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US wants better India-Bangladesh economic ties

Oh and don't worry we do not have any evil intentions on BD. I'd wager to say 95% of Americans couldn't even point on a map where BD is. Too far, too poor, out of sight, out of mind.

Simple, 95% are busy with shopping on credit, Saturday night, getting laid, drugs, American dreams ,,,, and list goes on.
Regardless of the sh*t storm it still doesn't change the fact that

The most number of illiterates in this world are from india,
the most number of poor citizens heck even more than all poors of africa combined is in India
Has sanitaion coverage even lower than Poor Bangladeshis, (Bd/India, 39%/31%)
*Of the 2.5 Billion people in the world that defecate openly, some 665 million live in India. :O

Lastly when we come to know that we are surrounded by a country in all three sides
having the stats as above, it's quite normal for some to get paranoid!
You must be talking sh!t when you say India has a higher HDI than Bangladesh. You have higher per capita GDP on paper, but your HDI falls below ours. Govt people in India manipulate figures to look them brighter to the people who have never visited India. India is a mess. People find it at the very moment he sets foot in India.

And BD is JANNAT................................
@sarthak.... Hahaha what a big looser... when its real face of India has been shown ... Then just started cying like a mad baby...

Again per capita gdp biss... Just educate yourself first to know what is base year and how it effects total GDP counting. Wait for couple of months Bangladesh is upgrading its base year to 2005. It will be higher then most of then Indian states apart from few. As all the states specially the eastern states are dirt poor and full of poverty. India's 78% poverty lies in the 8 eastern states...

This is an example of Bihar...

Regarding GDP of 1970 at that time Bangladesh had 33% higher GDP then India. India may fought war but it did not destroy its whole infrastructure like that happened to Bangladesh. Bangladesh had to start from beginning but still up to 1993 both had same GDP per capita.

GDP Per Capita constant lcu statistics - countries compared - Nationmaster

Now comes to education... what you are barking 11% tertiary education??? What is of India??? Only 16%!! But have you seen how in only 2 year it increased by 40% from 8-11%. If the current trend continue it will overtake India.

Regarding literacy have you seen where the drop is there in the part 2.?? For age 25+ as I have told after liberation war it was not possible to make all people literate. But from 1990s Bangladesh has started to peeking up. The up in tertiary is the biggest example.

N now enrollment rate has reached 99% according to the latest up to date data... what is the enrollment rate of India???

N India it is a place of some dhoti clat ... dirty and stinky people. Which not only eat rats but drink cor urine and marry dogs for better future.

N this is the same link you provided says about India...

India - Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia

India, the world's biggest democrazy, is an Asian mishmash composed of dirt, swamp, sparks, haze, spice, mind, ignorance, enlightenment, bliss, discrimination and egos all wrapped tightly in the void. It is an ancient conch-shell shaped land-mass surrounded by Pakistan to the West, Bangladesh to the East, China to the North East, Nepal to the North, Sri Lanka to the South, the Bay of Bengal to the West, with the smog above, the dead ancestors below, and which is directly accessible from most anywhere by foot.
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You must be talking sh!t when you say India has a higher HDI than Bangladesh. You have higher per capita GDP on paper, but your HDI falls below ours. Govt people in India manipulate figures to look them brighter to the people who have never visited India. India is a mess. People find it at the very moment he sets foot in India.

My employer wanted me to work for some time in BD as expatriate, guess what? I chose to resign rather go to BD. The poor Employer had to let it go :smokin:
For all of India's big mouth talking, India remains and will remain below the sub-sahara states of Africa. Everyone knows about it except a few keyboard warriors. Talikng big does not make a country big, learn that basic things first. If indians want to develop even to the level of Bangladesh, it should get rid of JATPAT and illiteracy.

Your claim that Tripura is far ahead of BD is a complete distortion of the reality. You guys need some psychiatric tests. Tripura govt always request BD industrialists to come to Tripura and invest in that poor State of India. What is the condition of other Indian States like Bihar, west Bengal, Jharkhand, NE States, Orissa, UP and others? Can any of these States be compared with BD?

