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***** USA This is the Wrong Time to Physically Confront China Now *****

Willing to escalate to a new military conflict/war with China now?

  • Yes, it is worth the risk now

    Votes: 20 32.3%
  • No, but in the near future, yes

    Votes: 9 14.5%
  • No, we should resolve this peacefully and diplomatically instead and work together on global issues

    Votes: 19 30.6%
  • No, we should concede to China's sovereignty and work together on global issues

    Votes: 14 22.6%

  • Total voters
Cyber Attack?? They are done by private individual. Even Chinese hacking US DoD were done by private individual. I don't know now it's is private individual who runs the country of USA instead of the US government.
If you are referring to Byzantine Hades/Candor campaign.
Weren ' t these PRC State sponsored?

Do tell when is the last time US Government Hack to any Chinese Computer in Chinese soil.

Equation Group - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fact is you still have no illustrate how US endanger Chinese National Security.

lol, who's funny?
This is why you are a comedian or you just seriously playing dumb, which is which? LOL You have try to infiltrate and incite unrest in our country, you think we are stupid not to realize your scheme?
Agree with all that you've said. But your Freezing profile pic makes a logical post coming from u weird.
Sorry too distracting:lol::oops:

Hello everyone on both sides of the Pacific and beyond,

As of 2015 so far, I think my USA is getting WAY TOO MUCH stuff on its plate in foreign policy issues. We still have UNFINISHED BUSINESS with Iran, North Korea, Russia on eastern Ukraine, and ISIS in Iraq and Syria. I think it is EXTREMELY UNWISE to potentially create a brand new military mess or conflict with mainland China, a rising gigantic nuclear superpower. Especially for issues surrounding the South China Sea and Taiwan. Is Washington not thinking this through in their heads clearly? Mainland China is NOT a walk in the park that the US military can just put down like in Iraq and Afghanistan. And after 15+ years, our weaker enemies in the Middle East (jihadist fighters, etc.) with RPG's and AK-47's and wearing sandals have still remained to this day, even though they have no air force nor navy. I think the USA is getting way ahead of itself of how much it can handle and what it can handle outside our national American borders. At this rate, I think Washington is going to get its hands burned playing with too much fire.

So what are your thoughts everyone? Please discuss.

***** And I also have attached a poll above to vote on it. *****
LMAo, bro, I am making a comparison... you said those cyberattacks' sponsors are amateur, how alike with the declaration of Putin to those Russian armies in Ukraine
No i am giving a positive rank to the prism scheme, it does prevent terror attack in advance. But don't probe or be offensive to China anymore, especially civil system.

Dude, hacking other computer and sending "aide" to foreign land are two different thing. What is there to compare?

You do know US Government control the internet by controlling both IP allocation by owning Internet Assigned Numbers Authority and Domain naming system by owning ICAAN right? You think if US government hack you and you will know??

ICANN - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If you are referring to Byzantine Hades/Candor campaign.
Weren ' t these PRC State sponsored?

Equation Group - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I used to work with NSA, and I can tell you this, Equation group was rumoured by a Russian Anti-virus system for using "advanced" data decryption and encryption method for their operation. It's a mirror of what Pawn Storm group being accuse of Russian back hacker by Japanese Pawn Storm group.

I know many different country based anti-software company claim one or other group are working for specific government. But almost always was simply an rumour.

Country use secret entity (like SAD) to denied their responsibility, usually to protect the source and the agency personnel so they will not be torture and interrogated. If you think of it as a position of a hacker, you do your job in your own home (or NSA office let's say) there are no risk for you to be interrogated by the country you are hacking into. Unless say you stupid enough to hack China in China. And also the other party will know where the attack came from anyway, it totally defeat the purpose of using a "secret" cover for your hacker.

In fact, in NSA case, if we want to hack some country and some computer, we would have just serve a court notice to ICANN and IANA and have them hand over all the traffic pattern of a particular IP address or DN and the detail of it rather then starting a whole "secret" group ...

