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US Wants BD to Deploy Troops in Afghanistan

In that case,KSA should be first on the reconstruction aider list then.

Let the process start and i am sure everyone will put whatever can be done in terms of aid and workforce, deployment.

I force composed of Islamic block indeed will be seen as positive and will be welcomed as compared to goras from westren, US or other countries
Correction...Bangladesh is no Muslim country,or an Islamic republic.It is a People's Republic where no religion has any kind of priority over the other.

Yeh Bangladesh army take arti of Krishan daily :angel:

:)))))) tell me in your country a layman first read what is written in a document as Name for your state and then determine your identity or they do it by seeing you bowing to shiv or any other of your gods?

The bottom line here is that common people do not care what is written in papers what they care is that a force which is less hateful for them is the better option
Nice. It is Bangladesh's decision. As it is the Sheikh Hasina govt is pro-India. Through Bangladesh, which is as it is culturally close to India - India could project its soft power even more in Afghanistan.
Correction...Bangladesh is no Muslim country,or an Islamic republic.It is a People's Republic where no religion has any kind of priority over the other.

Yes, but so is Saudi Arabia. It is called the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Most of the Muslim countries do not put a title of Islamic Republic before the country's name. Nevertheless, these countries' are Muslim countries. Similarly, Turkey also remains a Muslim country, although it has a Constitution that talks of secularity. How about India, is it not a Hindu country by all definitions?
This will be an interesting development from Indian and US point of view..US will have some one fill the void after US leaves , and Bangladesh can hardly afford to work against Indian interests in Afghanistan.

As India does not wan't deploy its troops in Afghanistan, Bangladeshi troops if deployed will be a good substitute.
Are you serious ?:D

Breaking USSR was the greatest battle we ever won , there were consequences but we weren't alone responsible for them.

BD can get much needed US support in return.

ya you were not the sole responsible nation, but look who is suffering??.

its BD's choice....personally i feel no one wants to have men from some other country roaming around and frisking everyone...and thats why INDIA will also not send troops even if a miracle happens and pakistan does not object.
Yeh Bangladesh army take arti of Krishan daily :angel:

I cant say anything about that.But the people of Bangladesh definitely took at arti of the West Pakistani forces,some 39 years ago.

:)))))) tell me in your country a layman first read what is written in a document as Name for your state and then determine your identity or they do it by seeing you bowing to shiv or any other of your gods?
No they don't.Afterall that is the whole point of being secular,isn't it.The Preamble to the Constitution should not come in the way of somebody pursuing his own faith.In India,it does not,in Bangladesh it does not............................

Now,since Bangladesh is a People's Republic,without any kind of inclination towards any particular religion,how can the Army of the state be considered to be an Army representing a Muslim state???

The bottom line here is that common people do not care what is written in papers what they care is that a force which is less hateful for them is the better option

What common people care for is peace.
I cant say anything about that.But the people of Bangladesh definitely took at arti of the West Pakistani forces,some 39 years ago.

I can see your frustration. anyway you failed to apprehend. and i dont want to reply to your trolling.

No they don't.Afterall that is the whole point of being secular,isn't it.The Preamble to the Constitution should not come in the way of somebody pursuing his own faith.In India,it does not,in Bangladesh it does not............................

Now,since Bangladesh is a People's Republic,without any kind of inclination towards any particular religion,how can the Army of the state be considered to be an Army representing a Muslim state???

What common people care for is peace.

East watch replied you altready and i dont need to write again just read this bellow

Yes, but so is Saudi Arabia. It is called the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Most of the Muslim countries do not put a title of Islamic Republic before the country's name. Nevertheless, these countries' are Muslim countries. Similarly, Turkey also remains a Muslim country, although it has a Constitution that talks of secularity. How about India, is it not a Hindu country by all definitions?
ya you were not the sole responsible nation, but look who is suffering??.

its BD's choice....personally i feel no one wants to have men from some other country roaming around and frisking everyone...and thats why INDIA will also not send troops even if a miracle happens and pakistan does not object.

:lol: and who is asking India to send here in the first place.

i wonder why Indians seem uncomfortable over any prospect of BD forces in Afghanistan that too when you have a Pro-India regime in BD:azn:
Egyptians and Jordanians have also been approached by the US admin on this troops deployment plan. Pakistan government is not against this idea in principle. However, there are still a lot of rough edges in the proposed plan which need to be worked out. The most important issue is the exit strategy itself for the NATO as whole which is itself a hot topic to discuss at the pentagon and in Brussels.
Yes, but so is Saudi Arabia. It is called the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Most of the Muslim countries do not put a title of Islamic Republic before the country's name. Nevertheless, these countries' are Muslim countries. Similarly, Turkey also remains a Muslim country, although it has a Constitution that talks of secularity. How about India, is it not a Hindu country by all definitions?

