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Vietnam detains journalists, anti-China protesters


Sep 19, 2009
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Vietnam detains journalists, anti-China protesters
The Associated Press
Published: Sunday, Jul. 10, 2011 - 1:13 am
Last Modified: Sunday, Jul. 10, 2011 - 4:43 am
HANOI, Vietnam -- Security forces in Vietnam quashed an anti-China rally in the capital by detaining protesters along with journalists covering the event for foreign news agencies, including The Associated Press.

More than a dozen demonstrators who gathered near the Chinese Embassy in Hanoi were herded onto buses by police when they tried to assemble for the sixth straight Sunday to express outrage over an ongoing spat with China involving disputed territory in the South China Sea.

Associated Press Television News assistant Hau Dinh was filming the protest when he was also forced onto a bus with armed police. Two other Vietnamese journalists - a cameraman from Japanese public broadcaster NHK and a news assistant from Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun - were also detained, police said.

Dinh, the other journalists and the protesters - including a mother and her 5-year-old son - were released after being held and questioned for about three hours.

Demonstrations are rare in Vietnam, where the Communist government maintains tight controls, but Hanoi has permitted groups of up to about 200 protesters to gather for the past five weeks and march through the streets shouting anti-China messages. Journalists have been allowed to photograph and film the rallies despite a heavy security presence.

But officials from Vietnam and China met in Beijing two weeks ago and issued a joint statement saying they had agreed to negotiate to peacefully resolve the issue.

Vietnam claims Chinese boats hindered oil exploration activities within its exclusive economic zone, 200 nautical miles off the coast. China accuses Vietnam of endangering Chinese fishermen in a contested area near the resource-rich Spratly Islands, which are claimed in all or in part by both countries and several other Asian nations.

Read more: Vietnam detains journalists, anti-China protesters - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee

your vietnamese government is selling out your own people:lol:
I am awaiting Vietnam members's reply:bounce:

Dont understand your logic.

All police officers will break down protesters, to retain law and order within the country.

Just like when China has protests about freedom, just like England have anti-muslims/war protest, just like India has corruption protest.


I think the former South Vietnamese government had more balls than this. At least they never wavered on the issue of territorial integrity.
At least Vietcong does know the meaning of 唇亡齿寒. :coffee:

Maybe. We'll see once the next round of oil exploration starts again. I feel like the whole excerpt is just an attempt to distract their citizens from the 20% + inflation currently plaguing their country.
Anyone else noticed that the Vietnamese IDs all show up at around the same time? Suspicious, isn't it? Either you get a deluge of posts or none at all.
I am awaiting Vietnam members's reply:bounce:

China Gov. have to respect UNCLOS 1982, is signed by China, stop disturbing Vietnamese Fishermen, no more provocation in EEZ of Vietnam.
Two Govs have to sit down and find out resolution to matters related to both side (both side only, including Hoang SA), other than Truong Sa which related to many countries.
Dont understand your logic.

All police officers will break down protesters, to retain law and order within the country.

Just like when China has protests about freedom, just like England have anti-muslims/war protest, just like India has corruption protest.

No, the Chinese government tacitly encourages anti-Japanese protests. It keeps the attention away from other domestically-induced greviances. It's a communist trademark conduct. The fact that the Chinese communist party is not hesitant in directing domestic anger towards Japan evidences China's nonchalance towards its relationship with its island neighbour. In stark contrast, Vietnamese authorities are dispersing anti-Chinese protestors. This demonstrates their fear of a dismantling Sino-Viet relationship, which in reality matters more to Vietnam than China.
China Gov. have to respect UNCLOS 1982, is signed by China, stop disturbing Vietnamese Fishermen, no more provocation in EEZ of Vietnam.
Two Govs have to sit down and find out resolution to matters related to both side (both side only, including Hoang SA), other than Truong Sa which related to many countries.

I think he wanted to know what vietnamese think about Vietnam detain journalists and anti-China protesters not some well known old slogan.:azn:
No, the Chinese government tacitly encourages anti-Japanese protests. It keeps the attention away from other domestically-induced greviances. It's a communist trademark conduct. The fact that the Chinese communist party is not hesitant in directing domestic anger towards Japan evidences China's nonchalance towards its relationship with its island neighbour. In stark contrast, Vietnamese authorities are dispersing anti-Chinese protestors. This demonstrates their fear of a dismantling Sino-Viet relationship, which in reality matters more to Vietnam than China.

Says the guy who says he is worth more than 20 Chinese and 60 Indians.

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