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***** USA This is the Wrong Time to Physically Confront China Now *****

Willing to escalate to a new military conflict/war with China now?

  • Yes, it is worth the risk now

    Votes: 20 32.3%
  • No, but in the near future, yes

    Votes: 9 14.5%
  • No, we should resolve this peacefully and diplomatically instead and work together on global issues

    Votes: 19 30.6%
  • No, we should concede to China's sovereignty and work together on global issues

    Votes: 14 22.6%

  • Total voters
It is sad. Washington is too obsess with the Asia Pacific while its plate is full of other things to take care of overseas.

Apparently people might look obsessed with the China, Asia Pacific, Middle East, Russia, or whatever it may be, but are these just smoke screens to hide the real cause? I do have some queries and if it's convenient please help.

  • How much is "defence" spending in the narrow sense i.e. those by DoD? And how does it look like in the broader "defense" sense say those in CIA, NSA, National Guard, Coast Guards, or even some budgets in State Dept (e.g. INL) and NASA are included?
  • To where does the money, and the profits, go to?
  • What was % of Americans paying for income tax before WWII? How is it now? Since when individual income tax became a main source of revenue for US government?
  • What is the history of War Tax, War Savings Stamp, Victory Tax?
  • Rep. Charles Rangel once again wants to reinstate the military draft and impose a war tax, rationale being "so Americans will share the burdens of the nation's ongoing military fights against Islamic militants" (let's not go into root cause of ISIS or the likes). Hypothetically speaking, what will be the size of military draft on American citizens, and size of war tax required, if US goes into non-nuclear war with China?
In his farewell address on January 17, 1961, President Dwight D. Eisenhower express his view on military-industrial complex (also expressed as "Iron Triangle" of Military-Industrial-Congressional complex), how does that view applies today?

"Until the latest of our world conflicts, the United States had no armaments industry. American makers of plowshares could, with time and as required, make swords as well. But we can no longer risk emergency improvisation of national defense. We have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions. Added to this, three and a half million men and women are directly engaged in the defense establishment. We annually spend on military security alone more than the net income of all United States corporations.

Now this conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence -- economic, political, even spiritual -- is felt in every city, every Statehouse, every office of the Federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet, we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources, and livelihood are all involved. So is the very structure of our society.

In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together"

Calls for Military Draft, War Tax
Current Tax Payment Act of 1943 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Last edited:

Apparently people might look obsessed with the China, Asia Pacific, Middle East, Russia, or whatever it may be, but are these just smoke screens to hide the real cause? I do have some queries and if it's convenient please help.

  • How much is "defence" spending in the narrow sense i.e. those by DoD? And how does it look like in the broader "defense" sense say those in CIA, NSA, National Guard, Coast Guards, or even some budgets in State Dept (e.g. INL) and NASA are included?
  • To where does the money, and the profits, go to?
  • What was % of Americans paying for income tax before WWII? How is it now? Since when individual income tax became a main source of revenue for US government?
  • What is the history of War Tax, War Savings Stamp, Victory Tax?
  • Rep. Charles Rangel once again wants to reinstate the military draft and impose a war tax, rationale being "so Americans will share the burdens of the nation's ongoing military fights against Islamic militants" (let's not go into root cause of ISIS or the likes). Hypothetically speaking, what will be the size of military draft on American citizens, and size of war tax required, if US goes into non-nuclear war with China?
In his farewell address on January 17, 1961, President Dwight D. Eisenhower express his view on military-industrial complex (also expressed as "Iron Triangle" of Military-Industrial-Congressional complex), how does that view applies today?

"Until the latest of our world conflicts, the United States had no armaments industry. American makers of plowshares could, with time and as required, make swords as well. But we can no longer risk emergency improvisation of national defense. We have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions. Added to this, three and a half million men and women are directly engaged in the defense establishment. We annually spend on military security alone more than the net income of all United States corporations.

Now this conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence -- economic, political, even spiritual -- is felt in every city, every Statehouse, every office of the Federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet, we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources, and livelihood are all involved. So is the very structure of our society.

In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together"

Calls for Military Draft, War Tax
Current Tax Payment Act of 1943 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Indeed, the Military Industrial Complex and its relationship with congress is a major key factor.
whether or not I am a true American (Murrican) contributes nothing to this thread.

Then just let it drop and I will too, Huan? You came back and tagged me for answering someone else?
A person credibly Chinese and openly acknowledging an aggressive stance by Beijing with a valid ex-
planation for it that I did not dispute contrary to the illogical one this thread is based on, I may add!!!

And I do not have a personal grudge against you that I don't know personally ( but your pseudo persona
is unsavory and unwelcome in my eyes ) and I can prove that. As evoked in my last answer, I am sorry
for that belief based on my own experience at being raised abroad and subjected to (national ) racism.
IF you were born in the USA and exhibited the ideas you put forth while using derogatory terms like above
Murrican* in daily life, you must have been excluded, mistreated and most likely beaten up by other kids …
which I would take heartache in and share your pain and suffering by proxy for I wish no ill to anyone.
Luckily, by not believing your little story ( due to it being riddled with logic holes, gaps even, such as the
aforementioned use of words no sane American would use, even a leftist extremist ), I trust you're safe.

As for you calling me a troll once more, I'll let time and our fellow "forumers" decide on that, based on our
respective knowledge of military stuff, history, human nature and that of the cultures we pretend to be from.
I'm in no hurry; being right and honest is a comfortable waiting station!

And indeed, good day to you, Tay.

