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Use of NASR and retaliation by India (if Any)

This is something I wanted to say in every 'nuke' thread, so saying it now...in very simple terms...

There is a good chance that a Pakistani officer might just set off a nuke in the hit of the battle...as in case of Pakistan, nukes are no more under the control of very high ranking people sitting in AC rooms and thinking it through.

Now, what would be the reaction of those high ranking Pakistani generals with bigger nukes when they get the news of a Nasr used in the battlefield? There can be possibilities of two kinds of people holding the keys to the bigger nukes, the sane, logical, intelligent, cool-headed, military planners bunch, and/or the insane, illogical, stupid, fanatic, 'gazis' kind of bunch.

On hearing about the use of Nasr; the sane, logical, intelligent, cool-headed, military planners bunch (if any) would think that "Oh $hit, now all bets are off, India might retaliate with nukes anytime, we must nuke them to hell before they nuke us".

The insane, illogical, stupid, fanatic, 'gazis' bunch (if any) on the other hand would think that "Hindus are too coward to retaliate, maybe they don't even have functional nukes, so just nuke them to hell and finish it once and for all".

Hence, in the event of a Nasr being fired, without any of "Thinking it through", India should consider that "Now all bets are off, we must nuke them to destroy Pakistan's ability to nuke us, at least to the extent possible to limit the damage to us, before their both sane and insane bunch reach to the same conclusion of nuking us".

This should be part of our military doctrine without any option for a second thought. In fact, once any nuke is fired from the opposite side, it should be an automatic process without any scope of intervention from the political leadership, because those in the political leadership may not find their spines in those crucial times. "Thinking it through", "Evaluating", etc. should be limited to the time till the nukes (of whatever size) are fired from the enemy side, not beyond that, that will kill us all....

If someone is just about to stab you on your chest with a knife, and you also have a knife in hand, would you use it with all your strength to defend yourself, or will you become philosophical about the ill effects of violence and killing people? I know what I would do...

@Joe Shearer @PARIKRAMA @Spectre @Sky lord @anant_s @hellfire
Truly makes my blood run cold.

Part of the problem is also the dehumanizing of Indians in the Pakistani mind...."all Indians are .....fill in the blank....childish..liar..blind hatred etc etc ". We are now less than human to them and so much easier to nuke.

I sincerely hope (and strongly suspect) that the US can shut it all down before the first fire.
NASR weapon is nothing but a suicide pill.

If used, India will not be the only country that will react.

No one has thought of this scenario.

1. India Attacks
2. Pakistan uses NASR on his land and kills scores.
3. India pulls back.

Guess what comes next.

Your country isolated. If anyone here thinks world will allow Pakistan anywhere near the word "nuclear" after that, they are dreaming. Even China will be a mute spectator for what will follow.
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Discussed in cold start thread. Look it up. There is a logic to it.

Incorrect assessment.

Underlined portion? Incorrect. RAMFOR? Heard of it? Wont say beyond ..

You are joking right?

I find these posts by Indian members even more disturbing than Pakistani newbies of the Pekinese variety.
Truly makes my blood run cold.

Part of the problem is also the dehumanizing of Indians in the Pakistani mind...."all Indians are .....fill in the blank....childish..liar..blind hatred etc etc ". We are now less than human to them and so much easier to nuke.

I sincerely hope (and strongly suspect) that the US can shut it all down before the first fire.
Keep your panties on. No one's nuking anybody.

Nasr will NOT be used to halt Indian armour thrust. There are far more credible and cheeper ways of doing that. ATGMs, Guided long lange rockets and the MBTs will be enough.
Freakin both sides doesn't know how a nuclear warhead destroy the region, the bombs in Horoshima and Nagasaki were toys compare what we have now your imaginations fail even think about destruction.
Freakin both sides doesn't know how a nuclear warhead destroy the region, the bombs in Horoshima and Nagasaki were toys compare what we have now your imaginations fail even think about destruction.

Both sides?
There is only one side bringing in the H bomb at the drop of a hat.
A 60 km range rocket isth certainly a game changer in the sub continent.

It should be... because it leaves the area empty for decades.... lol... the looney claim.. and the 60km missile going to kill all our army..
This is something I wanted to say in every 'nuke' thread, so saying it now...in very simple terms...