In Saudi Arabia,the Islamic law or Shari'a forms the basis of the government.Since the government is based on Islamic rules,hence it is an Islamic country.
Here is a Copy of the Bassic Law of Governance from the website of Ministry of Foreign of Affairs,Saudi Arabia.

The Government

Principles of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia

The reform mission, upon which the Saudi state was founded, represents the main core of the government. This mission is based on the realization of Islamic rules, implementation of Islamic law (Shari'a), and enjoining good and forbidding evil, as well as to reform the Islamic creed and purify it from heterodoxies. Therefore, it adopts its doctrine from the true Islamic principles that were prevailing at the very beginning of Islam.

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious and The Most Merciful

No: a/90

Date: 27/8/1412 h.

By the help of Allah Almighty

We, Fahd bin Abdul Aziz, the king of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, consistent with the public interest, and in view with the development of the state in different fields, in addition to our enthusiasm to achieve our prospected objectives, we ordered the following:

First: Issue the basic law of governance according to the context herein below.

Second: Act in accordance with all the systems, orders, and resolutions that are currently adopted, until they are amended pursuant to the basic system of governance.

Third: The basic law of governance shall be published in the official Gazette and shall be enforceable as of the date of its publication.

First section: General Principles

Article 1:

The kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a sovereign Arab Islamic state. Its religion is Islam, and its constitution is the Holy Qur'an and the prophet's (peace be upon him) Sunnah (traditions). Its language is the Arabic language, and its capital city is Riyadh.

Article 2:

Its national holidays are Eid al-Fitr (a religious feast celebrated on the 1st of Shauwal, the 10th month of the Islamic calendar), and Eid al-Ad'ha (a religious feast celebrated on the 10th of Dhul-Hijjah, the 12th month of the Islamic calendar), and its calendar is the Hijra (lunar).

Article 3:

The color of its National Fag is green, and the width of the flag is equal to two thirds of its length. An article written in the middle of the flag translated as "there is no god but Allah, Muhammad is Allah's messenger" with a drawn sword underneath. The flag can't be put at half-mast, and its related regulations shall be determined by the law.

Article 4:

The state's emblem consists of two intersecting swords with a date palm in the upper space between them. Both the national anthem and the badges of honor shall be determined by the law.

Second section: Law of governance

Article 5:

(a) The Regime in Saudi Arabia is Monarchy.

(b) The dynasty right shall be confined to the sons of the founder, King Abdul Aziz bin Abdurrahman Al Faisal Al Saud and the sons of sons. The most eligible among them shall be recognized as king, to rule in accordance with the Holy Qur'an and the prophet's Sunnah.

(c) The king appoints the crown prince and may relieve him of his duties by royal decree.

(d) The crown prince shall devote full time to his job and to any other duties assigned to him by the king.

(e) The powers of the king shall be assumed by the crown prince on the king's death

(e) The crown prince shall assume the powers of the king on the king's death until the Bai'ah "Allegiance" is set.

Article 6:

Citizens shall pledge allegiance to the king on the basis of the Holy Qur'an and the prophet's Sunnah, as well as on the principle of hearing and obeying both in straitened circumstances and prosperity & in pleasant and unpleasant times.

Article 7:

The authority of the regime is derived from the Holy Qur'an and the prophet's Sunnah which rule over this and all other state laws.

Article 8:

The system of governance in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia is based on justice, consultation "Shoura" and equality according to the Islamic Shari'ah (the law of islam).

Third section: constituents of Saudi society

Article 9:

The family is the nucleus of Saudi society. Its members shall be raised and adhere to the Islamic creed which calls for obedience to god, his messenger and those of the nation who are charged with authority; for the respect and enforcement of law and order; and for love of the motherland and taking pride in its glorious history.

Article 10:

The state shall put great attention to strengthen the bonds which hold the family together and to preserve its Arab and Islamic values. Likewise, it is keen on taking good care of all family members and creating proper conditions to help them in developing their skills and abilities.

Article 11:

The Saudi society shall cling to the Allah's Shari'ah. Its citizens shall cooperate to bolster benevolence, piety and mutual assistance; and to avoid dissension.

Article 12:

Fostering national unity is a must, and the state shall forbid all that may lead to disunity, sedition and division.

Article 13:

The goal of education is to instill the Islamic faith in the brains of the young generation and to impart them with knowledge and skills so that they become useful members in building their society, who love their homeland and be proud of its history.

