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Vandalism by Hindu Sena at Asaduddin Owaisi's house in Delhi

Actually these incidents are self done by MIM as it want to grow out of old Hyderabad. I can not believe post 1984 any riot can happen in Delhi on stupid issue like durga statue in front of mosque. If that offends some so much then there would be riots every other day in Delhi because many temple and mosques exists nearby all over Delhi.
This Owaisi fellow wants to represent Muslims of India so is letting his people like @mujhahidind on lose and they are creating riot like situations, attacking owaisis's place( nobody even know owaisi has residence in delhi ) for publicity, sympathy from Muslims. But these pathetic folks don't know that Muslims of Delhi are not @rseholes like the razakar Muslims of Hyderabad. I am loving the desperation of MIM and its supporters and we will hear some good news about them being exposed in instigating riots pretty soon.

Care to explain the bolded part?
Actually these incidents are self done by MIM as it want to grow out of old Hyderabad. I can not believe post 1984 any riot can happen in Delhi on stupid issue like durga statue in front of mosque. If that offends some so much then there would be riots every other day in Delhi because many temple and mosques exists nearby all over Delhi.
This Owaisi fellow wants to represent Muslims of India so is letting his people like @mujhahidind on lose and they are creating riot like situations, attacking owaisis's place( nobody even know owaisi has residence in delhi ) for publicity, sympathy from Muslims. But these pathetic folks don't know that Muslims of Delhi are not @rseholes like the razakar Muslims of Hyderabad. I am loving the desperation of MIM and its supporters and we will hear some good news about them being exposed in instigating riots pretty soon.

Stop worrying about India! We have lots of short comings but tell me can you as an Ahmadi go back to Pakistan and live with your extremist brothers?

So you are accepting that you have double standards when it comes to acts of violence by Muslim extremists and Hindus extremists. Thank you.
The so called vandalism of under repair house when owaisi was not there by an obscure org sounds like the kind of bullshyte the typical victim mentality people thrive on.

And some shias and ahmedis from pakistan really try too hard. If Lashkar E Jhanghvi open an Indian branch tomorrow and indians show no sympathy for their antics, these people will post in support of them too LOL!

Hyderabad Muslim groups demand ban on the activities of Qadiyanis | TwoCircles.net
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So you are accepting that you have double standards when it comes to acts of violence by Muslim extremists and Hindus extremists. Thank you.

I never said that. But you need to understand the politics of India. Different political parties indulge in these kind of acts of violence to put ruling party in bad light. Riots over place of worship is kind of joke in case of Delhi because if this is taken as a precedence then there will be riots every day in Delhi because so many gurudwaras, temples And mosques exists in near vicinity. Add to that Owaisi is an unknown figure in Delhi and probably nobody would know where he lives. So why would someone attack his residence in Delhi when that can very well be done in Hyderabad where he actually lives. Point is he needs publicity in Delhi not in Hyderabad that's why we are seeing these things happening in Delhi. This is disgusting but this is the true face of politics in India. Even Gujarat riots were instigated by Congress councilors who burnt the train of kar sewaks. Now tell me who are the extremists you were pointing to!! They are our politicos who can kill people to garner some votes for themselves and I agree no political party is saint in this.
But you guys do kill muslims as in Gujarat, and in kashmir. Anyway I'm not surprised to see that, it's a daily routine in india.

That was riot (not legal ) instigated by muslims themselves.No one ever contested chronology of the event , that's fact. Muslims started it Hindus finished it.

And keep kasmir out of it , if you don't want to bring in sectarian killings of Baloochistan.

The so called vandalism of under repair house when owaisi was not there by an obscure org sounds like the kind of bullshyte the typical victim mentality people thrive on.

And some shias and ahmedis from pakistan really try too hard. If Lashkar E Jhanghvi open an Indian branch tomorrow and indians show no sympathy for their antics, these people will post in support of them too LOL!

Hyderabad Muslim groups demand ban on the activities of Qadiyanis | TwoCircles.net

Owaisi was in London at that time supporting Million Men Joke March. I am not kidding , I saw his geo location of his tweets on 26'th.
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That was riot (not legal ) instigated by muslims themselves.No one ever contested chronology of the event , that's fact. Muslims started it Hindus finished it.
Hindus finished it pretty well :tup:..... by killing thousands of Muslims and by burning many many muslims houses and by damaging properties.
And this is a fact that no one can cross india in brutality, you guys have even crossed hitler in brutality. Thousands of women's were raped and thousands of Muslims were killed in Kashmir and in India by your army. Recently your Modi was jumping into joy when he killed 20+ civilians near loc, and he said that he will gonna do it again. He don't even have guts to face our army, he and his army is coward killing unarmed innocent civilians.
And the sectarian riots is spread over every where in pakistan, these indian aided terrorists are killing each and every Pakistani. But it's unfortunate for you guys that our army have launched operation and is killing indian aided rats.
Hindus finished it pretty well :tup:..... by killing thousands of Muslims and by burning many many muslims houses and by damaging properties.
And this a fact that no one can cross india in brutality, you guys have even crossed hitler in brutality. Thousands of women's were raped and thousands of Muslims were killed in Kashmir and in India by your army. Recently your Modi was jumping into joy when he killed 20+ civilians near loc, and he said that he will gonna do it again. He don't even have guts to face our army, he and his army is coward killing unarmed innocent civilians.
And the sectarian riots is spread over every where in pakistan, these indian aided terrorists are killing each and every Pakistani.

lol, lot of gibberish .

About Gujrat yes in riots arson, loot , rape , murder happen but happens both ways . You should blame those who triggered this chain reaction.

About Kashmir you have no idea how unprepared we were for sudden onslaught of insurgency and terrorism exported by your country. Rapes and Murdering are old war tactic to take control. But all this stopped once president rule was lifted. We will do everything we can to maintain our integrity.

About recent flare up, it was not if civilians from only your side were killed, your coward rangers as well as PA too targeted and killed our civilians .

How come always Ahmedies, Hazaras and Shia are only targeted. Riot happens for few days only and two community go at each other but in your case you know that's not the case. There are government backed terrorist outfits targeting minority.
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But you guys do kill muslims as in Gujarat, and in kashmir. Anyway I'm not surprised to see that, it's a daily routine in india.

did u selectively forget tat sme section of muslims are responsible for the riots . IF they didnt burnt innocent hindus in the godhra train there wouldnt have been any riots.

and even in the case of kashmir u selectively forget the plight of kashmiri hindus .. anyway all those who go against the country and side with our enemy wil recieve a bullet in the head.:sniper:
Didn't you exit to the UK because you are regarded as kuffar in Pakistan ? And here you are talking big about Muslim this and Muslim that and saffron chaddi Hindutvas ? Trust me, on average a Muslim is far safer in Hindustan under any circumstances than they are in Pakistan. No need to fret about Indian Muslims now. Even the radicals here are treated with kids gloves. No bombings, beheadings, Blasphemy law allegations, Shia this-Ahmedi that-Sunni here-Deobandi there crap. Just plain Indians who have their usual gripes as in any democracy.

I have to use harsh words for trolls from your country.
Please 'Enlighten' us with your views!!


Simple, if India keeps these kinds of oppression against Muslims.
Then KSA, UAE, Qatar and other Middle east countries should block any kinds of money flow from those countries to India.
There shouldn't be any job for any indians. And no products of India should enter those countries.
Simple, if India keeps these kinds of oppression against Muslims.
Then KSA, UAE, Qatar and other Middle east countries should block any kinds of money flow from those countries to India.
There shouldn't be any job for any indians. And no products of India should enter those countries.

Good luck with that wololol.
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