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US violates int’l laws; moves USS Enterprise into Pakistani water.

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Don't be too excited, firing Babur might be easy, consequences will not be so exciting.

Mr Kayani knows it that is why he never responds, he is intelligent.

I must agree. the Man is certainly very wise. Measured responses and calculated moves that stops dangerously close to provoking a full blown retaliation makes him a genius. He knows knows exactly when to engage and when to pull out ( while at the same time keeping in mind the fickle nature of religious nut jobs that form public opinion. )
If this news is correct.. it means at this point.. there would be a serious standoff in the air as well.
Since Enterprise's BARCAP aircraft would find themselves crossing in and out of Pakistani airspace ..which would normally trigger interceptors from Masroor AB.

However, this is not the first time this has happened..
Carriers involved in support of ISAF regularly came much closer to Pakistani shores.. and went off.
even during the 90's sanctions period.. carriers came closer.. were warned.. aircraft intercepted.. and moved on.
No harm done.

Its from a random site called "newstribe". I wouldn't consider it a credible source.
You need to get back to earth.

When there is a threat from Panetta of ground intervention + the largest a/c is moved so close to pakistan, it should be a red signal.

About afghanistan, you are simply trying to divert the topic.

Ok, I won't speak of Afghanistan.

But, do you really think your Government would be stupid enough to invade Pakistan? A Nation that knows nothing else then to fight? When we are not fighting India or a Super Power, we are fighting amongst ourselves. By God, for our unity, nothing can be better then a US invasion. You are speaking of 1 A/C carrier, I must advise you to engage Pakistan with all your A/C carriers & ground troops simultaneously if you are serious, otherwise it's just a joke.

it couldn't(officially)..as it has range nearly 1500 km..nobody sells a ballistic missile with that range..

If that's the case, how come the UK gets her ICBM's from the USA (Trident)???
One ship two targets- Fingers crossed-
is this the same carrier which USA used to threaten india during 1971 war
cirrect your history, USA refused to pressurize india saying it would only support against soviet invasion..
unfortunately you guys are taught wrong history...

had that been case india wouldnt have taken war into bengal..they saw an easy picking..

only an innocent vessel can move within 200nm of an country
Ok, I won't speak of Afghanistan.

But, do you really think your Government would be stupid enough to invade Pakistan? A Nation that knows nothing else then to fight? When we are not fighting India or a Super Power, we are fighting amongst ourselves. By God, for our unity, nothing can be better then a US invasion. You are speaking of 1 A/C carrier, I must advise you to engage Pakistan with all your A/C carriers & ground troops simultaneously if you are serious, otherwise it's just a joke.

You must be too emotional right now.

I suggest cooling down and coming back to earth.

This subject has been debated extensively by me elsewhere. Best way out for pakistan is to bend over, as Peaceful Civilian suggested before in this topic.

Or else, the thing which didn't happen during Osama raid may happen now.
This close...Nah!

a couple dozen C-803's should be more then enough because some will be intercepted. 3-5 good hits should be enough.

When you have an enemy like the US coming at you, I would be very very cautious. Remember, this is not the cold war era when there used to be a soviet counterbalance to the USA. India was fortunate in this regard. We had the Soviets to back us up when the US stepped into our backyard back in '71.

The case is very very different now. USA is more powerful than ever and there is no counterbalance to the American power or operational strategy. This is a force with so much experience fighting wars and developing strategy that it would eclipse the combined experience from the rest of the world. US forces have an excellent system of drawing lessons from its vast institutional memory. There really is no equivalent today.
When you have an enemy like the US coming at you, I would be very very cautious. Remember, this is not the cold war era when there used to be a soviet counterbalance to the USA. India was fortunate in this regard. We had the Soviets to back us up when the US stepped into our backyard back in '71.

The case is very very different now. USA is more powerful than ever and there is no counterbalance to the American power or operational strategy. This is a force with so much experience fighting wars and developing strategy that it would eclipse the combined experience from the rest of the world. US forces have an excellent system of drawing lessons from its vast institutional memory. There really is no equivalent today.

Pakistan is not an enemy. Its an ally.
ROFLMAO........A Ground invasion of Pakistan!!! What a hilarious joke!!

If anything the A/C carrier requires help from Pakistan, why else would they anchor so close that even NASR can target them when they can operate from 400km's away to threaten Pakistan, if at all???

This is the second time you have used the words ground invasion and it makes me wonder if you are actually serious. Mate, rag tag and very ill equipped Talibaan have defeated NATO, what on earth would make the US think they can invade Pakistan? That too with a few thousand soldiers?

You need to get very real, very fast!

A Nuke this close would also threaten Karachi, Quetta and perhaps 70-80% Pakistan with radiation along with parts of India, which I am sure the Indians wouldn't appreciate very much. Besides, a Nuke on a US Carrier that has, so far, shown no signs of aggression would prompt a US attack.

Even if they attack the carrier can be taken down with conventional methods.
Dude, you grossly underestimate the force an irregular militia can be............
*American revolution
*Vietnam war
*Soviet Afghan war
*War on Terror
All of these wars had one thing in common- A very powerful and technologically advanced state was beaten by an inferior irregular armies having guerilla tactics. Even in the War of American Independence, the militia formed by the people played a major role in cutting of the British supplies, which if they had reached their destination,might have changed the course of history
Whereas if you look at wars between two conventional armies, quite predictably, the one with numbers and tech always wins..........
(P.S. the only divergent examples I could find were civil wars...........Anything can happen in those)
Pakistan is not an enemy. Its an ally.

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