This is why you are a comedian or you just seriously playing dumb, which is which? LOL You have try to infiltrate and incite unrest in our country, you think we are stupid not to realize your scheme?

lol All I hear is you saying what we are doing, but there are no proof of whatever you claim the US is doing beside blaming all the anti-movement CIA or NSA, like they are the go-to organisation to blame on any and every misfortunate happening in your country. Sooner or later when there are earthquake in China the Chinese Citizens will blame CIA for it, hang on, wait they already do...well, not in China tho

Hugo Chavez: A U.S. Weapons Test Caused The Haitian Earthquake | Business Insider
AS of 2015, I think this thread opener is ludicrous, that the depiction it gave of the situation is that of a 15 year old Chinese boy / fanboy with no knowledge of geo-politics and strategy posing as an American and that it is not worth reading in full to answer nor my time so that I jumped here after reading it and wrote the above and will now let the hurtling of insults that most likely followed continue unimpeded except for presenting my most sincere apology to the author for this ( unusually for me ) blunt answer,

and good day and mostly good luck to you all, Tay.
Why even bother explaining to an ignorant halfer? most halfers especially the Viet/chinese mix are ignorant. The only reason why they existed because their Vietnamese fathers are rejected by Vietnamese women to a point that forces these Vietnamese men to go after Chinese women as alternative. Most Alpha Vietnamese men don't settle for anything less than Chinese women.

Most married couples between Chinese and Vietnamese are Chinese man and Vietnamese woman.
I'm with you on that one dude. I wanna see nukes falling on some of the chinese's members here. I want to see huge explosion and mayhem! Mass deaths! Diseases and famine!

Go live in China. You're not really American. I can already see fear running in your vein.

You're clueless. Go back to China. You're not an American or Vietnamese. You have fear running all over your face. True Viet/American aren't afraid to die to protect its mother land. Get lost, halfer.

Why even bother explaining to an ignorant halfer? most halfers especially the Viet/chinese mix are ignorant. The only reason why they existed because their Vietnamese fathers are rejected by Vietnamese women to a point that forces these Vietnamese men to go after Chinese women as alternative. Most Alpha Vietnamese men don't settle for anything less than Chinese women.
China is not attacking nor threatening to directly attack the American homeland. This is in the South China Sea. Are you that dumb? Learn to read. A darn Canadian like you have no credibility to tell me that I am no real American. Know your place you Canadian!

AS of 2015, I think this thread opener is ludicrous, that the depiction it gave of the situation is that of a 15 year old Chinese boy / fanboy with no knowledge of geo-politics and strategy posing as an American and that it is not worth reading in full to answer nor my time so that I jumped here after reading it and wrote the above and will now let the hurtling of insults that most likely followed continue unimpeded except for presenting my most sincere apology to the author for this ( unusually for me ) blunt answer,

and good day and mostly good luck to you all, Tay.
A troll detected.
China is not attacking nor threatening to directly attack the American homeland. This is in the South China Sea. Are you that dumb? Learn to read. A darn Canadian like you have no credibility to tell me that I am no real American. Know your place you Canadian!

He is a Vietnamese Canadian.
Ummm @DrawingDead , China is not going to collapse like the Soviet Union and Saddam...

First, never say never. Second, we don't need China to collapse. That's not part of our calculus. In a few years, China's average age is going to spike. Older nations tend to be a lot less aggressive than younger nations. So really all we need to do is to hold the line for a couple of decades and everything will be fine.
In fact, Vietnam did suffer more casualty than China back in 1979.

And PLA had managed to decimate over 100000 Vietcong militia who disguised as the civilians.

Talking about the 1979 war, most Viet members would go apesh1t crazy when people mentioning about it, so they are obviously more butthurt than the Chinese members.
The Viets said they win because they say China did not take an inch of Vietnamese land.

The US called China's reclamations on its many islands in the South China Sea " Great Wall of Sands" "illegal" as it does not conform to the International Law of the Sea.

It further alleged that China's action is tantamount to potentially obstruction of “freedom of navigation in an area that is critical to world trade”.
Here, in this article (link is below), "Beijing’s South China Sea expansion: The salami slices back!", on Asia Times Online, Peter Lee correctly throws his tantum at the US by calling the US argument "the U.S. is trying to build a” Great Wall of Bullsh*t” in the South China Sea, by invoking “freedom of navigation in an area that is critical to world trade” as a pretext for U.S. intervention". Besides, the US acts so hypocritically by quoting ILOS ever so often from a position where it is not even a signatory to such clause in the UN.

