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Victory Of Taliban Is Victory Of Islam!

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Talaban should continue their movement and take control of pakistan also .

You sir a supporter or anarchy, chaos and destruction. You aren't a supporter of Islam, you are a supporter of thugs and criminals who want to force their views on others.

The Taliban movement is built upon force, violence and coercion. If you had any idea of what Islam demands, you be demanding the Taliban lay down their arms and join the political process so that their 'movement' can 'take control and change Pakistan'.

But do you know why people like you, the Taliban and other so called 'sahih Mussalman' always end up supporting violence and illegal activities? It is because you know that the backward and ja-hil form of Islam that the Taliban and its ilk preach will never win at the ballot box, because most Muslims are moderate and do not care for the restrictions of the Saudis or the Taliban.
I like your hatred ,This is my sucess.In anger man losses his sense and easy to destroy.

You dont know who are talaban,What is the meaning of talaban

Meaning of talab work ,a person who want to learn islam.

Every muslim in this world proud to be talab.

Ask your friends in america.

Intresting think is your media has brain washed you so much even you dont know the meaning of word talab.

Please dont trust on your media it is controlled by jews and they are worst enemy of islam.

Please first try to under stand islam read quran then you start loving talab and talaban.
I beg to disagree with the statement “The Taliban movement is built upon force, violence and coercion”. If it were so, they would have petered out way back in 2001.

Taleban have found a creation degree of acceptability in Eastern Afghanistan and our FATA for the following reasons:
1. Freedom from oppression of the traditional tribal chieftains and maliks.
2. Freedom from the corruption and unjustified oppression of the Political Agents and their touts.
3. Cheap and rapid dispensation of justice.
4. Provide a rallying point for the victims of indiscriminate bombing by the US and Allied forces in Afghanistan and FATA.
I really feel sorry for waraich66, he is obviously so very confused. You put the Nishan-e-Hader up as your avator and at the same time you insult the Pakistan Army, calling them 'paid' agents of Bush and you spit on the blood they lost trying to save this country from chaos.

The Taliban, by their very nature, cannot win. They are a force of Chaos, not of Order. If you study these things closely you will note that everyone expected the Taliban to hold out MUCH longer than they did in 2001. Everyone expected the battle to be hard fought, to last for months...but you know what the Taliban were routed within a week with barely 5 western casualties. The US hardly had to deploy its massively armed and trained formations. You know why this was? Because the Afghan PEOPLE did not support the Taliban, at least not anymore. The Northern Alliance just rolled through and thousands of fighters switched sides and the rest fled. This was a pathetic show of Muslim Martial Prowess and Unity.

How can the Taliban ever hope to stand up against a superpower if they can’t stand up against a band of Drug/War lords? It is uneducated people like waraich66 who think the Taliban are better than the Pakistan Army. The fact is they are not, they are not professional, they are not disciplined, they are not motivated and read my lips THEY ARE NOT ISLAMIC.

The Taliban cannot fight anyone head on, they cannot fight in distant lands like true armies are supposed to, they cannot fight in the open even in their own country. And don’t give me the they don’t have air power BS, bottom line is that they cannot fight anywhere away from their mountain homes, where they can go back to their houses every night and sleep with their family. Where whenever there is an enemy operation they run into their homes and pretend they are ‘neutral civilians’. They only come out to attack logistic troops and soft targets like schools or road workers, and even then they have to use cowardly suicide car bombs where they pretend to be innocent civilian bystanders and get close enough because that’s the only way they have a chance of succeeding…by endangering the civilians around them.

Do you really think that for 1 day, just for 24 hours, if the civilians in Afghanistan and Pakistan were to disappear, just for one day leaving these ‘Taliban’ behind, would these militants be able to survive? The Army will just have to drive through and kill everyone they see. Do you think all this Taliban tough talk will help them then? Do you really think they would hold their ground let alone win?

That is the difference between true warriors and these criminal assassins. True soldiers fight in the distant fields, in isolated outposts on freezing mountains, in the oceans, in the skies far away from home, following orders and doing hard work so that their PEOPLE may survive and endure and prosper. The Taliban however KILL more of their own people than the foreigners, the Taliban is exactly what compels the US and NATO to be trigger happy in front of normal civilians and bomb villages. Every poll reveals that MOST Afghans WANT NATO forces to stay, most Afghans DO prefer bloody aliens compared to these Taliban.

And simple ‘Rebellion’ is not Islamic, there is not one nation in the world that won’t rebel if they are invaded or occupied. It is just human nature to stand up when losing his or her land. Tamils fight and use suicide as a weapon, but there is nothing brave or Islamic about them. There is nothing great about the Taliban just because they fight, it is how they fight and what they achieve that matters.