There is a good chance that a Pakistani officer might just set off a nuke in the hit of the battle...as in case of Pakistan, nukes are no more under the control of very high ranking people sitting in AC rooms and thinking it through.

Now, what would be the reaction of those high ranking Pakistani generals with bigger nukes when they get the news of a Nasr used in the battlefield? There can be possibilities of two kinds of people holding the keys to the bigger nukes, the sane, logical, intelligent, cool-headed, military planners bunch, and/or the insane, illogical, stupid, fanatic, 'gazis' kind of bunch.

On hearing about the use of Nasr; the sane, logical, intelligent, cool-headed, military planners bunch (if any) would think that "Oh $hit, now all bets are off, India might retaliate with nukes anytime, we must nuke them to hell before they nuke us".

The insane, illogical, stupid, fanatic, 'gazis' bunch (if any) on the other hand would think that "Hindus are too coward to retaliate, maybe they don't even have functional nukes, so just nuke them to hell and finish it once and for all".

Hence, in the event of a Nasr being fired, without any of "Thinking it through", India should consider that "Now all bets are off, we must nuke them to destroy Pakistan's ability to nuke us, at least to the extent possible to limit the damage to us, before their both sane and insane bunch reach to the same conclusion of nuking us".

This should be part of our military doctrine without any option for a second thought. In fact, once any nuke is fired from the opposite side, it should be an automatic process without any scope of intervention from the political leadership, because those in the political leadership may not find their spines in those crucial times. "Thinking it through", "Evaluating", etc. should be limited to the time till the nukes (of whatever size) are fired from the enemy side, not beyond that, that will kill us all....

If someone is just about to stab you on your chest with a knife, and you also have a knife in hand, would you use it with all your strength to defend yourself, or will you become philosophical about the ill effects of violence and killing people? I know what I would do...

I would like to draw your attention to the stated clause wherein any use or threat of use of nuclear weapons against Indian Forces or India will be considered an act of use of WMD.

A threat will be detected by means of upgradation of MOPP level in the opposing forces, SIGINT, HUMINT, space based assets etc etc. That will be an indicator of any definitive action if being planned.

However, I do not think that we have that kind of potentially unstable military hierarchy in our opposite numbers. I absolutely refuse to believe that the PA officer corps and its political establishment is so unstable that they will launch a nuclear strike at the slightest of pretext. This whole charade of 'managed instability' and 'recklessness' points more to an underlying fear of an actual Indian military action, if India takes an initiative and points to a well thought out strategy to ensure India is under diplomatic pressure throughout to not undertake offensive operations in case of any significant terror strike.

Contrary to what people love to say and few might actually disagree when I say this, any initiative for any offensive operation taken by India will entail the bulk of fighting by the pivot corps. The strike corps will not be coming into play for 48 hours at the least. And if the pivot corps are tasked with the launch of strikes, they will be able to achieve an ingress in depth areas before opposing forces are able to suitably reorganise and re-concentrate their forces to stabilise the situation.

Yes, a certified idiot is all it takes. But that will be rare. And I doubt that nuclear command and control has been distributed to local brigade commander. They have a robust command structure, any strike will most likely be taken after COAS' clears the same, which he shall do after keeping the PM and President in loop.

As @RAMPAGE has rightly pointed out, NASR wont come into play. PA has their HAT and LAT elements which shall continue in their efforts to delay/degrade the armoured elements and they shall also be using the armour to ease of pressure by launching their offensive operations in return. Obviously I am not even taking into account the PAF and the role of their Divisional Arty Brigade and Corps Artillery elements.

NASR is nowhere in picture till we actually consolidate across 30 kms and then launch further offensive operations. In Sindh this value holds, the PA has plenty of space unlike our own side of border which is now quite built up. They have the flexibility of response in the area. And such a gain actually fits into Indian concept of forcing a political solution. Yes, one can argue it not being so, but one has to remember the tremendous pressure on either side due to the 'nuke' factor. In Punjab it shall be not more than 3-5 kms before we run into our first obstacle. Since Pakistan has 03 obstacles lined up there .. we can safely assume our ingress wont be deep howsoever we may wish it.

That's my take on the situation.

Keep your panties on. No one's nuking anybody.

Nasr will NOT be used to halt Indian armour thrust. There are far more credible and cheeper ways of doing that. ATGMs, Guided long lange rockets and the MBTs will be enough.


