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Victory Of Taliban Is Victory Of Islam!

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Let me show you some thing you tell me who belives in God more then you can discuss who is winning and who lost it long time ago.

It says very clearly IN GOD WE TRUST I hope you can see it.

DO you see any mention of God there .Am i to believe these clowns are spreading Islam

Hey Cheetah786,
i agree with you and appriciate your thoughts and its human aspects. Kudos to you. :yahoo:
Gurrilla War in Columbia Lasts for 40 Years & Still Present

No One can Fight in Jungles & Mountains ....

This was an Inside JOB

Westerners Kill so many Innocent :(
Talaban fighting in FATA are freedomfighters ,they have their own law under their jirga.PaKistan dont have legal right to impose law of pakistan by force.

Freedom fighers? Freedom from whom? Their fellow muslims?

This is nothing other than insurrectino and rebellion. Do you know the Islamic punishment for rebels?

NWFP prevoius assembly already passed resolution in favour of shariat but Supremen of paistan had rejected their will.

This is hogwash. The Taliban could not impose Sharia in Afghanistan, what makes you think they will be able to do so in Pakistan? A country, which is already Islamic. The constitution states, that no law in Pakistan can go against Shariah, so Pakistan is already an islamic country. There are sharia courts, and the supreme court has also given numerous verdicts outlawying riba transactions, and ordering the govt. to implement it.

If US allied forces and US paid Pak army attack on FATA ,Talaban of FATA have right to defend their land and take revenge

Pakistani forces only entered FATA, after miscreants sheltered foreign terrorists, and others who sought to destabilise Pakistan. The recent suicide bombings have shown that the PA was justified in its action. If they had been given even more time to grow and organise themselves, the whole country would have been in danger now.

If you are so keen on revenge, why don't you go and take revenge on teh ISAF? What have the innocent people of Punjabi, Frontier, Sindh, Baluchistan done to you?

When the time to fight came, teh TAliban **** their pants and ran home, leaving the foreign fighters to bear the brunt. Now these shadowy people have come back out of the woodwork.

What hypocrites. Makes me sick.

p.s. the title of the thread. The taliban have as much to do with Islam, as George Bush has to do with peace.
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My friend,

I have clarified many times that Talaban on both side of border of pakistan and afghanistan are belong to same school of thaught.Talaban in afghanistan could not continue their resistance against US if FATA talaban and Local tribes will not support them

Please try to understand that Talaban dont want to fight with pakistan army but if Pakistan army try to stab from back as they are doing to please US government then they will definatly fight back with pakistan army.

Pakistan army should stop fight with FATA tribes and local talaban immediately.

Now USA has taken out Mullah Omer from wanted list and trying to resolve the war through talks.Paistan should also try the first option of jirga talk to resolve FATA conflict.


I honestly hate this sort of bullshit. So you support these murderous talibani idiots in their murder of 4000 pakistani civilians and 1300 soldiers? Other than that 25,000 girls cant study and over 400000 people have been displaced because of them.

And one thing it is taliban that have stabbed Pakistan in the back not the other way around. They are free to practice their bigotted version of Islam and their absolute idiocy in the tribal regions and no one forces them not to. Only after lal masjid they declared war on Pakistan with help of foreign intelligence and they were ones who started murdering Pakistanis and targeting them with blasts and mass brutality. Anyone who supports them knows nothing about Islam.

Suicide bombing which they practice is completely haram concept so is the murder of muslims and remember whoever kills a human being it is as if he kills all humanity. Also when 2 muslims meet sword in hand killer and killed go to hell although that does'nt exactly apply here because Taliban are actually Kaffir which the video I will post will do well to prove. Also tehreek e taliban pakistan may be recieving help from certain foreign intelligence agencies like CIA and RAW so please think before you speak and throw around your bigotted views and ignorance. I doubt you will understand until taliban will completely wipe Islam out with their stupidity killing and murdering every muslim. Recently an Afghan converted to Christianity just because of talibani murder who bombed his child not because he believed christianity was right religion. In Quran it is clearly written whoever muslim does things that drives a muslim away from his faith is Kuffar.

