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Vegans 43% more likely to suffer broken bones than meat eaters, Oxford study finds

Not Vegan as per definition either.

Because algae and yeast are made of living cells. You kill these living beings, though invisible to the human eyes.

Algae and yeast are not from the animal family.

Plants are also made of living cells.

The point of veganism is to avoid animal products, not to avoid all living cells.

I agree that "milk" imprinted onto the synthetic apparatus of yeast or algae may not be strictly vegan ....but not for the reasons you're stating.
What good is life without eating kfc fried chicken , beef nihari , beef steaks ,mutton. Biryani I got nothing against pork eaters but I can't imagine a life without meat oh not to forget chicken tikka
I will lambaste all this ridiculous and laughable verbiage that only exposes how brainwash by the European propaganda you are, unless you are one of them.

• Size is absolutely linked to vegetarian diet. Ever heard of the food pyramid? Please do yourself a favor and return to high school.
"Not to mention, the oxygen content in the atmosphere was higher in the time of the dinosaurs."

This is sheer sophistry. Did atmospheric oxygen discriminate the carnivorous? Don't further ridiculise yourself.

• Denisovians are not related to Chinese. It is a carnivorous group that strived in Northern Mongolian/Tanu Tuva regions, whose genes were transmitted partly and that survived in today's world in the carnivorous ethnic Tibetans.

• Neanderthals were "Native Europeans", to stressed how Homo SS "modern Europeans" are the invasive species.

• Neanderthals were spread across Eurasia, as a type of Homo Erectus. Of course, east Asians have more Neanderthal DNA than Europeans because as said Sinanthrope is a type of Homo Erectus, and not an Homo SS.

• East Asians? Total mismatch again my poor friend. This is typical 20th century European rhetoric. Again Mongols, Tibetans, and even Koreans and Japanese are all carnivorous (MSG sensitive). Why mix then with ethnic Chinese that are unrelated?

• Sinanthrope are not descendent of the Homo SS. Europeans are Homo SS.

Simply because Sinanthrope was present in today's China 2 millions years ago and evolved into the ethnic Chinese of today.

While Homo SS only arrived in Europe 45'000 years ago from Africa. Big difference.

But there are even more blatant evidence: Homo SS to support its carnivorous diet (cannibal) has 4 sharp canine teeth.

No ethnic Chinese have canine, because Sinanthrope didn't have the need to develop this trait of carnivorous.

Dare to post a pic of your dentition? This point is so funny that European schools have started to censor this most compromising anatomic detail in their books about 40 years ago. Google and prepare for a good laugh!

But why all these strange Hollywood movies since the 1960s about...vampires suddenly? :rofl::lol:

Basically the same European inferiority complex when googling brain size:rofl:

Homo SS enjoys the taste of bloody meat. The molecule associated is the infamous Monosodium glutamate (MSG).

But no ethnic Chinese can detect it! (Not to be confused with invaders from Mongolian Manchu descent)

Basically, ethnic Chinese share this similarity with the panda (only enjoy taste of veg) and unlike the bear!

Again European schools in Chemistry classes censor this by shame.:omghaha:

Get your facts right before posting nonsense, only to avoid making yourself a fool.


You and your ilk are homo sapiens. Deal with it.
FairAndUnbiased said:

Eat cow become cow?

Eat pig become pig?

No thanks, I'll stick to my NBA vegan diet so I remain clear of heart disease and obesity.

Ear only lemons become a lemon.

Please finish your sentences


Eat stinky euro cheese have very smelly soles.:triniti:

. .
Vegans 43% more likely to suffer broken bones than meat eaters, Oxford study finds
A study by academics at the University of Oxford found that vegans have more than double the risk of suffering a broken hip than meat eaters, with the affliction common in older people, especially women.
Vegan diets more than double the risk of a broken hip, warns new research.

A study of more than 50,000 British people tracked over two decades found giving up animal flesh weakens bones - and can trigger osteoporosis.

Compared with people who ate meat and fish, scientists found that those with lower calcium and protein intake were especially prone to hip, leg and spine fractures.