You see the Taliban cannot win a war, only thing they can do is ensure that everyone suffers, especially their own people. You think if the Taliban can kill 5 western soldiers a month, this means they are winning the war? You do not know the history of the world…there were times when these Europeans lost thousands of men everyday in conflicts that they still won in! There were times when the west deployed millions and millions of soldiers to mercilessly grind down their enemies. Now the Taliban can barely come out in the open because of some 50,000 NATO troops stationed in their bloody country.

The Pakistan Army has defended its people, they have won wars, prevented their people from time and again coming under the heel of foreign armies. Because the fact is, if you have lost the war…from that moment on it means the future of your people, your family, our children, their hopes and dreams are all irrelevant. You have lost the war, you have lost the control of your destiny. Any moment a soldier from a place 1000 miles away will kick down your door and enter your home, drag you away blindfolded, maybe even kill your children and rape your women and there is not a damn thing you can do about it. When you are compelled to fight a guerrilla war, when you are forced to sit at home while the enemy patrols your streets and skies and seas, and controls your cities and economy, in the view of any proper military force; you have failed your mission and your people. You have already lost.

The Taliban are just lucky that their enemies lack the will to deploy proper manpower against them, then we would see how the ‘holy Taliban’ would do against half a million professional soldiers. It is the Wests weakness and lack of resolve, not your greatness that the Taliban even exist.

So can ‘Islamic Warriors’ exist? Yes they can, but the Taliban ARE NOT THEM.
So can ‘Islamic Unity’ ever be achieved? Yes it can but NOT THROUGH these bloody Taliban.

You need to think about these things carefully before declaring undying loyalty to these bloody traitors. Is this the future you want to condemn your country and your country men too? If the Taliban get strong, there will be no peace. Heck the Taliban are fighting each other when they are not fighting the Pakistan Army, you think they will EVER bring peace and contentment to our people even if they DO manage to gain complete control? Do not let the fact that they were born Muslims blind you to their true nature. Being Muslim does not make people right, following the rules of Islam and Humanity does. And so far in that regard Taliban and Al-Qaeda are worse than the Americans.
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I really feel sorry for waraich66, he is obviously so very confused. You put the Nishan-e-Hader up as your avator and at the same time you insult the Pakistan Army, calling them 'paid' agents of Bush and you spit on the blood they lost trying to save this country from chaos..

Is the pakistani army/govt being paid for fighting in NWFP by the US..?

If the US tommorow pulled out of Afgahnistan would pakistan still carry on waging a "war on terror"?

The Taliban, by their very nature, cannot win. They are a force of Chaos, not of Order. If you study these things closely you will note that everyone expected the Taliban to hold out MUCH longer than they did in 2001. Everyone expected the battle to be hard fought, to last for months...but you know what the Taliban were routed within a week with barely 5 western casualties. The US hardly had to deploy its massively armed and trained formations. You know why this was? Because the Afghan PEOPLE did not support the Taliban, at least not anymore. The Northern Alliance just rolled through and thousands of fighters switched sides and the rest fled. This was a pathetic show of Muslim Martial Prowess and Unity.

How wrong you are......from day one a small amount of people including myself where saying that the taliban would melt away and come back.......if you have studied military history you will see any group with a half a brain did the same.

How can the Taliban ever hope to stand up against a superpower if they can’t stand up against a band of Drug/War lords? It is uneducated people like waraich66 who think the Taliban are better than the Pakistan Army. The fact is they are not, they are not professional, they are not disciplined, they are not motivated and read my lips THEY ARE NOT ISLAMIC..

Strictly from a pakistan security point of view ,it is better for pakistan to have the taliban in power in afghanistan then what we have now.

The Taliban cannot fight anyone head on, they cannot fight in distant lands like true armies are supposed to, they cannot fight in the open even in their own country. And don’t give me the they don’t have air power BS, bottom line is that they cannot fight anywhere away from their mountain homes, where they can go back to their houses every night and sleep with their family. Where whenever there is an enemy operation they run into their homes and pretend they are ‘neutral civilians’. They only come out to attack logistic troops and soft targets like schools or road workers, and even then they have to use cowardly suicide car bombs where they pretend to be innocent civilian bystanders and get close enough because that’s the only way they have a chance of succeeding…by endangering the civilians around them. ..

Its called guerrilla warfare........would you stand toe to toe with a 7ft black belt machine gun totting giant.
Any body with some sense would lay a IED and blow the giant up.......your not gonna win fighting him head on.

