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US Will 'Expel' India From Quad if Delhi Buys S-400 Missile Systems From Russia, Warns BJP Lawmaker

To be fair, India has positioned itself quite well geo politically.

Today India is like a women everybody wants to marry.
China is courting India for its market and to maintain neutral.
Russia is courting India for its arms market
US is courting India to go against China
Australia and Japan is courting India for its consumer market

And India is playing "Hard to catch". Like what happen to RCEP. At first dancing with RCEP then rejecting them. Its so Bollywood. :angry:
As usual, idiots in the hindustani leadership haven't understood that it's the West that needs hindustan, rather than the other way around. And yet again the Zionists have successfully duped another nation into thinking that "it's us against them, failure to choose would be detrimental to you."

45 years of "us against them" mantra suckered the world into a bipolar one. And yet, some idiots haven't learnt a damn thing from studying history.

It's hindustan's obsession with itself being a superpower, coupled with it's diseased hatred for Pakistan, is sinking them further into the pit.

These Zionists have become so predictably one tracked, it's like they've run out of ideas. A smart leadership like Russia, has checkmated them on every front, and there isn't a damn thing they can do about it.

Whereas the Najdi-dotards, Turkish leadership, that of Europe as well and Pacific chums which are Japan and South Korea are signed up and committed to their doom. So hindustan is nothing more but an addition to the list leadership of idiots who follow the Zionist owned and controlled West.
okay not phone call but folksy, effusive greeting of Modi will change your policies:yahoo:
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your frustration is not going to change the international politics , india will take decisions on basis of it's interests . we are free to take arms from any country , oil from any country . america or russia don't affect our decisions .
we dont change our policies on phone calls .
It makes a lot of sense. India is a US sacrificial goat present to china. Still, the US does not see the same adventure with incompetent Indians what the US already experienced with us in the charlie war in Afghanistan, and 27 Feb exposed India might. US and China war will create a massive backlog for us to maintain balance in the region. should we sign an official defence pact with China to take a breath in the region in elephant fights.

we are not here to take charge of mercenary duty as you did in afghanistan , we will act on our own keeping an eye on our interests . we will serve our interest only . our policies don't change on phone calls .
Why do they wanted to do that?
To kick India out of the QUAD.
They can used India and after that they laughed them Stupid Indians they will say.

They need Asians to kill Asians and India is just a pawn in QUAD fo be used over and over again.

Why do they bothered if another 47 Indians die or INS warships go under?
Technicall they need US approval to fly those LCA against India enemies since it uses a US GE engines like they did against Pakistan.

India has put itself in a spot today, neither here nor there.
Will USA ever leased nuclear submarines to her like Russia did?

By allowing US experts to inspect these Russian submarines, Russia don't trust India any more but USA don't trust India as well.
India is doomed
caught in the middle of usa and Russia
stupid,to follow other stupid nations like Japan and South Korea.
how dare they stand up to China

we need pakistan skill in diplomacy and,learn the art of geo politics
after all look what amazing thriviing nation pakistan has become
now they do everything right

is this what you wish us and the world to believe.

"Rose tinted glasses " we call.this

reality is India plays geo politics better than most
it plays the world's biggest democracy . fastest and largest economy in the developing world very well . Soft power bollywood and vast political skill set to influence Washington Moscow . the middle east and Europe to it's own agenda.
far better than Pakistan ever can.
our voice is the loudest in Asia bar perhaps,China and Japan.. and it completes,drowns out islamabhad
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If Turkey was that important ........ Then why is USA treating it like something on its SHOE IE ****

lets see what USA does

India is getting S400 ...........They are sticking two fingers to sanctions threat

You get it

Its actually Turkey which is giving two finger salute to America despite being a critical member of NATO and buying Russian goodies.

Dont think you third world curry munchers are educated enough to understand criticality of Turkey-NATO-Russia equation. If special waivers are given to India and not to Turkey, that will be the last nail in NATO coffin, which America at this point in time simply cannot afford.
Commenting on India’s S-400 = Instant TRP boost.

Neither USA will put sanctions on India, nor QUAD is currently a military alliance. Turkey was sanctioned because Turkish Armed Forces and Kurdish Fighters are adversaries and Kurdish Fighters and USA are allies and Turkey kills thos fighters on a daily basis as they are designated terrorists by Turkish government, plus the fact that Turkey operates F-16s which are a mainstay of US airforce and USA is afraid of one thing of losing sensitive info to Russia thats why F-35 was rejected to Turkey and F-16s are potentially compromised. Similarly India’s S-400 can “potentially leak out” Pakistan airforce’s F-16s data to Russia according to USA. Else we don’t use American fighters, only helicopters and some P8is that are converted from Boeing airliners.

