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US Will 'Expel' India From Quad if Delhi Buys S-400 Missile Systems From Russia, Warns BJP Lawmaker

US will not expel a hard earned ally against China on buying S400, however US will make sure that Indian dependence on US equipment increases. India will have to spend a lot more to keep the balance however attrition with China will increase manifolds. So far India has enjoyed a peaceful border with China but in coming years both borders will be troubling for India.
US will not expel a hard earned ally against China on buying S400, however US will make sure that Indian dependence on US equipment increases. India will have to spend a lot more to keep the balance however attrition with China will increase manifolds. So far India has enjoyed a peaceful border with China but in coming years both borders will be troubling for India.

No i disagree completely
When you stand up to a bully at school......... What happens ??? ....... you may take beating OR he backs down and ...........Starts respecting you.

LADAKH ........ india stood toe to toe against CHINA ........we did not blink once even when 20 of our jawans died .......... CHINA GOT THE MESSAGE they went home

MUCH TO THE DISGUST of our pakistani cheer leaders
No i disagree completely
When you stand up to a bully at school......... What happens ??? ....... you may take beating OR he backs down and ...........Starts respecting you.

LADAKH ........ india stood toe to toe against CHINA ........we did not blink once even when 20 of our jawans died .......... CHINA GOT THE MESSAGE they went home

MUCH TO THE DISGUST of our pakistani cheer leaders
I just stated what your army chief is saying regarding border with China. You just have to look at your purchases in last 12 months, you will understand what i am saying.
Its actually Turkey which is giving two finger salute to America despite being a critical member of NATO and buying Russian goodies.

Dont think you third world curry munchers are educated enough to understand criticality of Turkey-NATO-Russia equation. If special waivers are given to India and not to Turkey, that will be the last nail in NATO coffin, which America at this point in time simply cannot afford.
If Turkey keeps S-400 systems ON, NATO early warning sensors inside Turkey will be in jeopardy!! Messing with Turkey is becoming a no option....
If Turkey keeps S-400 systems ON, NATO early warning sensors inside Turkey will be in jeopardy!! Messing with Turkey is becoming a no option....

For argument sake, Turkish folks following the Indian attempts to buy S400? In a scenario, where America gives waivers to India but keep sanctions on Turkey, how would this be the taken within Turkish power corridors?
For argument sake, Turkish folks following the Indian attempts to buy S400? In a scenario, where America gives waivers to India but keep sanctions on Turkey, how would this be the taken within Turkish power corridors?
They’re like: don’t give a rat’s a$$. $hit it out with the Indians, don’t mess with Turkey....
The Americans have a problem with how they treat the S400 case between Turkey and China. It is a real predicament for them.
sanction on both India and Turkey have massive repercussions for usa period

they will both get waiver back door
if uncle sam offers India f-35s the S-400 deal will be dropped. otherwise I see India acquiring the S-400
The Americans have a problem with how they treat the S400 case between Turkey and China. It is a real predicament for them.

for starters Turkey is a NATO member, has F-16s (slated to get F-35s) and has been drifting away from core American foreign policies

the real kicker is India is a little larger than Turkey
if uncle sam offers India f-35s the S-400 deal will be dropped. otherwise I see India acquiring the S-400

for starters Turkey is a NATO member, has F-16s (slated to get F-35s) and has been drifting away from core American foreign policies

the real kicker is India is a little larger than Turkey
assuming US offer f35#s and forces i dia to drop s400 how will it affect indias relations with russia,india biggest weapon providers and also supplier sparepart to indian forces? how will it effect indian forces even if india switches to american hardware it will take years to test train and integrate new systems! and with pressure from china Pakistan and russia wont it effect indias war readiness!
assuming US offer f35#s and forces i dia to drop s400 how will it affect indias relations with russia,india biggest weapon providers and also supplier sparepart to indian forces? how will it effect indian forces even if india switches to american hardware it will take years to test train and integrate new systems! and with pressure from china Pakistan and russia wont it effect indias war readiness!

