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***** USA This is the Wrong Time to Physically Confront China Now *****

Willing to escalate to a new military conflict/war with China now?

  • Yes, it is worth the risk now

    Votes: 20 32.3%
  • No, but in the near future, yes

    Votes: 9 14.5%
  • No, we should resolve this peacefully and diplomatically instead and work together on global issues

    Votes: 19 30.6%
  • No, we should concede to China's sovereignty and work together on global issues

    Votes: 14 22.6%

  • Total voters
lol, asking those brainwashed American to fly around?

dont you know they think they can 'understand' the world by just watching TV and browsing facebook`lol

Yes, they get all the facts from their media, including Pentagon embedded CNN.

I believe in the power of Western media. US media is way too manipulative! Distorting people's mind, shifting perception away from the truth and brainwashing them into hateful people. Making people think media reports equate truthful historical facts!

I guess, the more ignorant they get, the better. This may blind their vision and lead them to grave mistakes.
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Ok, I want you take a look at this article. Pay particular attention to the location of the reef. After you've done that, make the case that it is ok for China to build on a reef that is this far away from China and right in someone else' backyard. You asked me why I thought China was a threat and I answered (obviously, not to your satisfaction). I guess its my turn to ask why you think China doesn't pose a threat when they are clearly developing areas that are right at their neighbors doorstep.

China Expands Island Construction in Disputed South China Sea - WSJ

See how quickly things can escalate? :D

@DrawingDead , it is no different from Japan's ADIZ (shown on the right) with the Diaoyu Island (Senkaku Islands) controlled by Japan that's sooo close to Taiwan. As shown below in the picture, look at how far south Japan's ADIZ extends soooo far away from its Japanese mainland and how near it is to China's east coast. But people like you in the US and leaders in Washington never had a problem with that. Double standard at work.
(By the way, your WSJ link is NOT free. I cannot read the full article.)

Yes, they get all the facts from their media, including Pentagon embedded CNN.

I believe in the power of Western media. US media is way too manipulative! Distorting people's mind, shifting perception away from the truth and brainwashing them into hateful people. Making people think media reports equates truthful historical facts!

I guess, the more ignorant they get, the better. This may blind their vision and lead them to grave mistakes.
Beware of Fox News. They are one of the top news network in the country.
Beware of Fox News. They are one of the top news network in the country.

I guess, despite all the hate, Fox News is much preferable to the so-called liberal media. At least, you know their real face and they are not ashamed of being who they are.

Libtards are just multi-faced.
@DrawingDead , it is no different from Japan's ADIZ (shown on the right) with the Diaoyu Island (Senkaku Islands) controlled by Japan that's sooo close to Taiwan. As shown below in the picture, look at how far south Japan's ADIZ extends soooo far away from its Japanese mainland and how near it is to China's east coast. But people like you in the US and leaders in Washington never had a problem with that. Double standard at work.
(By the way, your WSJ link is NOT free. I cannot read the full article.)

Beware of Fox News. They are one of the top news network in the country.

Yeah but you don't acknowledge Japan's claim over the Senkaku Islands. Why are you objecting when we reject your claim? Aren't you being a little hypocritical by expecting us to do something you refuse to do? Also, here's an article about how Chinese vessels intruded into the Japanese waters around these islands. I didn't see you asking China to back down. Why is it a problem when we do it? At least, we have the decency to fly our survellience aircrafts in international airspace.

Three Chinese ships enter Japanese waters near Senkaku Islands | The Japan Times
Your a funny guy. You should be a comedian. LOL

Fact is the US harassment caused us to be active in protecting our national security. That plane incident, embassy bombing, and the countless intimidation in preventing us from uniting with Taiwan definitely seal our perception of the US as seeking to contain and break out country apart.

Fact is you still have no illustrate how US endanger Chinese National Security.

lol, who's funny?
Fact is you still have no illustrate how US endanger Chinese National Security.

lol, who's funny?
Cyber attack to CHINESE civil infrastructure system, this is what you called freedom world? Dumb world at least, NsA watching me watching ****, alright, if they think they need have a walk into CHINESE central disease control centre, why, American?
Cyber attack to CHINESE civil infrastructure system, this is what you called freedom world? Dumb world at least, NsA watching me watching ****, alright, if they think they need have a walk into CHINESE central disease control centre, why, American?

Cyber Attack?? They are done by private individual. Even Chinese hacking US DoD were done by private individual. I don't know now it's is private individual who runs the country of USA instead of the US government. Do tell when is the last time US Government Hack to any Chinese Computer in Chinese soil.

And NSA watching you watching P.O.R.N? Are you living in China or the US? PRISM is a scheme to watch FOREIGN NATIONAL WITHIN THE US. Not foreign national in foreign soil, so do tell how this even have anything to do with China. It's the Chinese Government watching you watching P.O.R.N. Not the US government
This article starts off with an absurd analogy, comparing Beijing's assertion of sovereignty over the South China Sea with the rape of Mexico by the US in the mid-19th century. But it then goes about deconstructing its own arguments and ends up as a well-reasoned critique of US policy in the region and a plea for the US to back off. After reading the article it's clear that the author felt it necessary to set up a straw man to draw the prejudiced Western reader in. But most readers look at the headline which leaves a very different impression than the whole article.