I had died of all radioactive fallout here. Thanks for your realistic and sane input .. but alas, sanity will be drowned out here .... :hitwall:

I find these posts by Indian members even more disturbing than Pakistani newbies of the Pekinese variety.

I always wait for nukes to fly off in both directions. Then it is time to get entertained.

I would like to tag @Major d1 for his views on this discussion now. Lets hear his side of assessment.

@Major d1 your assessment please?
Thanks Major for tagging me-

The development of the NASR raises several questions.Firstly, does any countries require operational Tactical Nuclear Weapons (TNWs) for battlefield purposes? The rationale offered by Pakistani analysts for developing the NASR is that it is a counter to India’s Cold Start doctrine and is meant to deter any Indian mechanized offensive into Pakistan.

The general opinion is that India will launch an offensive surgical attack into Pakistani territory by virtue of its Cold Start doctrine. Pakistan believes that given its inferior conventional capability vis-à-vis India, tactical nuclear capability will serve to deter an Indian riposte to any Pakistani misadventure.

But this is a fallacious assumption. India’s Cold Start doctrine has been devised because of Pakistan’s proxy operations against India at the sub-conventional level and because of the concern that retaliatory strikes against Pakistan may escalate into a full-fledged war. In any event, the Indian military strategy is not to dismember Pakistan but to have a stable neighbor and to foster a beneficial relationship at all levels.

Nor does India favor initiating surgical attacks against Pakistan without grave provocation. Further, India is acutely aware of the risk of escalation from sub-conventional to conventional and nuclear levels, and is therefore unlikely to embark upon a senseless war. The Cold Start has been devised precisely with this aspect in mind.

Secondly, does Pakistan’s development of battlefield nuclear weapons erode India’s no-first-use (NFU) policy? It is a contentious idea that the use of TNWs will not escalate into a full fledged nuclear war. It is irrelevant whether a target has been hit by a strategic or tactical weapon. A nuclear attack is a nuclear attack.--------------------------- To quote Air Chief Marshal P. V. Naik, “Tactical or strategic, it (NASR) is a nuclear weapon. Our response would be absolutely violent, if it is used, as per our existing policy. So, it's not a game-changer.” What this essentially means is that in the event India faces a nuclear attack, New Delhi will be left with no other choice but to use nuclear weapons in the form of a massive retaliation. In that case it makes little sense whether a strategic or tactical nuclear weapon or a long range or short range weapon is used, since the general response would be to carry out a punitive attack on the adversary.

Although by definition TNWs are meant for employment against counterforce targets, they can also be potentially used for counte rvalue strikes. The moment a nuclear weapon whether tactical or strategic is used the deterrent factor suffers a failure. Thus, Pakistan’s nuclear deterrence against India will fail if it launches TNWs. Moreover, given the geographical proximity with India any detonation of TNWs by Pakistan will have radiation fallouts on the territories of both countries. Pakistan could thus find itself in a situation where it would be self-deterred. Considering the pros and cons of TNWs like NASR.

Any ambiguity regarding Pakistan's plans to develop tactical nuclear weapons ... The development of short-range missiles such as Nasr and Abdali and the ... But whether developing TNWs allows India to counter Pakistan's TNWs and ... of India's nuclear doctrine, in particular the use of “massive retaliation".
NASR is in active serivce, less than dozen batteries though. More batteries will be deployed with time as production & up gradation of system in under way after the change of Doctrine from Limited deterrence to full spectrum. There is no link available as its classified information.

Sir, if it is so Classified information, that NASR have been inducted into active service how did you get those information.

That depends on type of terrain missile will be used. And considering the ''doctrine of usage'' it is highly unlikely that PA will operate in that area which will be bombarded by NASR system.

That will contradict your argument. Fore your sake lets assume Pakistan detonated a small yield using NASR in Pakistani soil, and eliminated some of the armour of Indian thrust. Does PA will left that area and leave them for the IA to cross unopposed. When I mention NCW environment, the detonation not only will create the radiation, but also the EMP surge, so PA don't need the EMP hardening of the communication and electronics of their armour formation defending their areas.

No. Despite popular belief of being battle field weapon it will NOT be in command of respective battle field commander. We have made enough measure to ensure that weapon will not be ''misplaced or misused'' during battle...

