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Vietnam, India Join to Face China

See the Chinese, how they are harassing their neighbors, I sound stupidity when they claim whole sea upto coast of Borneo Island. If any Malaysia, Philipino go for swimming in the sea he will enter so called Chinese Territory.


and now take a look at claims from everyone else,


China - red line
Vietnam - yellow line
Philippines - blue line
Malaysia - magenta line
Brunei - green line
spratly island - turquoise line

china's claim may overlap the rest, but so does vietnam's claims. malaysia's claims almost overlaps the entire brunei's claim.
TBH, I think everyone's claims are ridiculous... but Brunei and China take the cake. :lol:

what about vietnams? their claim overlaps the rest too, just like china. china's claim looks more exaggerated because they connected the line to the country, if we were to connect vietnams claim to their country it would look almost just as large china's.
Wake up to reality dude we Still whack you left right and centre , our economy 6x yours our fx 10 yours our space program 25 years ahead our infrastructure 25 years ahead our millitary 20 years ahead ect ect ....dreams and reality is completely different mate wake up.

same answer. If you are so confident then try it please .:coffee:
what about vietnams? their claim overlaps the rest too, just like china. china's claim looks more exaggerated because they connected the line to the country, if we were to connect vietnams claim to their country it would look almost just as large china's.

You are misrepresenting other's case. Any way you are indeed claiming whole of the sea. so, your reason that others are claiming more isn't really a defense.
"Sometimes, thowing out the old one and there may a chance to get a new one"

It is realy bad if a rich country's to become poor contry. VN-India already poor, people did not get respected from both countries. If war started, that could be best for both countries (VN-India)

I don't think China will takes risk to make war with VN&India caused China will be Richer to become Poorest.
"Sometimes, thowing out the old one and there may a chance to get a new one"

It is realy bad if a rich country's to become poor contry. VN-India already poor, people did not get respected from both countries. If war started, that could be best for both countries (VN-India)

I don't think China will takes risk to make war with VN&India caused China will be Richer to become Poorest.

Very good point "VN-India already poor, people did not get respected from both countries." Now indian members here please listen to your allies vietnam, what he is saying is india is very poor and no one respect india and this confirmed what i been telling india members here , no one in east asia think much of india. you heard it right from the horse mouth.

and this is from people of a poor country , now then indian members do i have to tell you what people of japn and S korea think of you guys?
chinese crap cant reach delhi:rofl:
i think your j-10's are also made in fake store:rofl: like fake apple stores:rofl:

you seem to be rolling around on the floor alot. think you might need to see a doctor.

that's a sign of drinking fake alcohol.
"Sometimes, thowing out the old one and there may a chance to get a new one"

It is realy bad if a rich country's to become poor contry. VN-India already poor, people did not get respected from both countries. If war started, that could be best for both countries (VN-India)

I don't think China will takes risk to make war with VN&India caused China will be Richer to become Poorest.
Will be make China richer and richer! After we occupy Vietnam, we can use cheap labor and natural resources from Vietnam to supply our economy. Cheap labor from Vietnam can run our economy for 50 years before it runs out.

Vname and India are real brothers...Indeed.:lol:...such as Indi Vietnami bhai bhai
LOL....... real brothers.......... watch out Vietnam the indians will put you in jail for seven years for eating a bowl of pho. Watch out india Vietnamese like to help their "internationale" communist brothers like Maoists.
Either you or other Chinese, please answer me: Do you really claim the region as in the red-dotted-lines in a map above? I am not taking any sides just want to understand the Chinese POV.
China's official position is that every land feature (including proper islands, reefs, etc.) within the 9 section line belongs to China, and by implication any EEZ that goes along with those land features.

Historically, the whole South China Sea was dominated by China, as the primary maritime power of East Asia, in the same way the USA today dominates the Carribean Sea. All the Spratly Islands were used for centuries by Chinese fisherman as way-stations on fishing voyages. The islands appear on ancient Chinese maps and ancient Chinese porceline have been found on the islands.

After WW2, China took control of the South China Sea by stationing troops on Taiping Island, the largest island in Spratlys and declared the 9 sectioned line. Nobody protested China's claim to Spratly Islands for 20 years until the 1970's, when oil was discovered offshore. Then Vietnam and Philippines both started occupying China's islands despite our protests. We fought some skirmishes with Vietnam, notably in 1988, but the situation overall remains a stalemate today.
As US power declines along with its role as Asia's peacemaker and tensions rise...

I kinda stopped reading after that :lol:

But understandable why they would want to be allies ;)
and now take a look at claims from everyone else,


China - red line
Vietnam - yellow line
Philippines - blue line
Malaysia - magenta line
Brunei - green line
spratly island - turquoise line

china's claim may overlap the rest, but so does vietnam's claims. malaysia's claims almost overlaps the entire brunei's claim.
Butters said:
TBH, I think everyone's claims are ridiculous... but Brunei and China take the cake.
We have historical evidence to support our claim , China and another don't have.

China emperor of Quing dynasty also said those islands belong to VietNam, that why China map in Quing dynasty didn't have those islands]

China don't have any chance to win in International course, that why they try to seek for billateral negotiation , but China's navy still weak , so if they don't return all to us, we will take it by forces.
SinoChallenger said:
Historically, the whole South China Sea was dominated by China, as the primary maritime power of East Asia, in the same way the USA today dominates the Carribean Sea. All the Spratly Islands were used for centuries by Chinese fisherman as way-stations on fishing voyages. The islands appear on ancient Chinese maps and ancient Chinese porceline have been found on the islands.
Then, show your evidence to International course , and don't forget that we have solid evidence to prove that Quing emperor said:" those islands belong to VN".:coffee:
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