Do you really think that for 1 day, just for 24 hours, if the civilians in Afghanistan and Pakistan were to disappear, just for one day leaving these ‘Taliban’ behind, would these militants be able to survive? The Army will just have to drive through and kill everyone they see. Do you think all this Taliban tough talk will help them then? Do you really think they would hold their ground let alone win? ..

You seem to be blurring the line between the terrorist operating in pakistan and the nationalist fight in afghanistan being fought by the taliban.

That is the difference between true warriors and these criminal assassins. True soldiers fight in the distant fields, in isolated outposts on freezing mountains, in the oceans, in the skies far away from home, following orders and doing hard work so that their PEOPLE may survive and endure and prosper. The Taliban however KILL more of their own people than the foreigners, the Taliban is exactly what compels the US and NATO to be trigger happy in front of normal civilians and bomb villages. Every poll reveals that MOST Afghans WANT NATO forces to stay, most Afghans DO prefer bloody aliens compared to these Taliban. ..

So thats the reason why the former mayor of herat has joined the taliban.
Al Jazeera English - CENTRAL/S. ASIA - Afghan mayor turns Taliban leader

You see the Taliban cannot win a war, only thing they can do is ensure that everyone suffers, especially their own people. You think if the Taliban can kill 5 western soldiers a month, this means they are winning the war? You do not know the history of the world…there were times when these Europeans lost thousands of men everyday in conflicts that they still won in! There were times when the west deployed millions and millions of soldiers to mercilessly grind down their enemies. Now the Taliban can barely come out in the open because of some 50,000 NATO troops stationed in their bloody country...

Go check the amount of american soldiers that where killed years on in the vietnam war and compare it to the Afghan war.

So can ‘Islamic Warriors’ exist? Yes they can, but the Taliban ARE NOT THEM.
So can ‘Islamic Unity’ ever be achieved? Yes it can but NOT THROUGH these bloody Taliban....

I would agree with you on the above point.......mullah omar admitted himself they where fighting for the afghan culture.
Afghan culture comes first and islam second.

You need to think about these things carefully before declaring undying loyalty to these bloody traitors. Is this the future you want to condemn your country and your country men too? If the Taliban get strong, there will be no peace. Heck the Taliban are fighting each other when they are not fighting the Pakistan Army, you think they will EVER bring peace and contentment to our people even if they DO manage to gain complete control? Do not let the fact that they were born Muslims blind you to their true nature. Being Muslim does not make people right, following the rules of Islam and Humanity does. And so far in that regard Taliban and Al-Qaeda are worse than the Americans.

The taliban fighting in afghanistan are fighting a war for freedom........the terrorist fighting in pakistan need to be wiped out.
If you check news reports mullah omar has distanced himself and the true taliban from the terrorist in pakistan.

You replied in excellent way.

Islam is very difficult to understand for those who dont want to understand it but very easy who want to understand it.

In islam if some one attack your home you have right to defend your home ,it is your right to fight.
Talaban in Afhganistan are fighting to defend their country , they are justified to kill US and allied forces .

In pakistan the satuation is very much complex ,but one thing is clear these pustoon trible people have independent jirga system ,which was accepted by Quaid e Azam also.

If their jirga decided to help or protect talaban, army dont have right to fight with them.

Who ever died by fighting with them will not be shaheed.

In Afghanistan they have supereme council which is real authority may take any decision.

Similarly in FATA jirga is final authority.

I hope i have clarified the confusion.
If the US tommorow pulled out of Afgahnistan would pakistan still carry on waging a "war on terror"?

I'm pretty damn sure we will have to.

How wrong you are......from day one a small amount of people including myself where saying that the taliban would melt away and come back.......if you have studied military history you will see any group with a half a brain did the same.

I HAVE studied military history and the Taliban DID try to put up a fight. They were not good enough. Its the US/NATO/Karzi blunders that are the only reason they have been able to make a come back. They lost this easily because they lacked support of the Afghan people. Read Military History of Afghanistan from the Oxford Press, that should clearify the situation.

Strictly from a pakistan security point of view ,it is better for pakistan to have the taliban in power in afghanistan then what we have now.

I dont disagree, but that was not the point of my statement. All I want is to tell waraich66 not to idealize them and think they are the solution to Pakistans every problem.

Its called guerrilla warfare........would you stand toe to toe with a 7ft black belt machine gun totting giant.
Any body with some sense would lay a IED and blow the giant up.......your not gonna win fighting him head on.