Vegans were also 43 per cent more likely to suffer a fracture anywhere. In particular this applied to the leg, vertebrae and collarbone.

The latest research by the Vegan Society says there are now 600,000 vegans in Britain.

Study lead author Dr Tammy Tong, an Oxford University nutritional epidemiologist, said: "The biggest differences were for hip fractures, where the risk in vegans was 2.3 times higher than in people who ate meat - equivalent to 15 more cases per 1,000 people over 10 years."
Women are most vulnerable because their bones naturally lose strength after the menopause as levels of oestrogen drop.

Famous celebrity vegans include Natalie Portman, Ellie Goulding, Pamela Anderson, Sir Paul McCartney and Joaquin Phoenix.

The most comprehensive analysis of its kind was based on participants of the EPIC-Oxford study who were recruited between 1993 and 2001 - around three quarters of whom are women.

Around 29,400 ate meat, nearly 17,500 were vegetarians or vegans and just over 8,000 were fish eating pescatarians.

Dr Tong said: "We found vegans had a higher risk of total fractures which resulted in close to 20 more cases per 1000 people over a 10-year period compared to people who ate meat."

Participants' diets were assessed initially, and then again in 2010. They were followed up until 2016, for 18 years on average, for the occurrence of fractures.

Fracture risk was partly reduced once BMI (body mass index) and dietary calcium and protein consumption had been taken into account.
This is associated with a higher risk of hip fractures, and low intakes of calcium and protein have both been linked to poorer bone health."

Possible explanations include the cushioning against impact force during a fall, enhanced oestrogen production with increased adiposity or stronger bones from greater weight-bearing.

Dr Tong said: "This study showed vegans, who on average had lower BMI as well as lower intakes of calcium and protein than meat eaters, had higher risks of fractures at several sites.

"Well-balanced and predominantly plant-based diets can result in improved nutrient levels and have been linked to lower risks of diseases including heart disease and diabetes.

"Individuals should take into account the benefits and risks of their diet, and ensure they have adequate levels of calcium and protein and also maintain a healthy BMI, that is, neither under nor overweight."
We witness it already at Dokhalam.
vegans could have eggs & nuts for protein & calcium
. .
vegans could have eggs & nuts for protein & calcium
"Eggs"? for vegans???

This thread is full of some very interesting facts.
NBA vegan diet

I saw NFL players on the same sort of diet. Several footballers are on it too, even bodybuilders.

However, the problem is that extreme discipline and micromanagement is needed to ensure a vegan diet is correctly supplemented to avoid deficiency of specific nutrients and micronutrients. This level of discipline is beyond your average Joe, hence if someone has tried to be vegan all their life, I would suspect they will over time miss out on specific nutrients because of lack of discipline. It's easy for sports persons whose whole career is dependent on nutritional micromanagement.
"Eggs"? for vegans???

This thread is full of some very interesting facts.

I saw NFL players on the same sort of diet. Several footballers are on it too, even bodybuilders.

However, the problem is that extreme discipline and micromanagement is needed to ensure a vegan diet is correctly supplemented to avoid deficiency of specific nutrients and micronutrients. This level of discipline is beyond your average Joe, hence if someone has tried to be vegan all their life, I would suspect they will over time miss out on specific nutrients because of lack of discipline. It's easy for sports persons whose whole career is dependent on nutritional micromanagement.
Vegetarian chickens so eggs must be vegetarian too loooool
You would know.
Very pungent...indeed shooting own feet:omghaha:


https://archive.vn/lf7hZ/aed2830987b79af5ce968232297b89dd4a4936a1.jpg ; https://archive.vn/lf7hZ/42497d41b1600edb7365569d075a14d71fca3559/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201205194415/https://pic2.zhimg.com/80/v2-0cac08c555a0da18d1300869465d458a_720w.jpg?source=3af55fa1
1. Indeed shooting own feet

. .
What good is life without eating kfc fried chicken , beef nihari , beef steaks ,mutton. Biryani I got nothing against pork eaters but I can't imagine a life without meat oh not to forget chicken tikka

What is good for one should at least not be self-defeating. 🤦

Because of this wrong genetic mindset, Homo SS was doomed from day one to end up in the self-made, self-defeating dystopian evolutionary dead end of today, upon reaching the psychotronic era threashold, associated with the discovery of particle physics, semiconductors, computers, space age, robotics, genetic engineeering and A.I.

