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Vietnam, India Join to Face China

They can do the same which Iranian Navy will do when confronted with USN. Asymmetric (or maybe even conventional) means to attain Sea denial.

Why would they do that? Is their land sovereignty less important than their claims on the SCS? It is doubtful they would take the path.
Vietnam and India will always be true friend due to problems we having deal with Big bully China. Like I said, "it is good be throwing out the old one and more chances to get a new one".

Especially, we did not have any modern cities like China right now, it's will be easy to suffer bomb from China than what China cities has right now.

More than that, US will has more chance to supplies weapons to Vietnam, cause once China split the old government gone all debt from US signed with old China gov will be gone with the wind. That's how US so-called "win-win". (Get rid of China and debt)

If you bomb our cities, Vietnam will cease to exist. I am not threatening you. I am telling you a fact.
True, if Vietnam bombs or attacks a major Chinese city, Vietnam will become the largest naval base of the Chinese Navy.
the Filipinos we should enhance relations with them along with South Korea and Japan make as many naval bases if they want to come in our backyard lets go in their backyard....
I don't know really much about India but Vietnam already prepared things are worst could be happends. I really want to see China starting war with Vietnam.

We have nothing to loose but will have alot thing to gain for our futures, at least we could make you split by pieces when war with China. Later on, Vietnam will have no more threaten by Big China caused China is poor and split up by pieces.

You may not to believe it because you are young, but Hu Jin Tao is old enough to understand about it. That's why China keep useing her BIG as issued alot of warns to the other countries.

How you gonna split China by pieces? don't repeat your cluless robot dream...you don't know what you're talking about but we China can stop the Red river flow and 89 millions will suffer without fire a single bullet that's the reality...you just imagine like you have a supernatural power...keep dreaming.
See the Chinese, how they are harassing their neighbors, I sound stupidity when they claim whole sea upto coast of Borneo Island. If any Malaysia, Philipino go for swimming in the sea he will enter so called Chinese Territory.


Is it for real?! I mean does China really claim the region with the red dotted lines as China's zone of influence? If so then it is half way to the Monroe Doctrine! And like the Monroe Doctrine it sounds imperialistic to me!

Yes, we call it is "ox's tongue line" or "cow-tongue"
we don't against China, we also do not hate Chinese people, we just against "ox's tongue line" greed and absurd.

Yes, we call it is "ox's tongue line".
we don't against China, we also do not hate Chinese people, we just against "ox's tongue line" greed and absurd.


your picture look really funny, the Ox tongue look almost identical to the shape of Vietnam( in yellow) if you guys look closely, both tongue and vietname are blended to the right
India is a big friends of us for years ago. Now we have strategic partnerships. :cheers:

Pakistan is a good friend of us, too. Both India and Pakistan had supported us in the most difficult years, when we have to fight for national liberation in many years ago. :tup:

The cooperation between India and Vietnam in the interests of each country, not against China. :no:
But the cooperation against "ox's tongue line" greed and absurd.
India is a big friends of us for years ago. Now we have strategic partnerships. :cheers:

Pakistan is a good friend of us, too. Both India and Pakistan had supported us in the most difficult years, when we have to fight for national liberation in many years ago. :tup:

The cooperation between India and Vietnam in the interests of each country, not against China. :no:
But the cooperation against "ox's tongue line" greed and absurd.

you got me wrong...I meant Ox tongue is Vietnam...try to compare closely Ox tongue and Vietnam

You also see "ox's tongue line" is funny, right? it is not only funny but also unreasonable and unlawful. :lol::lol::lol:
You also see "ox's tongue line" is funny, right? it is not only funny but also unreasonable and unlawful. :lol::lol::lol:
Of course it is lawful because China makes the laws. Remember how you lost 100,000 civilians (plus additional military dead) in 1979?

Yes, we call it is "ox's tongue line" or "cow-tongue"
we don't against China, we also do not hate Chinese people, we just against "ox's tongue line" greed and absurd.

You choose the wrong ally to cut a cow's tongue with you! This cow commands indians to stop harming it. You'll have plenty of time to reflect on your wrongdoing in an indian prison, Vietnamese.
How you gonna split China by pieces? don't repeat your cluless robot dream...you don't know what you're talking about but we China can stop the Red river flow and 89 millions will suffer without fire a single bullet that's the reality...you just imagine like you have a supernatural power...keep dreaming.


We don't have to split your China in pieces but your China people will do once China has war with us and their [Tibet, Xinjiang, Manchuria, Taiwan etc] chances are coming. We could got badly damage but also we could make China badly wounded.
See the Chinese, how they are harassing their neighbors, I sound stupidity when they claim whole sea upto coast of Borneo Island. If any Malaysia, Philipino go for swimming in the sea he will enter so called Chinese Territory.


When your former colonial master British takes Argentina’s island 100 times farther from UK island, did you ever call British “harass”?

If not, why not?

Back to topic.

If Vietnam takes India as its partner, then VN is making a foolish mistake: India won’t stand up to China for VN, India even can afford to stand up to China for India self.
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