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Nervous Hanoi dances around anti-China rally

it is a question of mentality. I don´t know much how the Turks think about the foreign invaders of your country. Turkey is a NATO member, and France, UK and Greece are NATO members, too. you rely on their protection. And as far as I know the Turkey or exactly the Osman empire was an invader, too, isn´t it?

Vietnam has a long memory. We don´t forget the past, but we are willing to forgive to those who seek peace and good relationship with us. As you are in Vietnam, I suggest you to visit the war museums, and ask the people who they think about the wars and their opinions about the French, Americans or Chinese.

LOL yes, you are right...I speak for myself, and express what I think.

We dont rely on nato's protection,just we are in mutual relationship with nato (check out turkey's issues with greece, france or uk ,you will see) .
And let me remind,we dont like greece or uk or france , pick up one man on street and ask, he will say
"While there are bloods of my grandpa on those soils,its just too cruel to celebrate something with those guys on the day we expelled them."
I know well about vietnam, just what i am saying, forgiving someone and being together with someone and celebrating your victory day like culture exchange, dishonours your fallen fighters.
Its just my opinion,and this is what i heard from vietnamese people, grandpa of my girlfriend and her environment.
well topic is thread is anger on chinese invasion . so had better we conclude

no system is perfect, neither communism nor capitalism. corruption is not invented by communism. it is rather the people who absuses the power they possess.

as for Vietnam, as I said previously, communism stands in conflict to confucism Vietnam. But the common people in Vietnam have no choice, they have to live with the system, so they had to live under the central rule of the previous emperors. throughout history Vietnam has always been ruled by a central instance, be Vietnamese or Chinese emperors. Vietnam under the French was no exception with the French emperor Napoleon the Third and later the French central government as the ruler.

yes, the current ruler of Vietnam deserves it as they won the wars, expelled the invaders and united the country.

But corruption is boosted thanks to monopole government.
And what i am saying, current rulers, arent the ones who expelled invader, current ones are much away from the ones saved vietnam, they dont follow their way,they are not like them. I am so sure as myself what i am telling on last .
yes, and you know, Chinese and Vietnamese are close in cultures and custom, but in one thing we are different: the Vietnamese don´t demand apology from the former enemy, while the Chinese insist on.

Because vietnam is a weak country. How can weak country demand anything?

No, we don´t forget these events, but we are willing to forgive them, be France, America or China if they want to a good relationship with us, on equal basis. We are pragmatic people, and rather look into the future. Always living in the past leads to nowhere.

Many countries in the world celerate victories over their enemies with military parade, while you rarely see it in Vietnam. Let take France as example. We don´t stage a victory military parade over the French, but celebrate the relationship with a French year in Vietnam and a Vietnam year in France. :D







In an interview with a Vietnamese correspondent in Paris, the French president Hollande said “France is enjoying a brilliant cultural cooperative season with Vietnam. I’m concerned about relations with Vietnam and its participation in the French speaking community. We are bound by history and the active Vietnamese community in France.”

Yes, France and Vietnam are bound by history. the 100 years the French engaged in Vietnam, the colonial rule and the time of war, the first France-Vietnam war I and II. There is a large Vietnamese community in France, especially in Paris. French cultural heritage is seen in Vietnam, for instance the many colonical buildings, the language and foods. by the way he will visit Vietnam this year.



Again you are delusional. Equal basis on your terms mean developed countries give you the latest military technology for pho and jack fruit. Get real man.
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Because vietnam is a weak country. How can weak country demand anything?

Again you are delusional. Equal basis on your terms mean developed countries give you the latest military technology for pho and jack fruit. Get real man.
what an arrogant idiot! talking to some retards as you is waste of time.
go back to your work and clean the toilette.
Because vietnam is a weak country. How can weak country demand anything?
"Because china is a weak country. How can weak country demand anything?"
That's probably what some of those right-wing Japanese thought at that time after they commit WWII attrocities. You have much in common with them.


You can't represent all your people.

A lot of Vietnamese feel the same. There are large chinese communities in Vietnam and many French and Americans tour Vietnam and the locals are quite accepting. It helps to bring cash as well, we rather do business than be bitter about the past.
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"Because china is a weak country. How can weak country demand anything?"
That's probably what some of those right-wing Japanese thought at that time after they commit WWII attrocities. You have much in common with them.
yes, when China was weak, the British, the French and the Japanese came, looted and raped as they pleased...now some Chinese laugh at other.
"Because china is a weak country. How can weak country demand anything?"
That's probably what some of those right-wing Japanese thought at that time after they commit WWII attrocities. You have much in common with them.


Facts are facts. Weak countries cannot demand strong countries to do things. Beggars can't be choosers.

what an arrogant idiot! talking to some retards as you is waste of time.
go back to your work and clean the toilette.

Just stating the obvious and the truth. Apparently you can't handle the truth.
Facts are facts. Weak countries cannot demand strong countries to do things. Beggars can't be choosers.

Just stating the obvious and the truth. Apparently you can't handle the truth.
just keep your arrogant attitude, I don´t mind.

in contrast to China, Japan sees Vietnam as a friend and partner. The president of Vietnam will make a state visit to Japan soon, between March 16 and 19. He will meet Shinzo Abe, deliver a speech at the parliament and meet with Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko. I do hope Vietnam proposes a closer cooperation with Japan with the aim of a state union in a near future.

I don´t care of how you react.

Vietnam president to make March visit | The Japan Times
A lot of Vietnamese feel the same. There are large chinese communities in Vietnam and many French and Americans tour Vietnam and the locals are quite accepting. It helps to bring cash as well, we rather do business than be bitter about the past.

So it seems Vietnam is more open and tolerant to other races? Usually a country with single race is more exclusive or anti-foreign, China is okay, our mind is broad, but South Korea and Japan is bad.
So it seems Vietnam is more open and tolerant to other races? Usually a country with single race is more exclusive or anti-foreign, China is okay, our mind is broad, but South Korea and Japan is bad.

And women should be more open and tolerant. You finally show your face :lol:
just keep your arrogant attitude, I don´t mind.

in contrast to China, Japan sees Vietnam as a friend and partner. The president of Vietnam will make a state visit to Japan soon, between March 16 and 19. He will meet Shinzo Abe, deliver a speech at the parliament and meet with Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko. I do hope Vietnam proposes a closer cooperation with Japan with the aim of a state union in a near future.

I don´t care of how you react.

Vietnam president to make March visit | The Japan Times
But you do care. That's why you reply to my posts all the time.
"Because china is a weak country. How can weak country demand anything?"
That's probably what some of those right-wing Japanese thought at that time after they commit WWII attrocities. You have much in common with them.

That's why these idiots are now so itched to get bombed by China.
So it seems Vietnam is more open and tolerant to other races? Usually a country with single race is more exclusive or anti-foreign, China is okay, our mind is broad, but South Korea and Japan is bad.
That is true, some smaller sub groups don't really give a damn about whatever is pissing off the larger groups.

Computers do breakdown. Like Vietnam, they should be more open and tolerant :azn:

New law in Vietnam: Macs are illegal.

Facts are facts. Weak countries cannot demand strong countries to do things. Beggars can't be choosers.

So I guess you would agree that China (before 2007) and South Korea should not be allowed to demand Japan to apologize for their war atrocities? :pissed:

Watch who you call a 'weak country'. Vietnam does not have a 1.3 billion population, we are a small country that is still brave enough to put up a fight against larger powers and still pull off a fast economic growth.
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