OK, I take your words for a moment, but what if IA crosses some area quickly, and come close to the NASR installation, what would the local commander reaction for the Either USE it OR LOOSE it circumstances.

I believe the condition in which NASR will be used will be already worse enough to trigger nuclear war between both nations. Usage of NASR can act as trigger point though which make this weapon very risky to use.

Well, @randomradio mentioned it earlier that, being NFU does not means India will wait for the Pakistan to make the detonation. A mere doubt of Pakistan intention of using nuclear weapon, would means, India is free to detonate over the very threat. And how about the Indo-Israel EMP Spice strandoff weapon, to burn all the electronics in the threat area.

Yup. We are even using Tunable lasers for centrifugal separation. There are more but I cannot mention its name for obvious reasons.

Sir, I am asking about the engineering and industrial capability of the Pakistan to Miniaturized the Nuclear bomb, and building its trigger device. If any country provide you off the shelf, then it will bore the responsibility of the Nuclear Proliferation, whose evidence could be collected for the forensic analysis from the Ground Zero latter on. So international retaliation plus international Isolation would be sure for that country, and will have to bore the responsibility of not triggering that condition.

There was times when India used to deny existence of cold start. Now they admit. Why?
NASR is not primarily cold start based weapon. Considering its effectiveness it can be used for various purposes depending upon situation of war. Though it was developed while keeping cold start in mind, so when ever question will be asked for justifying NASR existence, answer will be always cold start.

That means sir, if NASR is declared as the Nuclear delivery platform, any conventional usage would be treated as the Nuclear strike when detected the NASR missile's flight trajectory on the Indian Radar. That means it won't be used in any other application other that Strategic nature.

My simple question is that, Is there any possibility of the NASR as the instrument of Propaganda for the General Public to give assurance of beating the conventional strong enemy with a single Missile for feel safe but left so many holes like Amphibious assault on the coastal area backed by IN in Balluchistan or Sindh.

The most irritating part of PDF is surviving each hatching, roughly about three to four months apart. And then the wave of the inevitable:
  1. The Indus Valley Civilisation: this was Pakistani, as the people living around the sites are Pakistani; OR, this was not Indian, as the people living around the sites are not presently Indian; OR, this was the origin of Hindusim; OR this was nothing to do with Hinduism, so, bloody Yendus, eff off; OR, there was nothing between this and bin Qasim.
  2. 1,000 years of Muslim domination (forget Pakistan for the moment), usually counted from bin Qasim;
  3. The impact on Indian culture and the Indian economy of these 1,000 hypothetical years;
  4. The importance of the Muslims in the Indian Mutiny; OR, the relative innocence of the Indian Muslims in the Indian Mutiny;
  5. The narrative about Kashmir, Parts 1 to N: Kashmir was conquered outright by the Indian Army, and won back step by valiant step by the people of Pakistan in arms; OR, the Indian Army was in Kashmir long before the Maharaja signed the Instrument of Accession; OR, the Pakistan Army fought for and won Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan, and would have won the rest if the UN had not intervened; OR, the UN intervened and imposed a plebiscite on India and India weakly gave in, but played dirty by not removing her troops as required; OR, there was never any mention of the Pakistan Army in the UN Resolution 47, so who says they have to be withdrawn?; .....and it goes on, and on, and on;
  6. The narrative about 1965, and how Pakistan actually won that;
  7. The narrative about 1971, and how India never had anything to do with winning that; including the corollary to the theorem, the complete, snow-white innocence of Pakistani intelligence before being flagrantly outraged by R&W in 1971, conveniently ignoring the copious international literature on Pakistan's role in the Mizo uprising;
  8. The narrative about 1999, about which the less said the better;
  9. The narrative that goes on, which basically completely denies any wrong-doing by their intelligence, and forcefully, indignantly insists that India is the equivalent of a war-criminal.
These are the Nightmare 9. Readers are welcome to add more. I am excluding Windy from this; he is in a class by himself (I suspect Class VIII, judging by the quality of his posts).

That was the Master Piece, I was wondering weather there is some registration procedure to register myself for the Tutions Sir.

BTW taking Windy as an example, I am thinking of opening a thread Tittled What would be the Condition if the Conventional unbalance between India and Pakistan was Reversed ? Would Pakistan still remained the Peace Loving country, and India would have throw its plans of Destroying the Pakistan which it is doing since 1947 ? Windy would love that.

