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US violates int’l laws; moves USS Enterprise into Pakistani water.

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seriously guys y this much hatred? calm down every1 nothing is gonna happen. firstly i think us is in no position to engage its army and billions of usds on one more front and even if it were it wont do such a thing out of fear from retaliation of the Muslim world and even its own public. its never about muslims vs christians vs jews vs hindus i think no common public be it in pakistan or us wants war. we are who form the think tank of our own country and we should put pressure on our govt to do what is best for us rather than provoking them in to doing some thing foolish. remember this verse "drag them out of there homes and kill them like they have done to u, but concences is better then war" (sorry if translation is bad but i believe this is very much it)

you are right and i agree with you but based only on this one can not close eyes, if the other party is still using all tactics to give the wrong message than we have all rights to do stuff for self defence ...be it s a war, or taking that thing down(USS enterprise in this case)

if we dont think US supply route are in our favour then US should not use such war tactics, people around the world should see this otherwise i am afraid there will not be much we can help by closing our eyes, we will defend our homeland, what ever may come...
Lol, go ahead and attack one of our ships in international waters (apparently not only the Chinese need to study up on international norms of territorial waters). It would be the smartest move you guys could make. I'm suprised you're not busy advising the government.

we know well of what is sovereignty and what is international water. save the cr@p to yourself!
I don't know. Just posted news link. It's not my article sir.
News link? This is nothing but balderdash! There is NO independent confirmation of this news except some Pakistani and anti American web sites, ALL TAKEN FROM THE SAME SOURCE!! :haha:

On 9 April 2012, the Navy announced that the Enterprise and her group, Carrier Strike Group Twelve, would be assigned to join the USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72) in the Persian Gulf. The mission was described as routine, not a response to any specific threat. She's yet to set sail from her base at Norfolk!

So what's all this hullabaloo about?
well if there is full war between USA and pakistan............
but ofcourse it wouldnt happen
what options our army has? Babur Cruise Missile? Ra'ad or JF 17s to fight against the invasion, if it happens? Our navy is not that strong to cater for submarines and all!!! F16s cannot used against US as they use GPS, controlled by 'potential enemy'..

or what options we have got on diplomatic front?

a) open the NATO supply route?
b) take a stand and go to security council
c) Do nothing and wait till invasion. If something happens China and Russia will come for our help
d) Wait and see and rely completely on own resources
US wants to go on war with Pakistan today or tomorrow the war is still going to come. Pak Army needs to prepare itself now.
Usually at least one a/c is at North Arabian Sea to keep Pakistan in check but moving this close signals something (if this news is true). Perhaps, US is getting ready to physically threaten pakistan to open NATO supply in the future.

In extreme case, a ground invasion to secure a route from Gwadar port to Afghanistan may be on the cards.

Pakistan has to be more careful and take necessary counter measures now.
Don't worry we already got DongFeng-21 Carrier killer Missiles......:smokin:
The US & Pakistan are not at WAR!!! we are allies to some degree offcourse ... simply the carrier is on it's way to much more bigger things in mind perhaps Iran to show them american muscle is right next door . Too many young kids are joining the fourm these days from leaving cartoons to PDF this isn't star wars nor do we want to mess with the US nor are we our selves cowards we aren't Iraq or Afghanistan in all dues respect no one wants a war so plzz stop this BS and inviting trolls to have a blast here.
Why are some Pakistani members (even the ones living in the west) so intent on a war with us ? Despite all logic dictating otherwise..
Why are some Pakistani members (even the ones living in the west) so intent on a war with us ? Despite all logic dictating otherwise..

No body wants a war bro Pakistan it self is at war within the country with these coward terrorist everday lives are lost just a few weeks ago i lost a family member in karachi the heart of Pakistan . The ones who want war are out of their sick and imatture minds never mind them. As i see it US & Pakistan are allies to some degree and hopefully the realtionship improves. Never mind the dumb comments and stupid trolls they have nothing better to in life then to come here and troll .. and btw i live in here in the US and i do not want any war simply iam all for peace no matter what part of the world it might be we are all human beings in the end of the day GOD bless everyone .
just proves americans are bad navigators, and all technology but no sane brain to operate properly
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