Until someone takes a stand and manages to teach you and misled people like you religion based on the teachings of the prophet and what it is like to be really fighting for Islam I doubt muslims will be able to live safely. I can arrange talk for you with Maulvi Abdul Raoof Mohammed and Taqeef Waheed who will teach you about Islam if you want because sadly ever since you have come you have been disgracing us muslims.

AllStar please pull off some of the stuff you pulled off with Asad Ul Islam because this guy is jharring his dangerous mindset that can hurt Pakistan just like terrorist supporter Fazl ur rehman. This guy needs it much more than him.

And I created these videos especially for you guys who go around raising their voice for talibani idiots and their supporters. First one is very important for you.:

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Regret to say that the debate in this thread reflects the extent to which cancer of extremism has found its way into Muslim Umma in general and Pakistani polity in particular. To consider victory of Taliban as victory of Islam is being naïve in the extreme.

Mufti Munib and Dr Javed Ghamdi are acknowledged Islamic scholars of Sunni Islam in Pakistan. Did they or any one of the truly learned ulema either in Pakistan or at the Jamia al Azhar support Taliban? Which hadith or tradition justifies suicide bombings and killing of innocent Muslims in Pakistan as revenge for attacks by the wrong doings of the West. Taliban's victims are not the guilty party.

Most of the leaders of Taliban in Afghanistan as well in Pakistan (Mullah Omer, Baitullah Mahsood and Fazlullah of Malakand) are not Islamic scholars in any sense. Some groups are actually led by people who never went to school. Taliban represent what is the worst in Islam. Their way is a mixture of tribal Pushtoon culture, Hanafi Maslak and Wahabi political philosophy. Taliban are acting against the basis tenet of Islam as spelled out in the holy Quran “La ikraha fiddeen” meaning there is no “Jabr” in Islam. Suggest Hon Waraich66 read the biography of the best man ever born; our holy Prophet (PBUH) and advise me where he forbade female education or forced every one to keep the beard.

In my view Taliban don’t represent Islam as preached by our holy Prophet (PBUH). They follow many heretic beliefs and their victory would the worst thing that can happen to the umma. Of course each honorable member has a right to express his views and follow what his conscience dictates but please don’t force these on others.

If Hon Waraich66 considers that living in a country where women are executed in the football grounds, TV antenna’s are smashed, women forbidden to go to school and every one forced to keep the beard; is heaven on earth, he is welcome to it. I would just ask one question, suppose your wife or sister had complications in child birth; she cannot visit a male doctor because that is no doubt forbidden, she can’t find a lady doctor because women are forbidden education. Will Hon Waraich66 be happy to let her die and call it Allah’s will?

If this is what Islam is, I am happy to be a kaffir.

Sir, we need more like you. I have many Muslim friends, and trust me, all of them will agree with you entirely.
Pakistan was created in the name of Islam and Islam should be implemented here at any cost.

I think islam can only be implemented through peace not through war.

Pakistan government should learn from US and NATO defeat in Afghanistan and try to resolve this issue through talks.

If mullah omer can be taken out from wanted list why not pakstan talaban leaders.

If not, then we will have to live in Hindustan.

So you want to live in HIndustan? Why don't you get lost and go there. I wouldn't mind if you were in the middle of a riot in mumbai, where they told you to strip off and prove your musulmani, before being burnt alive.
Every patriotic pakistani love to get killed by bullet of enemy into his chest rather then get killed by bullet from back .


yes, but we all know what the Talibs do when faced with bullets. They run home, and hide under their wives' burqas.

When the history of the 20th century will come to be written by historians in the next few centuries, Afghanistan will be a small part of it. And in that part, the 4 years of Taliban rule will not even be a blot on a page.

Most people would have forgotten about these stone aged fanatics, who, when push came to shove, could not even live up to their own deranged and crazy ideals.

There is nothing patriotic about TAlibs. They are nothing but a bunch of bullies. Ok to bully women, children and dfeneceless people. Ok to bomb schools, attack NGO workers, kill innocent civilians. But when they meet somebody else with a gun, they disappear without a trace.
Pakistan was created in the name of Islam and Islam should be implemented here at any cost.