I find these posts by Indian members even more disturbing than Pakistani newbies of the Pekinese variety.

Actually, the whole thread is funny, and this Missile whether DUD or Game Changer, but should be put as a Hall of Fame Awardee Missile, to be discussed to the death, with very less technical information.

So, when everyone is posting, whether B.S or Funny comment, why not have some fun till this thread is locked/closed.
That will contradict your argument. Fore your sake lets assume Pakistan detonated a small yield using NASR in Pakistani soil, and eliminated some of the armour of Indian thrust. Does PA will left that area and leave them for the IA to cross unopposed. When I mention NCW environment, the detonation not only will create the radiation, but also the EMP surge, so PA don't need the EMP hardening of the communication and electronics of their armour formation defending their areas.
I doubt about ''some of armor of Indian thrust''
It is meant to fire in rapid fire mode, one after another and can halt attack of entire armored brigade (theoretically).
And no, we will not use that area for a while where this system will be used. And I don't think Pakistan army has any countermeasure or protection suite to deal with EMP environment. But I can be wrong.

Well, @randomradio mentioned it earlier that, being NFU does not means India will wait for the Pakistan to make the detonation. A mere doubt of Pakistan intention of using nuclear weapon, would means, India is free to detonate over the very threat. And how about the Indo-Israel EMP Spice strandoff weapon, to burn all the electronics in the threat area.

His words carry no worth. I have debated him before on this topic, he intend to use anti radiation weapon by picking up radiation signature from satellite. If some one have such belief and understanding then its better not to take rest of his ''analysis'' seriously. Rest all are our assumptions based upon imaginary conditions. Those who are responsible for this work and smarter than us.

OK, I take your words for a moment, but what if IA crosses some area quickly, and come close to the NASR installation, what would the local commander reaction for the Either USE it OR LOOSE it circumstances.

Lets assume that IA cross an area wih some lightening speed that PA don't get enough chance to launch a missile or secure the system then I do believe in such case IA will be able to just capture the battery and attain a precious war trophy. But practically it is very difficult task.

My simple question is that, Is there any possibility of the NASR as the instrument of Propaganda for the General Public to give assurance of beating the conventional strong enemy with a single Missile for feel safe but left so many holes like Amphibious assault on the coastal area backed by IN in Balluchistan or Sindh.

We are working on coastal defense too. And what you need to understand is that NASR is not a front line weapon. It will be used in extreme conditions like when PA is out number and IA open a surprise front at a sensitive spot and there is simply no military to stop the advance. etc etc. Knowledge of Nasr usage is limited to high brass, we can just make assumptions.

Sir, if it is so Classified information, that NASR have been inducted into active service how did you get those information.

I was looking to work in a relevant field once, at one moment I gained some interesting information from a person who is involved in this project. He never shared a classified information but only the stuff which is now published and can be found on internet. I no longer have access to any information related to Nasr.

Sir, I am asking about the engineering and industrial capability of the Pakistan to Miniaturized the Nuclear bomb, and building its trigger device. If any country provide you off the shelf, then it will bore the responsibility of the Nuclear Proliferation, whose evidence could be collected for the forensic analysis from the Ground Zero latter on. So international retaliation plus international Isolation would be sure for that country, and will have to bore the responsibility of not triggering that condition.

I believe I have right not to answer this question. I am not bound to satisfy some one and then give justification and proof of what we have and what we can do with that......
I doubt about ''some of armor of Indian thrust''
It is meant to fire in rapid fire mode, one after another and can halt attack of entire armored brigade (theoretically).
And no, we will not use that area for a while where this system will be used. And I don't think Pakistan army has any countermeasure or protection suite to deal with EMP environment. But I can be wrong.

His words carry no worth. I have debated him before on this topic, he intend to use anti radiation weapon by picking up radiation signature from satellite. If some one have such belief and understanding then its better not to take rest of his ''analysis'' seriously. Rest all are our assumptions based upon imaginary conditions. Those who are responsible for this work and smarter than us.

Lets assume that IA cross an area wih some lightening speed that PA don't get enough chance to launch a missile or secure the system then I do believe in such case IA will be able to just capture the battery and attain a precious war trophy. But practically it is very difficult task.

