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US warplan against China : Choke China into submission via naval blockade

I am talking about 2020 onwards, not now.

Currently Japanese Navy is more powerful than China's I admit

Wait for the Type-052D/55 destroyers, Type-095 SSN's, J-20/31 5th generation fighters and the 3 carriers that would be ready by the end of the decade and the JMSDF would not have a prayer.

Well most posters are talking about now. Face it Bengladesh and China have weaker navies than the Japanese and the US.
Learn some simple economics and then talk.

China makes all it's weapons at home and so PPP is a more accurate measure than nominal GDP.

The latest Chinese tanks can take on an Abrams and cost much less to produce.
A Chinese soldier gets paid a fraction of that of the US.
First off a tank is irrelevant to the battlespace, second I'd say unless you can provide a credible source (preferably multiple sources) on your assertion that the latest Chinese tank (that would be the type 99 right? )can take on an Abrams, you are blowing smoke.


Japan would be heavily damaged before the US could assemble the 7-8 carrier groups necessary to make much of a difference.

Only a fool thinks that it would be a good idea to try to attack the Chinese mainland(2020 onwards) as it would be protected by J-20/31s.

Even now the US "plan" thinks it not a good idea to attack the Chinese mainland.

You can believe Japan would be heavily damaged all you want, you have not proven it, you can't prove it, you are just blowing smoke.

While the Japanese navy might not escape unscathed, I have no doubt it would inflict plenty of damage on the PLAN, US nuclear subs would be wreaking havoc on China's navy, and time is working against China in such a scenario, because again, China is in an offensive role in unfriendly waters in their first major naval engagement no less. You yourself admit by omission that it would be over when the US' other carriers arrived, though I believe it would actually be over before that.

China won't beat the clock, I don't know what you actually expect China to do. You also have still not given a compelling reason for why any country, let alone Japan, would bow to Chinese rule, aside from the brute reason of 'If you don't i'll beat your head in'.

I tell you what my friend, why don't we wait till 2025 and see what kind of world this is?

I would be surprised if China does not end up as powerful as the US but dominant in East Asia by then.

China will never again achieve uncontested military dominance in East Asia that it had long ago as long as the US exists on the other side of the ocean, has Hawaii, Alaska, and Guam. US interest is opposite that outcome as long as this holds, and the US is just as big as China, and more than capable of facing down your brute logic and giving it back to the people that think like you in China.

Most importantly, it will never again achieve dominance as long as it only relies on the brute logic of force.

Hell Russia wouldn't want it either.

China lives in a different world, a less isolated world, it must learn to integrate with it instead of trying to return to the past.
Well most posters are talking about now. Face it Bengladesh and China have weaker navies than the Japanese and the US.

i disagree. the japanese navy is very impressive on paper, and indeed it operates some of the best equipment around. however it is also an incomplete navy that without US support would find itself with huge weaknesses in its naval order that a much more rounded, even if weaker technologically, navy like the PLAN can exploit with devastating consequences for the Japanese. that said, i dont see the japanese navy having to go it alone in any major combat anytime soon so maybe its fine for the time being.
First off a tank is irrelevant to the battlespace, second I'd say unless you can provide a credible source (preferably multiple sources) on your assertion that the latest Chinese tank (that would be the type 99 right? )can take on an Abrams, you are blowing smoke.

You provide no evidence or logical reasoning as to why the Abram's is superior to the latest Chinese Type-99 apart from that "US technology is superior".

China could have purchased T-90 tanks from Russia in the 1990s but chose not to. Only logical reason is that they were pretty happy with their own technology. Whether the Abrams may be slightly superior to the Chinese tank is irrelevant as they both pretty much have the ability to take each other out with one hit IMO.:D

You can believe Japan would be heavily damaged all you want, you have not proven it, you can't prove it, you are just blowing smoke.

While the Japanese navy might not escape unscathed, I have no doubt it would inflict plenty of damage on the PLAN, US nuclear subs would be wreaking havoc on China's navy, and time is working against China in such a scenario, because again, China is in an offensive role in unfriendly waters in their first major naval engagement no less. You yourself admit by omission that it would be over when the US' other carriers arrived, though I believe it would actually be over before that.

Yes, they will. China has thousands of ballistic and cruise missiles that would severely the Japanese military and industrial facilities without their airforce even getting involved.

