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US to transfer Afghan war's, military equipment to Pakistan.


Apr 28, 2011
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USA will give most weapons and Machinery used in Afghanistan to Pakistan other than War Planes
@Aeronaut @ANTIBODY @nuclearpak @Leader @WebMaster @Arsalan and others
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Mate any english source or would be great full enough to translate.

In Short Mr Richard G. Olson said that in 2014 US withdraw 34,000 forces out of 68. US will handover all the Military equipments of US forces to Pakistan Military except Fighter Jets.
plz dont dont give the guy a heart attack lol.

indians will be in shock how much usa actually loves pakistan lol.
ANA would get majority of the goodies they really need it .correct me if i am wrong. but i would think knowing from my experience being with them and fighting with them a lot of their army is unprofessional. only their special forces are creditable.
That's too much equipment to even begin to imagine.. why are they not giving ANA the equipment? It probably means after ANA gets their stuff the rest will be handed over to PA.!
2014 drawdown plan: US pull out to spark an arms race in Afghanistan

From hundreds of Humvees and Mine-Resistant Ambush-Protected Vehicles (MRAPs) to lakhs of anti-tank missiles and machine guns, US troops deployed in Afghanistan will leave behind all their war-fighting equipment when they leave the country as part of the 2014 drawdown plan.

The military hardware the US would leave behind in Afghanistan is large enough to equip a sizeable army. Up to 30,000 MRAPS and Humvees, night-combat equipment, grenade-resistant netting, light and medium machine guns, rocket launchers and mobile radars among others.

If the US is to lug everything back, it will need 28,000 vehicles and 20,000 shipments. And the cost of ferrying the equipment to the US will be a staggering $6 billion, which obviously doesn't make economic sense and, therefore, the decision is to dump it in Afghanistan. That's worrying news for India.

Over the past week, there has been intelligence warning that Pakistan-backed terror groups are playing the waiting game to lay their hands on these leftover arms. Pakistan too is eyeing the weapons and armoured carriers. A source in South Block told Mail Today that Pakistan purportedly wants the military hardware to fight terror groups but he warned that given that country's past record, some of the sophisticated equipment may be trained against India.

The Afghan National Army is also in the race. Some weeks ago, senior Indian diplomats approached US State Department officials in Washington relaying India's concerns on reports that the US was considering a request by Islamabad to acquire armaments being used by the US in Afghanistan. India's security czars are already firming up strategies to tackle the spillover of the chaos in Afghanistan post 2014 when there will be a thinning down of the US and NATO-led International Security Assistance Force there.

US officials played down India's fears. "It is unlikely that we will handover sensitive equipment to a third country, we will take this back or destroy it and, in some cases, it will be protected so that only the intended recipient can use it," a diplomatic source told Mail Today. Still, the weapons pose a clear and present danger to India.

In fact, the US Government Accountability Office came out with a report accessed by Mail Today that pointed out that the US military failed to keep complete records on some 2,22,000 weapons entering Afghanistan. The US military failed to keep proper records on about 87,000 rifles, pistols, mortars and other weapons sent to Afghanistan between December 2004 and June 2008 - about a third of all the weapons sent. The military even failed to record the serial numbers of some 46,000 weapons.

2014 drawdown plan: US pull out to spark an arms race in Afghanistan : Rest of the World, News - India Today

A some what old but related news story.
all topi drama... USA destroying/destabilizing Pakistan from last 10 years. They will just want to make Military happy and after withdraw they will just handover seriously as some member already said "CONDOM" maal tu PAkistan Army which not even required. The reality is US made Anti-Pakistan Military/Police in Afghanistan and handover all the equipment to ANA to continue terrorist activities and destabilization of Pakistan. The thing is our Army Generals especially Mr Kiyani and topi drama party (C.Commanders) just enjoying double tenure that's it....
The US entered into agreement with a couple of CAR countries too to hand over leftovers and the ANA too might get some, plus there was a article recently that the US plans to destroy potentially hazardous equipment in Astan when they leave.
Why not give these equipment to Afgan Army?? They need these equipment more than any one else....
U.S. officials estimate the U.S. will spend $6 billion to remove what needs to go home by a December 2014 withdrawal deadline. The most sensitive equipment, such as weapons and communications systems, will be flown out by air. The remaining equipment will be handed over to the Afghans, or simply scrapped.

Why should Pakistan accept used equipment? Most may not be compatible with what is presently being used by the PA. If they do, then there's the problem of refurbishment and maintenance of repairable equipment that would cost millions of dollars! Then there would be the requirement of spares, new inventories, storage, training for usage and maintenance and so on.

And finally the PA isn't going to stuff its units with used/discarded American equipment! It's of no use to man or beast!
ANA would get majority of the goodies they really need it .correct me if i am wrong. but i would think knowing from my experience being with them and fighting with them a lot of their army is unprofessional. only their special forces are creditable.

Yes. ANA should get the equipment. They need it.

My sources tell me, they will get basic stuff. Nothing high end. Americans do not want to fall the high end equipment in Talib-b@stards hands.

ANA is also getting cesna type planes for basic use.

Rest of the sophisticated equipment will be given to Pakistan.

guys. Just remember,

Pakistan-USA military relations are not defined as per the wishes of the leftis and socialist posters of PDF. :lol:
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