In another article on The Great Debate, Reuter News US Edition "Why a forceful U.S. response to China’s artificial island-building won’t float" by William Johnson, a retired U.S. Air Force Officer and a retired Foreign Service Officer, he again called the US actions "misguided", "flawed justification" and "hollow".

This was the real reason for US to so wantonly trying to hoodwink the world over:

" American military planners’ real concern is that the Chinese will use the newly constructed islands — which certainly include a runway large enough to handle military aircraft, and may include facilities to dock military vessels — to extend the scope of their Anti-Access Area Denial (A2AD) strategy. Military installations in the South China Sea would provide platforms for land, air and sea-launched weapon systems sufficient to raise the cost of U.S. military actions in the region to prohibitive levels".

Now, the world awaits China to lay bare such obnoxious US hubris by calling it bluff. China should continue with what is deemed in its best national interest regardless and when push comes to shove, just deal a humiliating blow to the US.
China should roar back: I am ready, how about you, Uncle Sam?


Beijing’s South China Sea expansion: The salami slices back!

It doesn't matter what they say. They used to say we manipulate the rmb, now the tone is changed. They used to say our human rights suck--but guess what. No one really buy that except the white Americans.
Just keep on building and let them complain about it.
Yea @Taygibay , you should just give up as expected of someone coming from France. I will keep moving forward with this thread.

You really shouldn't say things like that. France was one of our biggest supporters during the revolutionary war. You should look up the Marquis de Lafayette. I see our assistance to them in WW2 more as returning the favor than anything else.
First, never say never. Second, we don't need China to collapse. That's not part of our calculus. In a few years, China's average age is going to spike. Older nations tend to be a lot less aggressive than younger nations. So really all we need to do is to hold the line for a couple of decades and everything will be fine.
In the meantime, discourage our leaders in Washington against direct military action on China as long as possible.

You really shouldn't say things like that. France was one of our biggest supporters during the revolutionary war. You should look up the Marquis de Lafayette. I see our assistance to them in WW2 more as returning the favor than anything else.
Well then, he should show some courtesy rather than sudden personal attacks on me and this thread.
In the meantime, discourage our leaders in Washington against military action on China as long as possible.

I believe we've covered this in this very thread. Our actions today are designed to ensure that there is no war. If we're not there to push back, China will keep crowding it's neighbors. Eventually, one of them might do something out of anger or frustration that could start a war. A war which we will inevitably be drawn into since we have defense pacts with a lot of them. We're just there to make sure that doesn't happen.

Well then, he should show some courtesy rather than sudden personal attacks on me and this thread.

You're responding to his personal attacks by insulting 70 million French? Why not just stick to him if you really feel you have to respond?

He feels you're biased. I prefer to think you're uncomfortable with the idea of your country of origin and your adopted homeland being at odds. It's really just a matter of opinion.
I believe we've covered this in this very thread. Our actions today are designed to ensure that there is no war. If we're not there to push back, China will keep crowding it's neighbors. Eventually, one of them might do something out of anger or frustration that could start a war. A war which we will inevitably be drawn into since we have defense pacts with a lot of them. We're just there to make sure that doesn't happen.

You're responding to his personal attacks by insulting 70 million French? Why not just stick to him if you really feel you have to respond?

He feels you're biased. I prefer to think you're uncomfortable with the idea of your country of origin and your adopted homeland being at odds. It's really just a matter of opinion.
@DrawingDead , unfortunately for you, I am not uncomfortable with my country of origin. I am merely concern and disagree with our American leaders about the direction we are taking with China. If my difference of opinion with his (@Taygibay) and yours is considered very biased, so be it. We agree to disagree.
@DrawingDead , unfortunately for you, I am not uncomfortable with my country of origin. I am merely concern and disagree with our American leaders about the direction we are taking with China. If my difference of opinion with his and yours is considered very biased, so be it. We agree to disagree.

You might wanna read my post again. I said I thought you were uncomfortable with China and the U.S. being at odds, not that you're uncomfortable being Chinese. How you feel doesn't affect me in any way so I don't know why it would be unfortunate for me.

I've spent quite a bit of time answering all your questions. Now why don't you tell me what the US should do in light of China's actions?

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