And even the US carriers will have to stay further out from the Chinese coast(several hundred kms) as they would not be wishing to face hundreds of J-20s and J-31s that could operate from Chinese land bases, not to mention the DF-21D ASBM.

Basically Japan would then be the theatre where the Chinese and US fight it out and it would be devastated as you can be sure if the Japanese ask the US for help then China would take revenge on them in a devastating way.

China won't beat the clock, I don't know what you actually expect China to do. You also have still not given a compelling reason for why any country, let alone Japan, would bow to Chinese rule, aside from the brute reason of 'If you don't i'll beat your head in'.

Yes they will. Time is on China's side.

India will never be any kind of match for China in our lifetime, if ever.

A coalition of smaller states against a country like China, which most experts predict to overtake US in GDP by the latter part of this decade, just won't work in practice. They will all learn to accept Chinese dominance over east Asia, and maybe rest of Asia later on. Even Japan would have to submit to the inevitable, let alone countries like South Korea and Taiwan - btw Taiwan is just a province of China and not a real country.

Let the US spend trillions on building a Navy to retain "dominance" when the best thing to do is for the US to accept the inevitable and retreat to the continental US and spend the saved money on their civilian economy rather than this soon to be useless expeditionary military.

Unlike Europe, which is pretty much finished, the US has a future but it does not seem to be playing it's cards right. It is up to you but interfering in Asia won't turn out well for you in the end
World is building lasor beam weapons but they are too heavy and big.... The greys gave america blue print of small lasor beam.... This lasor beam can be fit in jet fighter and bit bigger lasor beam will be fit in cargo size planes.... This weapon can burn any missile and jetfighter within 30 to 60 seconds.... Beat this weapon (if u can)....
Northrop Grumman tests new laser weapon
Boeing YAL-1 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You provide no evidence or logical reasoning as to why the Abram's is superior to the latest Chinese Type-99 apart from that "US technology is superior".

US technology is superior. China is under arms embargo and they want it removed. I wonder why? Is it logical enough for you?

Yes, they will. China has thousands of ballistic and cruise missiles that would severely the Japanese military and industrial facilities without their airforce even getting involved.

And even the US carriers will have to stay further out from the Chinese coast(several hundred kms) as they would not be wishing to face hundreds of J-20s and J-31s that could operate from Chinese land bases, not to mention the DF-21D ASBM.

Japan has anti ballistic missiles. How many J-20/31 are in service? Is DF-21D ASBM proven to work on a moving, evading, EW equipped target? Will it work vs. lasers which are a few years away from being operationally in use?

Yes they will. Time is on China's side.

It's not. Time was 2 years ago or at the height of the economic crisis in the west. By the time China fields 5th gen fighters in any meaningful quantity,we will all be out of the crisis already.
Furthermore, when it fields those 5th gen fighters, work is already being done in the US on a 6th gen fighter.

A coalition of smaller states against a country like China, which most experts predict to overtake US in GDP by the latter part of this decade, just won't work in practice. They will all learn to accept Chinese dominance over east Asia, and maybe rest of Asia later on. Even Japan would have to submit to the inevitable, let alone countries like South Korea and Taiwan - btw Taiwan is just a province of China and not a real country.

Let the US spend trillions on building a Navy to retain "dominance" when the best thing to do is for the US to accept the inevitable and retreat to the continental US and spend the saved money on their civilian economy rather than this soon to be useless expeditionary military.

Unlike Europe, which is pretty much finished, the US has a future but it does not seem to be playing it's cards right. It is up to you but interfering in Asia won't turn out well for you in the end

Wishful thinking by someone that just wishes but stays on social welfare in the doomed Europe. Ill probably get an infraction for saying this, but i cant help myself, you are a fool. A typical immigrant that cannot contribute anything meaningful to a society he lives in.
Hopefully, soon we will have laws in Europe that deport individuals like yourself back to the shithole they crawled from.

As we see from the moves the CCP is pulling recently, thery are pretty wary of a coalition of smaller states, backed up by larger powers. Rightfully so.
You provide no evidence or logical reasoning as to why the Abram's is superior to the latest Chinese Type-99 apart from that "US technology is superior".

China could have purchased T-90 tanks from Russia in the 1990s but chose not to. Only logical reason is that they were pretty happy with their own technology. Whether the Abrams may be slightly superior to the Chinese tank is irrelevant as they both pretty much have the ability to take each other out with one hit IMO.:D

Yes, they will. China has thousands of ballistic and cruise missiles that would severely the Japanese military and industrial facilities without their airforce even getting involved.

