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Vandalism by Hindu Sena at Asaduddin Owaisi's house in Delhi

Israel has unconditional support of a super power. Who's unconditional support does india have? Afghanistan's?:sarcastic:
Did we have Unconditional Support in all our wars?How come we won all those wars against Pakistan? our huge population alone is enough to deter the combined might of all those Western Muslim Countries, if we give a weapon each to 1.25 billion people thats a 1.25 billion standing army. I wonder how you will fare against a nation with huge population armed with nukes to the teeth without massive bloodshed amounting to atleast hundreds of millions are Western Muslim countries willing to risk that much Bloodshed is the question.
We neither need any nations support nor did we ask for any unlike your country which is always running to USA or China
We don't allow another nation to raid our country and kill people inside like Abottabad or Authorize Nato to fly drones and kill civilians nor did we hand over part of our land to china as you did for cooperation with them.
that is the difference between your nation and ours.

Countries like KSA and UAE are big sources of money and employment for India. Offending them, you are responsible for the consequences :lol:
Big source of money and employment?It is not that people went to those nations for food they went there because the wages were higher just like you go to USA for increased pay in the end they will all return to India.Besides there are many Indian Investors and Those nations you mentioned Invest in India because they believe they can get profit.
KSA and UAE will be irrelevant anyways in future as the world goes green that is the reason they are trying to develop infrastructure and making it as trading hub as they know Oil wont last long and the party will be over. Our PM turns to clean green energy research. Every nation is preparing for the worst case scenario that ' what if we don't have oil then what next' scenario, EU and USA is in that process so is India.

I know that incident very well, you can also google for Asaduddin loosing his temper many times over many incidents. He even tried to rig booths. I can speak many things about him but its ok.
I know he was caught many times on camera carrying hockey stick to polling booths.
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lol, lot of gibberish .

About Gujrat yes in riots arson, loot , rape , murder happen but happens both ways . You should blame those who triggered this chain reaction.

About Kashmir you have no idea how unprepared we were for sudden onslaught of insurgency and terrorism exported by your country. Rapes and Murdering are old war tactic to take control. But all this stopped once president rule was lifted. We will do everything we can to maintain our integrity.

About recent flare up, it was not if civilians from only your side were killed, your coward rangers as well as PA too targeted and killed our civilians .

How come always Ahmedies, Hazaras and Shia are only targeted. Riot happens for few days only and two community go at each other but in your case you know that's not the case. There are government backed terrorist outfits targeting minority.

About the Gujarat riots, no one exactly knows who was behind it. But the way riot took shape and the way muslims were targeted in it makes it crystal clear that "who was behind it". The muslim womens, muslim children and muslim men were identified and were brutally murdered in the riot, properties of muslims were destroyed. And another thing that should be brought into light is that, modi was CM of Gujarat when the riot took place. Instead of stoping this riot he stood there as a statue and done nothing to stop that riot. He encouraged the retributive killings.

You are saying that you guys were unprepared? That's totally untrue! indian army was there in kashmir long before the terrorism begins. And secondly what's the use of 700000 indian army if it can't stop terrorists. Terrorism is just an excuse that india seeks in order to hide its crime against humanity in kashmir. India for past 65 years has been suppressing the separatist movements and freedom of Kashmir by using the tools like killing, raping and etc. And india had approved and has been implementing on the law AFSPA, under which indian army has full right to kill or rape anyone they wishes, they won't gonna be charged for it. On one hand indian army rapes and kills people and on other hand they accuses ISI for everything they do, "what a cheap tactics!". You guys may be able to fool others but you guys can't fool kashmiris, if we were doing any insurgencies then they would have turned against us instead they hate india from top to bottom their hatred towards india is prevailing day by day.

Have you compared how many indians and how many Pakistanis were killed on loc?

This statement of yours is incorrect, Ahmadis and Shias are not the only one who gets killed by these terrorists. These Indian aided terrorists are killing each and every Pakistani. So far they have killed 80000+ Pakistanis and maybe if I'm not mistaken they have killed about 10000+ Pakistani troops. these terrorists don't spare anyone. They have attacked every one in Pakistan whether it's christians, Muslims or any other. They even said that they will gonna kill Pakistani soldiers on the very spot if they see them. These terrorists are targeting each and every Pakistani. Nevertheless we are fighting against them and Inshah Allah, we will eradicate these Indian rats from our sweet country, "Pakistan".:pakistan:

did u selectively forget tat sme section of muslims are responsible for the riots . IF they didnt burnt innocent hindus in the godhra train there wouldnt have been any riots.

and even in the case of kashmir u selectively forget the plight of kashmiri hindus .. anyway all those who go against the country and side with our enemy wil recieve a bullet in the head.:sniper:

