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Nervous Hanoi dances around anti-China rally

Where did he say that China will annex any other countries?
can´t you check out yourself his posts on this forum and others?
ASEAN Economy, Science & Human Developments and News | Page 31
Can Vietnam resist China?
He proposed that China actually possesses such capability.
what capacity? to kill yourself? sure, you can. go ahead. Don´t make me laugh.
Are you going to deny that China can bomb Vietnam into stone age without getting any scratch?
why deny? you talk like as a loser. The PLA tanks can come again and roll over the tiananmen square.
you have no say. history shows Chinese rulers never care of peasants like you and other low IQ Chinese warmongers.
can´t you check out yourself his posts on this forum and others?
ASEAN Economy, Science & Human Developments and News | Page 31
Can Vietnam resist China?

what capacity? to kill yourself? sure, you can. go ahead. Don´t make me laugh.

why deny? you talk like as a loser. The PLA tanks can come again and roll over the tiananmen square.
you have no say. history shows Chinese rulers never care of peasants like you and other low IQ Chinese warmongers.

lol, those scums in 1989 deserved getting ran over by the tanks, no one in China gonna drop a single tear for them.

Tell me, why your government didn't give a fck when your oversea workers as much as China?

35,860 Chinese nationals evacuated from Libya all back home: foreign ministry

BTW, we are talking about the military capability, and if you truly believe that Vietnam can really do any harm to China, then you are truly delusional.
Vietnamese people don't forget our heroes, they fallen in frontier to protect sovereignty of the country against Chinese aggressors 1979.

Our Hero Le Dinh Trinh, he was killed 1979 by Chinese Aggressors.

After 35 years, 6 Januar 2014 he turned to home.

His mother is waiting so long to meet him again.




where does Vietnam not forged its Heroes that fought against the invaders that bombed your country more with napalm than all ww2 bombs together
where does Vietnam not forged its Heroes that fought against the invaders that bombed your country more with napalm than all ww2 bombs together

Vietnamese people never forget our heroes who fought against France Colonial, US imperialists, Chinese PLA invaders to protect our country's sovereignty, independence and freedom.
I agree. Communism sucks.

bs...even if theoretically some Vietnamese cheerleaders want to stage a rally chanting pro-China slogans, that is not allowed, either. The government says politics belongs to politicans.

Communism sucks its have seen,but when its only on governmental basis without reflecting equality (the basic and derivation point of communism is equality , worker's right) but seeing back todays communist or socialist countries, they doesnt rely on basis of what they consider as base.
To say about issue, there is a heroic nation supressed america, and there is a nation . i respect their anniversary memorials for whom lost in war . and we should respect.
But for angers,protests ,these things wouldnt bring anything to solution, only will be done by themselves. Its government's issue(since no chance to government they have all responsibility ) to protect rights on disputed islands.

where does Vietnam not forged its Heroes that fought against the invaders that bombed your country more with napalm than all ww2 bombs together

Now there isnt napalm bombs luckily,but there are worse weapons than it. Conflicts in countries,some rebellion ,some sanctions would updown everything . As far as i know vietnam has imports from china on regular basis of basic agricultural items due to china can provide much cheaper than costs in vietnam,and its known how is income levels in vietnam .

Vietnamese people never forget our heroes who fought against France Colonial, US imperialists, Chinese PLA invaders to protect our country's sovereignty, independence and freedom.

there were cambodians also intend to invade.
i respect vietnamese people (not the government) they are one of heroic nation in the world .
Just there are some people on top of vietnam that makes it going worse.and not protecting rights of vietnamese people. Cant be honourful as their fathers were
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where does Vietnam not forged its Heroes that fought against the invaders that bombed your country more with napalm than all ww2 bombs together
No, we don´t forget these events, but we are willing to forgive them, be France, America or China if they want to a good relationship with us, on equal basis. We are pragmatic people, and rather look into the future. Always living in the past leads to nowhere.

Many countries in the world celerate victories over their enemies with military parade, while you rarely see it in Vietnam. Let take France as example. We don´t stage a victory military parade over the French, but celebrate the relationship with a French year in Vietnam and a Vietnam year in France. :D







In an interview with a Vietnamese correspondent in Paris, the French president Hollande said “France is enjoying a brilliant cultural cooperative season with Vietnam. I’m concerned about relations with Vietnam and its participation in the French speaking community. We are bound by history and the active Vietnamese community in France.”

Yes, France and Vietnam are bound by history. the 100 years the French engaged in Vietnam, the colonial rule and the time of war, the first France-Vietnam war I and II. There is a large Vietnamese community in France, especially in Paris. French cultural heritage is seen in Vietnam, for instance the many colonical buildings, the language and foods. by the way he will visit Vietnam this year.


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A very good attitude and mindset to have. :tup:
yes, and you know, Chinese and Vietnamese are close in cultures and custom, but in one thing we are different: the Vietnamese don´t demand apology from the former enemy, while the Chinese insist on.
Communism sucks its have seen,but when its only on governmental basis without reflecting equality (the basic and derivation point of communism is equality , worker's right) but seeing back todays communist or socialist countries, they doesnt rely on basis of what they consider as base.
To say about issue, there is a heroic nation supressed america, and there is a nation . i respect their anniversary memorials for whom lost in war . and we should respect.
But for angers,protests ,these things wouldnt bring anything to solution, only will be done by themselves. Its government's issue(since no chance to government they have all responsibility ) to protect rights on disputed islands.

