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***** USA This is the Wrong Time to Physically Confront China Now *****

Willing to escalate to a new military conflict/war with China now?

  • Yes, it is worth the risk now

    Votes: 20 32.3%
  • No, but in the near future, yes

    Votes: 9 14.5%
  • No, we should resolve this peacefully and diplomatically instead and work together on global issues

    Votes: 19 30.6%
  • No, we should concede to China's sovereignty and work together on global issues

    Votes: 14 22.6%

  • Total voters
On the contrary, the US will never admit she has too much on her plate because as the world's strongest her judgement is clouded by nationalistic pride. So despite the never ending mess in the Middle East, political turmoil in Afghanistan, Ukraine, Libya or the constant threats from DPRK her eyesight is still set on dealing with the rise of China. While plenty Americans don't think the US government is overstretching herself, recent 180 degrees policy reverse speaks otherwise (Cuba and Iran comes to mind). Playing too many regime change games has only backfired resulting all the chaos we are seeing today. The EU certainly isn't exactly thrilled of the idea of sheltering the huge amount of refugees inflow so to speak (thanks to the US). And with the economic woes still going on in the region it made sense for most of the EU members to join AIIB and start looking out for their own interests thus giving the US outcry the finger.

The US is seeking a direct confrontation with China with slandering news in regards to the land reclamation activities in SCS which she has no business with in the first place as she is not even a stakeholder. Yet all she can do is sending surveillance aircrafts to monitor how China is expanding her islands and telling us to halt the constructions. Sorry to disappoint the US but the rest of the world doesn't seem to care as they are embroiled with their own more pressing matters and China certainly will not obey such ridiculous demand. The time has come for China to make a firm stance and being assertive. The Americans don't have the guts to push a war with Russia or China, who do they think we are? Shepherds armed with AK-47?
Watch out, the next US president might be more crazy, more desperate, and more paranoid along with a new congress in 2016.
@Nihonjin1051 my friend, how much of American military capabilities will be intact after a full war with China? We have to keep in mind that Russia under Putin would be waiting to stab us in the back after the event. On top of that, both China and Russia have nuclear armaments. Too darn risky.

I guess I disagree with your premise that we are the aggressors. If you ask China's neighbors, they'll tell you it's not us, it's China. They are the ones pushing their neighbors around, not us. They are the ones claiming sovereignty over the entire area. It's that kind of petty, greedy, land grabbing mentality that has tensions running high today.

To answer your question, there will be no war with China. But if we back off now, China will do something stupid and we will be forced into a war. Like Jefferson said "Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty"
I guess I disagree with your premise that we are the aggressors. If you ask China's neighbors, they'll tell you it's not us, it's China. They are the ones pushing their neighbors around, not us. They are the ones claiming sovereignty over the entire area. It's that kind of petty, greedy, land grabbing mentality that has tensions running high today.

To answer your question, there will be no war with China. But if we back off now, China will do something stupid and we will be forced into a war. Like Jefferson said "Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty"
You will have to describe to me a scenario where we will be "forced into a war" with China that's half a world away.
On the contrary, the US will never admit she has too much on her plate because as the world's strongest her judgement is clouded by nationalistic pride. So despite the never ending mess in the Middle East, political turmoil in Afghanistan, Ukraine, Libya or the constant threats from DPRK her eyesight is still set on dealing with the rise of China. While plenty Americans don't think the US government is overstretching herself, recent 180 degrees policy reverse speaks otherwise (Cuba and Iran comes to mind). Playing too many regime change games has only backfired resulting all the chaos we are seeing today. The EU certainly isn't exactly thrilled of the idea of sheltering the huge amount of refugees inflow so to speak (thanks to the US). And with the economic woes still going on in the region it made sense for most of the EU members to join AIIB and start looking out for their own interests thus giving the US outcry the finger.

The US is seeking a direct confrontation with China with slandering news in regards to the land reclamation activities in SCS which she has no business with in the first place as she is not even a stakeholder. Yet all she can do is sending surveillance aircrafts to monitor how China is expanding her islands and telling us to halt the constructions. Sorry to disappoint the US but the rest of the world doesn't seem to care as they are embroiled with their own more pressing matters and China certainly will not obey such ridiculous demand. The time has come for China to make a firm stance and being assertive. The Americans don't have the guts to push a war with Russia or China, who do they think we are? Shepherds armed with AK-47?

See that's the thing, you're bullying your neighbors and that doesn't really work for us. You can be as firm as you want but you don't have leg to stand on. We are well within our rights to fly over you artifical islands. If you've got stones, fire. If not, keep complaining.
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See that the thing, you're bullying your neighbors and that doesn't really work for us. You can be as firm as you want but you don't have leg to stand on. We are well within our rights to fly over you artifical islands. If you've got stones, fire. If not, keep complaining.
:rofl: it's your country who is telling China to halt with the construction, either force us to halt or keep flying around.
You will have to describe to me a scenario where we will be "forced into a war" with China that's half a world away.

Sure. What China is doing right is suffocating it's neighbors. If we're not there pushing back, eventually, the Chinese being Chinese will be tempted to mess with South Korea, Japan or the philippines. Once they do that and that country retaliates, we'll have no choice but to back them up. At that point, it might be too late to stop an armed conflict.
See that the thing, you're bullying your neighbors and that doesn't really work for us. You can be as firm as you want but you don't have leg to stand on. We are well within our rights to fly over you artifical islands. If you've got stones, fire. If not, keep complaining.