That is by 1945.

:taz:MSG detection -> hunting -> warmongering -> genocide -> slavery -> exploitation -> imperialism -> colonialism -> totalitarism -> ecocide -> dystopian evolutionary deadend:suicide:

Homo SS has therefore no future, although it took 45'000 years for them to unravel this ultimate truth, and unlike the sons of the Bodhisattva Emperor (Emperor Wu of Liang 梁武帝). The only ones to be compliant with all the exo-diplomatic prerequisites that could unlock the next stage in the human civilization.

Read the full-length article: Breaking The Exo-Diplomatic Bottleneck V1.3a.


People kind of seem to be skipping over this. Vegans need more protein and calcium, even if plant based. It is a fact that you get more protein and calcium from animal products, and at a higher quality.

That is some serious pseudo-scientific bull.

Size has nothing to do with vegan diet. Herbivores are large so they can access food and avoid predators. Not to mention, the oxygen content in the atmosphere was higher in the time of the dinosaurs.
Homo Sapiens are modern humans, not "ethnic Europeans". They are ancestors of you and I, who came out of Africa and mixed with or displaced Neanderthals and Denisovans. Where are you getting the "were known to be cannibals" from? They were hunters and gatherers. They did not eat the Neanderthals--Lol.
Neanderthals weren't "Native European". They were spread across Eurasia. In fact, east Asians have more Neanderthal DNA than Europeans.
All humans today are Homo Sapiens, including "Chinese (aka Sinanthrope)". Homo erectus was extinct long before Homo sapiens came out of Africa.

Etc. Etc. Etc. I hate to break it to you but you do not have any racial superiority over others.

Side-by-side: A stark contrast between China’s two panda sub-species

December 18, 2020

Scientists have recently found that there are in fact two different types of pandas living in today's China, the giant panda from southwest China's Sichuan and the giant panda from northwest China's Shaanxi.

The pandas from Sichuan have a black chest and mostly white belly, looking more like a bear in appearance.

In comparison, the subspecies from the Qinling mountain range of Shaanxi have smaller skulls and larger teeth, taking on cat-like features, with a dark brown chest.

Although the two sub-species are related, they have not interacted with each other for over 12,000 years, which has resulted in the formation of different genetic groups for these two types of pandas.


https://archive.vn/00liy/a60db1d5aac30dc0b392dff5c70729f57a469e3b.jpg ; https://archive.vn/00liy/acd4100bbfb87356591fcab0a901692cbabcd54a/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201218124325/http://en.people.cn/NMediaFile/2020/1218/FOREIGN202012181012000503263234153.jpg
1. Giant panda sub-species from Qinling, Shaanxi province, different from the genetic groups of the giant panda from Sichuan province sub-species.


• Chacha_Facebooka said: All humans today are Homo Sapiens, including "Chinese (aka Sinanthrope)". Homo erectus was extinct long before Homo sapiens came out of Africa.

Ecosystem create species. By making them endemic. Homo SS (modern European humans) and ethnic Chinese have evolved in totally different ecosystems for too long since their common hominid ancestors in Africa.

Sinanthrope was an Homo Erectus precisely and settled in China 2 millions years ago, that further evolved into the endemic sub-species of today's modern Chinese!

It did not interacted with Homo SS that left Africa only 45'000 years ago, until much later than the 12'000 years period of distancing of the 2 panda sub-species!

Proof, the humid subtropical climate (Cfa) ecosystem created the conditions to form the endemic Chinese sub-species that is resistant to virus and diseases of this Humid subtropical climate, along malaria, and including all the snake-borne and bat-carried ones such as today's SARS, H1N1, COVID-19, unlike the Homo SS that is driven into the verge of total collapse due to its genetic weakness!


https://archive.is/2kjsm/04099a4e8f924e161e5ee7bbd836b0a1a33102fe.png ; https://archive.is/2kjsm/be2c46a837a0c85d3a46658fff0bf6e0e498d9e3/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201218...a_Cfa.png/1024px-Koppen_World_Map_Cwa_Cfa.png ; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humid_subtropical_climate
2. The Humid subtropical climate (CFa) created the conditions to form the endemic Chinese sub-species specially fit to survive the endemic sub-tropical diseases.