I think islam can only be implemented through peace not through war.

Pakistan government should learn from US and NATO defeat in Afghanistan and try to resolve this issue through talks.

If mullah omer can be taken out from wanted list why not pakstan talaban leaders.

You need to have a look at Agnostic Muslims signature quote by Jinnah regarding the creation of Pakistan.

The US is not on the brink of defeat just war weary and they are not going to give up till they get their man.
These stone aged fanatics defeated Russia and US is on the edge of defeat.

We should be proud of these Afghan freedom fighters .Kashmiries and Palestinian should take lesson from them.

Whatever is going on in FATA is just a crooked move of US to break the back bone on talaban fighting in Afghanistan.


The Taliban had nothing to do with the jihad against the Russians. Most of them were languishing in camps in Pakistan. Many of these former mujahideen were actually a part of the northern alliance. Have you forgotten how the Taliban celebrated the assasination of former Mujahid leader Ahmad Shah Masood ( who is of the same "school of thought" that you like to mention the Taliban have).

When the going was easy, the TAliban fought. Most of the time, the resistance melted because people were sick of corruption, and road blocks. But when the fight came to the Taliban, they ran away leaving the Foreign mujahideen to bear the brunt of it.

If any credit should be given, it should be to the foreign fighters arabs/pakistanis, etc, mujahideen commanders (not the taliban), pakistan isi and army operatives and Assistance from friendly countries such as Saudi Arabia, USA,UAE. These are the people who liberated AFghanistan. The Taliban only arose many years later as a consequence of infighting among some former mujahideen commanders.

Please update your knowledge of the freedom struggle of AFghanistan in the 80's.
Business dealings of talibansIn 1997, the Taliban and Unocal had meetings in Texas to negotiate arrangements for CentGas to build a gas pipeline from Turkmenistan to Pakistan.[40] Reportedly, a deal was struck but later failed.[41] The cause of the failure was rumored to be competing negotiations with Bridas, an Argentinian company.

today same usa is no-1 enemy :D
Taliban sheamefull treatment of women
A member of the Taliban's religious police beating a woman in Kabul on September 13, 2001. The footage, which was filmed by RAWA, can be seen here.Women in particular were targets of the Taliban's restrictions. They were prohibited from working; from wearing clothing regarded as "stimulating and attractive," including the "Iranian chador," (viewed as insufficiently complete in its covering); from taking a taxi without a "close male relative"; washing clothes in streams; or having their measurements taken by tailors.

Employment for women was restricted to the medical sector, since male medical personnel were not allowed to examine women. One result of the banning of employment of women by the Taliban was the closing down in places like Kabul of primary schools not only for girls but for boys, because almost all the teachers there were women.

Women were also not permitted to attend co-educational schools; in practice, this prevented the vast majority of young women and girls in Afghanistan from receiving even a primary education.

Women were made to wear the burqa, a traditional dress covering the entire body except for a small screen to see out of. Taliban restrictions became more severe after they took control of the capital. In February 1998, religious police forced all women off the streets of Kabul and issued new regulations ordering "householders to blacken their windows, so women would not be visible from the outside." Home schools for girls, which had been allowed to continue, were forbidden. In June 1998, the Taliban stopped all women from attending general hospitals, leaving the use of one all-women hospital in Kabul. There were many reports of Muslim women being beaten by the Taliban for violating the Sharia.
other religuns under the Taliban
In July 1999, Mullah Mohammed Omar issued a decree in favor of the preservation of the Bamyan Buddhas. Because Afghanistan's Buddhist population no longer existed, which removed the possibility of the statues being worshipped, he added: "The government considers the Bamyan statues as an example of a potential major source of income for Afghanistan from international visitors. The Taliban states that Bamyan shall not be destroyed but protected."[4]


Afghanistan's radical clerics began a campaign to crack down on "un-Islamic" segments of Afghan society. The Taliban soon banned all forms of imagery, music and sports, including television, in accordance with what they considered a strict interpretation of Islamic law.[5]

Information and Culture Minister Qadratullah Jamal told Associated Press of a decision by 400 religious clerics from across Afghanistan declaring the Buddhist statues against the tenets of Islam. "They came out with a consensus that the statues were against Islam," said Jamal.