Do not brag about your per capita GDP. It is only because of Rupee strength that the per capita GDP looks higher. BD needs to export cheap. So, it keeps its Taka weak. But, I will agree that india is ahead of BD in industrial development. But, this alone could not bring walled toilets to 60% of the Indians. India is a shame and a disgrace to SA. Both Pakistan and BD are far ahead in all the social indexes.

Come and see how BD has been transforming itself to a modern State only indians can dream of. It is only a matter of time that BD will be compared with the european countries, while the JATPAT infested Dalit country India will remain at the sub-saharan level.

Rofl Did you just imply that India was not on the level of Bangladesh? These Bangladeshis are so cute living in their own dreamworld.
My employer wanted me to work for some time in BD as expatriate, guess what? I chose to resign rather go to BD. The poor Employer had to let it go :smokin:

That speaks the volume.... you are/were not capable enough to provide any productive value to the company thats why your employer kicked you out.
Bangladesh (Bengali: বাংলাদেশ ) is a country - nominally - that is home to more people than Russia , but less land than many football pitches. Large sections of the population are regularly eliminated by the country's home grown natural disasters: Cyclones, floods, famines, tornadoes, and occasional earthquakes. This is often a blessed relief for those living in Bangladesh.

Patriotic Bangladeshis will forever tell you thattheir country has a lot of natural resources. This is true. Unfortunately, most of them are actually 'human resources' (children slaving away in textile factories, women slaving away in the kitchen, men slaving away at drinking tea on the pavement)

Major exports- Immigrants

Bangladesh - Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia

@ all Indian. Don't compare India( master) with Bangladesh( our puppets)
ohhh yes USA is angel state in the world :devil: I think they are in some more planning, look bangalis people they have a habbit of stab from back.

watch out uncle sam is coming for more involvement :enjoy:
@eastwatch bro dnt shatter their delusional dream. They will have a heart attack. Fantasy like "mera bharat mohan" is their only hope to forget day to day misery of them and to stay alive.

Thanks for saying the truth about Indian mind. Thing is some disillusioned people create those fantasy Bombay movie, and after watching them Indians start believing that they really live in an europe like country, while in reality, most of those outdoor dance shootings are taken in european countries and Singapore. Indians are living in their make-believe world.
@ all Indian. Don't compare India( master) with Bangladesh( our puppets)[/QUOTE]

To Kesang, we are a master race and our forefathers dominated the politics of eastern India that includes Bihar, Jharkhand and Orissa for more than 550 years that started in 1198 and ended in 1757. We will again make you our slaves. When BA does not even care about the Indian intention, IA has kept on mobilized 300,000 of its troops near our border so that history is not repeated.
we are a master race and our forefathers dominated the politics of eastern India that includes Bihar, Jharkhand and Orissa for more than 550 years that started in 1198 and ended in 1757. We will again make you our slaves.

Id say go for it. And yes, use something better than a PT-6 next time and for pete's sake paint it to look professional, not a fckin air circus plane :)
@ all Indian. Don't compare India( master) with Bangladesh( our puppets)

To Kesang, we are a master race and our forefathers dominated the politics of eastern India that includes Bihar, Jharkhand and Orissa for more than 550 years that started in 1198 and ended in 1757. We will again make you our slaves. When BA does not even care about the Indian intention, IA has kept on mobilized 300,000 of its troops near our border so that history is not repeated.

Bro look at the condition of Indian soldiers ... they were even laughing when they surrendered to China ...It does include what happen to the BSF when they tried to enter Bangladesh in 2001...:rofl:

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Regardless of the sh*t storm it still doesn't change the fact that

The most number of illiterates in this world are from india,
the most number of poor citizens heck even more than all poors of africa combined is in India
Has sanitaion coverage even lower than Poor Bangladeshis, (Bd/India, 39%/31%)
*Of the 2.5 Billion people in the world that defecate openly, some 665 million live in India. :O

Lastly when we come to know that we are surrounded by a country in all three sides
having the stats as above, it's quite normal for some to get paranoid!

Simple example, For the last 20 years we did not have single case of Polio yet we cant ourselves declare as polio free country as WHO dont allow that. Reason India which surround us is still 50 years behind to eradicate polio.

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