Doing sanctions on India will make USA lose a trade partner, a military partner and will create an adversary.
Let me start by saying, I was right lol 😂 . American bad cop worse cop practice. The message is loud and clear, either you are a US tatoo or your not, no more standing on the edge. Pakistan having experienced this is also walking this tight rope but they are Chinese iron brothers now.

I believe it would be a terrible idea for india to buy the s-400, if they buy this the US will stop intervening in China taking over 50% of India. Since the Indian economy is so dependent on the US economy they will be big loser in the short run. 18% of Indian exports are with the US, Being the biggest trading partners, the next on the list is China and the third is UAE. Losing all three would be disastrous for India

Final point india is not a significant US defense partner. It plays no role in the defense of nato countries, they are a nusense Creator for Russia and China. While Turkey is a key defence partner and part of nato. In a war with russia the Black Sea fleet the Russian nuclear deterrence is all going to be repelled by Turkey. The us sanctioned Turkey. Why do Indians think they are better and different from Turkey.

Let me start by saying, I was right lol 😂 . American bad cop worse cop practice. The message is loud and clear, either you are a US tatoo or your not, no more standing on the edge. Pakistan having experienced this is also walking this tight rope but they are Chinese iron brothers now.

I believe it would be a terrible idea for india to buy the s-400, if they buy this the US will stop intervening in China taking over 50% of India. Since the Indian economy is so dependent on the US economy they will be big loser in the short run. 18% of Indian exports are with the US, Being the biggest trading partners, the next on the list is China and the third is UAE. Losing all three would be disastrous for India

Final point india is not a significant US defense partner. It plays no role in the defense of nato countries, they are a nusense Creator for Russia and China. While Turkey is a key defence partner and part of nato. In a war with russia the Black Sea fleet the Russian nuclear deterrence is all going to be repelled by Turkey. The us sanctioned Turkey. Why do Indians think they are better and different from Turkey.


NATO has,served,it's purpose during cold war,,, Russia,was the threat with a,gdp half of India s ... Russia is no body today. why else, do think India pulled away India has,outgrown them .

mean while the big threat to usa and the west is China now and next 40 years.
you pakistan is, are living in cold war era .
wake up smell the.coffee the big enemy is China in 21st century.

Quad is usa Japan India and Austarlia between them.command 31 trillion GDP
versus China with out going 14 trillion GDP.

no body in Washington worry about Russian shrinking military anymore
NATO has,served,it's purpose during cold war,,, Russia,was the threat with a,gdp half of India s ... Russia is no body today. why else, do think India pulled away India has,outgrown them .

mean while the big threat to usa and the west is China now and next 40 years.
you pakistan is, are living in cold war era .
wake up smell the.coffee the big enemy is China in 21st century.

Quad is usa Japan India and Austarlia between them.command 31 trillion GDP
versus China with out going 14 trillion GDP.

no body in Washington worry about Russian shrinking military anymore
Hey Mav, how are you this morning..... wake up and smell the coffee......... really mav ........really ......what will her majesty our queen think of that comment!

russia just invaded Ukrainians controls half of it, it also took over South Georgia. They have 25000 tanks and thousands of missiles pointed at the US. They are still and for a long time will continue to be a counter weight to USA. Europe still depends on NATO for its defence and Russia is the single most Prominent threat.

now based on your logic, Russia ,China, Pakistan, Central Asia, Turkey , Iran , most of Asia , Africa and the good parts of Western Europe save the Uk could form an economic alliance to increase the living standards of their people and for folks like me who consume70% of the world resources here in North America will be a rude awakening . This would be a significant portion of the world GDP.

so the question really is why is India not part of this progress and towing the sam Raj’s line?

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Why do they wanted to do that?
To kick India out of the QUAD.
They can used India and after that they laughed them Stupid Indians they will say.

They need Asians to kill Asians and India is just a pawn in QUAD fo be used over and over again.

Why do they bothered if another 47 Indians die or INS warships go under?
Technicall they need US approval to fly those LCA against India enemies since it uses a US GE engines like they did against Pakistan.

India has put itself in a spot today, neither here nor there.
Will USA ever leased nuclear submarines to her like Russia did?

By allowing US experts to inspect these Russian submarines, Russia don't trust India any more but USA don't trust India as well.

:D :D :D :D
The smart thing for India to do is to stop putting itself in the position of being a buffer against China.

Galwan proved 2 things this year.

1. The Indian military is not capable of going toe to toe with the Chinese and winning.

2. Neither China or India desire conflict. Both sides did a ridiculous dance to limit casualties and escalation.

Have sensible talks about your borders and engage in trade instead of trying to be an American stooge.

Ask Pakistan they price you have to pay for relations with the USA.
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