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Victory Of Taliban Is Victory Of Islam!

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Not to be apologetic towards the Taliban, i do think it's rather difficult to fight man to man when being bombed from a mile high, and airstrikes called upon you whenever you empty a small arms round.

Your point is valid. However there are always idiots who have no idea about the tactics the Taleban use. They HIDE behind civilians. Apologists then whine about civilian casualties blaming the side they disagree with.
Oh and its not when one round gets emptied (At least from the British side anyway)
My dear talaban are fighting with out any air support.

Rusian decided to reteat the mujahadeen got stinger.

Same thing happened with israel ,when first helicopter shot down by hebullah.they decided to retreat back.

US and allied forces can not fight with them in mountains most difficult train in world.Their soilders even can not climb on the peak of mountain due to heavy equipment for safety.
For US army safety is first but for talaban safety is last.They love death more than wisky or virgin girl.
My dear talaban are fighting with out any air support.

Rusian decided to reteat the mujahadeen got stinger.

Same thing happened with israel ,when first helicopter shot down by hebullah.they decided to retreat back.

US and allied forces can not fight with them in mountains most difficult train in world.Their soilders even can not climb on the peak of mountain due to heavy equipment for safety.
For US army safety is first but for talaban safety is last.They love death more than wisky or virgin girl.

You believe that ? Please learn something about tactics. No one is leaving Afghanistan in a hurry.

My dear talaban are fighting with out any air support.

breakinkg news ever in taliban history you see they fly imposible because flight need education learn and your talibans are evil force thay jungly who can they learn to fly

Rusian decided to reteat the mujahadeen got stinger.

made in usa wich is now your enemy no 1

Same thing happened with israel ,when first helicopter shot down by hebullah.they decided to retreat back

who is this hebullah otherwise they bombed labnon until last day of war please send the link for proove your cleame i will thankfull to you

They love death more than wisky or virgin girl.

remember this one you say in last post also why you reapet same viedeo man
Your point is valid. However there are always idiots who have no idea about the tactics the Taleban use. They HIDE behind civilians. Apologists then whine about civilian casualties blaming the side they disagree with.
Oh and its not when one round gets emptied (At least from the British side anyway)

You're right about the diffrence in tactics between the US and British forces. I remember reading a few reports some years ago, about british officers being uncomfortable with the readiness that their american counterparts summon their air support. There is such a thing as disproportionate use of force, which leads to teh civilian casualties that fuels insurgencies even further.
Taliban has killed more Pakistanis from suicide bombings then US or NATO..
so whose side you are on? :woot:

I would say there is a distinct difference between the AFghan Taliban under M.O. and the neo-talibs that we have operating in Pakistan.

Pakistan can still seek to have an influence in Afghanistan through the AFghani taliban.

The criminals and dacoits using the Taliban franchise on our side of the border, should be crushed.
breakinkg news ever in taliban history you see they fly imposible because flight need education learn and your talibans are evil force thay jungly who can they learn to fly

made in usa wich is now your enemy no 1

who is this hebullah otherwise they bombed labnon until last day of war please send the link for proove your cleame i will thankfull to you

remember this one you say in last post also why you reapet same viedeo man

Again in your funny English you have been very effective at the least.

There is only one solution of this problem which political dialogue.Otherwise this fire can spread all over world.
Imagine if US and allied forces defeated in war ,what will be reaction of muslims.They will celebrate this day as greatest victory in history of islam then every muslim want to join talaban and every new born will be osama or omer.

It is better to resolve this isue with talk not with war.
My dear talaban are fighting with out any air support.

Rusian decided to reteat the mujahadeen got stinger.

Same thing happened with israel ,when first helicopter shot down by hebullah.they decided to retreat back.

US and allied forces can not fight with them in mountains most difficult train in world.Their soilders even can not climb on the peak of mountain due to heavy equipment for safety.
For US army safety is first but for talaban safety is last.They love death more than wisky or virgin girl.

Thanks for letting me know :lol:....Funniest thing I have heard is a Taleban shouting down his radio a few seconds before a 1000 pounder landed on his head. the static was worth a thousand words.

The Mujahadeen got stingers from AMERICA who is going to give them weapons now? let me fill ya in........NO ONE.

CAn't climb peaks? what crap are you talking? I have managed and so have quite a few others :lol:

Any soldier who loves death is a moron. He is going to lose.

Frankly your points are pathetic
There is only one solution of this problem which political dialogue.Otherwise this fire can spread all over world.
Imagine if US and allied forces defeated in war ,what will be reaction of muslims.They will celebrate this day as greatest victory in history of islam then every muslim want to join talaban and every new born will be osama or omer.

It is better to resolve this isue with talk not with war.

Stop dreaming.

USA and Allies will not loose.
Only looney muslims like you would name a son Mullah Omar and condemn him to ridicule for the rest of his life.
Most muslims want good education for their children which Mullah Omar cannot give.
As development takes place the Taliban will be fought by a modern Afghan Army.
They will be no safe havens in Pakistan as the Pakistan Army is doing well there.

And you my friend would have forgotten your friends in Taliban and moved onto some other forum.

There is only one solution of this problem which political dialogue.Otherwise this fire can spread all over world.
Imagine if US and allied forces defeated in war ,what will be reaction of muslims.They will celebrate this day as greatest victory in history of islam then every muslim want to join talaban and every new born will be osama or omer.