We are working on coastal defense too. And what you need to understand is that NASR is not a front line weapon. It will be used in extreme conditions like when PA is out number and IA open a surprise front at a sensitive spot and there is simply no military to stop the advance. etc etc. Knowledge of Nasr usage is limited to high brass, we can just make assumptions.

I was looking to work in a relevant field once, at one moment I gained some interesting information from a person who is involved in this project. He never shared a classified information but only the stuff which is now published and can be found on internet. I no longer have access to any information related to Nasr.

I believe I have right not to answer this question. I am not bound to satisfy some one and then give justification and proof of what we have and what we can do with that......

I like the way you answered. Good day Sir
I find these posts by Indian members even more disturbing than Pakistani newbies of the Pekinese variety.

Firstly, since 2002, not a single serving officer, even ever tried to explain what is "Cold Start". All in previous decade Indian Army tried to focus on developing IBGs and Joint Land-Air Campaign. And after 2010, and again after 2013, MoD again changed the ROE for exercises. And all western and northern command since then training for nuclear overhang, in event Pak threaten India by nukes.

Secondly, the main thrust, if Indian Army got ROE from CCS and MoD, that will be by Northern Command using many IBGs. One crossing LOC bypassing Kargil, directly to capture Skardu. And other crossing Working Boundary to capture water headworks like Marala Headworks and start concentration on that area, that if TNW used it not only hurt India but also it contaminate whole water supply of Pakistan. Also as pincer movement for cutting Muzaffarabad with Islamabad, Rawalpindi and Abbottabad.

The main threat to Indian Army will be at Sialkot sector.
The Western Command and Southern Command will be used as deception, and they never cross International Border.

Thirdly, most of Shaheen based missiles are conventional to deter unavailability of Strike aircraft in PAF. India doesnt have more than 40 warheads in possession. And Pakistan dont have more than 10, and that too are in Chinese control. All the spent fuel from Pakistani reactor go in China, which hold a unsafegaurd reprocessing plant with capacity of 50 heavymetal-ton/ year. That means for Pakistan, China producing around 2-5 kg of Pu/yr.

But question is, very important question, sometimes in 2009,, SFC and CCS decided to weaponize TNW that tested in Pokharan-2. And thats why DRDO was authorized to develop Shaurya and Prahaar, but in 2013 during SFC scrapped plans to deploy TNW. And thats why Shaurya and Prahaar also cancelled. But Why? If Pak deploying TNW. then isnt we should also deploy TNW.

Or SFC know something that it doesnt want to share with General public.


Managing India's Nuclear Forces
by Verghese Koithara

The China-Pakistan Axis: Asia's New Geopolitics
by Andrew Small

Presentation by Ex SFC Chief and Retd. Vice-ADM Vijay Shankar.

Check this he talking something about alternate NCA ( Nuclear Command Authority ). Which in my sense is Indian version of Continuity of Govt.
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I doubt about ''some of armor of Indian thrust''
It is meant to fire in rapid fire mode, one after another and can halt attack of entire armored brigade (theoretically).
And no, we will not use that area for a while where this system will be used. And I don't think Pakistan army has any countermeasure or protection suite to deal with EMP environment. But I can be wrong.

His words carry no worth. I have debated him before on this topic, he intend to use anti radiation weapon by picking up radiation signature from satellite. If some one have such belief and understanding then its better not to take rest of his ''analysis'' seriously. Rest all are our assumptions based upon imaginary conditions. Those who are responsible for this work and smarter than us.

Lets assume that IA cross an area wih some lightening speed that PA don't get enough chance to launch a missile or secure the system then I do believe in such case IA will be able to just capture the battery and attain a precious war trophy. But practically it is very difficult task.

We are working on coastal defense too. And what you need to understand is that NASR is not a front line weapon. It will be used in extreme conditions like when PA is out number and IA open a surprise front at a sensitive spot and there is simply no military to stop the advance. etc etc. Knowledge of Nasr usage is limited to high brass, we can just make assumptions.

I was looking to work in a relevant field once, at one moment I gained some interesting information from a person who is involved in this project. He never shared a classified information but only the stuff which is now published and can be found on internet. I no longer have access to any information related to Nasr.

I believe I have right not to answer this question. I am not bound to satisfy some one and then give justification and proof of what we have and what we can do with that......

Closely argued analysis. Many thanks.

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