The Ultimate Irony: Is China the 'America' of Asia?
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Cyber Attack?? They are done by private individual. Even Chinese hacking US DoD were done by private individual. I don't know now it's is private individual who runs the country of USA instead of the US government. Do tell when is the last time US Government Hack to any Chinese Computer in Chinese soil.

And NSA watching you watching P.O.R.N? Are you living in China or the US? PRISM is a scheme to watch FOREIGN NATIONAL WITHIN THE US. Not foreign national in foreign soil, so do tell how this even have anything to do with China. It's the Chinese Government watching you watching P.O.R.N. Not the US government
When Putin said those little green men in krimea are volunteers, U.S government also accused those are official personnel. I also have right to skeptic, those amateur teams, have an official background. And you need notice, the offense to your DOD is military action, I don't comment, but...civil system like Qinghua university, brutal.
I don't want to be attacked when I am in Europe, so It helps a lot to let NSA be my audience, no problem.
Yeah but you don't acknowledge Japan's claim over the Senkaku Islands. Why are you objecting when we reject your claim? Aren't you being a little hypocritical by expecting us to do something you refuse to do? Also, here's an article about how Chinese vessels intruded into the Japanese waters around these islands. I didn't see you asking China to back down. Why is it a problem when we do it? At least, we have the decency to fly our survellience aircrafts in international airspace.

Three Chinese ships enter Japanese waters near Senkaku Islands | The Japan Times
China doesn't accept Japan's claim over the Diaoyu (Senkaku) Islands. So we will have to agree to disagree. This will have to be settled either through diplomacy or use of force/coercion between China and Japan. If you also think the USA should fight a war to defend Japan's island assets along with the South China Sea, so be it if you think that is worth the lives of our American men and women in uniform. Don't say I warn you.
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China doesn't accept Japan's claim over the Diaoyu (Senkaku) Islands. So we will have to agree to disagree. This will have to be settled either through diplomacy or use of force/coercion between China and Japan. If you also think the USA should fight a war to defend Japan's island assets along with the South China Sea, so be it if you think that is worth the lives of our American men and women in uniform. Don't say I warn you.

I don't think we should accept unreasonable demands just because something MIGHT happen. If we keep doing that, something WILL happen. If there's one thing WWII has taught us, it's that the wait and see attitude is not all it's cracked up to be. But like I said in my earlier post, there's going to be no war. Our actions today are meant to ensure that. You're not the first person to give us "friendly warnings". People always warn us of dire consequences. The Soviet Union thought it was going to destroy us, Saddam promised us the mother of all wars, China is just the next in a long line of blowhards who've come and gone. I'm not losing any sleep over it.
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I don't think we should accept unreasonable demands just because something MIGHT happen. If we keep doing that, something WILL happen. If there's one thing WWII has taught us, it's that the wait and see attitude is not all it's cracked up to be. But like I said in my earlier post, there's going to be no war. Our actions today are meant to ensure that. You're not the first person to give us "friendly warnings". People always warn us of dire consequences. The Soviet Union thought it was going to destroy us, Saddam promised us the mother of all wars, China is just the next in a long line of blowhards who've come and gone. I'm not losing any sleep over it.
Ummm @DrawingDead , China is not going to collapse like the Soviet Union and Saddam...
When Putin said those little green men in krimea are volunteers, U.S government also accused those are official personnel. I also have right to skeptic, those amateur teams, have an official background. And you need notice, the offense to your DOD is military action, I don't comment, but...civil system like Qinghua university, brutal.
I don't want to be attacked when I am in Europe, so It helps a lot to let NSA be my audience, no problem.

How's Putin's Russia and Ukraine and Crimea RELATED TO CHINESE NATIONAL SECURITY?? Don't tell me Chinese throw in the hat and claim Ukraine and Crimea as part of China lol

And since when "Cyber Attack in Europe" contribute to Threat to National Security in China like you say??

LOL, you are confused, and gone into a ranting mode
How's Putin's Russia and Ukraine and Crimea RELATED TO CHINESE NATIONAL SECURITY?? Don't tell me Chinese throw in the hat and claim Ukraine and Crimea as part of China lol

And since when "Cyber Attack in Europe" contribute to Threat to National Security in China like you say??

LOL, you are confused, and gone into a ranting mode
LMAo, bro, I am making a comparison... you said those cyberattacks' sponsors are amateur, how alike with the declaration of Putin to those Russian armies in Ukraine
No i am giving a positive rank to the prism scheme, it does prevent terror attack in advance. But don't probe or be offensive to China anymore, especially civil system.

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