* Don't hesitate to ask PDF Americans about that word and its use in the States.
An ethnically Chinese kid in the deep South where it belongs, using it in writing, is
unlikely to have been well perceived by the rednecks / idiots possibly claiming it.
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At last an honest viewpoint based on real history.
Of course, correctly interpreted, it confirms this thread's opener as trolling for the US is not attacking China
and the neighbours are legitimately worried instead.

Thank you, XiangLong, Tay.
Because they worry for it, so they built artificial construction in their islands, however, China can't?
To where does the money, and the profits, go to?


War creates a lot of spoils.

‘2,300 Humvees in Mosul alone’: Iraq reveals number of US arms falling into ISIS hands
Published time: June 01, 2015 05:15


Iraq has admitted that ISIS jihadists captured huge caches of US-made weapons, including thousands of Humvees seized from Iraqi forces retreating from Mosul last year. The spoils of war have since then been used by ISIS to gain ground in Iraq and Syria.

“In the collapse of Mosul, we lost a lot of weapons,” Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said in an interview with Iraqiya state TV. “We lost 2,300 Humvees in Mosul alone.”

Meanwhile the US approved new arms deliveries to the Iraqis last December to replenish the stock ransacked by IS. One contract allows the sale of 175 heavy M1A1 Abarams worth $12.4 billion, while another approves the delivery of 1,000 Humvees, equipped with M2.50 caliber machine guns and MK-19 40mm grenade launchers.

They are exactly the types of weapons IS used to gain vast amount of territory both in Iraq and northern Syria. In fact, the first use of US-Humvees on Syrian territory was reported last year shortly after Mosul has fallen to jihadists.

In mid-May IS gained control of the capital of Anbar province where Iraqi forces had held out against militants for more than a year. They also secured control of Palmyra in Syria, carrying out many executions.
Because they worry for it, so they built artificial construction in their islands, however, China can't?

I'm not sure that I understood you properly there, Huzihaidao. But let me respectfully offer an idea.
What if a straight path was defined for ship transit smack in the middle of the South China sea …
wouldn't that be fair? It would still leave a solution to be found for the separation with Vietnam mind
you ( and Taiwan ) but solve the rest.

Of course, if such a middle ground ( well, middle water in this case ) solution was adopted, it would
still mean the Spratlys would depend on Philippines, Sabah Brunei, Malaysia and Vietnam but also
that the Paracels, Pratas and heck the Macclesfield bank would stay Chinese for good.

I like simple and even simplistic ideas as starting points. They make the debate more open IMHoO.
Cuz' honestly, if other lands applied excessive claims as your country does on the Spratlys, France
could claim the Azores and America could claim the Bahamas & Cuba, you know? Just saying'

Read you later, Tay.
I'm not sure that I understood you properly there, Huzihaidao. But let me respectfully offer an idea.
What if a straight path was defined for ship transit smack in the middle of the South China sea …
wouldn't that be fair? It would still leave a solution to be found for the separation with Vietnam mind
you ( and Taiwan ) but solve the rest.

Of course, if such a middle ground ( well, middle water in this case ) solution was adopted, it would
still mean the Spratlys would depend on Philippines, Sabah Brunei, Malaysia and Vietnam but also
that the Paracels, Pratas and heck the Macclesfield bank would stay Chinese for good.

I like simple and even simplistic ideas as starting points. They make the debate more open IMHoO.
Cuz' honestly, if other lands applied excessive claims as your country does on the Spratlys, France
could claim the Azores and America could claim the Bahamas & Cuba, you know? Just saying'

Read you later, Tay.
I read your previous post, finally understand, well, although I admire your attitude, however, it is deeply complicated to associated geopolitics, so that any solution in a BBS, is an armchair strategist, I'm sorry, but it is my real idea.
Then just let it drop and I will too, Huan? You came back and tagged me for answering someone else?
A person credibly Chinese and openly acknowledging an aggressive stance by Beijing with a valid ex-
planation for it that I did not dispute contrary to the illogical one this thread is based on, I may add!!!

And I do not have a personal grudge against you that I don't know personally ( but your pseudo persona
is unsavory and unwelcome in my eyes ) and I can prove that. As evoked in my last answer, I am sorry
for that belief based on my own experience at being raised abroad and subjected to (national ) racism.
IF you were born in the USA and exhibited the ideas you put forth while using derogatory terms like above
Murrican* in daily life, you must have been excluded, mistreated and most likely beaten up by other kids …
which I would take heartache in and share your pain and suffering by proxy for I wish no ill to anyone.
Luckily, by not believing your little story ( due to it being riddled with logic holes, gaps even, such as the
aforementioned use of words no sane American would use, even a leftist extremist ), I trust you're safe.

As for you calling me a troll once more, I'll let time and our fellow "forumers" decide on that, based on our
respective knowledge of military stuff, history, human nature and that of the cultures we pretend to be from.
I'm in no hurry; being right and honest is a comfortable waiting station!

And indeed, good day to you, Tay.

* Don't hesitate to ask PDF Americans about that word and its use in the States.
An ethnically Chinese kid in the deep South where it belongs, using it in writing, is
unlikely to have been well perceived by the rednecks / idiots possibly claiming it.
You keep mentioning illogical holes/falsehoods on my remarks, but I do not see it. And your long elaborate explanations so far is so abstract and not in simple concise terms. Your words are all over the place. After reading your long response 3 times, I still do not get what you are trying to say.
FYI, the poll above is still opened for voting. I am trying to see where most of the PDF members stand on this topic so far.

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