Notice how the humid subtropical climate (Cfa) ecosystem has created the conditions for the rise of the Chinese Civilization, and its Liang dynasty that naturally institutionalized vegetarianism, previously a cultural habit based on genetic settings.


https://archive.vn/nj1tR/7437aa26cb0ae20e48031de4fce39c3ae5a6721e.webp ; https://archive.vn/nj1tR/a58060e7d2b0fd9fd9240cc0858059d3ef38773c/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201218125001/https://p1.pstatp.com/large/216e0011d4eb568dfdf3 ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201218125045/https://p0.ssl.img.360kuai.com/t0135fa0c0163339113.webp
3. In red: ethnic Chinese forming the Liang dynasty and fruit of the Humid subtropical climate (CFa) ecosystem.


Last edited:
What is good for one should at least not be self-defeating. 🤦

Because of this wrong genetic mindset, Homo SS was doomed from day one to end up in the self-made, self-defeating dystopian evolutionary dead end of today, upon reaching the psychotronic era threashold, associated with the discovery of particle physics, semiconductors, computers, space age, robotics, genetic engineeering and A.I.

That is by 1945.

:taz:MSG detection -> hunting -> warmongering -> genocide -> slavery -> exploitation -> imperialism -> colonialism -> totalitarism -> ecocide -> dystopian evolutionary deadend:suicide:

Homo SS has therefore no future, although it took 45'000 years for them to unravel this ultimate truth, and unlike the sons of the Bodhisattva Emperor (Emperor Wu of Liang 梁武帝). The only ones to be compliant with all the exo-diplomatic prerequisites that could unlock the next stage in the human civilization.

Read the full-length article: Breaking The Exo-Diplomatic Bottleneck V1.3a.


Side-by-side: A stark contrast between China’s two panda sub-species

December 18, 2020

Scientists have recently found that there are in fact two different types of pandas living in today's China, the giant panda from southwest China's Sichuan and the giant panda from northwest China's Shaanxi.

The pandas from Sichuan have a black chest and mostly white belly, looking more like a bear in appearance.

In comparison, the subspecies from the Qinling mountain range of Shaanxi have smaller skulls and larger teeth, taking on cat-like features, with a dark brown chest.

Although the two sub-species are related, they have not interacted with each other for over 12,000 years, which has resulted in the formation of different genetic groups for these two types of pandas.


https://archive.vn/00liy/a60db1d5aac30dc0b392dff5c70729f57a469e3b.jpg ; https://archive.vn/00liy/acd4100bbfb87356591fcab0a901692cbabcd54a/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201218124325/http://en.people.cn/NMediaFile/2020/1218/FOREIGN202012181012000503263234153.jpg

1. Giant panda sub-species from Qinling, Shaanxi province, different from the genetic groups of the giant panda from Sichuan province sub-species.


• Chacha_Facebooka said: All humans today are Homo Sapiens, including "Chinese (aka Sinanthrope)". Homo erectus was extinct long before Homo sapiens came out of Africa.

Ecosystem create species. By making them endemic. Homo SS (modern European humans) and ethnic Chinese have evolved in totally different ecosystems for too long since their common hominid ancestors in Africa.

Sinanthrope was an Homo Erectus precisely and settled in China 2 millions years ago, that further evolved into the endemic sub-species of today's modern Chinese!

It did not interacted with Homo SS that left Africa only 45'000 years ago, until much later than the 12'000 years period of distancing of the 2 panda sub-species!

