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Use of NASR and retaliation by India (if Any)

Thirdly, most of Shaheen based missiles are conventional to deter unavailability of Strike aircraft in PAF. India doesnt have more than 40 warheads in possession. And Pakistan dont have more than 10, and that too are in Chinese control. All the spent fuel from Pakistani reactor go in China, which hold a unsafegaurd reprocessing plant with capacity of 50 heavymetal-ton/ year. That means for Pakistan, China producing around 2-5 kg of Pu/yr.

I know what are you talking about, but that will not hold any value in PDF. Hundereds of Nukes in Possession is the Stupidity, and your figures should be very close to the reality, but this will bring an earthquake in the PDF, so better let everything going as it is.

But question is, very important question, sometimes in 2009,, SFC and CCS decided to weaponize TNW that tested in Pokharan-2. And thats why DRDO was authorized to develop Shaurya and Prahaar, but in 2013 during SFC scrapped plans to deploy TNW. And thats why Shaurya and Prahaar also cancelled. But Why? If Pak deploying TNW. then isnt we should also deploy TNW.

That was because, the International community aka U.S, Europe NATO takes Indian Govt. in confidence, that they will not allow that condition, and the those missile will only lower down the Nuclear Threshold, and kill the Core Importance of the NUKE which is Deterrence, thus both Shaurya and Prahaar would remain the Tech. Demonstrator, and will not enter the active Service. During Kargil War, some General wants to ignite the cracker, when the calculation of Unit level Operation on the heights turns out to be the massive retaliation response, and PRC was Pissed off, and to explain it the same officer have to go to the Beijing.

Or SFC know something that it doesnt want to share
with General public.

Multi National Operation -- US and NATO needs Bahana like it needed for the Iraq and Afghanistan.

Question is only WHEN ???
So,as you claimed earlier,no such "Morality" is there..

Now tell me,what about Punjab??Is Pakistan ready to nuke Panjab plains??I mean,Punjab itself will form a country in such situation,right?? :lol: As other claims,Punjab lawmakers are simply way too powerful.

And please,plains are never defensible,unless they're like Netherlands,where blowing a single bridge can effectively stop invasion for few weeks.I doubt that is possible in case of Pakistan.

And in today's age,technology is way way progressive.


India literally had a hard time in the past to defend Punjab in case of war.same goes for Pakistan as well.
Two word....
Forgot Chawinda??
And yeah i agree with you but what i meant was that the main focus is punjab coz of population density and fertile lands... So the defences are strong and mobilization time there is too quite less. Ignore my trooling tough :rofl:
Two word....
Forgot Chawinda??
And yeah i agree with you but what i meant was that the main focus is punjab coz of population density and fertile lands... So the defences are strong and mobilization time there is too quite less. Ignore my trooling tough :rofl:

You forgot Assal Uttar or later longewala

Learn about battle of dograi and batapore
I would like to draw your attention to the stated clause wherein any use or threat of use of nuclear weapons against Indian Forces or India will be considered an act of use of WMD.

A threat will be detected by means of upgradation of MOPP level in the opposing forces, SIGINT, HUMINT, space based assets etc etc. That will be an indicator of any definitive action if being planned.

However, I do not think that we have that kind of potentially unstable military hierarchy in our opposite numbers. I absolutely refuse to believe that the PA officer corps and its political establishment is so unstable that they will launch a nuclear strike at the slightest of pretext. This whole charade of 'managed instability' and 'recklessness' points more to an underlying fear of an actual Indian military action, if India takes an initiative and points to a well thought out strategy to ensure India is under diplomatic pressure throughout to not undertake offensive operations in case of any significant terror strike.

Contrary to what people love to say and few might actually disagree when I say this, any initiative for any offensive operation taken by India will entail the bulk of fighting by the pivot corps. The strike corps will not be coming into play for 48 hours at the least. And if the pivot corps are tasked with the launch of strikes, they will be able to achieve an ingress in depth areas before opposing forces are able to suitably reorganise and re-concentrate their forces to stabilise the situation.

Yes, a certified idiot is all it takes. But that will be rare. And I doubt that nuclear command and control has been distributed to local brigade commander. They have a robust command structure, any strike will most likely be taken after COAS' clears the same, which he shall do after keeping the PM and President in loop.

As @RAMPAGE has rightly pointed out, NASR wont come into play. PA has their HAT and LAT elements which shall continue in their efforts to delay/degrade the armoured elements and they shall also be using the armour to ease of pressure by launching their offensive operations in return. Obviously I am not even taking into account the PAF and the role of their Divisional Arty Brigade and Corps Artillery elements.

NASR is nowhere in picture till we actually consolidate across 30 kms and then launch further offensive operations. In Sindh this value holds, the PA has plenty of space unlike our own side of border which is now quite built up. They have the flexibility of response in the area. And such a gain actually fits into Indian concept of forcing a political solution. Yes, one can argue it not being so, but one has to remember the tremendous pressure on either side due to the 'nuke' factor. In Punjab it shall be not more than 3-5 kms before we run into our first obstacle. Since Pakistan has 03 obstacles lined up there .. we can safely assume our ingress wont be deep howsoever we may wish it.

That's my take on the situation.

I don't know if any Pakistani officer can actually fire Nasr with an activated nuclear warhead if he wish to, or the warhead needs to be activated remotely or by some code that is in the hands of top Pakistani military or civilian leadership. But if it is the former, then the risk of a future war turning nuclear is higher. But my only point is that if at all a nuclear tipped Nasr is used by Pakistan against us in any manner and place, then we shouldn't wait to see if they escalate it further, and use everything we have to ensure that they don't have any ability left to escalate it any further, because it is only logical that they will.
Whats the point of talking here.. we ain't military generals.... So lets wait till the war breaks and time will tell who will win and who loose it....

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