Section four: Economic Principles

Article 14:

All natural resources bestowed by god, both under or above ground, of the country or in its territorial waters, or within its terrestrial and maritime limits, as well as the revenues of these resources shall be owned by the state as specified by the law. The law, also, shall specify the means to be employed for the utilization, protection and development of these resources in a manner conducive to the promotion of the state's interest, security and economy.

Article 15:

Not any concession or any permission shall be given for the utilization of any of the country's natural resources, except as permitted by the law.

Article 16:

Public property has its own sanctity. It shall be protected by the state and preserved by both citizens and expatriates.

Article 17:

Ownership, capital and labor are basic fundamentals of the kingdom's economic and social entity. They are private rights that perform a social function in conformity with Islamic Shari'ah.

Article 18:

The inviolability of private property shall be guaranteed by the state. Private property shall not be expropriated unless in the public interest, and the owner shall be fairly compensated.

Article 19:

Collective confiscation of properties shall be prohibited. Confiscation of private properties shall only be punished in accordance with a judicial verdict.

Article 20:

Taxes and fees shall be imposed only on the basis of fairness and when it is needed. They shall only be imposed, amended, abolished or remitted in accordance with the law.

Article 21:

Zakat shall only be levied and spent to its legitimate beneficiaries.

Article 22:

Economic and social development shall be achieved in accordance with a systematic and fair plan.

Section five: Rights and Duties

Article 23:

The state shall protect the Islamic creed and shall apply Islamic Shari'ah. The state shall enjoin good and forbid evil, and shall undertake the duties of the call to Islam.

Article 24:

The state shall maintain and serve the two holy mosques. It shall ensure the security and safety of all those who call at the two holy mosques so that they may be able to visit or perform the pilgrimage and "Umrah" (minor pilgrimage) in comfort and ease.

Article 25:

The state shall be keen to realize the aspirations of the Arab and Muslim nations with regard to solidarity and unity while enhancing its relations with friendly states.

Article 26:

The state shall protect human rights in accordance with Islamic Shari'ah.

Article 27:

The state shall guarantee the right of its citizens and their families in an emergency of in case of disease, disability and old age. Likewise it shall support the social security system and encourage individuals and institutions to contribute to charitable pursuits.

Article 28:

The state shall provide job opportunities to all able-bodied people and shall enact laws to protect both the employee and the employer.


As you can see the Basic Law of Governance ,led down by the Saudi Arabian authorities declare Saudi Arabia as an Islamic monarchy.

Similarly, Turkey also remains a Muslim country, although it has a Constitution that talks of secularity.

Turkey has a predominant Muslim population,agreed.But the government type is Parliamentary Republic,with a secular outlook.Henceforth,the Army of Turkey represents Turkey and Turkey only,not any Islamic Force.

How about India, is it not a Hindu country by all definitions?

Cannot be any more mistaken.............
I can see your frustration. anyway you failed to apprehend. and i dont want to reply to your trolling.

Now seriously.....
Yeh Bangladesh army take arti of Krishan daily :angel:

This post of yours is not trolling,and my answer to your post is now trolling!!!!A little self introspection will be good.

East watch replied you altready and i dont need to write again just read this bellow
Refer to my reply to East watch to get the reply to your reply,which is in fact East Watch's reply.
Yeh Bangladesh army take arti of Krishan daily :angel:

:)))))) tell me in your country a layman first read what is written in a document as Name for your state and then determine your identity or they do it by seeing you bowing to shiv or any other of your gods?

The bottom line here is that common people do not care what is written in papers what they care is that a force which is less hateful for them is the better option

I cant say anything about that.But the people of Bangladesh definitely took at arti of the West Pakistani forces,some 39 years ago.

No they don't.Afterall that is the whole point of being secular,isn't it.The Preamble to the Constitution should not come in the way of somebody pursuing his own faith.In India,it does not,in Bangladesh it does not............................

Now,since Bangladesh is a People's Republic,without any kind of inclination towards any particular religion,how can the Army of the state be considered to be an Army representing a Muslim state???

What common people care for is peace.

I can see your frustration. anyway you failed to apprehend. and i dont want to reply to your trolling.

I think he handled it quite well actually. Bringing religion in this, clearly shows your frustration. Try to avoid punching your keyboard. :rolleyes:
Yeh Bangladesh army take arti of Krishan daily :angel:

Are Indians allowed this much freedom here?

@ Jana Ji: When you speak, be prepared to listen also.

I have my full sympathies with Pakistani Hindus. When reporters are like this, one can only imagine the mindset of the hoi polloi.
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