Proof, the humid subtropical climate (Cfa) ecosystem created the conditions to form the endemic Chinese sub-species that is resistant to virus and diseases of this Humid subtropical climate, along malaria, and including all the snake-borne and bat-carried ones such as today's SARS, H1N1, COVID-19, unlike the Homo SS that is driven into the verge of total collapse due to its genetic weakness!


https://archive.is/2kjsm/04099a4e8f924e161e5ee7bbd836b0a1a33102fe.png ; https://archive.is/2kjsm/be2c46a837a0c85d3a46658fff0bf6e0e498d9e3/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201218...a_Cfa.png/1024px-Koppen_World_Map_Cwa_Cfa.png ; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humid_subtropical_climate
2. The Humid subtropical climate (CFa) created the conditions to form the endemic Chinese sub-species specially fit to survive the endemic sub-tropical diseases.

Notice how the humid subtropical climate (Cfa) ecosystem has created the conditions for the rise of the Chinese Civilization, and its Liang dynasty that naturally institutionalized vegetarianism, previously a cultural habit based on genetic settings.


https://archive.vn/nj1tR/7437aa26cb0ae20e48031de4fce39c3ae5a6721e.webp ; https://archive.vn/nj1tR/a58060e7d2b0fd9fd9240cc0858059d3ef38773c/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201218125001/https://p1.pstatp.com/large/216e0011d4eb568dfdf3 ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201218125045/https://p0.ssl.img.360kuai.com/t0135fa0c0163339113.webp
3. In red: ethnic Chinese forming the Liang dynasty and fruit of the Humid subtropical climate (CFa) ecosystem.


I will lambaste all this ridiculous and laughable verbiage that only exposes how brainwash by the European propaganda you are, unless you are one of them.

• Size is absolutely linked to vegetarian diet. Ever heard of the food pyramid? Please do yourself a favor and return to high school.
"Not to mention, the oxygen content in the atmosphere was higher in the time of the dinosaurs."

This is sheer sophistry. Did atmospheric oxygen discriminate the carnivorous? Don't further ridiculise yourself.

• Denisovians are not related to Chinese. It is a carnivorous group that strived in Northern Mongolian/Tanu Tuva regions, whose genes were transmitted partly and that survived in today's world in the carnivorous ethnic Tibetans.

• Neanderthals were "Native Europeans", to stressed how Homo SS "modern Europeans" are the invasive species.

• Neanderthals were spread across Eurasia, as a type of Homo Erectus. Of course, east Asians have more Neanderthal DNA than Europeans because as said Sinanthrope is a type of Homo Erectus, and not an Homo SS.

• East Asians? Total mismatch again my poor friend. This is typical 20th century European rhetoric. Again Mongols, Tibetans, and even Koreans and Japanese are all carnivorous (MSG sensitive). Why mix then with ethnic Chinese that are unrelated?

• Sinanthrope are not descendent of the Homo SS. Europeans are Homo SS.

Simply because Sinanthrope was present in today's China 2 millions years ago and evolved into the ethnic Chinese of today.

While Homo SS only arrived in Europe 45'000 years ago from Africa. Big difference.

But there are even more blatant evidence: Homo SS to support its carnivorous diet (cannibal) has 4 sharp canine teeth.

No ethnic Chinese have canine, because Sinanthrope didn't have the need to develop this trait of carnivorous.

Dare to post a pic of your dentition? This point is so funny that European schools have started to censor this most compromising anatomic detail in their books about 40 years ago. Google and prepare for a good laugh!

But why all these strange Hollywood movies since the 1960s about...vampires suddenly? :rofl::lol:

Basically the same European inferiority complex when googling brain size:rofl:

Homo SS enjoys the taste of bloody meat. The molecule associated is the infamous Monosodium glutamate (MSG).

But no ethnic Chinese can detect it! (Not to be confused with invaders from Mongolian Manchu descent)

Basically, ethnic Chinese share this similarity with the panda (only enjoy taste of veg) and unlike the bear!

Again European schools in Chemistry classes censor this by shame.:omghaha:

Get your facts right before posting nonsense, only to avoid making yourself a fool.



That's pretty interesting.

However, I have 4 canine's and though I love meat I HATE the gamey taste of meat or under cooked "bloody" meat (ex. need at least medium but prefer more on the well done side).

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