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US violates int’l laws; moves USS Enterprise into Pakistani water.

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This close...Nah!

a couple dozen C-803's should be more then enough because some will be intercepted. 3-5 good hits should be enough.
If you plan to do that, I suggest you stock up with atleast a million HQ-9 and 12 and all the numbers they have been produced in...........:lol::D
Cause I bet you are not going to like the thousands of nuclear ICBM's pointed at you if you attempted any such thing:azn:
Don't be too excited, firing Babur might be easy, consequences will not be so exciting.

Mr Kayani knows it that is why he never responds, he is intelligent.

I'm no advocating firing on it either. Just like the USS Enterprise is not planning on firing upon Pakistanis...

Just passing on commonly known military trivia.
That's also a good option.

To see what Pakistan can do try to hit it with full scale war.

Why are you making such silly taunts ? War is not a pretty picture. Its not a tale of heroes or noble causes. Such tales are made to ease the hurt caused on the racial memory of the victim.

Some pictures of war.



You must be too emotional right now.

I suggest cooling down and coming back to earth.

This subject has been debated extensively by me elsewhere. Best way out for pakistan is to bend over, as Peaceful Civilian suggested before in this topic.

Or else, the thing which didn't happen during Osama raid may happen now.

Big words from citizen of a nation that has faced more defeats then victories! Honestly, you will beg forgiveness for Salala and you will bend to our demands......you are here and I am here, we shall see!

P.S. You last sentence could be used vice versa too.....the thing which did not happen during OBL raid may just happen :)
Dude, you grossly underestimate the force an irregular militia can be............
*American revolution
*Vietnam war
*Soviet Afghan war
*War on Terror
All of these wars had one thing in common- A very powerful and technologically advanced state was beaten by an inferior irregular armies having guerilla tactics. Even in the War of American Independence, the militia formed by the people played a major role in cutting of the British supplies, which if they had reached their destination,might have changed the course of history
Whereas if you look at wars between two conventional armies, quite predictably, the one with numbers and tech always wins..........
(P.S. the only divergent examples I could find were civil wars...........Anything can happen in those)

the trouble in these threads is the definition of winning. Long ago keeping the territory was winning. In time, setting up a friendly stooge was good (well developed by the time of the Romans, continued today). The Pakistanis are correct, we could not control their nation for long (seems a little over ten years is par now). What does happen, is you start from scratch. If you are happy living in the hills with the Koran to keep you warm, this is victory. If you were hoping to live in a modern nation, it set you back a little.
Look at those pictures and imagine yourself or your immediate relatives in their place. Would you want to face something like that just to score some brownie points with your personal ego ?

Please define a "military victory" in your own words
When you have an enemy like the US coming at you, I would be very very cautious. Remember, this is not the cold war era when there used to be a soviet counterbalance to the USA. India was fortunate in this regard. We had the Soviets to back us up when the US stepped into our backyard back in '71.

The case is very very different now. USA is more powerful than ever and there is no counterbalance to the American power or operational strategy. This is a force with so much experience fighting wars and developing strategy that it would eclipse the combined experience from the rest of the world. US forces have an excellent system of drawing lessons from its vast institutional memory. There really is no equivalent today.

Agreed, never have I even suggested that we are equals. However, we know how to fight back :). I have never claimed that we can win a war with the US but I have always maintained that we can hurt them more then anybody else has been able to!

Dude, you grossly underestimate the force an irregular militia can be............
*American revolution
*Vietnam war
*Soviet Afghan war
*War on Terror
All of these wars had one thing in common- A very powerful and technologically advanced state was beaten by an inferior irregular armies having guerilla tactics. Even in the War of American Independence, the militia formed by the people played a major role in cutting of the British supplies, which if they had reached their destination,might have changed the course of history
Whereas if you look at wars between two conventional armies, quite predictably, the one with numbers and tech always wins..........
(P.S. the only divergent examples I could find were civil wars...........Anything can happen in those)

You are forgetting the common ingredient and the catalyst for those wins....it was local support. PakMil will have full local support in manpower and resources. The US on the other hand would be facing PakMil + millions of Pakistanis.
Agreed, never have I even suggested that we are equals. However, we know how to fight back :). I have never claimed that we can win a war with the US but I have always maintained that we can hurt them more then anybody else has been able to!

And then what ?
And at what cost ?
Will you sacrifice your own men, women and children for the cause ?
Can you even hope to cause a major hurt to the US on US soil ?
If you plan to do that, I suggest you stock up with atleast a million HQ-9 and 12 and all the numbers they have been produced in...........:lol::D
Cause I bet you are not going to like the thousands of nuclear ICBM's pointed at you if you attempted any such thing:azn:

So you mean the super power will be forced to unleash her super weapons? Well, we shall see what we can do when things get that worse, and if we cannot respond in kind on their homeland then so shall it be.
So you mean the super power will be forced to unleash her super weapons? Well, we shall see what we can do when things get that worse, and if we cannot respond in kind on their homeland then so shall it be.

This is just very sad. I'll take my leave.
the trouble in these threads is the definition of winning. Long ago keeping the territory was winning. In time, setting up a friendly stooge was good (well developed by the time of the Romans, continued today). The Pakistanis are correct, we could not control their nation for long (seems a little over ten years is par now). What does happen, is you start from scratch. If you are happy living in the hills with the Koran to keep you warm, this is victory. If you were hoping to live in a modern nation, it set you back a little.

Since you are more the happy with the Bible that has been written by your father, priest, bishop, arch bishop and changed to suit you time and time again......I guess we should be happy with the Qur'an too and I am sure every Muslim is :)

As for the war, well.....let see who really ends up losing more in a ground invasion of Pakistan :)

This is just very sad. I'll take my leave.

What else can I say when we are not given an option?
Why are you making such silly taunts ? War is not a pretty picture. Its not a tale of heroes or noble causes. Such tales are made to ease the hurt caused on the racial memory of the victim.

Nuclear attack will be responded by nuclear attack on the puppets of US in the region.

Plus all of the american military bases in middle east will be attacked with missiles.
So you mean the super power will be forced to unleash her super weapons? Well, we shall see what we can do when things get that worse, and if we cannot respond in kind on their homeland then so shall it be.
Didn't know Muslims had weapons in Australia.
50,000 american soldiers in afghanistan are under the range of our missiles they will be the first target.
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