There are all types of guerrilla warfare like we saw in Vietnam and Afghanistan before the US. This is not the same thing, this is suicide warfare. 10,000 US Soldiers were liked in Vietman, and how many in Afghanistan? This suicide barbarian guerrilla warfare proved too much for the Iraqi people and it ended up helping the Americans instead. Same thing will happen in Afghanistan after a lot more blood.

You seem to be blurring the line between the terrorist operating in pakistan and the nationalist fight in afghanistan being fought by the taliban.

What makes you say that? I am not. I know they are 2 different organizations with 2 different agendas.

Go check the amount of american soldiers that where killed years on in the vietnam war and compare it to the Afghan war.


The taliban fighting in afghanistan are fighting a war for freedom........the terrorist fighting in pakistan need to be wiped out.
If you check news reports mullah omar has distanced himself and the true taliban from the terrorist in pakistan.

Most certainly correct. I dont want to argue with you. You and I obviously agree, but I was just simplifing things for Mr Waraich66. The Taliban are very imperfect and not the answer to Pakistans problems. Also many of the methords the Afghan Taliban have applied in the War against NATO dont appeal to my nature as a soldier.
Talaban fighting in FATA are freedomfighters ,they have their own law under their jirga.PaKistan dont have legal right to impose law of pakistan by force.

NWFP prevoius assembly already passed resolution in favour of shariat but Supremen of paistan had rejected their will.

Which is totally wrong.

Now it is responsibility of present government to give chance to NWFP people to decide through vote either they want pakistani law or shariat law.

Let vote decide this problem

If US allied forces and US paid Pak army attack on FATA ,Talaban of FATA have right to defend their land and take revenge
Did you read none of that big novel I just wrote? Oh my God this is hopeless....:hitwall:
Talaban fighting in FATA are freedomfighters ,they have their own law under their jirga.PaKistan dont have legal right to impose law of pakistan by force.

NWFP prevoius assembly already passed resolution in favour of shariat but Supremen of paistan had rejected their will.

Which is totally wrong.

Now it is responsibility of present government to give chance to NWFP people to decide through vote either they want pakistani law or shariat law.

Let vote decide this problem

If US allied forces and US paid Pak army attack on FATA ,Talaban of FATA have right to defend their land and take revenge

It is part of Pakistan. If they do not like it let them leave.

About Sharia... We are way beyond middle ages. Do we still have to stone people or shoot females in stadiums? I sugest you should be hanged...
Western media has brain washed your brains

You lot of hatred of shariat law.Shariat law has some restriction but only for the benefit of mankind.

Non muslim should not afarid from it.

Suppose some man rape your wife .you will definatly want to kill him.That is exactly what shariah law is

Blood for Blood ,ear for ear,hand for hand

Shariah law is to make peace not war.

Self killing is haram in islam.Siocidal bombing is haram in islam

I hope now you have no fear from sariat law and you will not hang me.

You replied in excellent way.

Islam is very difficult to understand for those who dont want to understand it but very easy who want to understand it.

In islam if some one attack your home you have right to defend your home ,it is your right to fight.
Talaban in Afhganistan are fighting to defend their country , they are justified to kill US and allied forces ..

Up until this point i agree with you.

In pakistan the satuation is very much complex ,but one thing is clear these pustoon trible people have independent jirga system ,which was accepted by Quaid e Azam also...

You forget that the other side of the bargin was that the tribesman have to follow pakistans national military policy and if they did not follow that ,then they could be punished......thats why the areas getting bombed.....a deals a deal

If their jirga decided to help or protect talaban, army dont have right to fight with them....

The terrorists in FATA have killed the the people that represent the tribes and the pakistan army is now helping the tribesman chase the terrorist back to there friends in afghanistan.
Why did the terrorists blow up the recent jigra..?
The only people protecting these terrorist are the israelis,indians and the CIA.

Who ever died by fighting with them will not be shaheed.

The terrorists fighting the islamic army of pakistan are going to hell..!

In Afghanistan they have supereme council which is real authority may take any decision.

Similarly in FATA jirga is final authority..

Your getting mixed up...the afghans have there own country and the pakistanis from FATA have there own govt in islamabad........the punjabis of india and pakistan are from two different nations just like pushtoons.

I hope i have clarified the confusion.

Yeah..... your a traitor
Please go back to afghanistan....you wannabe taliban
waraich66 is a douchebag and he seem to hate america so much but their is one thing in common between him and some americans. is that they both are narrow minded. "some" americans think that they are the best and savior of the world while he also thinks the same about himself and taligoons..
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