up in my country....Problem is that to cover up their own shortcomings, they just try to blame on others.....
No one is a gentleman here...China wants to expand its influence..And india too...But my concern is that when Sri Lanka gave that oppertunity then these idiotic congress Gov in India can not capitalize...And then Sri lanka offered it to China...I dont find anything wrong in it..

Simillarly my hope and wish is that India should not make same mistake with Vietnam as they have done with Sri lanka...If GOI has any commitment with Vietam then GOI should access their capacity and then provide commitment to Vietnam ...otherwise it will be just another pep talk only...
Maybe India will need a huge finacial to keep you influent in Srilanka and your leader think it's too costly, but in VietNam, you only need to drill oil and then sell it for money , it's much easier for you invest in VN

But China seem don't like that, so she may make more trouble to you on the India-China border , so, stay strong , brother :)
One Question !! Is it not Right of India to Explore for Oil in South China Sea when China is Doing same In Indian ocean region ? Both of this Being International water According to Law

Is Chinese Stand on South China sea , Claiming whole South China sea and Objecting to Navigation through this area Legitimate ?

I Would Like to have Somebozo's take on my Post No 12
See the Chinese, how they are harassing their neighbors, I sound stupidity when they claim whole sea upto coast of Borneo Island. If any Malaysia, Philipino go for swimming in the sea he will enter so called Chinese Territory.


Is it for real?! I mean does China really claim the region with the red dotted lines as China's zone of influence? If so then it is half way to the Monroe Doctrine! And like the Monroe Doctrine it sounds imperialistic to me!
$100 billion is alot for india but not for china , so is it more important to india than to china .Usa been arming Pakistan for ages you dont seem to have issue with it why?

Right now out of 60 Billion trade you guys are exporting 40 Billion to India, when it will get to 100 billion by 2015 it may be 65 Billion export, in that case you guys only be the losers. And USA armed Pakistan and we raised objections about that. It was China only which didn't let UNSC to ban Jamaat Ul Dawah to please Pakistan. You guys conspire lots against India.

---------- Post added at 12:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:32 AM ----------

Is it for real?! I mean does China really claim the region with the red dotted lines as China's zone of influence? If so then it is half way to the Monroe Doctrine! And like the Monroe Doctrine it sounds imperialistic to me!

Even I went crazy, when I saw this map for the first time. :cheesy:
The Vietnam and Philippines claim on SCS are pretty disproportionately off their coast as well.
vietnam doesn't need india or anyone . They took care of China in 1979 .No worries there .

But yes Indo-vietnamese cooperation is always welcome and so is Indian co-operation with myanmar , japan , south korea, phillipines , indonesia , taiwan, australia . It was inevitable .
Maybe India will need a huge finacial to keep you influent in Srilanka and your leader think it's too costly, but in VietNam, you only need to drill oil and then sell it for money , it's much easier for you invest in VN

But China seem don't like that, so she may make more trouble to you on the India-China border , so, stay strong , brother :)

Yes, we know them we are doing huge trade with buy we don't trust them. For them only we we conducted nuclear Tests in 1974, for them only we are developing 5000km range missiles and now we have more money to spend on infrastructure projects in Himalayas due to our economic boom , they can noway harm us anymore.
Right now out of 60 Billion trade you guys are exporting 40 Billion to India, when it will get to 100 billion by 2015 it may be 65 Billion export, in that case you guys only be the losers. And USA armed Pakistan and we raised objections about that. It was China only which didn't let UNSC to ban Jamaat Ul Dawah to please Pakistan. You guys conspire lots against India.

---------- Post added at 12:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:32 AM ----------

Even I went crazy, when I saw this map for the first time. :cheesy:

consider youself lucky we not housing the group just like you do with the tibetan terrorists in your country.
LOL more funny you dont seem to have problem britian claiming falkland island funny post

Both Argentina and Falkland Island are colonised land by Spaniards and British and Falkland Island is inhabited Island.

But it really made me crazy when I first saw picture of China's claim over South China sea. :lol: All the people in the region are original inhabitants of their respective country.
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