Now there isnt napalm bombs luckily,but there are worse weapons than it. Conflicts in countries,some rebellion ,some sanctions would updown everything . As far as i know vietnam has imports from china on regular basis of basic agricultural items due to china can provide much cheaper than costs in vietnam,and its known how is income levels in vietnam .

there were cambodians also intend to invade.
i respect vietnamese people (not the government) they are one of heroic nation in the world .
Just there are some people on top of vietnam that makes it going worse.and not protecting rights of vietnamese people. Cant be honourful as their fathers were
personally I dislike communism. Many Viets in the country and overseas dislike the system, too. Communism stands in conflict to traditional Vietnam, which embrace confucism, budhism and taoism.

But since the communists won the wars, expelled the invaders and united Vietnam, they deserve to rule the country. That is ok and reflects our tradition as history of Vietnam shows whoever won the war, expelled the invader and united Vietnam, the person became King or Queen of Vietnam.
yes, and you know, Chinese and Vietnamese are close in cultures and custom, but in one thing we are different: the Vietnamese don´t demand apology from the former enemy, while the Chinese insist on.


You can't represent all your people.
personally I dislike communism. Many Viets in the country and overseas dislike the system, too. Communism stands in conflict to traditional Vietnam, which embrace confucism, budhism and taoism.

But since the communists won the wars, expelled the invaders and united Vietnam, they deserve to rule the country. That is ok and reflects our tradition as history of Vietnam shows whoever won the war, expelled the invader and united Vietnam, the person became King or Queen of Vietnam.

currently its not communists who is governing vietnam,they are just a group of man looking for their own profits and abusing communism . Everyone knows how corruption is crazily emerging in vietnam , and those people who called communists, even doesnt comply with one basic rule of communism . If there is any discussion check marx's
Communism was never as dreamed , its only applied to make someone powerful ,and make lower income part of nation as slaves.
This is reason i dont respect vietnam's government , a half of country living in poority, in farms , in poority but there is a group of people living it up ,and who is developing vietnam actually those people works in farm. Its more like dictatorship applied to political party scale.
(none my words aiming a true honourful vietnamese people)

if it was those communists,who saved and organized viet people, now on government of vietnam ,my comments would flip to positive.
But nowadays government even not like a piece of those people, currently they have no right to govern because they are far away from being like people saved vietnam , they are far away from their heading .
No, we don´t forget these events, but we are willing to forgive them, be France, America or China if they want to a good relationship with us, on equal basis. We are pragmatic people, and rather look into the future. Always living in the past leads to nowhere.

Many countries in the world celerate victories over their enemies with military parade, while you rarely see it in Vietnam. Let take France as example. We don´t stage a victory military parade over the French, but celebrate the relationship with a French year in Vietnam and a Vietnam year in France. :D







In an interview with a Vietnamese correspondent in Paris, the French president Hollande said “France is enjoying a brilliant cultural cooperative season with Vietnam. I’m concerned about relations with Vietnam and its participation in the French speaking community. We are bound by history and the active Vietnamese community in France.”

Yes, France and Vietnam are bound by history. the 100 years the French engaged in Vietnam, the colonial rule and the time of war, the first France-Vietnam war I and II. There is a large Vietnamese community in France, especially in Paris. French cultural heritage is seen in Vietnam, for instance the many colonical buildings, the language and foods. by the way he will visit Vietnam this year.



This doesnt seem logical, my country also suffered by france,UK,greece but noone can say our people forgave them
it sounds dishonouring to me,also dishonours the people fought againts them.
There wasnt only some napalms, there was orange agent , there was tortures ,rapes ,should i count more?
go and try to ask one person in vietnam, who ever suffered with one of these, if s/he forgives.
currently its not communists who is governing vietnam,they are just a group of man looking for their own profits and abusing communism . Everyone knows how corruption is crazily emerging in vietnam , and those people who called communists, even doesnt comply with one basic rule of communism . If there is any discussion check marx's
Communism was never as dreamed , its only applied to make someone powerful ,and make lower income part of nation as slaves.
This is reason i dont respect vietnam's government , a half of country living in poority, in farms , in poority but there is a group of people living it up ,and who is developing vietnam actually those people works in farm. Its more like dictatorship applied to political party scale.
(none my words aiming a true honourful vietnamese people)

if it was those communists,who saved and organized viet people, now on government of vietnam ,my comments would flip to positive.
But nowadays government even not like a piece of those people, currently they have no right to govern because they are far away from being like people saved vietnam , they are far away from their heading .
no system is perfect, neither communism nor capitalism. corruption is not invented by communism. it is rather the people who absuses the power they possess.

as for Vietnam, as I said previously, communism stands in conflict to confucism Vietnam. But the common people in Vietnam have no choice, they have to live with the system, so they had to live under the central rule of the previous emperors. throughout history Vietnam has always been ruled by a central instance, be Vietnamese or Chinese emperors. Vietnam under the French was no exception with the French emperor Napoleon the Third and later the French central government as the ruler.

yes, the current ruler of Vietnam deserves it as they won the wars, expelled the invaders and united the country.
This doesnt seem logical, my country also suffered by france,UK,greece but noone can say our people forgave them
it sounds dishonouring to me,also dishonours the people fought againts them.
There wasnt only some napalms, there was orange agent , there was tortures ,rapes ,should i count more?
go and try to ask one person in vietnam, who ever suffered with one of these, if s/he forgives.
it is a question of mentality. I don´t know much how the Turks think about the foreign invaders of your country. Turkey is a NATO member, and France, UK and Greece are NATO members, too. you rely on their protection. And as far as I know the Turkey or exactly the Osman empire was an invader, too, isn´t it?

Vietnam has a long memory. We don´t forget the past, but we are willing to forgive to those who seek peace and good relationship with us. As you are in Vietnam, I suggest you to visit the war museums, and ask the people who they think about the wars and their opinions about the French, Americans or Chinese.


You can't represent all your people.
LOL yes, you are right...I speak for myself, and express what I think.
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