It is better to resolve this isue with talk not with war.

arey bhai, that time is over now. In pakistan, and elsewhere, the beards are becoming smaller and thinner by the day. There was a "trend" a "fashion" to be Islamist in the 80's and 90's. Now that trend is changing, just look at the media of almost every muslim country.

Before this you were saying, they love death more than whiskey. Now you are saying it is better to resolve this with words, notwar. What a very jihadi attitude that.

I'm sure if the Americans spend enough money even now, they will be able to buy the last few remaining talibs in AFghanistan, and bring them in.

Have you forgotten the famous battle (or non battle) of Kunduz, the socalled last stand of the Taliban and foreign jihadis? What did the Taliban do? They sold out for 1 million dollars and a gift of a satellite phone per commander. And then retreated, leaving the Pakistanis(many of them misguided, but idealistic hot headed youths)/Chechens/Arabs in the lurch. A few days before that, many of the Afghani talibs actually tried to attack the lines of their own comrades (the foreign volunteers) in order to force them to surrender.

After the Afghan TAlibs retreated in the dead of night, the lines were exposed, and the Pakistanis/Arabs, etc were surrounded and taken captive. Their horrible deaths in containers, and the survivors being massacred in qila jhangi in mazare sharif will forever be a blot on the Afghan talibs, for their treachery led to this.

The afghan talibs proved to be a tribe of judases for the muslim and pakistani nation.
There is only one solution of this problem which political dialogue.Otherwise this fire can spread all over world.
Imagine if US and allied forces defeated in war ,what will be reaction of muslims.They will celebrate this day as greatest victory in history of islam then every muslim want to join talaban and every new born will be osama or omer.

It is better to resolve this isue with talk not with war.
I hope you can pardon everyone's comments, if you've been offended. However, you're thoughts on this matter will never hold any ground. Every Muslim is required to wage jihad when necessary, but no one should join specific cults or groups.

first of all, the US and allied forces were never defeated, that goes to show us that these militants certainly do not have faith on their side. I'm well aware of the signs of the day of judgement and the Mahdi army, but I seriously doubt these militants are the 'chosen' ones.

second, who said the militants fighting the Pakistani army are part of the taliban? I hope you realize this is a totally separate group called the Tehriki-taliban, led by Baitullah Mehsud, who by the way, was brother of Abdullah Mehsud killed a while ago. the leader of the taliban has openly denounced Mehsud's actions and his group and has specifically stated he has nothing to do with afghan resistance. Personally, they are all the same to me, but the more you know, the better...

third, tell me, how many Pakistanis have these militants killed? oh wait, let say, how many muslims have these militants killed? Oh wait, hold on, let me ask you a better question, how many muslims have militant organizations, the likes of which we are seeing, killed? Do the math and I can assure you, at the end of the day, you will be making the same comments we do on this board.

fourth, let me ask you, who started the concept of suicide bombing? can you bring me a single case of a suicide bombing act committed by one of the mujahedeen? Where, in the muslim world, did suicide bombings originate from? If you do a bit of reading, you will find the first muslim suicide bombers did their acts in a certain country in the middle east, and I'll leave the rest to your imagination.

fifth, I usually take your comments with a pinch of salt. Muslims are to blame for all of their problems. forget about education, technology, or money, focus on 'iman' alone. Tell me, how many muslims actually do pray five times a day? 95% of the eid congregation in my mosque, do not even bother to show their faces in the mosque throughout the whole year, not even a single day. I meet faces every year on eid. at our current state right now, do you think we even have the right to claim that Allah is on our side? I'm not talking about the militants, I'm talking about you and rest of these people protesting on the streets, who magically became muslims in one minute after living a life of sin.

from what I've seen so far, the only thing people like you are good for, is protesting. Muslims today have only shown me protests, nothing else. No one has bothered to come back into their country and share their expertise, technology, wealth, things that can help the muslim world catch up to the western world. actually, most of the 1.4+billion don't even fight. Tell me, where were you in Kargil, Afghanistan, Iraq, Chechnya? did any of these jahel people protesting against musharraf, ever fight in an actual war? when did they get the right to say musharraf is anti-islamic? Musharraf has been more 'jihadi' than any of these pathetic people who can only protest, he has actually fought and risked his life.

It's true that Allah will help the muslims, but remember this, Allah will help us only if we help ourselves. I suggest you remember that, and forget about these groups. no one can stop you from fighting, but please do not join these groups.

oh yeah, I don't know if you haven't noticed, but the tribes in FATA, one by one, have started to rebel against the TTP. I can name a few, Mohmand, Orakzai, Salarzai, Yusufzai, and more I can't recall. there are militant groups in the area who have peace agreements with the army.
can't believe no one has posted this yet...

Top Taliban commander splits from Mehsud

Daily Times Monitor

LAHORE: Taliban commander Baitullah Mehsud’s opponent faction in North Waziristan announced on Friday the creation of a new parallel organisation, the Muqami Tehreek-e-Taliban or local Taliban, effectively splitting from Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), a report published on the AKI news agency website said.

The announcement was made by top commander and former Mehsud lieutenant Hafiz Gul Bahadar, the report said.

According to the report, “Bahadar also said a decision by a ‘shura’ or consultation council said that attacks against Pakistani security forces only weaken the cause of the Afghan resistance against foreign forces.” The council urged focus on “fighting against NATO troops in Afghanistan” instead.
The TTP “fell apart due to Mehsud’s violent policies against the Pakistani security forces,” it said.

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