the sale of f-35s to india will affect india's relationship with russia. every f-35 customer is under the defense umbrella of USA

you can look at the transition Egypt made from 1979 to 1990 with respect to russian hardware
assuming US offer f35#s and forces i dia to drop s400 how will it affect indias relations with russia,india biggest weapon providers and also supplier sparepart to indian forces? how will it effect indian forces even if india switches to american hardware it will take years to test train and integrate new systems! and with pressure from china Pakistan and russia wont it effect indias war readiness!

this is so far,fetched it's hilarious and childish..
long term.srateguc alliances,take decades to build and cross multi layers,in diplomacy trade technology and mutual trust and respect.
it's not based on s400 versus,f35.
Russia needs India as,much as India needs Russia,.
Usa is,wooing India since days of Clinton ie 20 years,as a long term ally in Asia.
This will not change no matter how hard PDF members,dream this scenario..
Quad has,been born and will get stronger
India,will continue to grow its,Gdp to become 3rs,largest in world by 2030 timeframe already at 5th or 6th depending which global source you read..
s400 it's too late to cancel and India needs it to defend against pak and China missle threats.
F35 is not needed yet and India will build and induct Amca .
remember India cancelled Russian Fgfa unilaterally .
India chose,Rafale ahead of all usa,fighters,
India chose,s400 despite usa sanctions.
yet India has,brought 20 billion dollars worth of exclusive usa arms last decade.
usa is also India.s biggest trading partner we enjoy a huge 35 billion dollar trade surplus over usa and they are responsible for building our huge it software industry earning us 130 billion dollars a year in it service exports.
you see India is independent it never waivers and never falls to pressure
Either India plays ball or it doesn't. Either it is in the Asian camp or Western camp, India needs to decide and it is coming to a crunch. US failed to realise that India is a competing entity and difficult to manage ,as it has joined the league of the giants and cast off it's colonial strait-jackets. India has successfully used the West to improve it's economy and further the goals and no longer easily influenceable. As Asia becomes the super economy of the World India has to decide to join the new Asian economic developments or cling to their old colonial masters, ways and systems.

India only needs to think about India.
India achieved strides off it's own work. no body brings real success from outside..
this mindset.of Pakistanis that an outside power will build us up is costing you severely left you weak and poor. China this that and other has left you so far behind.
India gdp technology business success is,made by Indians.
we,don't need to scump to anybody's wishes.
that will never happen
India will stick with s400
and be part of quad
build up it's trade with Europe and middle east and continue to grow its gdp.
talking about per capita indian per capita is 50% higher than pakistan even today
this is so far,fetched it's hilarious and childish..
long term.srateguc alliances,take decades to build and cross multi layers,in diplomacy trade technology and mutual trust and respect.
it's not based on s400 versus,f35.
Russia needs India as,much as India needs Russia,.
Usa is,wooing India since days of Clinton ie 20 years,as a long term ally in Asia.
This will not change no matter how hard PDF members,dream this scenario..
Quad has,been born and will get stronger
India,will continue to grow its,Gdp to become 3rs,largest in world by 2030 timeframe already at 5th or 6th depending which global source you read..
s400 it's too late to cancel and India needs it to defend against pak and China missle threats.
F35 is not needed yet and India will build and induct Amca .
remember India cancelled Russian Fgfa unilaterally .
India chose,Rafale ahead of all usa,fighters,
India chose,s400 despite usa sanctions.
yet India has,brought 20 billion dollars worth of exclusive usa arms last decade.
usa is also India.s biggest trading partner we enjoy a huge 35 billion dollar trade surplus over usa and they are responsible for building our huge it software industry earning us 130 billion dollars a year in it service exports.
you see India is independent it never waivers and never falls to pressure
dont you guys need 100% support of russia or 100% support of US to stay relevant or to stand against China/Pakistan? and by "shitting" in both camps youll get half hearted support from both and wont that be an issue for India? and please reply not based on delusion but based on reality of todays world,even US accepts chinas military and technology might and are scared of losing their seat at the worlds throne and india is far far behind compared to US so india should be worried...and most of your military hardware is russian even if you get hunder rafaels youll still need 100% russia to support your military,you Make in India is years behind schedule and even if your decide to go all in western camp youll need billions to purchase train and integrate so i think india is in very complicated position and i think india can benifit more if it stays in the regional camp rather than rely on friend far far far from their shores and that too America the most unreliable ally one can have!
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