And even the US carriers will have to stay further out from the Chinese coast(several hundred kms) as they would not be wishing to face hundreds of J-20s and J-31s that could operate from Chinese land bases, not to mention the DF-21D ASBM.

Basically Japan would then be the theatre where the Chinese and US fight it out and it would be devastated as you can be sure if the Japanese ask the US for help then China would take revenge on them in a devastating way.

Yes they will. Time is on China's side.

India will never be any kind of match for China in our lifetime, if ever.

A coalition of smaller states against a country like China, which most experts predict to overtake US in GDP by the latter part of this decade, just won't work in practice. They will all learn to accept Chinese dominance over east Asia, and maybe rest of Asia later on. Even Japan would have to submit to the inevitable, let alone countries like South Korea and Taiwan - btw Taiwan is just a province of China and not a real country.

Let the US spend trillions on building a Navy to retain "dominance" when the best thing to do is for the US to accept the inevitable and retreat to the continental US and spend the saved money on their civilian economy rather than this soon to be useless expeditionary military.

Unlike Europe, which is pretty much finished, the US has a future but it does not seem to be playing it's cards right. It is up to you but interfering in Asia won't turn out well for you in the end

Don't forget the SAC version of X-47B, J-10B upgrade, long range UCAV and endurence USAV, Type 055 Cruiser, J-15K vareint which has two cockpit like the F-18 F/A Superhornet. I like you, you seem to be knowledgble on matters concerning China's defence.
US technology is superior. China is under arms embargo and they want it removed. I wonder why? Is it logical enough for you?

Japan has anti ballistic missiles. How many J-20/31 are in service? Is DF-21D ASBM proven to work on a moving, evading, EW equipped target? Will it work vs. lasers which are a few years away from being operationally in use?

It's not. Time was 2 years ago or at the height of the economic crisis in the west. By the time China fields 5th gen fighters in any meaningful quantity,we will all be out of the crisis already.
Furthermore, when it fields those 5th gen fighters, work is already being done in the US on a 6th gen fighter.

Wishful thinking by someone that just wishes but stays on social welfare in the doomed Europe. Ill probably get an infraction for saying this, but i cant help myself, you are a fool. A typical immigrant that cannot contribute anything meaningful to a society he lives in.
Hopefully, soon we will have laws in Europe that deport individuals like yourself back to the shithole they crawled from.

As we see from the moves the CCP is pulling recently, thery are pretty wary of a coalition of smaller states, backed up by larger powers. Rightfully so.

Why are you making random insults against an fourm member, you clearly sound like an neo-nazi. You may disagree about what he said and you every right to refute his statements via a rational and logical counterarguement But instead you personally attack him based on ethic differences.
Why are you making random insults against an fourm member, you clearly sound like an neo-nazi. You may disagree about what he said and you every right to refute his statements via a rational and logical counterarguement But instead you personally attack him based on ethic differences.

I did refute it all. Via rationale and logic.

As for the end part, on account of which you are trying to get me banned, hey, he wishes the downfall of our half of the world. You reap what you sow.
Would you not call a fool someone who is biting at the hand that is feeding him? That's gotta be the definition....
A typical immigrant that cannot contribute anything meaningful to a society he lives in.
Hopefully, soon we will have laws in Europe that deport individuals like yourself back to the shithole they crawled from

I actually feel sorry for you since you do not have the ability to debate this in intelligent way and have to resort to personal attacks.

Since I am confident in my own skin and know that I am a much better person than you, I will leave it up to the moderators if they want to do anything to you.

I live in Europe and see why it is failing(at least the UK). Business/politics is corrupt to the core here and that is why the economy is going backwards and not forwards.
I actually feel sorry for you since you do not have the ability to debate this in intelligent way and have to resort to personal attacks.

I did outline all the faults in your post in an intelligent way. But i also believe you are a mischievous, counterproductive element to the society you live in.

Since I am confident in my own skin and know that I am a much better person than you, I will leave it up to the moderators if they want to do anything to you.

la la la....they did

I live in Europe and see why it is failing(at least the UK). Business/politics is corrupt to the core here and that is why the economy is going backwards and not forwards.

I think i know about what you are talking about (City and its connections ?). Businessmen/politics are bastards everywhere. Still they managed to get the UK out of recession this year.
Also, you need to go and have a look into that thread that showcased a study on where it is best for a child to be born nowadays.
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