Muslims were not responsible for the riots. The godhra train incident took place after the riots broke out. And it's really cruel to accuse muslims for this riot as muslims are the one who suffered most. Muslims were targeted by hindu extremists, their houses were burned and they were killed in masses.
If someone killed few hindus from past doesn't means that you guys have full freedom of killing thousands of innocent kashmiris. But india no doubt is following the example of its western brother israel.
Did we have Unconditional Support in all our wars?How come we won all those wars against Pakistan? our huge population alone is enough to deter the combined might of all those Western Muslim Countries, if we give a weapon each to 1.25 billion people thats a 1.25 billion standing army. I wonder how you will fare against a nation with huge population armed with nukes to the teeth without massive bloodshed amounting to atleast hundreds of millions are Western Muslim countries willing to risk that much Bloodshed is the question.
We neither need any nations support nor did we ask for any unlike your country which is always running to USA or China
We don't allow another nation to raid our country and kill people inside like Abottabad or Authorize Nato to fly drones and kill civilians nor did we hand over part of our land to china as you did for cooperation with them.
that is the difference between your nation and ours.
You indians come up with such baseless and senseless replies its shocking. When you say you will give weapon to each 1.25 billion you are counting women, children and old people in. Not to forget all those anti state organisations like naxals and maos who fight to be separated from India. So there goes that arguement. Then you say you dont need any country's support. The only thing you show by this comment is how ill-informed and unaware you are, if India did not need any support why would your prime minister be visiting usa and japan, or why would your country try to establish good relations with Afghanistan. Its a need of time to have as much countries allied up with you as possible. So clearly you dont even have any idea about your own country's policies. This arguement fails as well. Then you talk about drones about which you dont even know that its a deal between us and them and they target terrorists who kill our civillians and many of these terrorists die in drones. If you dont know TTP's ex chief Baitullah Mehsud was killed in a drone strike and you think that can be done without the help of Pakistani intelligence. You are a senior member on this forum, you should be able write things that atleast make sense.
About the Gujarat riots, no one exactly knows who was behind it. But the way riot took shape and the way muslims were targeted in it makes it crystal clear that "who was behind it". The muslim womens, muslim children and muslim men were identified and were brutally murdered in the riot, properties of muslims were destroyed. And another thing that should be brought into light is that, modi was CM of Gujarat when the riot took place. Instead of stoping this riot he stood there as a statue and done nothing to stop that riot. He encouraged the retributive killings.

Don't waste my time on things you don't know. Seach the word GODHRA on google and please educate yourself before engaging me. Muslim mob burnt whole train coach filled of hindu women and children. Then riots started.If Modi hadn't stopped riots then today there wouldn't have been single muslim alive in Gujrat

You are saying that you guys were unprepared? That's totally untrue! indian army was there in kashmir long before the terrorism begins. And secondly what's the use of 700000 indian army if it can't stop terrorists. Terrorism is just an excuse that india seeks in order to hide its crime against humanity in kashmir. India for past 65 years has been suppressing the separatist movements and freedom of Kashmir by using the tools like killing, raping and etc. And india had approved and has been implementing on the law AFSPA, under which indian army has full right to kill or rape anyone they wishes, they won't gonna be charged for it. On one hand indian army rapes and kills people and on other hand they accuses ISI for everything they do, "what a cheap tactics!". You guys may be able to fool others but you guys can't fool kashmiris, if we were doing any insurgencies then they would have turned against us instead they hate india from top to bottom their hatred towards india is prevailing day by day.
I am tired of educating you guys,go and check when AFSPA was clamped on Kashmir.Our security personnel strength was not 700000 in 1988-89.
Have you compared how many indians and how many Pakistanis were killed on loc?
You killed our civilians, we killed your civilians , that's it . Killing less civilian doesn't make you angel
This statement of yours is incorrect, Ahmadis and Shias are not the only one who gets killed by these terrorists. These Indian aided terrorists are killing each and every Pakistani. So far they have killed 80000+ Pakistanis and maybe if I'm not mistaken they have killed about 10000+ Pakistani troops. these terrorists don't spare anyone. They have attacked every one in Pakistan whether it's christians, Muslims or any other. They even said that they will gonna kill Prael.

From where did you get figures of 80000 , have you totally lost it ??Give me link for Sunnies being target, I can give you 100 links for non-sunnies being targeted.

And stop blaming India for your every tragedy. Even your naval officers are against your government.

Only recently they were involved in attack on your naval base.
Don't waste my time on things you don't know. Seach the word GODHRA on google and please educate yourself before engaging me. Muslim mob burnt whole train coach filled of hindu women and children. Then riots started.If Modi hadn't stopped riots then today there wouldn't have been single muslim alive in Gujrat

I am tired of educating you guys,go and check when AFSPA was clamped on Kashmir.Our security personnel strength was not 700000 in 1988-89.