You should really keep flying around. That helps a lot.
See that's the thing, you're bullying your neighbors and that doesn't really work for us. You can be as firm as you want but you don't have leg to stand on. We are well within our rights to fly over you artifical islands. If you've got stones, fire. If not, keep complaining.
God, look here has a big fibber, look at you, you are not one of the crew of that p-8, that pilot may want r*pe you if he hears what you said, like your little deak bro with China flag, you say you can fly over that island so you mean here is a high sea, so tell me what problem with our exploitation? why you dare to let us halt, redigulous, I will see how long it still could be to let Mister Obama manipulates his absurd plan.
Europe as a whole has a rich and eclectic cultural legacy of inter-dependency in regards to cultural exchange. The Roman-Greco link definitely is there as Southern Italy was actually a colony of the Hellenistic World. The Etruscans, which were north of what is now present day Rome were a Latin kingdom, but heavily Hellenized. Rome, which conquered Etrusca, as well the Greek colonies of Southern Italy merely incorporated those into its own. So yes, you have a point of the shared legacy between Greece and Rome. Greece initiated some concepts such as democracy, even influenced the early styles of warfare ergo phalanx line, the concept of hammer and anvil tactics used by Prince Philip (father of Prince of Macedon, Alexander the Great). Eventually, the Romans would build more on their cultural contributions and spread not Greco culture, but Latin Culture. Even in modern medicine , modern law, the language of the Romans still ushers forth.

In medicine , when the physician describes the top portion of your skin, specifically the epithelium he will mark the main layers:

1. Stratum Corneum
2. Stratum Granulosum
3. Stratum Lucidum
4. Stratum Spinosum
5. Stratum Basale

These are all Latin words

When you go to your physical therapist , and he or she tells you to flex your arms, he will tell you that you are moving your Biceps Brachialis muscle, or your Triceps. These are latin words.

If you are a lawyer, and you are talking to another councilor asking for aid. He will say to you, "Quid pro quo". A Latin term.

If you go into Medicine, Nursing, Physical Therapy, Health Field , or Law ---- you know as well as i do you will have to know Latin. The Language of the Romans.

Their influence in modern society is felt ---- everywhere.


I enjoyed this discussion. But we will have to pick this up again tomorrow. I must get going. Papers to grade !!!!


Interesting that you brought medical terms into discussion, during my 1st year of med school I couldnt get my head around these terms, as most of the terms in medicine are in Latin. I am not a latin speaker, and frankly it was not a requirement for me to practice as a medical professional.
Latin dominated medical terms for several reasons, Latin was the language of science, everyone agreed on terms in Latin to avoid confusion or this all can be blamed on some Swedish scientist (forgot his name).
Sure. What China is doing right is suffocating it's neighbors. If we're not there pushing back, eventually, the Chinese being Chinese will be tempted to mess with South Korea, Japan or the philippines. Once they do that and that country retaliates, we'll have no choice but to back them up. At that point, it might be too late to stop an armed conflict.
Messing with them? As in China would form a sea blockade around South Korea, Japan, or the Philippines and trapped them? I do not think see any intentions or hints that China would do that. That is a BIG stretch to reach that speculation. That is just paranoia and prejudice when you say the Chinese is just being Chinese in doing that. As if the Chinese is never up to no good at all as their natural behavior. So sad.
See that's the thing, you're bullying your neighbors and that doesn't really work for us. You can be as firm as you want but you don't have leg to stand on. We are well within our rights to fly over you artifical islands. If you've got stones, fire. If not, keep complaining.

What a joke, China is the aggrieved party. The fact that Vietnam and the Philippines are smaller doesn't make them the victims automatically.
Yours? Or Asian's interest??

What kind of NATIONAL SECURITY you can safeguard by protesting US overseas interest, while none of those interest is in Mainland China?? So selling arms to Japan is a harassment to China? Or Setting up TAAHD on South Korea is a kind of harassment to China?

US is AND ALWAYS GOING TO BE looking out for its own interest in Asia, place like Singapore, Guam, Japan, South Korea, CNMI, Australia, New Zealand, And none of those interest are in or related to China. Or do China ready to claim all these area their?

As I said, things have not change, only Chinese view toward the situation changes, and this change can be deadly.
Your a funny guy. You should be a comedian. LOL

Fact is the US harassment caused us to be active in protecting our national security. That plane incident, embassy bombing, and the countless intimidation in preventing us from uniting with Taiwan definitely seal our perception of the US as seeking to contain and break out country apart.
I find it peculiar that many U.S.A officials seem to be making the same mistake MacArthur did in Korea in 1950s. Promoting conflict in the South China Sea in spite of the fact that China is SAYING and ACTING like it will go to war over it is just nonsensical and certainly not pragmatic
You should really keep flying around. That helps a lot.
lol, asking those brainwashed American to fly around?

dont you know they think they can 'understand' the world by just watching TV and browsing facebook`lol
Messing with them? As in China would form a sea blockade around South Korea, Japan, or the Philippines and trapped them? I do not think see any intentions or hints that China would do that. That is a BIG stretch to reach that speculation. That is just paranoia and prejudice when you say the Chinese is just being Chinese in doing that. As if the Chinese is never up to no good at all as their natural behavior. So sad.

Ok, I want you take a look at this article. Pay particular attention to the location of the reef. After you've done that, make the case that it is ok for China to build on a reef that is this far away from China and right in someone else' backyard. You asked me why I thought China was a threat and I answered (obviously, not to your satisfaction). I guess its my turn to ask why you think China doesn't pose a threat when they are clearly developing areas that are right at their neighbors doorstep.

China Expands Island Construction in Disputed South China Sea - WSJ

See how quickly things can escalate? :D


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