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Video - Girl of 17 flogged by Taliban savages in Swat

Guys we have to face the facts. Our army surrendered

I dont think your Army surrendered but GOP for sure. They are soldiers, they will fight taliban if given orders.
But many people here and on many TV stations are calling this a barbaric act. This is denying the teachings of Allah and Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H). I will quote some verses from the Quran.

5. Except those who repent thereafter and do righteous deeds, (for such) verily, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

End of discussion.
There is only one way to uproot the BUM & his cronies.
the question us, are you willing to pay the price?
You cant defeat these talibans using the military.
It has to be a civil war. that is the scale you have
to deal with as they will attack anyone , anywhere in
the towns and the cities.
I dont mean to be rude but he is from India becuse he is ashamed to be from Pakistan, which he shouldn't be. Instead of being ashamed he should do something about it. Worst situations sometime bring best character out of the people and he should look arond the foruma and see how people are condeming this act.

I dont mean to be rude but please check his previous posts, its obvious he's Indian pretending to be Pakistani like millions of Indians do on the internet to create problems for Pakistan. Even before this incident happened, this person would make posts speaking against Pakistan and in favor for India as if India is heaven and Pakistan is hell. :rolleyes:
I dont mean to be rude but please check his previous posts, its obvious he's Indian pretending to be Pakistani like millions of Indians do on the internet to create problems for Pakistan. Even before this incident happened, this person would make posts speaking against Pakistan and in favor for India as if India is heaven and Pakistan is hell. :rolleyes:

Fair enough Omar1984. I just wanted to know your mindset behind this. But you know that it's two street.
There is only one way to uproot the BUM & his cronies.
the question us, are you willing to pay the price?
You cant defeat these talibans using the military.
It has to be a civil war. that is the scale you have
to deal with as they will attack anyone , anywhere in
the towns and the cities.

You've hit the nail sir. You have to have dialogue with Taliban and isolate Islam-loving, Pakistan-loving and peace-loving people like Molana Sufi Mohammad from them.
I am ashamed to be from Pakistan..

lol. you're so melodramatic.

I saw a video of it. It didn't seem too bad to be honest, if that was it. Looked like a light beating, and it didn't look too perverse. Though, I can just imagine how the girl was judged guilty, when she's probably innocent. It's a problem when they decide to implement Shariah Law without modern technology.

Alright, before anybody gets on my case, I'd rather they didn't do this stuff. :disagree:
What the hell is going on, what the FK government of Pakistan and Pakistan army is doing to protect out country, the World is watching humiliation of women from the religion which is supposed to protect women form such things , gives women respect and full rights… Why we are fighting with our enemies when we have work to do at our home.

Injustice.. We are sitting here in different parts of the world, watching this FKing video, not doing any thing, we all are BEGHARAIT , coward and easy going .. May be my comment are censored or may be rejected, but who ever will read this should have the courage to let it go on the post.

We need to be brave to say NO to all this and do some thing, we call our self , Generals , Brigadiers , Majors , Captions and Allah knows so many things attached with courage and brave, but what the FK we are doing….. May be noting just sitting home comfortable and making the posts, thinking that our responsibility is over.
I saw this video few days before it was shown on tv

:guns: these people are psycho or something our army should get rid of them
there should be no peace deal with there peoples they are animals :angry:
By the way public prosecutions in countries like Saudia Arabia and Iran are commen , I myself witnessed a public prosecution in saudiarabia where they beheaded a man for comitting child abuse.


Public prosecution in saudia arabia

25-year old Iranian man Saeed Ghanbari was flogged in public for his convicted alcohol abuse and extramarital sex by a religious court at Qazvin, 90 miles west of the capital Tehran.

:hitwall::eek::eek::tsk::tsk:That is sick.:sick:

Atleast now we can count on Supreme court to do something.
I think Pakistan Army should start wearing burqa starting from Mr. Kiyani. And whatever the neuclear warsenal e have should be put in Army's and govt's A$$.
I dont mean to be rude but he is from India becuse he is ashamed to be from Pakistan, which he shouldn't be. Instead of being ashamed he should do something about it. Worst situations sometime bring best character out of the people and he should look arond the foruma and see how people are condeming this act.

Only thing I have said about India or couple of things is people dont think of India as being terrorist,, gang rapeing women,,, burying women alive, committing act of terrorism,,, flogging girls,,,,or allowing terrorist attacks from India or not having the guts to rule their own country instead of allowing terrorist to own part of their country,,,, that does not make me from India...

Also I think eventually India will be more powerful then China because I dont think China can continue to exist half communist and half captialist...

That does not make me from India...

I am not proud of pakistan,, its a mess and it will continue to be a mess....its poor premitive and backward and getting more so every day and few pakistanis beside me have the guts to get up and say so...
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