According to UNESCO Director-General Koïchiro Matsuura, a meeting of ambassadors from the 54 member states of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC) was conducted. All OIC states - including Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, three countries that officially recognised the Taliban government - joined the protest to spare the monuments.[6] A statement issued by the ministry of religious affairs of Taliban regime justified the destruction as being in accordance with Islamic law.[7] Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates would later condemn the destruction as "savage".[8]

[edit] Dynamiting and destruction, March 2001

Photograph of a statue being destroyed with dynamite on March 21, 2001.The statues were destroyed by dynamite over several weeks, starting in early March, carried out in different stages. Initially, the statues were fired at for several days using anti-aircraft guns and artillery. This damaged them, but did not obliterate them. Later, the Taliban placed anti-tank mines at the bottom of the niches, so that when fragments of rock broke off from artillery fire, the statues would receive additional destruction from particles that set off the mines. In the end, the Taliban lowered men down the cliff face and placed explosives into holes in the Buddhas.[9]

On March 6, 2001 The Times quoted Mullah Mohammed Omar as stating, "Muslims should be proud of smashing idols. It has given praise to God that we have destroyed them." He had changed his position from being in favor of the statues to being against them. During a March 13 interview for Japan's Mainichi Shimbun, Afghan Foreign Minister Wakil Ahmad Mutawakel stated that the destruction was anything but a retaliation against the international community for economic sanctions: "We are destroying the Buddha statues in accordance with Islamic law and it is purely a religious issue".

On March 18, The New York Times reported that a Taliban envoy said the Islamic government made its decision in a rage after a foreign delegation offered money to preserve the ancient works. The report also added, however, that other reports "have said the religious leaders were debating the move for months, and ultimately decided that the statues were idolatrous and should be obliterated."[10]

Then Taliban ambassador-at-large, Sayed Rahmatullah Hashemi, said that the destruction of the statues was carried out by the Head Council of Scholars after a single Swedish monuments expert proposed to restore the statues' heads. Hashimi is reported as saying: "When the Afghani head council asked them to provide the money to feed the children instead of fixing the statues, they refused and said, 'No, the money is just for the statues, not for the children'. Herein, they made the decision to destroy the statues". However, he did not comment on the fact that a foreign museum offered to "buy the Buddhist statues, the money from which could have been used to feed children."[11]
Prohibitions on culture under talibanMovie theaters were closed and music banned. Hundreds of cultural artifacts that were deemed polytheistic were also destroyed including major museum and countless private art collections. At the Kabul zoo most animals were killed or left to starve.:tsk:A sample Taliban edict issued after their capture of Kabul is one decreed in December 1996 by the "General Presidency of Amr Bil Maruf and Nahi Anil Munkar" (or Religious Police) banning a variety of things and activities: music, shaving of beards, keeping of pigeons, flying kites, displaying of pictures or portraits, western hairstyles, music and dancing at weddings, gambling, "sorcery," and not praying at prayer times.[54] In February 2001, Taliban used sledgehammers to destroy representational works of art at the National Museum of Afghanistan.[60]

Non-Western festivities were not exempt from bannings. The Taliban banned the traditional Afghan New Year's celebration of Nowruz as anti-Islamic, and "for a time they also banned Ashura, the Shia Islamic month of mourning and even restricted any show of festivity at Eid."[61] The Afghan people were not allowed to have any cultural celebrations if the women were there. If there were only men at the celebration it would be allowed to go forth, so long as it did not go over the curfew time of 9:00 pm.

Taliban official Mullah Mohammed Hassan explained that "of course we realize that people need some entertainment but they can go to the parks and see the flowers, and from this they will learn about Islam." The Education Minister Mullahs Abdul Hanifi told questioners that the Taliban "oppose music because it creates a strain in the mind and hampers study of Islam."[61]
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