You killed our civilians, we killed your civilians , that's it . Killing less civilian doesn't make you angel

From where did you get figures of 80000 , have you totally lost it ??Give me link for Sunnies being target, I can give you 100 links for non-sunnies being targeted.

And stop blaming India for your every tragedy. Even your naval officers are against your government.

Only recently they were involved in attack on your naval base.

Why are rational with them? Ain't fruitful. :wave:
You indians come up with such baseless and senseless replies its shocking. When you say you will give weapon to each 1.25 billion you are counting women, children and old people in. Not to forget all those anti state organisations like naxals and maos who fight to be separated from India. So there goes that arguement. Then you say you dont need any country's support. The only thing you show by this comment is how ill-informed and unaware you are, if India did not need any support why would your prime minister be visiting usa and japan, or why would your country try to establish good relations with Afghanistan. Its a need of time to have as much countries allied up with you as possible. So clearly you dont even have any idea about your own country's policies. This arguement fails as well. Then you talk about drones about which you dont even know that its a deal between us and them and they target terrorists who kill our civillians and many of these terrorists die in drones. If you dont know TTP's ex chief Baitullah Mehsud was killed in a drone strike and you think that can be done without the help of Pakistani intelligence. You are a senior member on this forum, you should be able write things that atleast make sense.
Get your facts straight , Maoists don't want separate state and don't ask me that what are they fighting for ?? Go search and do some research before engaging Indian on Indian subject.
“Allah will not be merciful to those who are not merciful to people.”---------(Prophet Muhammad SAW).

To: pakistani shaheens....Muslims or Hindus whom commit sins for sure will face "Karma Law". The Muslims are more sinful based from past and current events on the planet.No need to highlight the Quran's holy book (above words" as the Qur'an it self a sinful book written by a mad Arab whom hungers for power and fame about his new founding religion that's "Islam"..Nabi Mohammad had unleashed the worst faith on the planet to cause all problems for Mankind.The Hindus are committing sins all because of "Islam".The swamiji..world researcher and investigator of all faiths.

I don't need to prove it to you guys what my religion is! If you guys disrespect our religion then It's not our fault, you guys have been raised like this, you guys have been bashing islam for centuries. It's in every indian blood to criticize islam. It also shows what type of moral level and tolerance you guys have. You Indians are filled with such anti Islamic sentiments from top to bottom. Look what's happening in your country, it's a hell for Muslims to live in. Everyday we see anti Islamic statement coming from indians and Muslims being killed and harassed by hindus.

And don't talk BS if you don't know anything about islam and our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
Islam is very old religion and it was there even before any terrorists existed in this world. Just look closely whom these terrorists are killing? They are killing Muslims! They are planting bombs in mosques and blowing schools up so that we Muslims don't seek any education. They are not muslims instead they are terrorists and anti Islamic forces. And just look at kashmir and in india, how Muslims are being treated by indians. Muslims have been treated as a third class person or as some sort of monsters or terrorists in india. And plz have some shame! You guys were ruled by Muslims for centuries. It was we muslims who gave you guys an identity and all cool stuffs like taj mehal etc.

By reading your comment it surely tells what type of mentality you indians possess and how much hatred you guys have for Muslims. No wonder why you guys selected MODI THE TERRORIST as your leader. I'm really worried about the Muslims in India, hope they detach from india and they get their indepandance soon so that they could live peacefully and get them selves free from this anti islamic mentality.
Get your facts straight , Maoists don't want separate state and don't ask me that what are they fighting for ?? Go search and do some research before engaging Indian on Indian subject.
They are anti state. And tell all that bullcrap of arguing with wrong facts to your fellow indians.
Simple, if India keeps these kinds of oppression against Muslims.
Then KSA, UAE, Qatar and other Middle east countries should block any kinds of money flow from those countries to India.
There shouldn't be any job for any indians. And no products of India should enter those countries.
Lol..Middle eastern countries treats south asian Muslims as third grade Muslims or simply put piece of $hit. They spit on your face, don't let you access the same mosque as they do, tie your kids on the camel's back for fun races. The point is they do not care about you. You seriously think they will sacrifice their trade for some worthless souls. I doubt it but you can very well try..
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Indian Muslims have more right over this land than anybody else. You are free to immigrate to nepal anytime you like.
Wo din gaye jab prime minister kaha karte the "Muslims have first right on the resources"

What about your bullcrap of wrong facts ??
Re read the conversation if you're so dull. All you picked out of my reply was maoists and I said in my previous post they are anti state. Which is almost the same thing. Did you even read the post i replied to

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