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US violates int’l laws; moves USS Enterprise into Pakistani water.

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I wasn't thinking it either but the inner circles are saying what we can't even believe.They don't wanna expose anything......:smokin:

Better recheck..
there are many inner circles.
For God sakes the carrier is out of Pakistan's territorial and internal waters, thus technically it is not violating any international law. The sea vessel is bearing the mother nation's flag thus it is well within her rights to be 70 miles outside Pakistan's shoreline. Can people stop raising false alarms.
There is something called innocent passage in maritime.

A ship passing near the boundary, nothing much in it. Ships regularly do it.
There is something called innocent passage in maritime.

A ship passing near the boundary, nothing much in it. Ships regularly do it.

The ship isnt inside Pakistans territorial water thats right.
But can the american war machine be trusted anymore.
What if we see tomahawks landing on pakistani targets?
Why are Indians instigating and getting off to this news?
Acc. to rules i have studied it says that 12 nautical miles from the coastline is called territorial waters and the rest is high sea which comes under International law.
Acc. to rules i have studied it says that 12 nautical miles from the coastline is called territorial waters and the rest is high sea which comes under International law.

That isnt an internationally agreed distance.
Many countries declare more than that as territorial waters.
Pakistan should take this ship down, enough is enough, they will pay the price , indians are getting happy on this news, but they will pay the price of this as well ...

One nuke on this ship will keep the US on its place...

you are forgetting the almost dailly drone attacks,the OBL raid or the air strikes ? where is the pride ?no point in cribbing, the americans will do what they want to do with you infact all you can ask is more money read AID. regarding the nuking of the enterprise start prictising living in the ''stone age'' as threatened by one Condolesa Rice
plus its natural for a country like pakistan to be concernec if under current circumstances an aircraft carrier is moved near their shores.
Must watch out for US marines flying amminition into baluchistan for baloch terrorists.

What has Pakistan declared?

The ACC,isnt in pakistani territorial waters.
The contiguous zone is a band of water extending from the outer edge of the territorial sea to up to 24 nautical miles (44 km; 28 mi) from the baseline, within which a state can exert limited control for the purpose of preventing or punishing "infringement of its customs, fiscal, immigration or sanitary laws and regulations within its territory or territorial sea". This will typically be 12 nautical miles (22 km; 14 mi) wide, but could be more (if a state has chosen to claim a territorial sea of less than 12 nautical miles), or less, if it would otherwise overlap another state's contiguous zone. However, unlike the territorial sea there is no standard rule for resolving such conflicts, and the states in question must negotiate their own compromise. The United States invoked a contiguous zone out to 24 nm on 24 September 1999.[2]

I think this is the case being talked about. The carrier might be in a contiguous zone, but not the territorial water.
so whats the excitement? they have moved into the waters of their vassal state --- slaves have no rights---
Lol, go ahead and attack one of our ships in international waters ....
..Perhaps, US is getting ready to physically threaten pakistan to open NATO supply in the future...In extreme case, a ground invasion to secure a route from Gwadar port to Afghanistan may be on the cards...Pakistan has to be more careful and take necessary counter measures now.
Don't you want to start small.. Say, a drone may be... USS Enterprise is much higher in the food chain. ;)
...When there is a threat from Panetta of ground intervention + the largest a/c is moved so close to pakistan, it should be a red signal...

No no no, Firstly we would never start an attack, like we never started any war, it was always started by enemy.

Secondly, like an ex-ISI chief hamid Gul said (& it shows that it's on Pak Army's mind deep inside, as last resort) that if US ever attempted to invade Pakistan, we would attack ISRAEL instead, the parrot holding life of the giant-Devil & to whom Americans are b!tches & slaves.

We WILL InshALLAH make sure to eradicate the Devil of Left-Eyed-Dajjal by twisting the neck of the Parrot that holds her life in it... The Devil will automatically relent...

This happened before too, 1400+years ago...

When Prophet Muhammad had not been able to win over Makkans, he figured it was Khaibar that was source of provokation & supplies to Makkans, so he decided to take them out first,,, after few attempts Khaiber was conquered & then Makkans gave up arms WITHOUT a fight ,,, :)
No no no, Firstly we would never start an attack, like we never started any war, it was always started by enemy.

Secondly, like an ex-ISI chief hamid Gul said (& it shows that it's on Pak Army's mind deep inside, as last resort) that if US ever attempted to invade Pakistan, we would attack ISRAEL instead, the parrot holding life of the giant-Devil & to whom Americans are b!tches & slaves.

In case you haven't learned yet, when push comes to shove, we Pakistanis don't give a damn about our lives & property... but we WILL InshALLAH make sure to eradicate the Devil of Left-Eyed-Dajjal by twisting the neck of the Parrot that holds her life in it...

So you would eliminate an Arab enemy when you are being obliterated by the US?

Is that really the best you can come up with?

I admire your dedication to the Arab cause.
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